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1. Main content........................................................................p. 1
2. Game development.............................................................p. 2

1. Main content
1 board / 2 roulettes / 324 cabins / 5 territory pieces / 60 expantion
pieces / 40 contagious pieces / 5 manometers / 5 virus / 5 antidotes /
50 flags


It represents the antartic geographic zone divided in 324 cabins.

2 roulettes

The main roulette is divided in 5 parts: expantion, get contagy, contagy

use, antidote negotation and antidote use. Each part of the roulette has
his own colour to define in which team your based.
The numeric roulette is divided in 27 pieces ordered from 1 to 10.

5 territory pieces

Territory pieces take 3 board cabins, have a rocky surface and are the
place were the contestants begin, each one contains a maneter with a
virus and antidote.

60 expantion pieces

The expation pieces take 1 cabin and they have a flat surface.

40 contagious pieces

They are formed by 8 penguin pieces, 8 polar bear pieces, 8 seal pieces, 8 whale pieces and 8 arctic wolf pieces.

5 manometers

They are plastic made and they contain a virus and an antidote.

5 virus and 5 antidotes

The virus and they respectives antidotes are: unabilty to use voice,
unability to use hands because they get unuseful by frozen, 3 minutes
limited time to answer, and giving five before start to play. Each antidote
can make the virus became not useful.

50 flags

There are 25 alliance flags, made by rectangular fabric form, and 25

conquest flags, made by vertical rectangular fabric form.

2. Game development

25 - 40 players (aged 22 - to none limit)


1. Each player joins the main roulette to posicionate in a team, this

made that you earn one virus, one antidote and one team.
2. Each time place his territory in a random place of the board.

How to Play

The objective is to conquire all the territory (board) made using expation and the contagious path of each virus.

Your turn, what to do

1. Throw the main roulette and the numeric one If its required
2. Do what you are suposed to do by the option given:

2.1. Expantion

2.2. Get the infection

2.3. Use the infection
2.4. Antidote negotiation
2.5. Antidote use

1. Throw the main roulette and the numeric one If its required:
One member of the group have to roll the arrow of the main roulette.
Depends of the option you recieve (expantion or infection use), the
member has to throw again, but this time the numeric roulette to know
how many cabins the team expand or how many cabins the team is
able to infect with the respective infection piece.
2. Do what you are suposed to do by the option given:
Each option of the main roulette has his own specifications to advance
in the game, it depents in wich is required: dialog or phisic movement.
2.1. Expantion:
If the main roulette shows expation you can use your expantion pieces.
The numeric roulette must be thrown to know how many pieces of expantion can be used. Once we get the pieces, our team is able to put
de pieces on the board to creat expantion ways of our infection to the
other s teams territories. This way we creat phisic points between the
teams participants.
2.2. Obteining infection:
If the main roulette shows obteining infection we can get pieces of infection but again, the numeric roulette must be thrown to know how
many of the 8 pieces of each team we could obtein. This option dont
allow us to use the other options.
2.3. Infection use
If the main roulette shows infecton use means that we could use the
pieces that we previous earn with obtention of the infection of the main
roulette. Again, the numeric roulette must be thrown to know how many
cabins of expantion we could infect.
This option allows us to divide the number that the team recieved in relation to the infection pieces that we have to create many infection ways

if we whis. This allows us to made the infection piece of the other team
useless If we go straight on throught a enemy infection piece. The neutralized team loss his infection piece and has to get another one.
2.4. Antidote negotiation:
If the main roulette shows: antidote negotiation, we have 3 minuts left to
negociate with another teams the possibilty to exchange one antidote,
create a new alliance or whatever we need that requires another team
participation. Any alliance or infections is shown by a flag.
2.5. Antidote use:
If the main roulette shows antidote use we could use the antidote that
we hace to defend our territory of the enemies virus infection.
We can make our conqueror to withdraw if we have the antidote for his
virus. We could get randomly at the beginning of the game or using
Antidote negotiation use,

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