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The Attack

By: Madeleine McCann

Accel English 9
Period 2
June 3, 2015

Madeleine McCann
Accelerated English 9
Mrs. Salamone
Period 2
June 2, 2015

The Attack

I cant believe hes making me drive his witless friends around. This is going to be
torture! Their brain capacity for any intellectual thoughts is at a 0. Joe really ought to get
his drivers license soon so that he can drive his girlfriend, Alex, around and his two
friends Mark and Tyler. I actually dont mind Tyler. Hes pretty cute and can actually hold
a conversation for more than 20 seconds that isnt about the new Nascar girl poster
coming out. Lets hope this trip to Staples is quick and painless because I might just
have to leave them there.
Joe! Come on! All of your friends are here and I need to get going so I can finish
my summer work, I screamed up the stairs, knowing hes probably gelling his hair and if
thats not right then what is.
Alex began to gaze at me with a little too much malice in her eyes.

What are you looking at? I quickly spitted at her.

Its just perplexing to me that I, at 15, have a boyfriend and you cant even get a
lamp to like you, Alex hissed.
Im sorry but I dont need teenage hormonal boys to make me feel good about
myself, I said.
Im sure if you put a little mascara on then it would make you just below
And where are you? Hovering the surface of almost too ugly
You know what I....
Before she could spit out another imbecilic comment, Joe thankfully interjected.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, guys, what are you doing down here? Starting a cat fight?
Well maybe if your hair didnt take so long I wouldnt have the time to speak to
your sweet, generous, girlfriend. I snapped back.
Alex immediately looked at me with hatred as she knew those words were said in the
most condescending way possible.
Okay guys we seriously need to get this wagon rolling because my Momsn
making meatloaf and thats just not acceptable to miss.
Mark, who are you?
Tyler, Im your best friend, remember?

Tyler whispered something about how hes still amazed at the stupidity his best
friend can exert on a regular basis. Ive never understood those two for being complete
opposites but getting along so exquisitely... well... sometimes.
We finally made it to my car, just barely fitting. Tyler decided to sit in the front,
which was more than okay with me. Mark sat behind us fiddling with Tylers hair the
entire way to Staples. The two love birds sat in the back and giggled; who cares what
about. I never knew how weird Mark was until that car ride... and thats not necessarily a
good thing.
Okay, who is making that weird, dying, whale noise? I confusingly said.
That would be me, Mark said with a huge grin on his face as if he was proud of
his work.
Well, do you maybe want to stop? I questioned.
But I cant. Mark responded
Puzzled, I said, And why is that my problem?
Well if I do stop then all the mucus in my throat will come up and splatter over
these, what, foe-leather seating? Now I am okay with that I just dont know where you
stand in that situation.
Im not standing... Im sitting. I said with a smirk

OHHHHHHH you just got burned by a girl, Tyler said as if I just completely
annihilated Mark.
So Im guessing I should stop then? Mark stupidly questioned.
Yeah thats probably your best bet I said while clenching my lips together in
disgust over what he just said. Mucus? Are you joking? I am going to have to get a
waver for my car stating that if you have any chance of producing any bodily fluids then
you must not enter the vehicle to begin with.


We pull into Staples and quickly realize that we arent the only ones doing late,
back to school shopping. I could hardly find a parking spot! What is this, Black Friday?
At least on Black Friday you get things you actually want. I mean who wants 8 by 11
college ruled paper? No one. Finally locating a spot to park, we hop out of the car into
the humid summer air. It will be our last taste of what fun is until next summer. The
humidity seems to be stirring up some trouble upstairs. The clouds dont look too

Alex stopped abruptly in the middle of the street as we were walking into Staples
with such suddenness I thought she was having a heart attack.
Alex, you okay? Joe questioned noticing the unusual gesture .
Perfectly okay I just forgot my Epipen in the car and I dont know if I will need it.
Just dont eat any peanuts and youll be okay, Mark said as a response.
We continued into Staples 30 seconds later thanks to Alexs ignorance.
Daniella Alex, Mark and Tyler and I are going to go look for our supplies... text
me when youre done, Joe told me before I could even respond.
Okay, be safe, I said, knowing their naive behavior.
I wondered the aisles of Staples breathing in the nauseating scent of white-out
and freshly sharpened pencils. Bringing back all the memories I dont want, I reluctantly
pick up a notebook as my first supply. I glance at it for a period of time with such
bitterness I could burn it. I hate school. I love to learn but getting up at 5:30 in the
morning to learn about the antiderivative of a function just doesnt seem appealing.
I continue to gander through the abundance of school supplies when I began to
hear what sounded like an eighteen-wheeler clashing through bricks. I instantaneously
looked to my left of where the giant, blue-tinted windows are and examined the outside.
The clouds didnt look friendly, at all. They looked like a black hole of death. The trees
surrounding Staples began to sway in a the worlds going to end kind of way.

Immediately I heard the car horns sound and the rain began to downpour. People began
to gallop towards the exit just making it harder due to all the congestion. I quickly
realized that I have four, fourteen year-olds Im responsible for. I began to look
everywhere, screaming their names, frantically.
Joe! Joe! Where are you guys! Alex! Mark! Come on please! Tyler! Please, I
cant lose you guys! I bellowed hysterically searching every corner I could.
I faintly heard my name called by what seemed to be Joe. Quickly, I turned
around running towards the pile of binders that had fallen. The scene worried me. I
looked around it, finding Mark, Tyler and Alex on the other side hectically throwing
binders beside them.
I said louder than I should have Whats going on? Is Joe under there? What is
he doing under there? I thought I said stay together? Joe, are you okay?
I have a bloody nose and a couple scratches but Im okay, Joe squealed in a
painful voice.
Crazily, we all grabbed binders by the threes and threw them behind us. It was
like a never-ending pile. Youd think youd find him but nope, that was just another
orange binder fooling you for his shirt. Mark finally was able to get a hand on him and
yanked him out. When he was settled on the ground, the bloody nose really didnt seem
like just a bloody nose. The scratches were dull and didnt suggest worrisome, but his

nose looked atrocious. Tyler volunteered to get toilet paper from the bathroom as
everyone else examined for more gashes.
Joe! Are you okay? How did this happen? I nervously questioned.
Joe responded warily, I was just looking for the right size binder for Mrs.Smiths
class when the floor started shaking and I began to hear boisterous noises coming from
outside. Next thing I knew, the binders kept falling on me until one hit my head and I lost
my balance. Now Im here on the ground and I feel fine. I think just the immediate
reaction of my body was to collapse.
Alex quickly spoke Im so worried! Should we take him to the hospital? I think he
might be dying!
Calm down, hes not dying. He just took a couple binder blows to the head. Hell
be fine. Lets just get him cleaned up and figure out a way to get out of here, Tyler said
Ahhhhh I dont think there will be any getting out of here any time soon, Mark
We all looked at Mark with puzzled expressions on our faces.
Well when I went to the bathroom to get toilet paper, being that its near the exit,
I checked the doors because it confused me that they werent being blasted open with

the wind. When I got to the doors, they were locked, all of them, and they wouldnt
So what does that mean? Alex asked as if she didnt understand.
We are basically trapped in here until the doors are unlocked. But I dont
understand why they would lock the doors? I questioned.
Mark said, Well protocol for a store is to lock the doors and all doors if there is
any severe weather outside before leaving the building
And how do you know this. I questioned, not knowing if there was any truth
behind what he was saying.
Mark fiddled with his fingers and then shamely looked up. I unfortunately work at
Market Basket.
Okay, I dont think its that bad that we are stuck in hear, I mean we have food
and water and the storm is going to pass. Tyler said trying to calm everyone down.
I agree, lets just gather some food and water and find a safe corner to camp out
in. I said.
Everyone except for Joe was scavenging for food and water. It wasnt hard to find
Pringles and smart water, but it wasnt the healthiest. Alex kept complaining about how
her figure was going to be construed. But what figure? Shes 15, not 25.

We all gathered up in one of the last salvageable corners we could find. Throwing
our propaganda into the middle of us, we quickly realized that everything was going to
be okay. It was starting to get a little chilly though as we sat down. Parts of Staples
construction had been ripped apart, leaving big gaping holes but we seemed to be in
the most covered place possible.
We kept creeping in closer to each other to keep the warmth. No one talked. I
think all of us were exhausted and hungry from the traumatic events that occurred so
quickly. We couldnt keep food out of our mouths. Mark and Tyler claimed the beef jerky.
They went through 3 bags before we even sat down. Joe was munching on some trail
mix and kept downing the Coke. He does that. Whenever he gets nervous he drinks an
absurd amount of Coke. Alex was sitting in a little ball just nibbling on some dry apples. I
think she was worried her hair didnt look up to par. I was quite relaxed, actually. We
were all here in one place. No one was hurt, well, severely hurt. We had drinks and food
and we were just waiting it out.
Mark broke the silence abruptly You know, last week I had to take a math quiz
and we were free to get up, get a pencil, go to the bathroom and do whatever we wanted
before the quiz, but I couldnt find a pencil, all I had was a pen! And now I am here, in
staples, with pencils oozing from every aisle, and I dont need them at all!

Everyone laughed in relief. Mark added a nice fluffy thought into our brain. We all
needed that. Grinning on our faces, the wind outside begins to pick up. It sounds like a
tornado outside is brewing. Our faces went from grins to frowns, fast.
If you looked outside, a lot of the trees were uprooted and some are flying
around. No one is outside, it looks completely dead.
I have never seen Main Street look so desolate, Joe rightly said.
We all kept watching the swirling winds outside, who were knocking on our door
to get it. It was somewhat windy inside, due to the numerous amounts of holes
everywhere. Things on shelves kept knocking down and falling heavily to the ground.
Printers and computers smashed onto the hardwood flooring making us jump. An aisle
even fell over! It was full of binders so it didnt seem to make that much damage but the
sound was incredible. When it tumbled over everyone jumped in their seat, a few of us
screaming. At this point, Alex was practically apart of Joe. Mark and Tyler were grabbing
on to each other to stabilize one another. And I couldnt take my eyes off of the
destruction of everything.
Soon, the wind outside kept increasing in velocity. It began to snow and hail. The
large ice chunks kept knocking on the glass, but fortunately it had yet to break. A huge
ice chunk came flying through on of the holes and crashed spuriously onto the floor.

Guys, this is not safe at all, we should probably try to go somewhere more
covered, Joe worryingly said.
Where the heck would we go? We cant go into the store more, well get impaled
by something or another! Alex frantically said.
I think this is our best place to be right now, Mark said looking for reassurance.
Tyler agreed, Yeah we could probably go look for a staff room but who knows
where one of those are and we might even have to trek across the staples to get there.
And we cannot do that under any circumstances because its just too unsafe.
We gathered up our food and moved closer into the corner. We put the food into
a little bin to keep it safe and we huddled together, trying to be as compacted as
possible. It was beginning to become freezing. The wind kept picking up inside the
staples and now it seemed like everything was flying around. Paper was being launched
into every direction possible while pens, markers, and pencils were darting in unsafe
We put our heads together hoping that it would be safer for our faces. Everyone
was hyperventilating at this point. Mark seemed worse then others. I do remember him
having asthma.
Mark, are you okay? I questioned.

Mark answered Yeah Im fine, its just heavy breathing doesnt really help my
asthma, especially when I am already stressed out.
Guys, why dont we try to breath in sync with each other, Joe suggested.
I agree, thats a good idea, I responded.
We all started slowing our breathing down. Not everyone was as slow as each
other but it is getting there. Mark had a nice pace on his breathing, finally. Everyone
seemed to follow his breathing rate. We were just about to be relaxed and calm when a
ginormous gust of wind came through and brought something with it.
It seemed like the wind brought a structure and dropped it on staples. We heard
the wind and then a huge clash. It hit the roof just to the right of us. This made the roof
cave in and fall. As it fell, the aisles came tumbling down almost in a domino effect. The
beams supporting the ceiling crashed right next to us. They blocked us in. We were
trapped, and we couldnt seem to find any hole to get out of.
Um what the hell do we do now? Alex screamed.
Everyone dispersed from our huddle and was searching for the tiniest hole to be
able get out from. Alex began to cry and Joe was trying to comfort her but she just
lashed out and hit him.
Everyone needs to calm down. Take some deep breaths and re-evaluate the
situation, Tyler said

We have the food and drinks in the bin over there. It doesnt seem like these
beams will be too hard to move. Maybe its even safer like this. We have cover now,
Mark said to reassure everyone.
Everyone stopped looking for a hole and just stood there. We all took a couple
deep breaths and calmed down. Alex was still a little teary eyed but I dont think that is
going to go away too fast. I dragged the food over to see how much we had.
We have plenty of food to last us even a week if we have to but I said before
being able to finish.
Alex rudely interrupted You think well have to be in here for a week?
I then finished what I was trying to say, If you let me finish then you wouldve
known that I was going to say that I dont think thats going to happen. Like Mark said,
with enough power we will be able to move these beams and someones bound to come
looking for us and in this staples due to how terrible it looks.
Lets all just take some time to calm down and then we will start working, Tyler
So we all sat down next to each other and just sat in silence. We breathed
controllably and waited until the silence was too much.


We all finally went up and began to shovel through the debris. There were a lot of
dandy school supplies thrown everywhere that was a hassle to pick up. Once we
cleared all the pointless rubbish, it was time to move the big stuff.
This might be difficult, Alex said staring intensely at the beams.
We have to try, there is no small opening to go through, Tyler said moving closer
to the construction.
Tyler stared at the beams for a solid 5 minutes. Contemplating his plan of action.
He then rolled his sleeves up on his musky green flannel shirt and rubbed his hands
together. Planting one foot forward, he bent down in a lunging squat position to adjust
himself to the height of the beam. Licking his lips, he rapped his hefty arms around the
huge beam and tightened his grip. The arduous task was about to begin and we all
watched intently, not even thinking about getting up to help. Tyler exerted upwards force
on the beam with every movement making a vein in his neck pop. He lifted up hard
getting the beam a few inches off the ground. You could tell the excruciating pain he was
going through by the cherry color his face turned. Joe and Mark finally realized Tyler
mightve needed a little assistance and they swooped in to pull the beam even higher
up. The beam was only about 15 feet tall so it was feasible to swing it over and put it on
the other side. Thats what they did. The beam began moving more vertical with every

push. Finally, the boys were able to give one last grunt of a push and it fell hard onto the
other construction. Alex and I covered our ears by the obstreperous sound it endured.
The boys swung around while Mark said Thank you very much, ladies, for that
help you just gave us, really got the job done.
Alex and I both knew he was joking as soon as he began to laugh so we both
boasted out in laughter. It was a good comment. It made the hard task that just occurred
and that was somewhat stressful more manageable. We knew we had to do that many
more times but we knew what that was like, and wed be able to handle it now.
The boys continued to lift up the big beams and shoot them over to the other
side. It was kind of nice to see them actually working together like that. I knew they were
like three peas in a pod but they showed unity and they were helping a serious issue,
not just the score of street hockey. Alex and I began to shuffle through more pointless
objects getting in the way. And we actually talked, in a nice way too.
So, when did you and Joe start dating, I said trying to give some air to this
awkward situation.
She replied immediately well, during winter break we went on a trip to go skiing
because it was apart of our ski club requirements and since I dont ski and my mom
forced me to do that, I had no idea what I was doing. So Joe was really helpful and
would stabilize me getting off the lift and hold my arm while skiing so that I wouldnt fall. I

never thought I wouldve ever dated him because we hang out with two completely
different people but it just clicked.
At that point I think my eyes were a little bug-eyed from practically hearing my 14
year-old brothers love story. But pulling together I replied, Joes a good guy and will
always do anything to help. Hes constantly talking about you and how special you are
so I think you guys are doing pretty well.
We are, I just dont know sometimes, she said making me step back a little.
I said, what do you mean?
Well hes so sweet and a genuine guy and sometimes I dont know if I deserve
him, She solemnly replied.
Hey! I said, Dont have that mind set. Everyone deserves something good in
his or her lives and maybe hes your good. But youre good for him to. You make him
smile from the cute texts you send and blush when you randomly hug him. You guys are
good together. Dont think you dont deserve him. You do.
She looked up at me with gratefulness in her eyes I have never seen. Dropping
all her paper in her hands, she sauntered over towards me and embraced me. At first I
was a little abrupt and didnt really latch on the way she did. But I finally relaxed and
embraced her the same.

Stepping back, she said Thank you so much for saying that. I have always
admired you and hearing that from you makes me incredibly happy.
Anytime, I said grinning back at her.
As soon as that moment was over the boys came in saying they needed a break.
So we decided to sit down and pull out the food. Everyone dug in as if they havent
eaten in centuries.
Were not even remotely close to getting through so this might take a while, Joe
questionably shared.
Its going to take a while either way, but its what we have to do to get out, Tyler
responded reassuring everybody.
Mark pitched in by saying, We just have to work hard and get it done, its our
only chance right now.
I was about to tell them that Alexa and I can help out if they needed but when I
looked over I was alarmed. She was clenching her throat as if she couldnt breath and
her eyes were watering and streaming tears came down her face. Alexa! Are you
okay? I screamed to her jumping up at the same time and taking a quick step towards
By this time, all the boys were looking up in complete astonishment and it was
almost like they froze. I grabbed Alexas face and moved it side to side. I then lifted up

her shirt to see if she had hives on her stomach. She did. And they were getting worse
and worse as I looked.
Shes having an allergic reaction, we need an Epipen! Wheres her Epipen? I
whaled at the boys.
Crap! Joe said
What? I frustratingly responded.
Joe cried out, In the parking lot she stopped in her tracks and remembered she
forgot her Epipen in the car. She asked me if it wouldve been okay to just leave it in
there since we werent planning on getting quarantined!
This is bad. We need to get that Epipen like right now if we want Alex to survive,
Mark said.
We only have 15 minutes before she will die, probably 14 now, Tyler shared.
Okay guys we need to get out right now and we need to do it quick! I said
already in a hustle.
Theres a small hole to the right of us that we might be able to squeeze through,
Tyler said frantically.
Whos the smallest one here? I questioned.
We all looked around examining one anothers bodies. As I was looking for the
smallest frame of us, I realized something. We all looked incredibly distraught. Marks

long brown hair was tousled in one big giant knot. Tylers hands were dingy and
bleeding from trying to move everything. Joe was shaking and couldnt stop looking over
at Alex. It almost seemed like everything was in slow motion. The discomfort in all of
their eyes scared me. Ive never seen these kids be so responsible and have it together
in a time of stress so quickly. I suddenly knew we were going to get through this and had
a leap of inspiration.
Mark! Youre the smallest one. We need to widen that hole just a little bit, I said.
Mark replied, Do we know if I can get out after that? Is anything blocking the
We all run over, with the exception of Alex, and Joe puts his head in the hole to
look around.
You just have to move a fallen aisle, Joe exclaimed.
Tyler quickly said Okay, Marks strong that should be easy enough for him.
Do you have any idea what an Epipen even looks like? Or where it is in the car, I
questioned, realizing their might be a hole in our plan, no pun intended.
Mark said, Yeah its green right?
We all simultaneously said Oh God.

Its in a clear tube, it has a yellow top that opens up with hinges on the side. The
Epipen is inside and it has a lot of writing on it for directional purposes. There should be
an orange tip and a blue piece on the top of it. Joe explained.
Okay, now, where is it? Mark said.
In the car? Tyler said
Obviously! But where in the car? Mark replied.
We all looked over at Alex because we knew that she was the only one who had
any idea of where it was. She was hunched over a bin and her hair was in her face. The
redness was getting increasingly worse. Her lips were swelling up and her eyes were
almost shut. It had only been 3 minutes and we have 11 minutes left. We had to start
hustling. We walk over to Alex and Joe sat behind her and gently pulled her up. He
brushes the hair out of her face and kisses her on the head. I bent down to her level and
said, I know your having a hard time breathing let alone talking, but in order to save
your life I need you to try to explain to us where your Epipen is in the car.
She looked up at me and took one big wheezing breath, she was going downhill
fast and we needed to hurry up. She slightly opened her mouth and in the quietest voice
ever said, well when I got in the car Joe and I sat in the way back I sat to the left
and Joe sat to the right I didnt bring my purse with me, I only brought some money

my phone and my Epipen. When I first sat down everything was in my hands Joe
kissed me but it was only a peck and then he
Okay we dont need all the gory details, Tyler quickly interjected.
Alex looked up at him but then looked back at me and continued, I put my phone
and money in the cup holder to my left and Im pretty sure I put the Epipen in the little
pouch in the back of the seat in front of meyes Im positive because I wanted to keep
it away from the sun since it goes bad in the sun.
Okay Alex, were going to get your Epipen, I said.
We only had 9 minutes left to do this. Joe stayed with Alex and comforted her
while Mark, Tyler and I ran over to the small hole. I began to kick the outer parts of it to
loosen it up. I did play soccer so it was quite easy to make it bigger even by that. Then
Mark and Tyler started to rip the outsides of the hole off. The material seemed to just be
poster board and some of the wall so it wasnt too difficult to rip through.
I stepped back as soon as I thought the hole would be big enough and quickly
pulled both of them back to make them stop. Its big enough now. Mark, we are going to
lift you up and slide you through the hole, you might get scratched up a bit but it
shouldnt hurt too much, okay? Tyler said.
Okay lets do this, Mark said.

Tyler and I picked him up and hauled him through the hole. We got his legs and
his hips through and now we had to get his chest, arms, and head through. Mark put his
arms over his head and shrunk his chest in a little bit. With one last push we were then
able to thrust him through. He landed on the other side but Tyler and I couldnt see him
at first. Mark then popped up and brushed some dirt off and said he was good. Tyler
said, see that red mini van, thats the car, go in through the trunk, that will be the
quickest way.
Mark nodded and was on his way.
You gave him the keys right? Tyler said.
Oh Crap! Mark! Mark! I screamed.
Mark stopped in his tracks and turned his head to look at us. I then put my arm
out the hole and waved him back. He came sprinting back and I simply put my arm out
with the keys in hand. He snatched them up and then sprinted towards the doors. He
had seven minutes to come back, well really six because we still needed to give it to
Alex. Tyler screamed out the hole six minutes! as if he read my mind.
I could see Mark trying to fiddle with the door. It wouldnt budge.Did you try
pushing instead of pulling? I yelled over.

I saw him put all of his weight into pushing the door, but it wouldnt budge. He
then went over to the other door and tried the same thing. Nothing. What do I do?
These doors arent moving and I need to get out? Mark screamed over to us.
Why dont you try hitting the glass part of the door? Tyler responded in an
extremely loud voice.
Yeah I can do that but with what? Mark replied getting increasingly more
Look around yourself, do you see anything that would have enough force? I
screamed back.
I do, but I wont be able to pick it up, Im not that strong, Mark replied.
What about over there? There seems to be pieces of a shelf that you might be
able to pick up. Tyler quickly said back.
Mark walked over to where Tyler was pointing out. He bent over to pick up a
piece of the wreckage. As he did this he swung his arms around to wrap himself around
it giving him complete mobility. It was a little large for Mark to try to pick up. It looked like
a lighter piece of a shelf that mightve broken off. But when Mark tried to get up with the
object en-gulped, he was unsuccessful. He threw it down in despair.
I cant do it, Mark said as he walked over to the doors again.

Okay what do we do? We only have 4 minutes now! I said back not thinking of
the stress in my voice.
Calm down. We are going to make it. Mark come over here and grab a piece of
the tree that fell. You can use that as a tool to break the window down, Tyler screamed
over to Mark.
Mark sprinted back to grab a piece of the tree. Which one should I use? Mark
quickly questioned with shortness in his breath.
I responded, Grab that big one over there. It seems to have a good thickness to
it but wont be too hard to heave over your head.
Good luck buddy. You got this. Tyler said with support.

Mark full out sprinted toward the door with his makeshift bat in hand. When he
got to the door, he heaved the piece of wood over his head and slammed it hard into the
door. This did nothing. He quickly set up another time to do it again. Nothing. He
repeated this process roughly 5 times until there was finally a crack in the glass. Seeing
the crack gave him a burst of inspiration. His 6th and final swing got the job done and it
went straight through the glass.
Yes! Yes! Yes! Tyler screamed across staples to Mark. Mark pushed through the
doors and did a dead sprint towards the car. He punched the window with his fist without

even questioning his decision. He put his hand into the mini van and searched for the
Epipen. After about 10 seconds, Marks hand emerged from the car with the Epipen in
Come on Mark! We only have two minutes to get it in her! I yelled in hopes he
would hear me.
Mark, once again, sprinted to us. He got to the small whole and handed over the
Epipen. I could tell by his heavy breathing how hard that was for him to do. Mark was
under incredible pressure due to the fate of Alexs life being on him. If he didnt get that
Epipen in time then she would have died. After Mark handed over the Epipen, he
immediately fell to his knees and hung his head. He was the hero.
I grabbed the Epipen and sprinted the short 5 steps over to Alex. Okay what do
we do? I said frantically taking the Epipen out of its container.
Give it to me, Joe demanded.
I handed over the Epipen, knowing he was the most qualified to get the job done.
I looked down at my watch and saw that there were only 45 second remaining on the
clock. I took a deep breath and watched as my brother took the top blue piece of the
Epipen off. He looked up at Alex and put her hair aside. They had direct eye contact as
he held her face and said everythings going to be okay. She nodded weakly and then
looked down at the Epipen.

Thirty seconds, I said making sure he didnt take too much time to be romantic.
Joe placed the Epipen about mid-thigh. He held it with his right and placed his left hand
next to it to make sure she didnt jerk around.
Grab her shoulders and hold her down, Joe quickly told me. I shot out of my
seat and bent down to firmly push her against the ground. Joe took a deep breath.
One...Two...Three! Joe said as he plunged the Epipen into Alexs thigh.
At first she squealed a little bit. She also tensed up in her shoulders while she
clenched her teeth. But as soon as the Epipen was in there, she relaxed. Joe counted to
ten before he pulled the Epipen out and bent it on the ground. He came over to my side,
hinting that I should move so that he could take my place. Daniella, rip a piece of your
clothing off and apply pressure to where I just stabbed her. Mark and Tyler go run out
there and check to see if there is anybody. Joe ordered us around.
Tyler shimmied his way out through the hole to join Mark. They both sprinted out
the door. I went over to apply pressure to Alexs wound. There wasnt much blood
coming out, but there was enough for the need of some pressure. I ripped the bottom of
my shirt off and laid it on the palm of my right hand. I then placed my hand on her thigh
and applied immense pressure. She twitched at first, not use to the pressure, but then
became accustomed to it. I looked up at Joe as he was brushing the hair out of Alexs
closed eyes. Our eyes met and we sighed in relief.

Alex looked up at Joe and breathed. She finally breathed. Throughout this entire
terrible event she hasnt been breathing. I knew it was difficult for her because she was
having an allergic reaction but it was more than that. She almost didnt trust us. I get that
a bunch of teenagers saving your life in an already perplexing day doesnt seem to be
the best day to have an allergic reaction, but she needed to trust us.
Is everything going to be okay? Alex questioned.
Yes, we got you your Epipen and we put it in you. We still dont have a way to get
out of here, but for right now everyones safe, Joe answered softly.
I think that by tomorrow morning there should be people out there looking for
everyone, Tyler predicted.
What do we do for now? I am really tired and I know I didnt do much other then
sit and have an allergic reaction but I think I need to sleep, Alex said.
In response, Joe said, I think thats the best idea. When your body goes into
attack like that, it uses a lot of energy, its best for you to just relax and try to sleep since
we dont have any other options.
Alex slightly nodded and positioned her body so that Joe could pick her up. Tyler
and Mark moved out of the way, allowing Joe to go behind Alex and pick her up. He
bent down and lifted her into his arms, almost carrying her like a baby; he then looked
up at us while her head rested on her shoulder.

I am going to go over there. There is boxing peanuts that I can use as a cushion
for her and it seems to be a bit quieter. Ill stay with her too. Joe explained
Tyler, Mark, and I both simultaneously nodded. We understood that Alex needed
Joe to be there, to comfort her. They walked away slowly. Alex had her arms wrapped
around Joes neck and you could see the pain in her eyes. The Epipen relieved some of
the inflation of her skin, but she still was having trouble breathing. I hoped someone
came quick so that we can take her to an ambulance. Mark, Tyler and I walk around to
form a circle around the surviving food. Mark takes a deep breath. He slowly breathed in
and then exhales violently. Tyler and I suddenly look up.
Are you okay? Tyler said, somewhat worried if there was something wrong with
Yeah Im fine. I am just relieved. For a second there I thought I wasnt going to
make it back and Alex would die. Then it wouldve been on me. I couldnt have bared the
thought of killing a good friend. Mark expressed solemnly.
Tyler and I both looked at Mark with such sympathy. We never knew Mark felt like
this. Of course he was put under momentous pressure to be successful and get the
Epipen, but if he didnt succeed then it wouldnt have been on him. It wouldve been on
all of us. But you didnt fail, you got through that hole and that glass door and you found
the Epipen. You came back with just enough time for Joe to give Alex the Epipen. You

didnt fail. Alex didnt die. Everything is going to be okay now, Tyler said, noting the
comfort Mark needed.
Guys, we did it. In the beginning, I didnt think we were going to be able to save
her. But we did, I said overjoyed with an abundance of emotions. I leaped up and
hugged them both. They embraced me back. It was a special moment. We finally had a
moment to rejoice in our accomplishment. To know that Alex was going to be okay and it
was because of what we did of how we decided to get her Epipen. I then sat back down
and couldnt wipe the smile off of my face. Neither could the boys. I looked over to where
Joe and Alex were and saw him gently brushing her hair. She was holding onto his arm
for comfort. I quickly realized that everyone was okay; everything was going to be okay.
Now that the silence overtook the room due to the exhaustion that swept over us,
I was able to think. I was able to take a step back and learn. I thought this entire
experience showed us that sometimes in life, crazy things happen. Youre not always
going to be with your best friends and youre not always going to have all the necessary
tools. Life is about making mistakes and having experiences that test your abilities in
different situation. Everyone, even Alex, took away the knowledge that sometimes life
throws you a curve ball and you have to hit a home run.
So there isnt just one hero that was shown today. There isnt one person that
took all the responsibility and saved Alex. We all did, in some way, shape, or form, save

Alex. Whether it was Joe, comforting her so that she didnt feel all the intense pain she
was going through. Or it was Mark, running through staples and being challenged by
obstacles just to get the Epipen for Alex. Even Tyler who meticulously planned out the
next step we had to do even with out any plan. Or me. Who somewhat was the leader. I
wasnt going to let them give up. I had to push them.
There was no one hero that was prevalent today. We all took part in saving Alexs
life, In a story from your grandpa, you often hear of that one person who saves the story.
Who does that most amazing thing that changes everyone. But there wasnt one person
today. Everyone contributed to saving Alex. Everyone was the hero today.
I woke up form my thoughts and saw lights outside. At first I was a little hazy and
couldnt quite figure out what was outside. I heard rain but couldnt see anything. But I
rubbed my eyes and reopened them to see an ambulance and fire truck, to see help.
Guys! Look theres help! I said while pointing outside. We all immediately got up
and ran to the door. Joe and Alex trailed us a little but only because Joe was carrying
Alex. We somewhat assembled outside in the pouring rain. Dripping wet, we all smiled
at the sight of our future.

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