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jeacher's Guide Longman Virginia Evans HULU]? d\ Teacher’s Guide Virginia Evans Pearson Education Limited Edinburgh Gate, Harlow Essex CM20 2JE England and Associated Companies throughout the World. ‘www © Virginia Pagoulatou-Viachou 1992 All rights reserved. No part ofthis publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright hokder. Photocopying The Publisher grants permission for the photocopying of those pages marked with a copyright line according tothe following conditions. Individual purchasers may make copies for their own use or for use by classes they teach. School purchasers may make copies for use by ther stat and students, but his permission does not extend to additional schools or branches. Under no circumstances may any Part of this book be photocopied for resale. First published in 1992 by B & E Viachou ~ “Express Publications” First published by Addison Wesley Longman Limited 1995. This edition published by Pearson Education Limited 2003. Fourth impression 2005 Ilustrated by Chris Zmertis Printed in Spain by Mateu Gromo ISBN 0582 82344 7 Contents A. Lesson guidelines B. Key 1. Present Simple — Present Continuous. 2. Past Simple — Present Perfect 3. Adjectives - Adverbs - Comparisons 4. Will Be Going to Revision Exercises | 5. Present Perfect Continuous 6. Past Continuous -_Used to - Was Going To 7. Reflexive - Emphatic Pronouns / Both ~ Neither / Possessives 8. Past Perfect - Past Pertect Continuous Revision Exercises I! 9. Functions of Modal Verbs 10. Questions - Question Words — Question Tags 11. Infinitive (to + verb) ~ Gerund (verb + ing) 12, The Passive 18. Conditionals Revision Exercises It 14, Relatives 15. Reported Speech 16. — Prepositions of Place — Movement — Time. 17. Articles 18. Wishes Revision Exercises IV C. Tests D. Test keys E, Pre-Test keys F. Progress Test keys 13 14 15 15 7 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 28 at 45 Lesson guidelines Round-up is a fun, practical English grammar practice book that supplements your coursebook. It is perfect for extra grammar practice at the end of a lesson or as homework. Round-up is straightforward and easy to use. It is designed to be used with students who are studying English in different situations. Levels 1-3 are for students at the early stages of English language learning. Round-up English Grammar Practice is divided into seventeen units, each of which focuses on one area of grammar. Within each unit there are clear and colourful grammar reference boxes and a series of straightforward, mainly write-in activities to practise the grammar. Every fifth or sixth unit there is a revision unit, which gives students the chance to consolidate what they have learned in the previous units. Throughout the book there are team games, which allow students to have fun while they learn English. This updated version provides Pre-Tests and Progress Tests. Use the Pre-Tests to help you and your students identify the grammar points that need further explanation and practice. You can use the Pre-Tests in two ways: 1. As a diagnostic test to help you identify grammar points that students have difficulty with. 2. To help students identify the grammar points they need to revise and practise before they do the Revision at the end of each section. The Progress Tests provide a test for every two units. Your Teacher's Guide has the answer key for the exercises and a set of photocopiable tests with keys. These tests can save you preparation time and give your students a good idea of their progress. Students will be well prepared for each test once they have successfully completed the appropriate revision unit. Level 4 of Round-up Grammar Practice is accompanied by a CD-ROM-ISBN 0582 344638. 4 Using Round-up Choose exercises from the Grammar Practice book that practise or revise language that has been presented. You may want to use whole units or select parts of units. Do not feel that you have to use all the exercises in a unit. The exercises can be used by simply following the instructions in the book and students write in the answers. Or, when there is time in class, you can use them orally first with the whole class or in pairwork or groupwork. Oral practice Itis a good idea to do the exercises orally first, then go on to do the writing. English spelling can be confusing. By starting with oral practice, students get a chance to hear how the word sounds and concentrate on the meaning before they have to start worrying about the form. Whole class Round-up Grammar Practice includes several exercises that you can use with the whole class to work on students’ pronunciation and intonation. These are especially well-suited to whole class practice because they give you a chance to check on students’ pronunciation and help them improve it through student-student correction or by modelling the pronunciation yourself. The exercises that are well-suited to this type of oral practice are’ Exercise 2 (Third person singular) Exercise 18 (‘-ed’ endings) Lesson guidelines Round-up 4 Give students time to look at the exercises before they have to do them out loud. Then, select students at random to do the exercises. If students do not know who will be asked to speak next, they will have to pay closer attention and concentrate on all the items in case they are chosen next. In exercise 149 (question-tag intonation) you will need to refer to the key in the Teacher's Book for the intonation patterns. Read the sentences aloud while students tick the appropriate column. Check answers then get students to produce the correct intonation. Many of the exercises are worth using with the whole class to help them get used to oral practice. For example, exercises 134 (substitution table), 147 (question tags), 161 (passive), 206 (relatives), 186 (conditionals) and 222 (reported speech) will help students consolidate their understanding of these language areas. Pairwork Many of the exercises can easily be done by the students in pairs. Pairwork is vital because it ensures that everyone gets the chance to speak. Like groupwork, it also allows you to spend time with students who might be having difficulties. There are several different ways to vary the pairwork. Here are some examples. 1. The simplest way is for the students to work together (in closed pairs) to complete the exercises orally first, then in writing. When most of the students have finished, check the answers in open pairs so that everyone in the class can hear. Some exercises that work well this way are: Exercises 3, 16, 25, 34-36, 40, 92, 107 and 250. 2. Some of the exercises can be done as dialogues. First students do the exercise in closed pairs: e.g., one student asks the questions, the other replies. When they finish, they reverse the roles. Then, in open pairs, choose a student to ask a question and one to reply. Practising the dialogues in closed pairs helps the students gain confidence and allows you to monitor and correct errors before they have to speak in front of the whole class. Exercises that have dialogue parts and suit this type of pairwork are: Exercises 20, 22, 28, 29, 41, 48, 58, 59, 65, 68, 88, 127-130, 169 and 181. Groupwork 1. Put the students into groups to go through the exercises orally first, then to do the written work together. When most groups have finished, select a few to feedback to the class at the end. Some of the exercises that work well in groups are: Exercises 51 and 52, 61, 77, 83, 103, 217. 2. Communication activities: Exercise 5 (habits) can be extended and used as a group activity by adapting the grid in the book. 1. Students ask and answer the questions about the grid in pairs. 2. They copy the grid, substituting their names for the names in the book. Lesson guidelines Round-up 4 3. They stand up and ask each other about whether they listen to records, read magazines, etc. 4, Stop the activity when they have complete information about each person in their group. Choose a few to feed back to the whole class. Exercises 24 and 121 can also be extended this way. The activity gives students a lot of practice and allows you to listen for mistakes and problems. Grammar boxes and tables The grammar boxes and tables sum up the key points in each unit. Students can refer to these while they are doing the practice activities and later when they are revising, Encourage them to use the boxes and to reread them often. In addition to grammar reference, they also provide information on the spelling and pronunciation areas that can easily cause students problems. A comprehensive table of irregular verbs and a summary of tenses at the back of the book provide students with extra consolidation material, Guessing new words Students should be encouraged to use their ‘own language and words that they already know in English to guess the meaning of new vocabulary. In Book 4, students are able to use context to help them guess the meanings of new words. When students come across a new word they should try to decide what part of speech it is: a verb, a noun, an adjective, etc. They can then look at the other words in the sentence to determine what the word means. Encourage students to keep a record of new vocabulary. The record should include the correct spelling of the word, the word used in a sentence and the word's meaning. KEY 1. Present Simple - Present Continuous 1. 2. buys 6.calls 3. carries 7. goes 4. fixes 8 dries 5. watches 9. plays ‘sh del ha ater ater ater Mf, el pd | Is, dS), 183, 2d] other sounds hates kisses smiles keeps smokes | dances loses | rings begins hits likes | teaches dresses | leaves cries works sleeps | rises chooses | arrives robs 3. 2. makes Bis 14, finish 8. gets 9. don't hurry 15. lets 4, don't... wake up 10. gets 5. shouts 11. have &g0 12. get ee 19. don't do 4. (Answer as appropriate) 5. 2. Does ... No, she doesn't 3. Does -.. Yes, she does. 4. Does... Yes, she does. 5. Do... Yes, they do. 6 Do... Yes, they do. 7. Do... (suggested answer) Yes, | do. 8. Do ... (suggested answer) No, | don't. 6... listens to records, eats vegetables and watches TV, but she doesn't read magazines. listen to records, read magazines and watch TV, but they don't eat vegetables. 7. ing fe y+ ing reading lying drinking | dying flying sleeping «> ing double consonant + ing ‘riving running cycling swimming riding traveling writing putting taking cutting 8 2.arerunning —_—_7. are playing 8. is reading 8. fishing 4. is drinking 9.8 sleeping 5. areeating 10. is erying 6. is singing 11 are sailing 10. 1". 12. 13. 14. 15. Round-up 4 (Answer as appropriate) 2. at the momentinow 5. every day 8. tonight 6. now/at the moment 4. alwaysinever 2. is dancing 5. remembers 8. are getting 6. are watching 4a 2 5. are ... staying 3 6. do ... want 4.does.. arrive 7. Are .. taking 2. 6.isdoing 10. play 3. is working 7. does 11. do you know 4 8 are 12. am 5 9. are playing 2. don't understand 3. don't you ask 4. don't like 5. don't you like 6 is always shouting (it expresses annoyance) 7. does he shout 8. don't work 8. don't do 10. shouts 2A 5A 8B 3B 68 9B 4A 7A 2. is falling 9. stay 3. snows 10. watches 4. are playing 11. listens 5. are building 12. reads 6. are throwing 13. are 7. tke 44. is writing 8. don't tke 15. is reading Writing Activity 1 (Suggested answers) usually go swimming in summer. |often forget to do my homework. loften read before | go to sleep. | always eat breakfast. Rene | don't usually go shopping on Saturdays. | don't always have milk in my coffee. | don't often travel by plane. don't always read a newspaper every day. Reno Round-up 4 KEY 2. Past Simple - Present Perfect 17. ce 3d double consonant + ed liked begged tasted typed preferred tipped danced phoned Planned travelled consonant +y > ied | vowel+y>+ed studied prayed fried emptied | annoyed played tried tidied destroyed enjoyed 18. hal i ial attr, jar alter, s/f, | after other sounds Mie, It counted laughed married needed ended |washed hoped |rained closed wanted invited [helped kissed [robbed loved 19. 2.since 4.for B.already, yet 5. just 20, 2.havebeenin 7. haven't been to B.have been to 8. has gone to 4.have gone to 9. have gone to 5, has been in 6. has been to 10. has been in 21. 2. yetlthis week 8. just now 3. for 9. this week 4, jusvalready 10. How long ago 5. sofar/already 11. since 6. already/iust 12. since 7. How long 22, 2.vehad 7. have you 11. moved 3. bought been 12. haven't 4.Have you 8. 've been visited seen 9. ate 13. have 5. saw 10. did Ann arranged 6. was ‘move 23. 2.were 6. behaved 10. didn't walk 3.didn'tlive 7.made 11. flew 4. lived 8. didn't act thought 9. said 24, 2, Has Anna ever cooked a foreign meal? ‘Yes, she has cooked a foreign meal once. 3. Has Anna ever had a bad dream? Yes, she has had bad dreams several times. 4, Has Anna ever visited a foreign country? ‘Yes, she has visited a foreign country recently. 5. Has Anna ever been to the theatre? Yes, she has been to the theatre many times. (Suggested answers) 6. ... ever met a famous person? Yes, | have met a famous person once. 7. Have you ever cooked a foreign meal? No, | have never cooked a foreign meal 8. Have you ever had a bad dream? Yes, | have had bad dreams several times. 9. Have you ever visited a foreign country? No, | have never visited a foreign country. 10. Have you ever been fo the theatre? Yes, | have been to the theatre recently. 25. 2. play 6.has lived 10. has never had Bicant 7. take 11. isnt 4: has never 8. am 12.18 been 9. does not S.hashad work 26. 2.were 7. moved 3. have always shared 8. have visited 4. have also enjoyed _9. has just bought 5. have spent 10. haven't seen 6. lived 27. writing 9. have given 3. have left 10. have advertised/are 4, am studying advertising 5.18 11. hope 12, am enclosinghhave 7. have taken enclosed/enciose 8 feel 43. think 14, look/am looking 28. 2.left 10. (has) happened 3.have you done 11. fell down 4. "ve done 42. haven finished 5. ve mended 13. had 6. ve built 14, drove 7. "ve had 45. didn't crash a 8. spoke * We use have been to because this is the Present Perfect of the verb to go 29. 1. ve already seen 2. has worked, started 3. Have you ever met, 've seen, met 4. left, caught, realised, were, has happened, did you do, called 5. 've already made, 've just swept, haven't started, did 6. did you begin, 've recently completed, asked 7. ‘ve just passed 8. Have you always had, was 9. gave, 've already spent 10. ('s) happened, 've just cooked 80. 2.began 6. couldn't 10.saw 14, gave 3. became 7. crashed 11.told 15. made 4. stopped 8. fell 12. rescued 16. arrived S.tried 9. was 13. took 17, thanked Writing Activity 3 (Suggested answer) Philip got up at 7 o'clock yesterday morning, He ate his breakfast, he had a shower and got dressed. He left his house at 8 o'clock He drove to his office. When he arrived there KEY Round-up 4 the office was closed. He was very surprised. He didn’t know what to do. He got into his car, he turned on his car radio and listened to the news. It was then that he found out why his office was closed. It wasn’t Monday morning, it was Sunday morning! Writing Activity 4 (Suggested answers) 1. | have cleaned the kitchen. 2. | have washed my hair. 3. | haven't made a telephone call. 4. | haven't made the bed. 5. | have received a letter. Writing Activity 5 (Suggested answer) Yesterday | woke up at 9 am, and made my breakfast. In the morning | wrote some letters ‘and went shopping in the market. When | ‘came home, | baked a cake and took some with me when | visited my friend. We looked at ‘some photographs of our holiday last summer, then | caught the bus home. Before | went to bed, I had a bath and watched a film on television. 3. Adjectives - Adverbs - Comparisons a. zy te>ly | consonant +> ily possibly | busily dangerously | simply | heavily sadly terribly | happily 32. Adjectives | Adverbs Adjectives & Adverbs tidy carelessly hard noisy large | easily slowly — | early monthly quick careful | quietly happily | daily late 33, How Where adverbs of manner | adverbs of place carefully here away happily badly there everywhere When How often adverbs of time adverbs of frequency yesterday last year | always often ‘on Sunday now usually seldom 34, 2. a luxurious modern Italian car 3. two beautiful long blue sik dresses 4, a pair of old brown leather shoes. 5. a small English stone church 6. a fantastic large green Japanese motorbike 7. a heavy old English dictionary 8. a litle blue plastic spoon 9. a huge new black wooden armchair 10. a tiny round Russian gold coin 35. 2 heavily 6. slow 3.careful 7. well 4.pertect 8. nice 5. recently 36. 2. | always drink coffee at breakfast. 3, Sam never goes to work by bus. 4. Yesterday | worked hard at school/I worked hard at school yesterday. 55. Tom often forgets his books. 6. At midnight someone knocked quietly at the door/Someone knocked quietly at the door at midnight. 7. He waited in the queue patiently for an hour./He waited patiently in the queue for an hour. 8. He often goes on business abroad. 9. You rarely see foxes in these woods. 37. 2. longer, longest 3. wetter, wettest 4. more dangerous, most dangerous 5. more difficult, most difficult 6. easier, easiest 7. more exciting, most exciting 8. hotter, hottest 38. 2. more loudly, most loudly 3. more often, most often 4, more politely, most politely 5. harder, hardest 6. more carefully, most carefully 7. more clearly, most clearly 8. faster, fastest 9. more fluently, most fluently 10. more noisily, most noisily 39. 2, more gently, most gently 3. more, most 4. less, least 5. cleverer, cleverest 6. better, best 7. funnier, funniest 8. more useful, most useful 9. sadder, saddest 10. farther/turther, farthesvfurthest “more clever, most clever are also possible because certain adjectives such as: clever, common, friendly, narrow, quiet, stupid etc can form their comparative either with -er or with more and their superiative either with -est or with most. 40. 2. the smallest ... in 6, the most expensive 3. colder than in 4. the dirtiest of 7, the worst ... of 5. more expensive 8. the most horrible ... of, than Round-up 4 KEY 41, 2. the most stupid 4. ~ Be Going To 3, more inteligent than i. Zane. Bohn Oclly 4. more logical 3. not yet sure, ... will probably buy & beter then 4. not yet sure, ... will be . 6. more oid-fashioned than 5. sure, sare going to fight fe cioearocrare caver 6. sure, is going to take 8. more sensible 9. more practical... than 48, 2wil 6. 10. will 10. worse 3.will 7. 11. Shall 11. more patient 4 Shall 8 12. wil 42, more athletic S.wont 9. won't 48. the most ridiculous 49. 2. something already decided, .. are going to 42. 2.very 3.much 4. much 5. very ool aired. 3. fixed arrangement, ... are having... 43. (Suggested answers) Sista Mercades more atractve than a il pled aediaiiaaabaiaabi Viet | doxv thnk the atest of ol 5. something already decided, .. is going to 2.1 i & Rls Royce is more expensive te lane than a Mercedes. | don't think is the most rents 7 comfortable ofall though 50. 2..illtelephone, 5. finishes, will go 4. | think a Fiat is cheaper than a Volkswagen. leaves 8. will send, get | don't think it's the fastest ofall though. 3. will stay, feels 7. will she be 5. | think a Jaguar is faster than a Rolls 4.willyouvist 8. leaves Royce. | don't think itis the most expensive of all though. 51. 2. warning, Put on your coat or you'll catch 6.1 think a Volkswagen is safer than a Fiat. | cold! don't think it's the smallest ofall though. 3. intention, I love cooking. '™m going to be a chef 44, 2. longer... than, as long as, the longest ... of 4. evidence, Look at that tree! I's going to fall 3. cheaper than, as cheap as, the most down expensive of 5. on-the-spot decision, Ill have two 4. bigger than, smaller than, as big as, the cheeseburgers for lunch smallest of 6. offer, Shall I do the washing-up? 7. promise, Ill write to you every day! 45. 2. ... more expensive than a bicycle, 8. threat, Finish your homework or I won't take cheaper than a car, ... as slow as a bicycle, Goll tne 200. «less comfortable than a car. 9. prediction, Robots will do the housework in dirtier than a dog, .. less friendly than a fh faba. dog, ... more inteligent than a rat, ... as noisy as a dog, 52, 4. He's going to clean the car. 5. He's cleaning the car. 46. (Suggested answers) 6. He has cleaned the car. 2. Yes, but Egypt is hotter. 7. She's going to wash the dog, 3. Yes, but diamonds are more expensive 8. She's washing the dog 4. Yes, but dolphins are more intelligent 9. She has washed the dog. 5. Yes, but Chinese is more dificult. 10. She's going to buy some flowers. 6. Yes, but traveling by plane is safer 11. She's buying some flowers. 12. She has bought some flowers Oral Activity 7 (Suggested answers) 1. A television is more expensive than a radio. 3.2. am going to 8. will 2. The sun is bigger than the moon. 3's going to 9. are going to 3. Hamburgers are less healthy than carrots. 4. will 10. am going to 4. Reading a book is more/iess interesting B.ategoingto 11. will than playing football. 6.are going to 12. will 5. A dolphin is more inteligent than a shark 7. will 6. Chess is more exciting than video games. 54. 2.aregoingto 6. will Writing Activity 6 (Suggested answer) 3. wil 7. is going to i'm more hard-working than my friend. I'm 4. will 8. wl not as funny as he is. I'm not as tall as he is 5. wil {im more polite than he is. 'm friendlier and more helpful than he is but I'm not as young 55. 1. is studying, is going to study 10 as he is. 2. dlimb, are climbing, are going to climb 3. is working, works, is going to plant KEY Round-up 4 56. 2. am going to 7. will, 3. will 8. will 4. are going to 9. am going to 5. Shall 10. am going to 6. am going to 57. 2. David is going to correct tests on Tuesday. 3. David is going to buy a new shirt on Wednesday. 4, David is going to the gym on Thursday. (Note here that we don't say is going to go to the gym.) 5, David is going to visit Helen on Friday. 6. David is going to have a party on Saturday. 7. David is going to watch TV on Sunday. You (Suggested answers) Tuesday: 2. go to the theatre/l'm going to the theatre on Tuesday. Wednesday: 3. telephone Sue / I'm going to telephone Sue on Wednesday. Thursday: 4. buy a record / I'm going to buy a record on Thursday, Friday: 5. paint my kitchen / 'm going to paint my kitchen on Friday. Saturday: 6. go swimming / 'm going swimming on Saturday. Sunday: 7. cook dinner for my friends / 'm going to cook dinner for my friends on ‘Sunday. 58. 2.amgoing 7. Are you going Will you go picking 8. think 4. will go 9. will probably go 5. will ing 10. will phone 6.wants) 11. starts 59. 2. Are you staying’ 9. is staying Will you stay 10. am planning 3. am leaving 11. will she arrive 4. am visiting 42. arrives 5.are you doing 13. am meeting/am 6. will start going to meet 7. need 14, am looking 8. is coming forward/look forward Oral Activity 8 (Suggested answer) Where |When |How | What yous | they are going to dof | see. You Paris |July | plane | Eifel Tower Your | Rome |October | train | Colosseum — friend | eat pizza 1'm going to Paris in July. I'm going to travel by plane. {'m going to see the Eifel Tower. My friend is going to Rome in October. He's going to travel by train, He's going to visit the Colosseum and (he’s going to) eat pizza. Writing Activity 7 (Suggested answer) This year I'm going to spend my holiday in Corfu. 'm going to travel there by plane because it's fast and safe. My sister is going to ‘come with me. Our parents will probably come if they have time. We're going to stay in Paleokastrtsa. | think we'll be able to find a hotel, otherwise welll stay in a guest house. We're going to swim every day and we're going to do a lot of sightseeing, so I'm going to take ‘my camera with me. I'm sure it will be fun. Revision Exercises 1 60. 61. 63. 67. 20 5C 288 3A 6B 9. 4A 7.8 10.C 2.1wrote 5. Shall we 8. She's gone to 3 heavier 6. has seen 9. slowly, going 7. for 40. better to fall 2.much — S.much 8. much 3.much 6. very 9. very 4.very = 7. much 10. much. 2, the most expensive of 3. as big as 4. the biggest of 5, the most modern of 6. the oldest of 7. more economical than 8. the most economical of 9s fast as 10. slower than 11. the fastest of 412. the least economical of 2, came 5. haven't seen 3. have justfinished 6. did you leave 4. wrote 7. started 2. will 7. Are ... going to 3. 'm going to 8. 'm going to 4. wil 8. Will 5. Shall 10.'s going to 6. will 2,hasgoneto 4, have gone to Bihavebeento 5. has been in 2.for 6. for 3. since 7. for 4.for 8. since S.since 9. since 2. is going 9. are playing 3. are leaving 40. starts 4.18 11. finishes 5. are you getting 12. will win 6. are travelling 13. will shout 7, leaves 44. will tell 8 will you stay/ 15. get are you going to stay "1 12 Round-up 4 69. 2.yet 5. just 8 yet 3. ago 6. for 9. already 4. |usValready 7: How long 10. since 70. 2.{s staying 8. wants B.have known 9. is having (it 4, was expresses 5. played fixed 6.1 looking arrangement) 7. has ust passed 10. will get 71. 2, She doesn't usually wake up early 3. He has always wanted to travel abroad, 4. He rarely goes out at night. 5. They can always do anything they want. 72. 2. lives 10. are going to have 3. works (sth already decided) 4. has worked 11. went staying 412. didn't come 6. is enjoying 13, was 7. have already visited 14. split 8 have been 15. will see 9. are going tosee 16. won't stay (sth already decided) 17. will be 5. Present Perfect Continuous 2. have been playing 3. have been going 4. has been living 5. has been leaving 6. has been coming 7. has she been doing 8. has been looking for 74, 2. recently completed action, have just got married 3, recently completed action, has been playing 4. anger or annoyance, Have you been ‘cooking 5. recently completed action, has had 6. unstated time/personal experience, has been 7. unstated time, have bought 8. emphasis on number, has written 98. emphasis on duration, has been writing 78. 2."ve finished 5. 've seen 3. have you been doing 6. has beaten 4. 've been playing 2. "ve found 6. have you seen 3. 've been playing 7. has just phoned 4.'ve been watching 8. 's been waiting 5. haven't had 77. 2since S.since 8. for Bfor 6.for 9. since 4.since 7.for 10. since ral Activity 9 (Suggested answers) He has been wearing the same suit since he got married. He has been drinking mineral water for 25, years. He has been playing chess since he was a boy. He has been watching the same TV programmes for 15 years. He has been going to bed at the same time for 20 years. He has been smoking the same cigarettes since 1960. He has been feeling miserable for a long time. Oral Activity 10 (Suggested answers) 3 months ago Tim was thin three months ago. Kevin didn't smoke three months ago Lucy hadn't got her degree three months ago. vane was fat three months ago. George smoked three months ago. James didn't wear glasses three months ago. Allan was with Kim three months ago. ‘Jack was fine three months ago. Kate had long hair three months ago. Now Tim has put on weightigot fatter. Kevin has started smoking. Lucy has graduated / finished university. Jane has lost weight / got thinner. George has stopped smoking, James has started wearing glasses. Allan has started seeing Beth. Jack has hurt his finger. Kate has had her hair cut. Writing Activity 8 (Suggested answer) Dear David, Alot of things have happened since | saw you last, | have changed my job and | have started working in a bank. | have moved house and | hhave bought a new car. | have stopped smoking and | have joined a gym. | have met a lovely man and we have got engaged. We have decided to get married in August. AA'so, | have lost your telephone number, so please phone me soon! Love, Mary Past Continuous — Used to - Was Going To 2, sequence of actions, He washed up and fed the dog an hour ago. 3, simultaneous actions, Last night she was knitting while he was watching TV. 4. interrupted action, They were sunbathing when it started to'rain. . action which won't happen again, He built the Eifel Tower. . completed action, They had a party last night. interrupted action, While he was cooking yesterday, he burnt his finger. simultaneous actions, He was laughing while she was crying yesterday morning, non-continuous verb, The chicken tasted awtul yesterday. © enon KEY Round-up 4 79. 2. He was going to catch the bus 87. 2.used to 5. used to 3. They were going to watch TV .../He was 3.didnit use to 6. didn't use to going to turn on the TV ... 4. used to 80... the music was playing loud. Bob and Ben «88.2. was watching 9. heard were drinking Coke while Kristi was eating 3. was making 10. went sandwiches. Ted and Steve were singing. 4. were going to have 11. didn't see Alex was cleaning while the dog was barking 5. didn't have 12. realised James was sleeping on the sofa while Sheila 6. used to go 18. were having was trying to wake him up. Edward and Lucy 7. happened 14, were setting off were laughing. Susan was bringing coffee. 8. thought 45. wasn't ‘Chris was leaving the party while Paula was crying because she didn't want him to leave. Oral Activity 11 (Suggested answers) Was Alex cleaning? Yes. 81. 2, Helen used to have ... Were Mary and George drinking Cola? No, ‘She didn't use to have long hair. they were dancing She has (got) long hair now. Were Bob and Ben drinking Cola? Yes. 3, Helen used to have Were Ted and Steve sleeping? No, they were ‘She didn't use to have a dog. singing. She has (got) a dog now. Was James sleeping? Yes. Was Sheila crying? No, she was trying to 82, (Suggested answer) wake James up. | used to go to bed very early. | didn't use to Were Edward and Lucy leaving? No, they watch television very often. | used to play with were laughing. dolls. | used to be frightened of dogs. | didn't Was Chris crying? No, he was leaving. use to like eating vegetables. | used to play ‘Was Paula dancing? No, she was crying. with my brothers in the garden: Oral Activity 12 (Suggested answers) 83. 2. dreamt 18. arrived 1. The baby was sleeping. He woke up and 3. were taking 14. was waiting started crying. 4. was 15. stayed 2. Clara was carrying a tray. She dropped the 5. were 16. were beating tray and spilt coffee on the carpet. 8. were travelling 17. were singing ‘3. Mum was cooking. She dropped the 7. was 18. (were) dancing paeepan 8. were sitting 19. was getting 4, Father was washing his hair. He came out 9. were drinking 20. could of the bathroom with soap in hs hair. 10. were dancing 21. was 5. The boys were playing. They stood up and 11. was playing 22. was ran to the door. 12, were having 6. The girl was sitting on a chair and fell off it. 84.2. was taking 11. was thinking Writing Activity 9 (Suggested answer) 3. noticed 12, came Clara was carrying a tray of coffee, which 4. was climbing 18. explained she dropped onto the carpet. It made a 5. was hanging 14. went terrible mess! Mum was cooking at the time. 6. broke 15. talked and she dropped the saucepan with all the 7. fell 16. ended dinner onto the floor. Dad was in the bathroom 8 ran 47. thanked washing his hair, but he ran out with soap in 9. was shouting 18. was his hair and eyes. The two boys were playing 10. couldn’vwasn't able to in the hall and immediately ran to the door. | * while does not suggest actions in progress here. was siting on a chair reading a book and was 30 scared, | fell off the chair! It was very 85. 2. C (while) 4. A (and) ftightening. | hope you never have an 3. E (while) 5. D (when) earthquake in Germany. 86. 2. was driving 9. heard 16. thought Love, Sally 3. were shining 10. was flying 17. was 4. was: 11. couldn't getting 7. Reflexive — Emphatic Pronouns/ 5. stopped 12. shone into Both — Neither/Possessives S.looked . tai fek 18. was 89. 2.hascutherself 4. ‘ve hurt ourselves 7. seemed 14. was talking 3. are enjoying 5. has burnt herself 8. was looking wondering 19, looked emer 8. 'm drying mysel! 15.went 20. was, 90. 2 yourself 4. myself 6. yourselves 3. ourselves 5. himself 13 Round-up 4 KEY 91. 2.herself 4. myself _ 6. themselves 100. 2.her 9. They 16. their 3. yourself 5. ourselves 3. She 10. her 17. They 4 their 11. She 18 her 92, 2.herself 4. themselves 6. ourselves. 5. She 12. their 19. They 3. myself 5. yourselves, 6 his 13. He 20. her 7. She 14. her 83. 2. Thisis the girs house's her house, Is athe 18. They 3, These are John’s records. They're his Oral Activity 14 Suggested answers) records. They'e his. 2. They are both/Both of them are singers. 4, These are the women's shoes. They'e their 3. They are both/Both of them are sports. shoes, They/re theirs. 4. They are allAll of them are (capital) cities. 5. They are both/Both of them are 94. 2it 8. hers 14, she countries/in Europe. 3. they 9. her 15. her 6. They are al/all of them are colours. 4 their 10.they 16. his. 7. They are both/Both of them are months. S.their 14. they 17. they 8. They are all/All of them are animals. 6.his 12.their 18. they 8. They are both/Both of them are cars. This 13.her 18. their 40. They are alVAllof them are shops. eB te bey bir 8. Past Perfect - Past Perfect mine 4. two days’ holiday Continuous 5. baker's 101. 2. has been swimming _ 6. had written 6. kitchen of the house 3, has lost 7, has washed 4. had been fishing had eaten 96. 2.0 7. no one/nobody 5. had saved 9. had been running 3. an f sonaceat owes. 102. 2. Had they drunk lemonade? Yes, they had. ‘Somebody 10. anyone/anybody 3. Had they eaten all the cake? No, they 5. something 11. no one/nobody hadet © aryona/anytiogy 4, Had they let the cat in? No, they hadn't. 5. Had they eaten turkey? Yes, they had. 97. 2. Neither of them likes/like fish. 6. Had they tidied the room? No, they hadn't. ‘3. Neither of them drives/drive carefully. 103. 2. it, had gone off, first action : had gone off we ee 3: discovered, had broken ino. frst action 1d broken into iGo ofa are cera ty 4 tached each, frst ton: hase 6. Neither of them have/has typed any letters 5. had eaten, arrived. first action : had eaten soc 104. 2. had been . playing 6. had been writing 7 None of them speakiapeeks French, 3. had been sleeping 7. had been walking Alf them ike ice-cream /They al ike te ‘had been euting” 8 had been working 5. had been listening 98. 2. It's Tracy's first day at school. She's. 405. 2.had lit 5. had enjoying herself. The teacher has just given 3, bought 6 had already had her a jigsaw puzzle. 4, had bought 3, It's our first day at university. We are enjoying oursehves, The professor has just 106. 2 interupies action, vas crying given us an interesting . 4. it's my first day on holiday. I'm enjoying 4. action up to a past time, had been typing myself. The hotel clerk has just given me 5. action up to a past time, had been playing the key to my room. 6. interrupted action, was playing 5. It’s the Smiths’ first day in their new house. Theyre enoying hemseves Theifriends 197 gone have just given them a present. ee 99. See instructions p. 22 No 19 Teacher's Guide 5. had left 14 Round-up 4. 6. had just started 7. had been raining 8. had been waiting 9. had happened 10. had broken into * for suggests the use of Present Perfect Continuous. KEY Round-up 4 108. 2. took 9. had already closed 3. went 10. arrived 4.had been’ 11. told S.had caught 12. had caught 6.hadn't got 13. had ever seen 7. had promised 14, had escaped looked * We don't use had gone because this would mean they were still there. 109, 2. has been teaching/has taught 3. had cooked 4, nave you had 5. was typing 6. had been driving 110. 2. was cleaning _9. have seen 3. bit 10. have stopped 4.ran 41. had planned/nad been 5. is recovering planning 6. arrived 42. are hunting 7.had lost ‘13. have advised 8. think 14, have caughYcatch Oral Activity 15 (Suggested answers) 4, The last time | was pleased was because | had won the lottery. The last time | was pleased was because | had won the pools. . The last time | was pleased was because | had bought a new pair of trousers. The last time | was pleased was because | had been on holiday, etc. Oral Activity 16 (Suggested answer) 2. ... her watch had stopped. 3. ...he had spent all his money. 4, «she hadn't studied, 5. «her pet fish had died, 6. ...he had been fixing his motorbike. 7 8 8 he had been walking in the rain. they hadnt eaten anything ... he had eaten too much. 10. ... they hadn't slept all night, 11. ... someone had hit him. 12..... she had been on the beach ... Writing Activity 11 (Suggested answer) | was ted Because I'd been studying hard and | had a stomach-ache because | had eaten very much. | wanted to visit my mother in the morning but | missed the train because my watch had stopped. Anyway, I'm sorry | fost my temper and | hope you forgive me. Love, Kevin. Revision Exercises I! 11. 2.8 5.8 BA 3A 6A 4B 7c 112. 2.has already been 7. have been waiting 3. faster 8 is cleaning 4, himself 9. had written 5. somewhere 10. quickly 6. Had he 113. 6. Do you want am watching 7. 'm seeing isn't 8, shall | ask is 9." wait Pp geen 114, 2. They've bought a lovely old-fashioned two- storey house in London. |. He walked slowly up the hill in the rain. Every Monday they go to the gym by car. 5. He's built a beautiful wooden bookcase. She was wearing an elegant long white wedding dress. eane 115. 2.terrible 5. quickly 8. easy well 6.sleepy 9. strange unusual 7. rudely 10. hard 116. 2. left 6.was trying 11. has been went —7.tumed down “trying was B.hasdone —_ 12. has not had studying 9. has also run offered 10. didn't like SOP sep 117, 2 himself 4, myself themselves 5. herself 118. 2. the biggest 5. more friendly/triendlior * . quieter 6 the nicest . more helpful 7. the best * Both forms are possible since friendly can form its comparative either with more or -er. 119. 2. have been working 3. haven't had 4. had planned/had been planning 5. hadn't realised 6. had already planned 7. have you been doing 8. Has Mary found 9. has/had lost 10. had done/had been doing 120. 2. did you move 7. will probably snow 3.was still raining 8. had lockedlocked 4.had been acting _9. had done 5.had been writing 10. was cleaning 6. have been waiting, 11. have you been have you been working 121. 2. None of them studies/study English. 3. Both of them enjoy walking. 4. None of them want(s) to be an artist 5. Neither of them has/have straight hair. 6. None of them is/are over thirty. 7. All of them play a sport. 8. All of them have a sister. 9. Neither of them is/are wearing glasses. 10. Neither of them has/have a brother. 11. Both of them have got curly hair. 9. Functions of Modal Verbs 122. 2.can 5. haven't been able to 3. could/was able to 6. could/was able to 4. could/was able to 7. couldn'twasn't able to 15 Flound-up 4 KEY 423. 2. couldn’ 6. couldiwere able to 8. polte request (Is it possibie to) wasn't ableto 7. cant 9. advice (i's @ good idea to) 3. couldn 8. haven't been able to 10. possibilty/probabiliy (perhaps there is) wasn't ableto 9. can 11, necessity (its necessary to) 4,wasableto 10. can 121 polte offer (Shall!) 5.cant 13. request (Will you) 14, necessity (Ive decided it's necessary to) 424. 2. may/might 5. must &. may/might jeans peiclng ie) ry to) 3. must 6. mighmay 9. must 46: prohibhion its fortkdden 10) 4.could 7cantt 10, mayimight! 17. offer (Would you like me to) ould 18. abilly in the past (was able to) 128. 2. can't 5.canit 49. absence of necessity (i isnt necessary to) 3, may/mighVcould 8. may/might 20. necessity (lst necessary?) 4. could/mightmay 21, possibiity/probabiiy (i's very possible that...) 22, absence of necessity (it wasn't necessary to) 126. 2 at cantl é MayCould 23. obligation (You have to) mu a Senter a 24. possibiltyiprobabily (it's possible that...) B.cant 198. 2. He ought to be more careful i 3. That must be John's car. (pon, bcoe Swe 4. He can't be her brother. Serene Woue 5. He wasn't able to swim when he was five. 6. He might win the race. 128. 2.CouldWould 6. Could/Can 7. You mustn't play in their garden, 3. would 7 8. They didn't need to repair the car. atl 8 Shall 9. Would you like me to pour you another drink? 5. would 40. You can't eat so much. 11. Shall | open the window? 129. 5 wa = a é ou 12, She could stil be at work. Pye sgh &. 1, Would you like me to help you with that? 7 - 44. She can't be the woman who spoke to me. 130, 2. should/ought io 5. had better 15. We needn't go shopping with Mum, 3: had bt 6. had better 46. Can she really be 50 years old? 4, shouldiought to 17, You had better tell him the truth. (Note: should/ought to/had better can be used 48. You should study harder. interchangeably) ix 131. 2.haveto 4.haveto 6, must . 3 must 5. have to i ‘enay| more [formal & ] 192. 2. don't have/need to 5. didn't have to ra era 3. mustn't 6. didn't haveineed to [2 Could you | Fe EE lt caso |v have/need to 3. May | use your ‘ , phone? v 188, 2-musint 7. needn't i Boe tewajour | mustn't 8, mustn't oor My 4. can't/mustn't 9. can't 6. Gehl ceayour | 5. needn't 410. mustn't canes le 6. musin' 11. needn't ce. Oe acai | | 194, 2. You needn't buy any apples. | bought some us. v yesterday. 7. You may sit with | 3, You must take your medicine or you won't us. v get better 8. You can't stay ) | 4, You mustn't pull the cat's tail. up late. v | 5. You needn't do the washing-up. | did it 9. You may not mysett sitwith us. v 6. YoU must tell me the truth or 1 punish you, 10. Would you ke 135. 2. impossibilty/improbabilty (I don't think) Li Serine eure vv | 3: offer (Would you like me to) te Gani teioo: f | fj 4, adviee (| advise you to) ool ee iv | 5, refusing permission (mustn') a, Pond Tieveomnal | | 6. advice (its a good idea) more tea? vt | 7. giving permission (iis allowed) | 16 KEY Round-up 4 138. 2. have to (external necessity) mayimight (possibilty) needn't (absence of necessity) mustn't (prohibition) don't have/need to (absence of necessity) May (asking permission) Shall/Can (suggestionvotter) would (polite offer) 10, Will (request) 11. may/can (permission) 412. ought to/should (advice) / have to (external necessity) Writing Activity 12 (Suggested answer) = «. bring your own sleeping bag. You should bring some pocket money with you and a first aid kit. You mustn't bring any tobacco and you ‘mustn't leave the camp on your own. You ‘mustn't leave anything valuable in your tent either. You can bring a cassette player or walkman if you want to and some sports equipment. You may invite your family to visit you at the camp too. If you don't want to, you ‘don't have to join in all the activities and, of course, you don't have to attend the daily exercise class. Sevonsen 10. Questions — Question Words — Question Tags 2. How often does she go to parties? 3. When did they go to London? 4, Why is she erying? 5. Can Peter dive too? 6. Who hasn't arrived yet? 7. Will he do the washing-up too? 8. Where does Paula work? 139, 140. 2. Who 3. What time/When 4. How much 5. Which 6. Why 2. Who did Roger speak to? 3. Who phoned Stuart? 4. Who will Jenny see? 5. Who has Steve left a message for? 6. Who does Ted love? 7. Who will visit Torn? 8, Who is Joanne marrying? 98. Who is he talking to? 10. Where do they come trom? 11, Who is Jim waiting for? 42. Who is Rosa writing to? 13. What is he worried about? 7. What 8. How oftenWhen 9. How many 10. Where 11. How long 141, 142, 7. How much 8. Why 9. How long 10. what 11. What 2. Where 3. What, 4. When 5. How 6. How old 143. 144, 145. 146. 147. 2, Where did you go? 3, How long did you go there for? 4, Who did you go with? 5. How did you get there? 6. Where did you stay? 7. What did you see? 8. What else did you do?/Where else did you ? 90' 9. When did you come back?/When did you arrive home? 2. A: Who hit George? Andrew hit George. Who did George hit? George hit John and Mark. Who hit Andrew? Mark hit Andrew. Who did Andrew hit? Andrew hit Phil and George. Who hit Dave? Paul and John hit Dave. Who did Dave hit? Dave hit Simon and Mark Who hit Mark? Dave and George hit Mark Who did Mark hit? Mark hit Paul and Andrew. Who hit Simon? John and Dave hit Simon, Who did Simon hit? Simon hit Paul Who hit Paul? B: Simon, Mark and Phil hit Paul ‘A: Who did Paul hit? B: Paul hit Dave. 8. A: Who hit Phil? B: Andrew hit Phil ‘A: Who did Phil hit? B: Phil hit Paul o s ° POPOPDPOPDE>DHOEDPO>D 2 2, Where was she murdered? 3. When was she murdered? 4. Who discovered her body? 5. Where did she find the body? 6. Who are the police looking for? 7. Why are they looking for him? 8. What time/When did he leave the hotel? 9. What did he take? 10. What was the woman's name? 2. doesn't she 9, were they 3. doesn't he 10. didn't she 4: has he 11. shall we 5. aren't they 42, haven't they 6. isn't she 13. aren't | 7. did he 14, doesn't he 8. will she 2. didn't she 7. can't she 13, will/won't 3.will she 8. won't he you 4.willwon't 9. does he 14, didn't he you 10. shall we 15. doesn't she S.hasnitshe 11.didshe 16. aren't | 6.are they 12. doesn't she 7 Round-up 4 KEY 148. 2. hasn't he, he hasn't 8. doesn't he, he does 4. isn'the, he is, 5. don't they, they do 6. didn't you, | did 7. isn't she, she is 8. does she, she doesn't 9. aren't they, they aren't 10. isn’t she, she is 149. (Sure) (Not v | 2. Hell bring his wite, won't he? sts v 3. Those shoes are too big, aren't they? miuthey’ w | 4. Your friends won't come tomorrow, will they? mney w | 5. They were on the same plane as us, weren't they? 7 || | 6. You dont understand the exercise, o_you? v || | 7 prince Andrew and Sarah are divorced now, aren't the aren't they? v | 8. You're not busy tonight, ar¢ 1? nih are You v 9. Look, that’s the President, isn't it?. isnt? s ter v |] |r. orate ner purse ast ih, didn't_she? ase v 12. He's got beautiful blue eyes, nasi he? ithe | tacann cat ance, can she? an oh v |14. William Shakespeare didn't die in 1621, dd? V _|15. This coat belongs to Abi, doesn't it? esol |, cape got maria ist year, didn't she? — ‘Writing Activity 13 (Suggested answers) 18 You: Where do you live Ann? Ann: | lve in California. You: When did you start singing? Ann: | started singing when I was 10. You: When did you leave school? ‘Ann: | left school at 16. (I had to get a job because my parents were poor.) You: What was your first job? Ann: | worked in a restaurant. You: How long did you do that for? ‘Ann: For two years. You: How did you become famous? Ann: | won a singing competition which my friend told me about. You: How do you feel about singing? ‘Ann: It makes me very happy. You: Have you visited many countries this year? ‘Ann: Yes, about 10. You: Thank you Ann 11. Infinitive (to+verb) — Gerund (verb+ing) 150. 2. 9.Bi/ing 16. Bl 3 10. Fl. 17. «ing 4 11 FL 18. -ing 5. 12, -ing 19. -ing/Fl. 6. 13:Fi. 20. Bi 7. Bil. 14. Bu, 8. «ing 15.8. 151. 2. to get 6. playing 10. to look after 3.10 lke 7.tohave 11, brushing 4. looking/to look 8. to buy 5. ick up 9. having 152, 2.toreceive 6. todrive 10. go 3. to do 7. taking 11. to hear 4.dancing «8. use. 5. going 9. to be 153. 2.telling S.biting 8, take 3.0 talk B.tolend 9. tolend 4 working 7. to leave 10. receiving 154.'s too big. 5. ... he is funny enough. 3. i’ too heavy. 6. its too small 4. he isn't young enough, 155. 2.doing 6. doing 10. being B.tohelp 7.tomow 11. tobe 4. go 8. swimming S.todig 9. bury Oral Activity 21 and Writing Activity 14 (Suggested answer) Last year the Browns went on a safari in Africa, They enjoyed seeing giratfes and other wild animals. When Mrs Brown saw an elephant, she ‘suggested opening the window to take a photograph of it. AS soon as she had opened the window, a monkey jumped onto the car. She began screaming with fear but it was too late to close the window. As she was busy screaming, the monkey ran away with the camera. Mr Brown didn't know what to do. He hadn't expected a monkey to do something like that. Mrs Brown regretted opening the window but her husband was too angry to talk to her on the way back KEY Round-up 4 12. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. The Passive 2. is owned 5. is always dressed 3. is kept 6. is said 4. is fed 2. Dinner is served in Main Restaurant between 8 and 10 pm. 8, Newspapers are sold at the Reception Desk. 4, Telephone calls can be made at the Reception Desk Rooms are cleaned by maids daily. Hot water is supplied 24 hours a day. Films are shown in the hotel cinema every night at 10 pm. were called (police is always plural) | was caught was found 5. were taken were questioned were charged 2. Children are not admitted into the Sports Club. ‘3, Children are being brainwashed by TV. 4, Our planet is being destroyed by pollution. 5. A bomb has been discovered in an old lady's garden. 6. No cameras are allowed in the museum. 7. Animals are being used to test beauty products 8, Picasso paintings will be exhibited at the National Gallery next Monday. 9. Michael Jackson was asked yesterday to sponsor a charity event, Nosaen were being put up. had been painted. were still being installed. was being delivered. (furniture is always singular) .. had been bought. 2. The Pyramids were built by the Egyptians. (emphasis on the agent) 3, Milk is produced by cows. (emphasis on the agent) 4, The hat has been blown away by the ‘wind. (emphasis on the agent) 5. Coffee is grown in Brazil (obvious/unimportant agent) 6. Chopsticks are used in China. (obvious/unimportant agent) 7. His shirt has been ruined by paint. (action ‘more important than the agent) 8. The plants are being watered. (unimportanvunknown agent) 9. The thief is being chased. (obvious agent) 10. The robber has been arrested. (obvious agent) 11. The injured man is being taken to hospital {action more important than the agentobvious agent) 12, The car is being repaired. (action more 162. 164. 165. 166. 167. important than the agent/obvious agent) 13. Its been broken. (agent unknown) 14. The dishes haven't been washed yet. (polite statement) 16. Long dresses were worn in 1890. (action more important than the agent) 2. You will be given some advice by Doctor Brown./Some advice will be given to you by Doctor Brown. 3. The hotel will be redecorated by a famous designer. 4,“E.T" was directed by Steven Spielberg, He has been brought up to be polite. (omitted) 3. Penicilin was discovered by Fleming, 4. The product will be advertised on television. (omitted) 5. That film is being remade. (omitted) 2. . Where is the money kept? (money is always singular) What was she stung by? What language is spoken in Italy? Who has been taken to hospital? Who was the television damaged by? Who was the Mona Lisa painted by? How many people were invited to his party? Where are bananas grown? This plant should be watered daily. The garage ought to be painted by our neighbour. These books have to be returned to the library. OP SeNonae - 2. We will be brought the bill. (more usual) / The bill will be Brought to us. (less usual) 3, He was presented with a medal by the Queen. (more usual) / A medal was presented to him by the Queen. (less usual) 4, Mary was bought some sweets by her ‘mother. (more usual) / Some sweets were bought for Mary by her mother. (less usual) 5, Ted has been sold a second-hand car by Bob. (more usual) / A second-hand car has been sold to Ted by Bob. (less usual) 6. Tom is going to be sent a letter by Larry. (more usual) / A letter is going to be sent to Tom by Larry. (less usual) 2. | was robbed by a pickpocket. 3. (Your) Cigarettes must be extinguished. 4, Mrs Green was sent a parcel by the mail- ‘order company. / A parcel was sent to Mrs Green by the mail-order company. 5. This shirt must be dry-cleaned. 6. You will be paid within the next few days. 7. Your health can be improved with more exercise. 8, The child is being chased by a dog. 19 Round-up 4 KEY 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 2. The kitchen floor is going to be mopped (by the cleaner). 3. Anew barn is being built (by the farmer). 4. Mrs Jones has been given some letters by the secretary. / Some letters have been given to Mrs Jones by the secretary. He had already been given a ticket for illegal parking. The law must be obeyed. Our door had been broken down. He was chosen as the best actor of the year. 2. have been written 6, Will made being written 7. are designed 4. was made 8 was built 5. was played 9. are sent ‘A.UFO was seen in the sky above London last night. It was reported to the police. A helicopter was sent by the army to look at it more closely. The helicopter was shot down by the UFO and both men in it were Killed. The police have been given photographs of the UFO/Photographs of the UFO have been given to the police. They are being looked at by experts now. ‘Abus has been stolen from outside the School. The thief was seen by some children. The bus is being searched for now. The children’s descriptions willbe used to catch the thief. A local jewellery shop was broken into yesterday. The shop had just been locked up (by the owner) when the owner was threatened by a robber with a gun. He was told to unlock the shop and give all the diamonds in the safe to the robber. Then he ‘was tied up. A search for the robber has been organised by the police. They hope he will be found in a few days. The owner of the shop is being treated for shock. This picture was painted by my uncle. He has been offered a lot of money for ivA lot of money has been offered to him for it. The painting will be delivered tomorrow. When he is given the moneyhhe money is given to him the truth will be told to them. It was painted ‘one night while he was sleepwalking! A contest is being organised by our school. The best project about the environment will be ‘chosen by the teachers. Pictures and drawings must be included in the students’ projects/by the students in their projects. All the writing will also have to be done by the students themselves. A set of encyclopaedias will be given to the winner/The winner will be given a set of encyclopaedias by the school Writing Activity 15 (Suggested answer) 20 ‘A small Japanese village was hit by an 13. 175. 176. 17. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. earthquake last night. It is thought there are few survivors. The time of the disaster was given as 7 p.m. The village was destroyed by the force of the earthquake. Soldiers have been sent to the village by the Government to help in the search for survivors. Efforts are stil being made to clear the village. Further help will be given by the Government soon. Since the survivors are homeless, they are being taken to the next village. Any further news will be given to you as it arrives. Conditionals 2F 3E 4A 5.C 6B 6. unless 7. unless. . if ait unless 5. unless 2 3 2. the doesn't work hard, he'll ose his job. 3. If trains, hell stay at home. 2 3 will be 5. don't feel eat (comma —_6. will pass (comma after much) after hard) 4, will stay (comma after Saturday) 2. 11 saw a burglar breaking into my house, I'd ring the police. 3. If saw a mouse in my kitchen, I'd try to catch it. {my car ran out of petrol, 'd walk to the nearest garage to get some. Il saw an accident, I'd call an ambulance. 1 saw a ghost in my room, I'd run away. would make . would enjoy went studied would have 7. would enter 8. would fee! 9. started 10. would get 11, stopped (Suggested answers) WW were you, I'd go to bed/nave a rest/break. IH were you, I'd buy a hamburger. If were you, I'd put on a jumper. It] were you, I'd have a haircut It were you, I'd go to the dentist's. PEsen an wouldn't have been hadn't been wouldn't have fired - hadn't lost . wouldn't have needed wouldn't have robbed hadn't robbed wouldn't have arrested P ©@NOESeN guse pw It he had driven carefully, he would have avoided the accident. lt John had run faster, he could/would have won the race. KEY Round-up 4 184. 185. 186. 187. 2. 2 3, 4 Nogseon C 3F 4A 5D 6B Ihe had some money, he'd buy a hamburger. (2nd type, unreal present) {f you don’t put on your coat, you'l catch cold. (1st type, real present) If she hadn't fallen over, she wouldn't have broken the plates. (Srd type, unreal past) It he hadn't played with the knife, he wouldn't have cut hs finger. (3rd type, Unreal past) Ithe hadn't lett the cupboard door open, he wouldn't have hit his head. (Srd type. unreal past) It she didn't have a headache, she wouldn't take some aspirin. (2nd type, unreal present) It she hadn't let the fish on the table, the cat wouldn't have eaten it. (3rd type, unreal past) ithe didn't eat so much, he wouldn't be fat (2nd type, unreal present) It had a bottle, | could send a message. (2nd type, unreal present) It had saved the radio transmitter, 1 would/could have called for help. (3rd type, unreal past) It there weren't so many sharks, | could escape. (2nd type, unreal present) IW had some company, | wouldn't feel lonely. (2nd type, unreal present) It make an axe, | may be able to make a raft. (1st type, real present) I hadn't fost my knife in the water, | ‘would/could have cut some branches down. (Grd type, unreal past) I nobody finds me, I'l die on this island (1st type, real present) hadn't been would be wouldn't have seen will be would/could speak had locked 188. 189, 8. will have 190. 9. will give 10. wouldn't have had 11. won't grow 12. were/was 13. had opened Oral Activity 22 (Suggested answers) I he's late for work, he'll make the boss angry. If the boss is angry, he won't give him a holiday. if he can't have a holiday, he won't be. 191. able to visit his family. et. Oral Activity 23 (Suggested answers) If she hadn't gone to the market, she wouldn't have crossed the bridge. If she hadn't crossed the bridge, she wouldn't have seen something 192. inthe river. If she hadn't seen something in the river, she wouldn't have leant over the bridge. If she hadn't leant over the bridge, her Purse wouldn't have fallen into the water. If her purse hadn't fallen into the water, it wouldn't have sunk to the bottom of the river. If it hadn't sunk to the bottom of the river, she would have been able to reach it. fa fish hadn't swum by, it wouldn't have swallowed it. If she had had some money, she wouldn't have gone home. If there had been some food in the house, she wouldn't have gone fishing. If she hadn't gone fishing, she wouldn't have caught a big fish. If she hadn't caught a fish, she wouldn't have had anything to cook. If she hadn't cut the fish open, she wouldn't have found her purse inside with all her money. Oral Activity 24 (Suggested answers) It he took more exercise, he would be fitter. If he ate more fruit and vegetables, he would be healthier. If he cut down on sugar, he would lose weight. etc. Writing Activity 16 (Suggested answer) It | were you, | would try to eat healthier food such as more fruit and vegetables. If you did some exercise — walking, playing, sport etc ~ Yyou would fee! fier. It would be better it you {didn't smoke so much. If| were you, | would take some vitamin pills. If you slept more, you would feel better. | hope you'l soon feel healthier! Love, Tony Revision Exercises II 28 5.c 8.8 3A 6.c 9c 4A 7c 10.C 2. (in) talking 7. wore arrested 3. she is 8. the cheapest 4. me stay 9. go skiing 5. is bigger 10, Who's 6. worst 2. hasn't she, she hasn't she, she is 4 has she, she has 5. didn't you, | did 6. did you, | didn't 7. won't he, he won't 8. hasn't he, he has 9. is he, he is 10. will she, she won't 2, ... he's too frightened. 3... he's not well enough. 4, ... they are strong enough. 5. ... he isn't strong enough. 6. ... he is too slow. 2, These buildings were designed by a famous architect. 3, That picture was painted by Van Gogh. 4. This form must be signed by three people. 5. The exhibition will be opened by the Queen. 6. The tree has been struck by lightning, 7. This work must be completed today. 8. The forest was destroyed by fir. at

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