Guide To Good Writing For The Final Exam-Teacher's Guide

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Step-by-Step Student Guide to Good Writing for the Final Exam


1. Writing Exam Structure

Highlight the following:

The writing exam is based on a familiar topic with three prompts to answer.
Students will be asked to complete a writing task in 60 minutes.
Minimum word count is 50 words for Humanities & 80 words for Science/Health

2. Sample Question
Questions consist of two parts. Ex.:

The topic immediately tells you what you are going to write about, while the prompts
guide you on what you can write about the topic.
Reminders! Make sure students are aware of the following:

Carefully read and understand the topic.

They need to directly answer the three prompts (in bullet points).
All three prompts (in bullet points) need to be answered in order to get 3 marks in Task

3. Marking Criteria (Rubric)

The writing exam is graded according to the following criteria:

Task fulfillment (Examiners assess how much of the task is completed.)

Vocabulary & Spelling
Grammar & Punctuation
Organization & Cohesion (Examiners assess the general organization of the
paragraph and whether ideas are expressed in complete sentences, as well as
usage of linking words to connect ideas.)

A maximum of 3 points may be awarded in each criterion, totaling 12 marks.


Task fulfillment (up to 3 points)

Vocabulary & Spelling (up to 3 points)
Grammar & Punctuation (up to 3 points)
Organization & Cohesion (up to 3 points)

Task Fulfillment

Examiners assess how much of the task is completed in this criterion.

Zero marks are given if there is no attempt in answering the question. (Student did not
write anything). Similarly, zero marks are given if the text written is not related to the
topic, for example:

Ex. (The paragraph is completely unrelated to the question.)

I like visiting Jeddah. My family and I go to Jeddah every year for the summer
vacation. Although Jeddah is hot during summertime, there are many activities that
we can do in Jeddah, especially near the beach.

One (1) mark is given when only one part of the task is fulfilled.
I like reading and read almost every day. I like reading at home in my room in the
evening when the house is quiet and everyone is asleep. I also like reading in our
garden, under the shade of our tall date tree.

Two (2) marks are given when only two prompts are answered.
I like reading and read almost every day. I like reading at home in my room in the
evening when the house is quiet and everyone is asleep.
I like reading comedies because they provide me with much needed humour I need
to laugh out loud and take off the stress. One time, I read about The Tortoise and
the Hare, and it made me laugh so hard.
Three (3) marks are given when all of the prompts are answered.
I like reading and read almost every day. I like reading at home in my room in the
evening when the house is quiet and everyone is asleep.
I like reading comedies because they provide me with much needed humour I need
to laugh out loud and take off the stress. One time, I read about The Tortoise and
the Hare, and it made me laugh so hard.
Most of the time I read quickly because I get so excited to find out the ending of the


Vocabulary & Spelling

Zero marks are given if there is no attempt in answering the question.

One (1) mark is given when:

There are many errors in vocabulary usage, making the text difficult to follow.
There are many errors in spelling making the text difficult to follow.

Ex. (Errors in usage or spelling are in red. Encourage students to spot errors.)
I laik reideing and reid evry day. I laik reideing going to home in my room in the
ivning when a house is quiet and all sleebing. I also laik reideing in our garden,
inside the tree.

Two (2) marks are given when:

There are some noticeable errors in vocabulary usage, though meaning is still
There are some noticeable errors in spelling, though meaning is still clear.

Ex. (Errors in usage or spelling are in red. Encourage students to spot errors.)
I like reiding and reid almost every day. I like reiding at home in my room in the
evning when the house is quaiet and everyone is asleep. I also laik reideing in our
garden, inside the tree.
I like reiding lafghing stories because they make me lafgh. Sometime I reid about
The Tortoise and the Hare, and it made me lafgh so hard.

Three (3) marks are given when:

There are few errors in vocabulary usage, with vocabulary mostly appropriate to
the level of the task.
Spelling is mostly correct.

Ex. (Errors in usage or spelling are in red. Encourage students to spot errors.)
I like reading and read almost every day. I like reading at home in my room in the
evening when the house is quaiet and everyone is asleep.
I like reading funny because they make me laugh out loud and take off the stress.
One time, I read about The Tortouise and the Hare, and it made me laugh so hard.
Most of the time I read quickly becouse I get so happy to find out the ending of the


Grammar & Punctuation

Zero marks are given if there is no attempt in answering the question.

One (1) mark is given when:

There are many errors in grammar, making the text difficult to follow.
There are many errors in punctuation, making the text difficult to follow.

Ex. (Errors in grammar or punctuation are in red. Encourage students to spot errors.)
I likes reading and read every day I likes reading going to my home in my room in
the evening, It is a time when a house is quiet and so I likes reading in our garden
under the tree,

Two (2) marks are given when:

There are some noticeable errors in grammar, though meaning is still clear.
There are some noticeable errors in punctuation, though meaning is still clear.

Ex. (Errors in grammar or punctuation are in red. Encourage students to spot errors.)
I like reading and read most every day, I like reading in the home on my room in the
evening when the house is quiet everyone are asleep.
I like reading comedies, because they provided me the much needed humour I need
so to laugh out loud, and taken off the stress. One time I read about The Tortoise
and the Hare and it make me laugh so hard.

Three (3) marks are given when:

There are few errors in grammar, with usage mostly correct.

Punctuation is mostly correct.

Ex. (Errors in grammar or punctuation are in red. Encourage students to spot errors.)
I like reading and read almost every day. I like reading in the home in my room in
the evening when the house is quiet and everyone are asleep.
I like reading comedies because it provide me the much needed humour I need to
laugh out loud and take off the stress. One time I read about The Tortoise and the
Hare. And it made me laugh so hard.
Most of the time I read quickly. Because I get so excited to find out the ending of
the story.


Organization & Cohesion

Zero marks are given if there is no attempt in answering the question.

One (1) mark is given when:

Phrases or incomplete sentences dominate, with no logical organization.

There is very limited or inaccurate use of cohesive devices.

Ex. (Errors in usage or spelling are in red. Encourage students to spot errors.)

I reading every day to my room becouse the house is quiet all sleeping. I reading
our garden. I reading funny story
Two (2) marks are given when:

The text is mostly written in sentences but with some faulty organization.
Some cohesive devices are used appropriately.

Ex. (Errors in organization or cohesion are in red. Encourage students to spot errors.)
I like reading. I like reading at home in my room in the night when everyone is
sleeping. But I cannot understand story if noisy.
One time, I read about The Tortoise and the Hare. I like reading funny stories
because they make me laugh. (faulty organization with no cohesive devises used)

Three (3) marks are given when:

Overall text organization is completely appropriate to the task.

Use of cohesive devices is mostly accurate.

Ex. (Errors in organization or cohesion are in red. Encourage students to spot errors.)
I like reading and read almost every day. After all, I dont like reading when Im somewhere
noisy and I cant concentrate. I like reading at home in my room in the evening when the
house is quiet and everyone is asleep.
I like reading comedies because they provide me the much needed humour I need to laugh
out loud and take off the stress. One time, I read about The Tortoise and the Hare, and it
made me laugh so hard.
All time I read quickly and so I get so excited to find out the ending of the story.

4. Cohesive Devices
A cohesive device is when a word or phrase is linked together in a sentence or
paragraph. Some examples of cohesive devices are:
Examples of cohesive devises for Humanities:


Examples of cohesive devises for Science/Health:

then always
in fact

Each of the above examples can be used to start a sentence or to link together a
sentence, a paragraph or a story.
Use some of the cohesive devices above to answer the following:

Write about your favourite past time.

You should write about:

What you like doing during your free time. Why?

Who usually joins you doing your favourite past time?
Which new past time do you want to try?

5. General Writing Tips


Dont forget to use a capital letter to begin a sentence and for naming words.
Dont forget to use a full stop to end a sentence and a comma to separate lists in
a sentence.
Make sure to spell words correctly
Remember that when you write about a topic, the verb tense (past, present,
future, etc.) should be the same.
Try not to start more than one sentence with the same subject word, e.g. I like
football; I dont like tennis. You can use linking words to help you do this, e.g.
and, but, however, etc.

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