BruneiSPN Year 6 Science Test 1

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Instructions: This test contains 4 sections
A. Fill In The Blank
B. Multiple choice questions
C. True/False questions
D. Open-ended question
Please answer all questions
For Multiple Choice Questions and True/False questions, please circle the correct answer

A magnet is an object that can magnetic materials such as iron and steel


To classify means to put things in as according to their traits and features


Light is a form of energy and the main source of light is the


is used by submarine to allow the viewer to look above the surface of the water


A magnet comes to rest in direction


Living things are divided into groups.

a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four


A is created when light travelling in a straight line is blocked by an opaque object.

a. Rainbow
b. Shadow
c. Light ray
d. Beam


Light travels towards directions in a straight line

a. East
b. Upward
c. All
d. Downward


Materials that are attracted to magnet is called material

a. Magnetic
b. Attractive
c. Repulsive
d. Opaque

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10. Magnet is used in a train to raise the train above the tracks
a. LRT
b. Automatic
c. Maglev
d. Mega
11. What are habitats?
a. The place where organisms give birth
b. The place where organisms play
c. The place where organisms live
d. The place where organisms kill each other
12. An example of animal that lives in tropical rainforest is
a. Grasshoppers
b. Fish
c. Dragonflies
d. Gibbon
13. All light can pass through object
a. Transparent
b. Opaque
c. Magnetic
d. Translucent
14. are life forms which are too small to be seen by our eyes
a. Living things
b. Organisms
c. Micro-organisms
d. Fungi
15. Like poles each other. Unlike poles each other
a. repel; push
b. pull; attract
c. repel; attract
d. attract; repel
16. Materials that are attracted to magnet is called non-magnetic material
a. True
b. False
17. No light can pass through translucent object
a. True
b. False
18. Fungi reproduce from microscopic spores
a. True
b. False

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19. Plants is made up of a stalk, cap and gills

a. True
b. False
20. When sunglight shines through raindrops, the light is split into different colours to form rainbow
a. True
b. False
21. List two ways that fungi are used by people

22. Explain how to make a magnet using the stroking method

23. Give three uses of reflection

24. Give three characteristics of Amphibians. State one example of amphibians.

25. Give two uses of magnets

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