Sap Performance Testing Best Practice Guide

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SAP Performance Testing

Best Practices Guide



Performance Engineering Practice

Wipro Technologies

Version No.

Suryakanth Kelmani

Revision Description
Initial draft issued for internal review


Suryakanth Kelmani


Suryakanth Kelmani


Suryakanth Kelmani

Added the SAP Performance Test

Lab setup
Updated with the Monitoring T
codes and Batch jobs execution
Updated with SAP performance
testing methodology.


Suryakanth Kelmani

Added SAP WEB correlations

Wipro Performance Engineering Practice

SAP Performance Testing

Best Practices Guide


1. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................... 3
1.1 OBJECTIVE ................................................................................................ ........................... 3
1.2 PERFORMANCE TESTING FRAMEWORK ......................................................................... 3

2. PLANNING .................................................................................................. 4
2.1 BUSINESS STREAMS: ................................ ................................ ................................ .......... 5
2.2 TEST ENVIRONMENT ................................ ................................ ................................ .......... 8
2.3 TEST DATA MANAGEMENT ................................ ............................................................... 9
2.4 TEST TOOL & SETUP ................................ ..........................................................................10

3. BUILD / TEST SCRIPTS DESIGN............................................................. 12

3.1 SERVER SIDE SETTINGS ................................ ....................................................................12
3.2 CLIENT SIDE SETTINGS .....................................................................................................12

4. EXECUTION.............................................................................................. 15
4.1 EXECUTION OF ONLINE USERS In SILO .......................................................................15
4.2 EXECUTION OF BATCH JOBS & REPORTS In SILO ......................................................15
4.3 APPROACH FOR BATCH JOBS PERFORMANCE TESTING .............................................15
4.5 RUN TIME SETTINGS FOR EXECUTION: ................................ ................................ .........17
4.6 SCHEDULE BUILDER ................................ ................................ ................................ .........18

5. MONITORS & ANALYSIS......................................................................... 19

5.1 SAPGUI MONITOR ................................................................................................ ..............19

6. SAP PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT & METRICS ............................ 22

6.1 WORKLOAD ANALYSIS .....................................................................................................22
6.2 MEMORY/BUFFER MANAGEMENT ................................ ................................ ..................22
6.3 DATABASE MANAGEMENT ................................ .............................................................. 23
6.4 UNIX SERVERS (OS Parameters, CPUs, Memory) ................................ ................................ 23

7. SAMPLE GRAPHS..................................................................................... 24
7.1 UNIX RESOURCE GRAPH ................................ ................................ ................................ ...24
7.2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY GRAPH ................................................................ ....................... 25
7.3 AVERAGE RESPONSE TIME GRAPH FOR T CODES ................................ ........................25
7.4 BATCH JOB/INTERFACE SAMPLE REPORT .....................................................................26

8. APPENDIX ................................................................................................. 26

LOADRUNNER HARDWARE & SOFTWARE .................................................................26

SAP T CODES & ITS FUNCTIONS ...................................................................................26
SAP WEB CORRELATIONS ................................................................ ............................. 27
REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................28

Wipro Performance Engineering Practice

SAP Performance Testing

Best Practices Guide


The objective of this document is to detail the best practice, approach & plan
to be followed for the Performance testing of SAP application and to make sure that
the team member who is going to carry out performance test activities can quickly
refer and implement the best practice followed across all phases of performance
This document is intended to guide further Volume Test Planning, tool setup,
Script Preparation, Execution & Result analysis activities of Performance test phase.

The below diagram depicts the robust & proven performance testing
framework for SAP performance testing, each phase has the detailed activities that
needs to be carried out and the output or deliverables at the end of each phase as
shown in the fig below.
Activities of each phase are explained in the below sections...

Performance Testing Framework

Wipro Performance Engineering Practice

SAP Performance Testing

Best Practices Guide

The objective of planning phase is to identify tasks, pre-requisite and
dependencies that is required to carry out performance testing. Planning phase should
explain what are the activities you are going to do and how we are going to plan in
order to get these task done, what ever activities we do identify in this phase should
be noted down and put these tasks on priority basis.
The key tasks involved in this phase are:
Prepare the performance test approach
Identify the critical transactions, volumes, user base and define their SLAs.
Identify the environment and tools required
Identify test data requirements
Prepare a detailed Project plan with miles stones and the deliverables.
Performance test approach document will specify the approach taken to carry
out performance test, scope of testing, environments and tools used, inputs,
dependencies and deliverables of the Performance testing phase.
Information regarding critical transactions for each work stream, the
associated volumes and the concurrent user information is expected to be made
available by the business team in the form of NFR (Non Functional Requirements)
document. This NFR should contain the data like Concurrent Users, Critical T Codes,
batch Jobs, Volume of transactions, transaction response time, batch execution
window etc.
There are two different categories of business process types we need to
identify in order to have smooth execution of the project, they are divided into Online
users and Batch Jobs/Interfaces/Reports. You cant just neglect Batch jobs which
plays an important factor in successful of SAP performance testing. Like online users,
critical & data intensive batch jobs needs to be identified along with Online users, the
batch jobs time window, the SLAs for batch jobs how many number of records each
batch jobs should be processed, the important success factor for batch jobs execution
is that, are the batch jobs able to execute n number of records within the specified
time window, for example Print batch jobs able to print thousands of records within 1
During this planning phase please note that there will be other parallel
activities that can be carried out, like identification of environments as well as the
tools for performance testing, test data analysis, work load profiling etc. Performance
testing is normally carried out on an environment that is representative of the
Production environment in terms of hardware, software configuration and database
size. Performance test tools will be used to generate scripts and simulate user load on
the system under test. Please note that HP Load Runner will be the best tool that can
be used for SAP performance testing as its also been widely used & recommended by
It is necessary to have Production size data in order to get accurate test results.
There is a dependency on the other team like Data Migration to provide the required
volumes of data for carrying out performance testing. During planning phase, test data
Wipro Performance Engineering Practice

SAP Performance Testing

Best Practices Guide

requirements like material number, customer account, GL account, Sold to Party,

WBS Cost centre, etc will be identified and communicated to the Functional Team or
Data Creation Team.
SAP system has several Business Streams like Sales & Distribution, Financial
Accounting, Supply Chain Management, SRM, Record To Report RTR, HR, Real
Estate, Material Management etc and these are called business streams in SAP
language and given below are the example for 4 business streams identified for one of
the Energy & Utilities client for performance testing.

The following 4 streams ( for example, it could be more ) were identified for
performance testing of SAP application, each streams transaction codes ( T codes)
were identified with critical and most frequently used on daily basis also data
intensive in nature as shown in the below tables for each streams. Again these should
be put them into Online and batch jobs category.

Create an order with five line items. (VA01)

Create a delivery for this order. (VL01N)
Display the customer order. (VA03)
Change the delivery (VL02N) and post goods issue.
List 40 orders for one sold-to party. (VA05)
Create an invoice. (VF01)

Note: Each benchmark user has his or her own master data, such as material, vendor,
or customer master data to avoid data-locking situations.
Dialog Steps
0. Logon

10. Choose Enter

1. Main screen

11. Call /nVL02n (Change delivery)

2. Call /nVA01 (Create customer order)

12. Choose [F20] (Posts goods issue)

3. First screen

13. Call /nVA05 (List orders)

4. Second screen (with five items)

14. Choose Enter

5. Choose Save

15. Call /nVF01 (Create invoice)

6. Call /nVL01N (Create a delivery)

16. Choose Save

7. First screen

17. Call /nend

8. Choose Save

18. Confirm log off

9. Call /nVA03 (Display customer order)

Wipro Performance Engineering Practice

SAP Performance Testing

Best Practices Guide

User interaction steps 2 - 16 are repeated n times (15 user interaction steps --> min.
150 sec. duration).


Dialog Steps
0. Logon

11. Select first line

1. Main screen

12. Call Post incoming payments

2. Call Post Document

13. Enter header data

3. Create customer item

14. Choose Process open items

4. Create general ledger account item

15. Select item 5 of the list

5. Choose Post

16. Scroll down to the end

6. Call Display document

17. Select last item

7. Enter previous posted document

18. Deactivate all selected items

8. Double-click first line

19. Choose Post

9. Call Customer line item display

20. Call /n end

10. Enter data and choose Execute

21. Confirm log off

User interaction steps 2 - 19 are repeated n times (15 user interaction steps --> min.
180 sec. duration).
User Interaction Steps of the EP-ESS
1. Log on to the portal Welcome page
(includes three iViews)

6. Choose Address

2. Choose Working Time > Record

Working Time

7. Choose Bank Information

3. Choose Leave Request

8. Choose Benefits and Payment >

Paycheck Inquiry

4. Choose Leave Request Overview

9. Log off from portal

5. Choose Personal Information >

Personal Data

Wipro Performance Engineering Practice

SAP Performance Testing

Best Practices Guide

Seven different business transactions are launched per loop (steps 2 - 8). Every loop is
repeated n times for each user. The user think time is 10 seconds; thus, one loop takes
at least 70 seconds.
The Materials Management (MM) Benchmark takes you through a series of steps to
create a purchase requisition for five materials (transaction ME51N), a purchase order
for the five materials (ME21N), a goods receipt (MIGO), and an invoice (MIRO) for
the purchase order
Dialog Steps
0. Logon

10. Choose Execute

1. Main screen

11. Choose Post

2. Call /nME51N (Create purchase


12. Call /nMIRO (Create invoice), enter

company code

3. Enter data

13. Enter basic data

4. Choose Post

14. Choose Payment

5. Call /nME21N (Create purchase order)

15. Enter data

6. Enter data

16. Choose Post

7. Choose Post

17. Call /nend

8. Call /nMIGO (Goods receipt purchase


18. Confirm log off

9. Enter data

User interaction steps 2 - 16 are repeated n times (15 user interaction steps --> min.
150 sec. duration).
Like online critical transactions as depicted above, I have also mentioned some of the
batch jobs names which we identified as critical for the performance test execution
during one of the SAP performance testing project.

Wipro Performance Engineering Practice

SAP Performance Testing

Best Practices Guide

My suggestion to the members of the performance testing team to go through

the business process involved in testing as many times as possible and get familiar
with the business process/flow and note down the required data that is going to be
used in test scripts, this will help them to proceed with much confidant and create
more robust scripts with the accurate data.

Ideally, the simulated load and the hardware used for the volume test should
be identical to the load and hardware of subsequent production operation. However,
for various technical, organizational or economic reasons, it is not always feasible to
simulate the full load expected in subsequent production operation. In addition, it is
never really possible to execute the test on hardware exactly identical to the hardware
planned for production.
But, as a best practice performance testing should be carried out on an
environment which is mimicking close to the production environment hardware and
software configuration, the next better option is to execute performance test on
production environment before its Go Live, i.e. this should happen at least 6 weeks
before the Go Live so that you can make use of the best. Please note that dont try to
do performance testing on any other environment which is not at all close or
equivalent to production like.
Important Note: Make sure that the hardware used for the volume test is
exclusively reserved for this purpose while the volume test is run. In-parallel usage of
the same hardware or system(s) for other purposes (as, for example, training system, )
can have disastrous consequences for the volume test and leads to misinterpretation of
its results.
Note that the SAP system will exchange data with a number of internal and
external non-SAP systems, i.e. Interfaces and Non SAP systems like BACS, PAY
Matrix, Billing System, Cyber Source etc.. In order to carry out Performance testing,
it is essential to connect to the test environments of all the systems identified during
Wipro Performance Engineering Practice

SAP Performance Testing

Best Practices Guide

In an SAP Landscape a typical test environment consists of the following

components as shown in the below mentioned lines.

ECC 6.0(ERP Central Component)

SRM 5.5 (Supplier Relationship Management)
PI 3.0(Exchange Infrastructure earlier Known as XI)
BI Business Intelligence
EP (Enterprise Portal)
And other Non SAP system integrated with SAP


The data required for Performance testing should be identified during the
Performance test planning phase. The data to be set up within SAP as well as the data
required connecting and test with external systems will be defined.
Since database tables (especially transaction data tables) start to grow after
start of production, database accesses that are not fully specified tend to get slower
and more resource-expensive. If the volume test is performed with almost empty
database tables, the response times in subsequent production operation will be higher
than measured in the volume test. Therefore, for the volume test to be meaningful,
you need to populate the database tables with representative data that is both master
and transactional data.
We must understand & set the expectation to the stakeholders that which team
is going to provide all valid transactional data and who is going to create various user
ids and passwords with proper roles & authorizations for the realistic simulation of
user load. For example all HR user ids cant have Sales & Distribution Roles, and all
SCM user ids may not have HR roles and authorizations.
Some of the example below shows what data is required during performance testing..
Master Data,
o Customer Account Number
o Sold To Party
o WBS Cost Element
o Material Number
o Employee Number etc.
Transactional Data
o Bank A/c number
o User Name
o GL Account Number etc.
User Data
o Delivery Date
o Material Price
o Customer Name etc.

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SAP Performance Testing

Best Practices Guide

Please note that the user ids and password for emulation of the load should be created
by the Tech arch team or BASIS team (SAP back end administrators are called as
Basis), make sure that the team creates the user ids with appropriate naming
conventions so that each users can be identified in the back end of the system during
performance testing as shown in the examples below.
Sales &
Distribution SD



Supply Chain

Portal EP

Finance &





Any data (Transaction data, user data etc) that is required during performance testing
will be provided by each business streams.

The diagram below shows that the performance test lab setup which make use
of 4 Load injectors (Load generators) with one Loadrunner Controller, all the m/c are
connected to each other on a business LAN which has access to SAP system, each
system has the 2GB RAM with Intel CPU speed 2.8GHz.
Please note that the machine running a scenario with SAPGUI Vusers must
have a Loadrunner typical installation. Running Vusers from machine with only the
controller installed is NOT SUPPORTED, and each Loadrunner systems (Injectors
and Controller m/c) should have the SAPGUI client installed so that they can talk to
back end SAP ECC system.
LoadRunner is HP (formerly Mercury Interactive) load/performance testing
tool. It operates using a record/replay method in which the software allows a user to
record a business process and then replay it. LoadRunner can simulate many users on
the system at once. It accomplishes this by capturing all data that passes from the
client machine to the SAP server and back while recording. When replaying the script,
LoadRunner sends the same data that it captured back to the server, thus performing
the exact same business processes that were recorded thus by emulating real users.

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SAP Performance Testing

Best Practices Guide

Fig.1 Performance Test Lab Setup with the Environment

Terminal Services: Machine running SAPGUI Vusers may be limited in the
number of Vusers that can run, due to the graphic resource available on that machine
and due to the limitations imposed by Microsoft windows on GDI objects and user
To rectify the above mentioned issue and allow more SAP users to be run, it is
recommended that multiple Terminal Server sessions be run on the load generator
machine (Injector) and relate each terminal server session to the load generator. This
means a Terminal Server must be running on the load generator.
Please note that you can run maximum of 30 to 50 SAPGUI users on each
terminal session, MS Windows 2003 server Standard edition should be installed on
each Load Generators machine in order to run terminal sessions, by default you can
have three terminal session run on each machine, so with this 3X50=150 total users
can be run each m/c, if you want to run more sessions then you need to buy the
license from MS vendor in order to increase the session which helps you to run more
number of SAPGUI users.
Let us recap the following points in order to complete the Planning phase,
The main activities in test preparation phase include:
Identification of Test Scenarios for Batch job window
Identification of Test Scenarios for On-line users (SAPGUI and Portal users)
Set up and configure the Production environment with test data.

Wipro Performance Engineering Practice

SAP Performance Testing

Best Practices Guide

Test Plan & approach document

NFR (Non Functional Requirements)

The success factor:

NFR document Sign-off
Performance test plan & approach document sign-off by the stake holders.
Tools & Environment Setup completion.
Identification of Test Data.
Test Data Management
Once the planning phase is in place and signed off from the business, with the
input from NFR and from the functional team, its time to design work load module &
develop automated scripts in order to simulate the real users. Before we start
scripting, we need to change some settings on the SAP server which enables the
automated tool to record user actions on SAPGUI protocol.

Before you start recording in the tool, you need to set certain parameters in
SAP server in order to generate the script

Enabling scripting on Server Side: By default, the scripting API is disabled

in SAP R/3 system,. To enable scripting API,
For all users of a given system, the system administrator needs to set the
sapgui/user_scripting profile parameter to TRUE on all the application
servers and make sure that the above value TRUE should be in upper case,
The administrator needs to use the T code RZ11 in order to change the above
profile parameter.


Enabling scripting on Client Side:

You need to enable Scripting as circled in the red colour in the screen shot
below and disable all check boxes as shown in the screen shot shown below. In
order to do this, log on to SAP server, select the Rainbow Icon and select
Options. And you must disable the remaining two check boxes
1. Notify When a Script attaches to a Running GUI
2. Notify When a Script Opens a Connection

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SAP Performance Testing

Best Practices Guide

Configuring the Model Dialogue Boxes for F1 and F4-Client Side:

a) For F1 In order to configure this option, Log on to the SAP server
HelpSettings, select F1Help Tab and select the in modal dialog box (R/3) option in
the display section as shown in the screen shot below.

Wipro Performance Engineering Practice

SAP Performance Testing

Best Practices Guide

b) For F4 To open F4 help in model dialog boxes, the following procedure must be
completed by a SAP administrator.
Choose Help>Settings. Click the F4 Help tab.
In the Display section (Bottom Left), choose system defaults.
In the display portion of the system defaults sections (bottom right). Select the
Dialog. Click on the pencil icon first before you can change the sections. Click on the
icon again to save lock the selection as shown in the screen shot below

Once the above settings are configured on the SAP App Server, please select
SAPGUI protocol for creating SAPGUI scripts and SAPWEB protocol for creating
Enterprise Portal scripts. The scripting for SAPGUI users and SAPWEB users are
quite simple and not to worry much about scripting part as its 80% direct record &
Replay with very few code enhancements in SAPGUI, and few complex correlations
in SAP web EP applications. There is not at all correlation concept in SAPGUI except
capturing the o/p of one process and input the same value for next process, for this
you can use Loadrunner sapgui_get_Status_bar () functions.
Once the test scripts are developed and enhanced to meet the business
requirements, parameterise various data, correlating the dynamic values etc, these
scripts should be run for various iterations with different data inputs and cross check
with the records created in the back end of the system. Once you have confirmed that
all scripts are doing what its intended to do, then get these scripts run with the
business team to confirm that they are in line with the NFR and satisfies their
At this point of time, ask the Functional team to identify the Batch & Schedule
the batch jobs for the batch execution window, usually these batch jobs are scheduled

Wipro Performance Engineering Practice

SAP Performance Testing

Best Practices Guide

and executed by Functional Team either manually or by using some tool like
Controller M ( is a batch job work load scheduler tool )

The success factor:

Successful development & Replay of Automated Test Scripts.
Make sure that you use coding standards implemented in all the scripts.
Automated Test Scripts Sign-off by Business Team.
Production like setup batch jobs scheduled on the test environment.
Batch jobs are successfully smoke tested.
The approach for performance test execution will be carried out in the
following manner, and it should look like this as shown below.

Performance Testing of Online Users (Individually for Online users)

Performance testing of Batch Jobs (Individually for Batch Jobs)
Combine Online Users and Batch Jobs together and execute together


Once the test scripts development is completed then all the above identified
streams like S&D, FI, EP(ESS) and MM should be executed in Loadrunner controller
for their respective concurrent loads and analyse the result of each execution to find
any bottlenecks in the stream wise. Please note that the execution of these streams
should be done in isolation of each stream (i.e. stream S&D T codes should be
executed individually in isolation of other streams). This helps the project team to find
any performance bottleneck in the early phase of the performance test execution.
After successful execution of individual streams, its now time to execute all
streams together for concurrent number of users defined in the NFR and analyse the
performance of the system overall

Batch performance models will be built to represent the average and peak load of
batch processing in SAP systems. Batch scheduling (Functional) team will define the
production batch schedule and estimate average and peak load. This helps the team to know if
any batch jobs & Reports are taking much time and not fitting the batch window (For
example 10PM to 2:00AM ).
Batch performance model will include the daily batch jobs running in ECC, BI, SCM, SRM,
XI, and JCAPS etc

Below is the detailed approach for Batch jobs performance testing..

v Check batch job performance in ECC XX environment. To ensure current
level of performance.
v Deployment of Control M* and related application on the pre production
environment for the identified critical interfaces.
Wipro Performance Engineering Practice

SAP Performance Testing

Best Practices Guide

v End to End connectivity setup for flow.

v Charged day identification for data recording/ input file for the batch jobs.
v Configure monitoring tools on ECC XX to capture the performance
metrics for the batch executions.
v Capture batch job baseline data of selected interface from the current ECC
v All the critical batch jobs which are to/from the SAP system should be
considered ( including third party systems)
v Trigger Job on SAP ECC system using Control M for reference measurements
v Use the input file and process in ECC XX Environment
v Trigger Job in ECC XX system using Control M for validation
v Tuning if required
v generate performance report
*Please note that Control M is batch job scheduler tool like AppWorkx
A typical 24 hrs batch jobs approach is depicted in the below diagram, which
illustrates the batch jobs executions in SAP and Non SAP integrated environment,
please note that the batch jobs should be given much importance as process large
amount of data to/from the SAP & third party applications and they need to meet the
performance requirements/KPIs as per the NFR document.

Fig: Typical Batch Jobs executions in SAP performance testing

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SAP Performance Testing

Best Practices Guide


After completion of performance test execution for online users and Batch Jobs, we
need to combine both the scenarios Online Users & Batch jobs to emulate the real scenario
and measure the system performance of SAP R/3.

The below screen shot shows how the scenarios with the load generator look
like, please note that all the load generators sessions are running on MS terminal
server sessions and each session is mapped with their respective names like as shown
in the screen shot below.


The below screen shot shows the various RunTime Settings for the scenarios
executions, its important to apply these runtime settings to in order to execute the
scenario successfully.
General: Run Logic No Change
With fixed delay of 40 seconds. (Depends)
Standard Log
Think Time Replay Think Time, use random percentage with
Min 100% Max 150% with Limit Think Time to 10Sec

Wipro Performance Engineering Practice

SAP Performance Testing

Best Practices Guide

Additional attributes No Change

Miscellaneous Run Vuser as Thread
SAPGUI: General Disable Show SAP client during Replay
Network: Speed Simulation Use Max Band Width.


Go to Edit Schedule and Set the following settings in the schedule builder as
shown below.
RampUp: Start 5 Vusers for every 30 Seconds.
Duration: Run for 5 Hours (depends up which test you are doing, for example
duration should be 12 to 24 hours).
RampDown: Stop 5 Vusers for every 60 Seconds.

Wipro Performance Engineering Practice

SAP Performance Testing

Best Practices Guide

Checklist before execution:

HP LoadRunner script testing will occur after creation of each automated script.
Scripts can be added to performance test bed when:

No scripting errors occur.

Looping successfully; replaces parameterization variables with various values.
Activity is noted on each system tier.
A minimum load of ten users is simulated.
Scripts are run on a subsequent day (dates correlated correctly).


You need to configure the following monitors in order to analyse the loadrunner
results, if you dont have SAPGUI monitor license then you can ask the Basis team to
monitor the application through CCMS tools (using STO3n Tcode) which will give
same data as of SAPGUI and Database Monitors.
SAP Monitor (SAPGUI Monitor)
UNIX Resource Monitor.
Oracle Database Monitor
Windows Monitor for WAS server

The following measurements will be taken for each script as it is executed in

Response time:

This starts when a user request enters the dispatcher queue; ends
when the next screen is returned to the user, this will measure the
end to end response from the client to the system

Wipro Performance Engineering Practice

SAP Performance Testing

Wait time:
Roll-in time:
Load time:
Processing time:
Database time:

CPU time:

Best Practices Guide

This is the time a user request sits in the dispatcher queue.

This is the amount of time needed to roll user context into the
work process.
This is the time needed to load from the database and generate
objects like ABAP code, CUA, and screen information.
This is the time spent in the work process executing ABAP code.
Starts when a database request is put through to the database
interface; ends when the database interface has delivered the
This is the total CPU time used by the SAP R/3 work process.

The SAP monitor displays statistics about the resource usage of a SAP R/3
system during the scenario or session step run. This monitor is appropriate for SAP
R/3 server and SAPGUI (version 6.20 or later) environments.
SAP GUI transactions help the tech arch team and performance team to
quickly isolate the performance issues within the SAP R/3 infrastructure, and to
authoritatively delegate problem resolution to the right SAP application teams.
The solution provides a layered breakdown of performance of SAP R/3 transactions
into database, system, processing, and interface layers.
Database layer shows the amount of time spent by an end-user business process or an
individual dialog step in the database tier.
System layer shows a breakdown of time the dispatcher is waiting for a free work
process, time taken to load or generate ABAP programs by the work process, time
taken to associate the user context with a work process, and time taken to save user
context data on the outbound path.
Processing layer shows the amount of actual time taken by the work process to
process the ABAP programs and SAP application server.
Interface time refers to the performance characteristics of accessing external systems either SAP or non-SAP such as Remote Function Call time.
Below diagram shows the break down of each layer and this should help the team to
find out the root cause of the bottleneck.

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SAP Performance Testing

Best Practices Guide


UNIX monitor gives the system resource parameters of Unix server box, in
order to run UNIX monitor successfully on Loadrunner controller, you need to run
rstatd daemon service on Unix server box, you can ask database admin team to set this
service running, or else you can ask him to carry out the following steps as shown
To configure the rstatd daemon:
1 Run the command: su root
2 Go to /etc/inetd.conf and look for the rstatd row
(it begins with the word rstatd). If it is commented out (with a #), remove the
comment directive, and save the file.
3 From the command line, run:
Kill -1 inet_pid
Where inet_pid is the pid of the inetd process. This instructs the inetd to rescan the
/etc/inetd.conf file and register all daemons which are uncommented, including the
rstatd daemon.

4 Run rup again.

If the command still does not indicate that the rstatd daemon is configured, contact
your system administrator.
PS: You can configure the remaining monitors like Oracle Database and Windows
resource monitor just by adding their respective IP addresses.

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The following activities should be planned for the performance test:
Use the SAP system monitoring procedure to check the peak hours activity.
Identify long running jobs and run it to test server performance.
Run critical business transactions and measure runtime.
Define peak hours and the system to be monitored during execution in order to
identify performance problems.
The monitoring should be done using SAPs Comput ing Center Management System
(CCMS) and the UNIX utility vmstat. CCMS provides performance monitors that track
various aspects of the SAP systems while the vmstat provides detailed operating system
performance information.
SAP system performance actually depends on many factors such as modules
implemented, database size, and number of users. Because of this, there are no standard
values that constitute good performance. However, based on experience and SAP
recommendations, the Technical Architecture Team has determined the following stress test
performance metrics are indicative of satisfactory performance:

Transaction ST03n records the response time of the system and of individual
transactions. It can be used to see how fast the system is responding. ST03n also divides
response times into CPU time, wait time, load time, and database request time. These times
will be evaluated as a percentage of Average Response Time (ART) for each server during
each test so that it can be determined where increases occur.

<1 second

ng Tool


Average DB
request time
Direct Reads

<50% of
<1% of
<10% of
<50% of

Sequential Reads



Average Response
Average CPU Time
Average Wait time
Average Load time


Response time of a dialog step.
Excludes network transmission time
from application server to
presentation layer (SAPGUI)
CPU time per dialog step


dispatcher queue time per dialog

load time per dialog step


database request time per dialog step


average time for direct reads per

dialog step
average time for sequential reads per
dialog step


SAP stores frequently used information in buffers in memory. Transaction ST02

monitors the usage of these buffers. The most critical factors it reports are hit ratio, free
space, and swaps. The hit ratio is the percentage of requests that can be fulfilled by the
information in each buffer (preventing expensive database requests), and perhaps is the most

Wipro Performance Engineering Practice

SAP Performance Testing

Best Practices Guide

important statistic on the screen. Free space measures how full the buffer is, and swaps show
how many times data had to be removed from the buffer to make room for other data.
The Hit Ratio of the Single Record Buffer increases very slowly from system startup:
therefore, a hit ratio less than 90% is a concern only if there is no free space left in the buffer.
Low hit ratios are not always due to a performance problem, as an example, a transport into a
system can reduce hit ratios.
Hit Ratio***


ng Tool

Free Space



Free Directory






Percentage of requests filled by
SAP buffer (memory) and not disk.
the unused space percentage in each
free directory percentage in each
number of times an object was
swapped from a buffer to make
room of another object


Data buffer busy
Recursive Call
Parsed Call Ratio
Sorting Ratio

<5% of

ng Tool



ratio of data buffer busy waits to

ratio of recursive calls to user calls



ratio of parsed calls to user calls

ratio of disk sorts to memory sorts

Transaction ST04 reports detailed database usage statistics. The Technical team will
watch the buffer, recursive calls, parsed calls, and sorting on this screen. Recursive calls are a
result of low DD (Data Dictionary) cache and parsed calls are a result of low library cache,
both indicate deficiencies in the Shared Pool size.
6.4 UNIX SERVERS (OS Parameters, CPUs, Memory)

For UNIX Servers, it is recommended to check memory usage during peak hours
and do the following:
Check CPU utilization during peak hours
Check SWAP space usage during peak hours
Check shared memory
The monitoring should be done using UNIX utility vmstat.

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SAP Performance Testing

Best Practices Guide

CPU Management
While monitoring the CPU, the following guideline needs to be followed:


ng Tool

Load Average



None of the CPUs should have
utilization of more than 90%
No more than 3 processes should
wait for the CPU

To monitor the operating system performance during stress testing, the UNIX utility
vmstat needs to be used. This utility should be set to record data at a set interval (30
seconds) and send it to a binary file that can be analyzed after the test.

Work Process CPU Time:
Transaction SM50 should be used to gather information about CPU times used by
each work process in the application and database servers during the test. To calculate CPU
times during each test, the cumulative CPU time of each work process before the test was
subtracted from the cumulative time after the test (shown in ss:hh = seconds, hundredths of
The CPU usage of work processes gives an idea of the proper number of work
processes a server needs. If all the work processes of a particular type (like all the dialog
work processes) use large amounts of CPU time, more work processes of that type are
possibly needed. Conversely, if some work processes have a very small change in CPU time,
they can possibly be removed from the configuration.


Below are the sample UNIX performance graphs for your reference.

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SAP Performance Testing

Best Practices Guide



Wipro Performance Engineering Practice

SAP Performance Testing

Best Practices Guide


Below is the sample report for the batch jobs execution from SAP system


Following are the hardware configuration and software recommended for setting up
performance test lab. The same configuration is applied for LR Controller, Load
Generators and VuGen
Hardware Requirements ( depicted only and can be make)

IBM P5 m/c Intel CPU 2.8GHz, 2GB RAM, 80GB HDD with MS Widows
2003 Release 2 Standard Edition, Service Pack 1

Software Requirements

Windows 2003 (Standard and Enterprise editions), this is required if you need
to run more SAP GUI users on a single load injector
To install LoadRunner on a Windows platform, you must log in as a Local
Requires Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1 or later.
If you are running McAfee or Aladdin's eSafe anti-virus applications, close
them before installing LoadRunner.



Exits the current R/3 screen and displaes initial screen
Sends the current user session to the background
and creates a new user session to display the initial screen
Turns the debug mode ON
Displays the list of all users logged on
Displays SAP directories
List of servers

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SAP Performance Testing

Best Practices Guide


Details about RFC connection and load balancing properties.

System log
Simple job selection
CPU, memory and swap memory usage of the server
Details on application monitors
SAP buffers and tune summary monitor
Global work process overview
Process overview; Shows the currently executing work
processes on a dialog instance
Workload distribution monitor. Can be used to analyze
performance bottlenecks in database, R/3 memory management
and buffers.
Database performance monitor
Display table buffers - buffer monitoring tool
Table call statistics
SAP Table maintenance
Specifies whether a table should be buffered or not
We can provide the table names - LIKP, VBAP/VBAK and
look for details Inbound/Outbound deliveries.
VBRK - for retrieving the invoice numbers; select billing type as
FAGFLEXA - provides the number of entries in
View SQL traces
Error log files
idoc Order status, check for status03 which indicate the
WE02 successful
Sales order status and also we can run a background job
(variant program) for creating delivery notes for the orders
VL10A received in ECC.


Please note that following consideration should be given for the quick correlation in
SAP web which will save much time for the team to identify the correlations..


//(J2EE413382100)ID0658168150DB5168491f44203a1890a55a7862908a86b43764dbEnd is
replaced with parameter {C_jsessionid}.
web_reg_save_param( "C_jsessionid", "LB=jsessionid=", "RB= \"", "Ord=1",
"Search=Body", LAST );

Wipro Performance Engineering Practice

SAP Performance Testing

Best Practices Guide

// fK4qxjVJPG3OBy_pCnIKKQ --fdvZw3_mBW8ve_DxKg9Mkg-- is replaced with

Parameter {C_sap_ext_sid}
web_reg_save_param( "C_sap_ext_sid", "LB= value= \"", "RB=\"",
"Ord=1","Search=Body", LAST );

//1322068237859 is replaced with Parameter {C_sap_wd_tstamp}

web_reg_save_param( "C_sap_wd_tstamp", "LB = value=\"", "RB=\"",
"Ord=3","Search=Body", LAST );

// 1322068237858@uwl@2599 is replaced with Parameter {C_uwlSessionId}

web_reg_save_param( "C_uwlSessionId", "LB= value= \"", "RB=\"",
"Ord=12","Search=Body", LAST );



For all the screen shots Loadrunner tool & Loadrunner online references
sap website for business process steps

Wipro Performance Engineering Practice

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