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Groundhog Day

2 people; Phil and Rita

Phil is stuck in a time loop, repeating the same day over and over
Rita: Where have you been?
Phil: Rita. Do me a favor. I need someone to give me a good hard slap in the face.
Something's going on.
Rita: Are you drunk or something?
Phil: Drunk's more fun. Can I be serious with you for a minute?
Rita: Can you?
Phil: I'm being serious! I'm having a problem. I may be having a problem.
Rita: It's groundhog time.
Phil: See? I knew you'd say that! I really feel......weird. Can I talk to you? It's not work
Rita: You never talk about work.
Phil: We have to talk.
Rita: We've got work to do!
Phil: I don't. I've already done it twice. When you get finished meet me in the diner.
In the Diner
Rita: Tell me why you're too sick to work. It better be good.
Phil: I'm reliving the same day over and over. Groundhog Day. Today.
Rita: Okay. I'm waiting for the punch line.
Phil: Really! This is the third time! It's like yesterday never happened!
Rita: I'm racking my brain trying to imagine why you'd make this up.
Phil: I'm not making it up. I'm asking for help!
Rita: What do you want me to do?
Phil: I don't know! You're a producer. Come up with something.
Rita: You should get your head examined if you expect me to believe a stupid story like that!
(next day in the diner, Phil is stuffing his face with junk food and smoking)
Rita: I like to see a man of advancing years throw caution to the wind. It's inspiring in a way.

Phil: My years are not advancing as fast as you think. More coffee. Keep it coming.
Rita: Don't you worry about cholesterol, lung cancer, love handles?
Phil: I don't worry anymore.
Rita: What makes you special? Everybody worries.
Phil: That's exactly what makes me so special. I don't even have to floss. What?
Rita: "The wretch concentered all in self
"Living shall forfeit fair renown
"And doubly dying shall go down
"To the vile dust from whence he sprung
"Unwept, unhonored, and unsung" Sir Walter Scott. (Phil laughs) You don't like poetry?
Phil: I love poetry! I was confused. You think I act like this because I'm egocentric?
Rita: You are egocentric. It's your defining characteristic.
(next day outside)
Phil: Rita, if you only had one day to live what would you do?
Rita: I don't know. What are you dying of?
Phil: No the whole world is about to explode. What do you do?
Rita: I want to know where to put the camera. What are you looking for? A date for the
Phil: No I'm just interested in you. What do you want? What do you like? What do you think
about? What kind of men are you interested in? What do you do for fun?
Rita: Are you trying to make me look like a fool?
Phil: I'm trying to talk like normal people. Isn't this how they talk?
Rita: Close.
Phil: Okay so talk to me. Let me buy you a cup of coffee. And a doughnut.
Rita: All right.
Phil: So what do you want out of life?
Rita: I guess I want what everybody wants. Career, love, marriage, children.
Phil: Are you seeing anyone?
Rita: This is getting too personal. I'm not ready to share this with you. How about you? What
do you want?
Phil: What I really want is someone like you.
Rita: Oh please!

Phil: Why not? What are you looking for? Who's your perfect guy?
Rita: First of all he's too humble to know he's perfect.
Phil: That's me!
Rita: He's intelligent, supportive, funny...
Phil: Me, me, me.
Rita: He's romantic and courageous.
Phil: Me also.
Rita: He's got a good body but doesn't have to look in the mirror often.
Phil: I have a great body and sometimes I go months without looking.
Rita: He's kind sensitive and gentle. He's not afraid to cry.
Phil: This is a man we're talking about right?
Rita: He likes animals children and he'll change poopy diapers.
Phil: Does he have to use the word "poopy"?
Rita: He plays an instrument and he loves his mother.
Phil: I am really close on this one. Really really close.
(next day in the diner)
Rita: I'm sorry? What was that again?
Phil: I'm a god.
Rita: You're God?
Phil: I'm a god. I'm not the god, I don't think.
Rita: Because you survived a car wreck?
Phil: I didn't just survive a wreck. I wasn't just blown up. I have been stabbed, shot,
poisoned, frozen, hung, electrocuted, and burned.
Rita: Oh really.
Phil: Every morning I wake up without a scratch not a dent in the fender. I am an immortal.
Rita: Why are you telling me this?
Phil: Because I want you to believe in me.
Rita: You are not a god. Take my word. It's 12 years of Catholic school talking.

Phil: How do you know I'm not a god?

Rita: Please.
Phil: How do you know?
Rita: It's not possible.
Phil: This is Doris. Her brother-in-law owns this diner. She's worked here since she was .
She wants to see Paris before she dies.
Rita: What are you doing?
Phil: Debbie and her fianc. They're supposed to get married. She's having second thoughts.
Rita: Lovely ring.
Phil: Bill's been a waiter three years since he left Penn State to work. He likes the town,
paints toy soldiers, and he's gay. Gus hates it here wishes he'd stayed in the Navy.
Rita: Excuse me. Is this a trick?
Phil: Maybe the real God uses tricks. Maybe he's not omnipoten,t he just knows everything.
Rita: Who's that?
Phil: Tom. He worked in the coal mine till it closed.
Rita: And her?
Phil: Alice. Came from Ireland when she was a baby. Lived in Erie.
Rita: How do you know this?
Phil: I told you I know everything. In five seconds a waiter will drop a tray. Five four three
two one.
Rita: This is nuts.
Phil: Okay?
Rita: Okay that's enough. What about me? Do you know me too?
Phil: I know all about you. You hope for more than Channel 9 Pittsburgh.
Rita: Well everyone knows that.
Phil: You like boats but not the ocean. You go to a lake in the summer with your family.
There's a dock and a boathouse with boards missing from the roof and a place you used to
crawl underneath to be alone. You're a sucker for French poetry and rhinestones. You're very
generous. You're kind to strangers and children. When you stand in the snow you look like an
Rita: How are you doing this?

Phil: I told you. I wake up every day. Right here. Right in Punxsutawney. And it's always
February 2nd. And there's nothing I can do about it. If you still can't believe me listen, in
seconds Larry is going to come and take you away from me. But you can't let him. Please
believe me. You've got to believe me.
Rita: Maybe it really is happening. How else could you know so much?
Phil: There is no way. I'm not that smart.
Rita: Maybe I should spend the day with you, as an objective witness just to see what
Phil: This sounds like a science project.
Rita: Is this what you do with eternity?
Phil: Now you know. That's not the worst part.
Rita: What's the worst part?
Phil: The worst part is that tomorrow you'll have forgotten all about this and you'll treat me
like a jerk again. I am a jerk.
Rita: No you're not.
Phil: It doesn't make any difference. I've killed myself so many times... ...I don't even exist
Rita: Sometimes I wish I had a thousand lifetimes. I don't know. Maybe it's not a curse. It
just depends on how you look at it.
Phil: Gosh you're an upbeat lady!

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