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Emily Dahlstrom

Long term project

Mystic Waters Story

Chapter 1
Yellow eyes squinted against the onslaught of snow. The early winter
storm seemed to have awoken cold that had been dormant all spring only to
awaken now. The effect was a massive blizzard and icy northern wind,
blowing in from the sea. An unlucky white wolf, or what seemed to be a wolf
but was considerably larger, was caught in the waves of snow, trembling in
what little shelter the canopy of trees would offer. Frost crept up and along
the broad muzzle, and the shaking of the wolfs muscles was a vain attempt
for warmth.
Still, the wild wolf had endured worse; having not been built to survive
in a warm climate, the wolf was well equipped such a storm. A thick doublelayered coat was able to maintain a constant, healthy body temperature, and
frost bite on the muzzle and paws would not kill. In truth, the wolf should
have dug a small den in the snow and ridden out the storm in a comfortable
sleep hours ago, but something was keeping the beast from doing so.
A howl cut through the wind, spiraling up only to be lost in the clouds.
Futile. Her cries would never be heard above the storm. The white wolf made
no move to answer the other wolfs calls, because there was nothing to be
done for her. Alone, the massive wolf would not be any help to her cause; on
the contrary, the presence of another would probably be taken as a threat.
Even so, the wolf did not wish to see her die. Harsh winters had cut the
lupine population in half, making females all the more valuable.
Another howl, this one sounding farther away. She was moving. The
intended destination was probably the sea cliffs the loners used as shelter.
What business would a pack wolf have with the rural community of the
loners? Most likely, they would be opposed to having a pack member take
refuge on their turf, no matter the gender. Questions spun through the white
wolfs head. Why would her pack allow her to be out like this? Even with the
storm, her voice carried the unmistakable authority of an alpha.
Something new entered the air: a subtle scent, but the white wolf
picked it up nonetheless. The snow that had accumulated on the white fur
shifted and fell as the wolfs hackles rose. A growl escaped the frozen
muzzle. Moments later the white creature stood up and soundlessly
disappeared into the storm. Moving at a fast pace toward the female.

Emily Dahlstrom
Long term project
Mystic Waters Story

Skywish grumbled to herself. What had begun as a short trip to see her
mother had escalated into a daunting trek along the coast through a massive
blizzard. The storm had come out of nowhere, dropping out of the sky like
some great bird of prey, sudden and without warning. She exhaled, causing
the white plume of her breath to escape and mix with the open air.
Fur laden down from the snow, Skywish found herself having to dig into
the frozen earth to prevent the gale from blowing her into the sea. She felt
the force of the storm buffet her time-worn coat, and the cold cut to her
bones. Frostbite nipping at her ears, and she was beginning to wonder how
long her paws would last before they gave way and left her to the storms
She howled, long and mournful, letting her voice become swept up in
the wind. It was hopeless, she knew, but nevertheless called to her pack all
the same. It would be a miracle if someone heard over the storm. And even if
someone did, rescue was unlikely. No one but Arctos would risk their hide for
a lost, old she-wolf, stupid enough to become lost in a snowstorm.
Thoughts of her mate brought another type of shiver down her spine,
and she became acutely aware of the other lives she carried within her.
Something within her shifted. It was the same feeling that had come over her
before she left the pack. She felt like something was watching her,
scrutinizing her progress. Uneasiness swept through her body as strongly
pungently as the cold was, bordering on terror.
Maybe she was just being old and senile, Skywish thought, trying to
calm her nerves. The wind howled and she yelped in surprise. She was
suddenly reminded of an old story her brother had told her when they were
pups. She never believed the old stories, but her brother, GoldenPerch, was a
great teller of them, and she would always stop to listen.
Skywish was beginning to wish she hadnt , as thoughts of long-lost
winter spirits and wolves made of ice and snow were beginning to mess with
her judgment. She cursed her brother when another howling gust of wind
made her whimper and snap her jaws. Arctos would never succumb to such
trivial superstitions, Skywish told herself, and was comforted. Even from this
great distance, her mate was giving her the strength and stability she so
desperately needed. Arctos had never let her down, not even once, since the
time he had courted her so long ago.
She let her mind wander as she trudged through the blizzard, too
exhausted for awareness. Her thoughts fell into a warm blanket of times long

Emily Dahlstrom
Long term project
Mystic Waters Story

past, and soon the storm felt as though it was far away. The experience was
short-lived, however. A ringing brought her mind back to the present, and
back to the cold.
Skywish stopped dead in her tracks, willing herself to come to full
attention. Nothing had changed in the storms fury, but her fur bristled
despite the layers of snow. All around her, the world was encased in a deep
white, but something about what lay ahead had almost a deeper quality to it
and Skywish had the phantom sense that it was watching her. This was a
place of legend, the father of endless stories and kings among predators.
She was on the border of the most lethal place the wolves knew, the Mists.
The white wolf could see her now. He hastened his pace and tried to
ignore the familiar ringing of the Mist in his ears. Unlike Skywish, the storm
did little to hinder his progress, and he concentrated all his energy into the
race. Even so, he began to worry he would be too late.
Somewhere close by, another creature was closing in on Skywish, its
foaming drool dripping from its jaws and burning the snow. Its eyes shone
with the delight of the insane.
The old female wolf stood for a while, analyzing what lay ahead not that she could see much through the sheets of snow. In truth, there had
never been a reason for her come anywhere near the Mists, so she had
stayed away. Arctos, along with the other beta, had warned her of how
anyone who entered never returned. They had told her of the ringing sound
that would warn her if she got too close. At the time, she thought the
information irrelevant, but found herself grateful for it now.
Skywish turned to leave and then let out a surprised bark as the
wind left her lungs. Not a second later, another creature sprang on the spot
she had stood moments before. Fear bunched up in her throat when she saw
it was mad coyote, bright red eyes alive with disease.
A deep growl sound from above her as massive white form put
itself in between the rabid animal and herself, shielding her with its immense
form. She scrambled to her feet and ran from the mad creature and the great
wolf, away from the sea caves and her pack, away from the fear that was
trying to consume her, and straight into the heart of the Mist.

Emily Dahlstrom
Long term project
Mystic Waters Story

As soon as the she wolf was out of sight the white wolf, Dyer,
sprinted in another direction, the coyote followed close behind. They raced
through the storm, the white wolf in the lead and the coyote a fair distance
behind him. Dyer would have lost the wretched creature long ago, but the
disease had stripped away any of the creatures former caution. It pursued
him with a relentless determination, disregarding any thoughts of its own
They might have run until they both collapsed from exhaustion or
hypothermia, had the wind had not so suddenly changed its course. Sensing
the winds change of direction, Dyer dug his claws deep into the frozen
ground, flattening himself as much as he could. The coyote was not so lucky:
it was lifted up and sent screaming into the deadly ocean . Dyer relaxed for
the first time that night, panting heavily and allowing himself a moments
rest before moving on. He was stunned by how quickly the threat of the rabid
coyote had been disintegrated; it was almost too easy. He dismissed the
thought - it had been the storms doings that had saved him, not some crazy
coincidence. Still, the doubt weighed heavily in his mind.
Dyer forced himself to come to a standing position despite the
soreness in his abused muscles. This was too close to the water to make a
decent snow den, and he wanted to see what had become of the she-wolf he
had risked his own hide to rescue. Last he saw of her, she had sped away in
the opposite direction but surely she would have enough sense to avoid
going straight into the Mist. Dyer hoped she did; once in there, she would be
beyond help.
The snow continued to fall in drifts, but the wind was beginning to
abate. The worst of the storm was most likely over. Hopefully, the snow
would stop falling soon and Dyer could go home. It was a good thought and it
lightened his spirits. Without the wind, the storm was actually quite beautiful
with its dancing shadows and silver linings. He gave himself a moment to
take it all in then continued on his way.
The ringing was back, signalling his approach to the Mist. He stop and
a cold realization ran along his coat and froze his veins. His sister had once
said the mist sounded as though it was singing, that there were cords and
depth to its unwavering sound. She had said something was wrong in the
sound. Dyer had ignored her, thinking it was nothing more than the
ramblings of a little girl.

Emily Dahlstrom
Long term project
Mystic Waters Story

She had always been a better listener than he. Not much had changed
in the song. It involved the same notes that had always entered his mind
when he approached the border. But this time they sounded different, almost
brighter than before. The Mists had come in tune.

Chapter 2
MysticWater growled irritably to herself, silently cursing the world as
she paced back and forth through the glade. SkyWish would expect her back
soon with an apologetic lick to the muzzle and some fresh kill to atone for
snapping at an elder. Sure, the bitch was old and growing more senile by
the second, but an endless stream of Arctos-references was driving the white
wolf to her wits end. Skywish always compared her litter to Arctos, the
faultless saint that was supposedly her mate before she entered the Mists.
MysticWater shook herself as the familiar beginning of a headache
formed behind her amber-colored eyes, followed by a loud ringing in her
inner ear. She stopped her pacing and waited for the pressure to disperse. It
was gone a moment later, along with her anger. Feeling worn and
emotionally exhausted, the wolf collapsed onto the mud-covered ground and
Heavy wing beats shook the air and before long, a massive black
shadow came into view, growing ever larger as Gaven neared the ground.
The raven alighted next to MysticWater, seating himself as comfortably as he
could on the wet ground.

Emily Dahlstrom
Long term project
Mystic Waters Story

You still mad? I know SkyWish can be a bit much at times, but just
remember this: in a few more years, she will be dead and you will never have
to deal with her again. Gaven reminded her casually.
MysticWater lifted her head to stare at the bird, aghast. Thats
morbid! Youve been spending too much time with DarkShadow. Hes
beginning to rub off on you.
Gaven shrugged. No. Thats life. Time is not going to stop for you two
just because of a trivial argument. Enjoy what youve got left and move on.
We will all run our course eventually.
The white wolf gave a little snort, Are you saying that Im destined to
end up as a decrepit old witch? Because Im beginning to hope that I die long
before that happens.
She yawned, stretched, and walked over to face the raven who was
shifting uncomfortably in the mud. The air was heavy with the thick smell of
rain - not good for hunting. The rain masked the smell of prey and it was not
worth the risk of catching a cold. A cold drop of water landed on
MysticWaters nose and she flinched.
Gaven lifted his head, We should go back to the cave before it really
starts to rain. We dont need any more prey; DarkShadow was out hunting
The white wolf sighed and walk over to a corner of the glade where the
mist was thickest, taking in a deep breath of the fresh air. As she neared it,
the air felt as if it had become denser, more material and alive than it did
when it was widespread like in the center of the glade.
See you at home, she said, and disappeared into the mist.
The old she-wolf lifted her head when her daughter materialized in the
entrance of the cave. It was cold and humid in the cave compared to the
outside, and it had the musky smell of stone and wet animal. SkyWish
snorted and rested her head on her paws as if she had not even seen the
white wolf enter.
MysticWater shifted her weight from paw to paw, unsure of how to
begin her apology. Lucky for her, the awkward silence was broken by the

Emily Dahlstrom
Long term project
Mystic Waters Story

arrival of her brother, DarkShadow. The black wolf strutted in, dragging a
sizable stag by a leg. It was a five-pointer: young, but fully grown. Behind
him came FawnFur and StoneEye, each carrying a small fish.
DarkShadow dropped the stag when he noticed MysticWater standing
next to him.
You Mist a good hunt. I caught him by the river. He sniffed her.
Where were you? I havent seen hide nor tail of you all day.
MysticWater sighed and motioned her muzzle in the direction of
SkyWish; the latter was being coddled by FawnFur as StoneEye gave her the
What do you think, Darkshadow? I probably would have slept out
there, but Gaven talked me out of it.
DarkShadow nodded sympathetically, In that case, water you waiting
for? You are going to have to apologise eventually. Why not do it now?
She glowered at him, almost as fed up with his wordplay as she was
with SkyWish, then turned her attention to her mother who was telling
another story about Arctos. Swallowing her pride, MysticWater got up and
moved towards the threesome.
Oh, We were sitting near Seabirds Cliff when he turned to me and
said- SkyWish was telling them.
Um, Mother? Well, ah I was meaning to say, well, you know...I, um,
well. Im sorry about snapping at you earlier. It was wrong to question your
superior intellect. MysticWater hissed out under her breath.
SkyWish smiled at her first-born, pleased with the display of
submittance and oblivious to her daughter's sarcasm. MysticWater moved in,
gave her a quick lick to the muzzle, and then pulled back to DarkShadow.
StoneEye gave his sister a strange look, his grey eyes gleaming with
Now, on with my story. Actos and I were- SkyWish began again but
was interrupted by FawnFurs excited woof.
I hear Gaven, hes back! She cried.

Emily Dahlstrom
Long term project
Mystic Waters Story

Sure enough, the massive bird landed in the entrance of the cave with
a thud as his talons tried to gain a footing on the slick stone. His black
feathers ruffled and wet from his flight, he gave an exasperated squawk and
sat down.
The clouds are heavy with water; we are in for some heavy rain
tonight, He informed the small family.
As if on cue, the storm broke and the drone of heavy rainfall filled the
cave. DarkShadow yelped and ran away from the entrance in surprise.
MysticWater laughed, What, are you afraid of a little water?
No! He snapped, I wasnt scared, I just didnt want to get wet, thats
SkyWish got up and gave her son a soothing lick on his forehead, Oh
my dear, it was just some thunder, nothing to worry about.
MysticWater gave a fearsome growl directed at the mouth of the cave,
Fear not, brother, for I shall protect you from the scary rain.
She hardly had time to finish speaking before she was tackled by the
black wolf and sent tumbling around the cave. The sounds of their skirmish
ecode off the walls along with the pitter patter of the rain outside.
DarkShadow gave a strong tug on his sisters tail and she let out an
involuntary yelp.
Yrrldah? he growled through clenched jaw.
What? she asked as she grazed his front leg with her teeth.
DarkShadow reluctantly dropped his sisters tail, I said to yield! You
aren't going to win against me. Im bigger than you.
MysticWater was about to have a go at his face, but Gaven moved
between the two of them.
No more fighting. It is cramped enough in here without you to
tumbling around like a couple of hapless newborns! The great bird ruffled
his feathers irritably, If you havent noticed, the temperature has dropped
considerably and I have no intention of catching my death. If you will excuse
me, Im going to start a fire.

Emily Dahlstrom
Long term project
Mystic Waters Story

From the other side of the cave SkyWish gave a snort of disapproval,
but Gaven payed no mind. As it was, the she-wolf owed her life to the raven
as well as the lives of her litter. It was he who had found her collapsed in the
snow, unable to move for cold and weariness, a trail of blood marking her
path from where her paws had been worn. Gaven had been tempted to leave
the wolf where she lay; he was lost, cold and in no condition to take care of
another, let alone himself. In the end, nature had made the choice for him
when the storm increased in vigor and he no longer the blessing of flight.
SkyWish had awoken in what looked to be a makeshift nest out snow.
She had tried to move, but was quickly overcome by a soreness in her bones.
A soft whine escaped her as her vision swam and was soon unconscious
again. Gaven had hunted and cared for the wolf as she recovered and had
been the one to discover the cave where she had delivered her pups just
days later.
Why do you summon the fire the fire with stones, Gaven? FawnFur
piped up.
The tawny wolf got up from where she had been laying and moved to
sit next the raven. StoneEye got up too and padded over to a small bundle of
wood on the farthest wall from the outdoors, grabbed as much as he carry
and brought it to were Gaven and Fawnfur were waiting. StoneEye dropped
the wood and cast MysticWater and DarkShadow and annoyed look, but the
two were already engrossed in what looked to be a staring competition.
The grey wolfs expression darkened. They were fully grown at three
years and should have set out to find another pack a long time ago. It was
worrying to see the mounting aggression between MysticWater and
DarkShadow, both of whom had the makings of an alpha wolf. StoneEye
sighed. Things would be better if Skywish wasnt so dead set and determined
to treat them as in-adept pups. Even Gaven saw them as equals, but
according to Gavens belief system, everything was equal, from the earth to
the sky
FawnFur looked over at her brothers vacant expression and wondered
what he was thinking about. She had overheard DarkShadow saying that
StoneEye was as thick as a rock once, but was not entirely sure if it was an
valid opinion or just an excuse to make yet another pun. Gaven clutched a
small rock and when he slashed it against the floor it made a loud tishch
sound that resonated around the cave. FawnFur, delighted, let out a soft

Emily Dahlstrom
Long term project
Mystic Waters Story

woof of excitement in her head. Her other siblings never understood her love
of Gavens strange sun grass that he called fire, the way its warm glow called
to her. Once FawnFur had even ventured to tell SkyWish about her feelings
when she was young. SkyWish had responded by banning her from getting
close to it for almost two months, saying that she was at risk of growing
tame and being kidnapped by humans in the night.
Gaven struck the ground again, and this time was rewarded by a thin
rush of sparks; it took a few more tries before the wood finally caught. The
wolves all moved closer to the fire, except for Skywish who had fallen asleep.
Fawnfur sat as close as she could to it without getting burned, letting its
warmth rush over her.
Careful FawnFur, the fire bites, MysticWater warned; she had never
trusted it after getting her muzzle singed back when she was a pup.
Oh sister, Im being careful. Its not like Im just going to walk right
into it, right, StoneEye? FawnFur woofed.
Hm? StoneEye answered when he heard his name.
DarkShadow licked his brother on his ear playfully, Do you ever listen?
FawnFurs givin the fire that dopey look again. You would think she was
going to take it as her mate or something.
MysticWater opened her mouth to defend Fawnfur, but was suddenly
distracted by a moth that landed on her nose. She sneeze and it flew off. The
small creature flew closer to the fire, dancing on the bright spires before
disappearing completely in the light. The white wolf cringed at how quickly
the fire consumed the moth, and it struck her that the fire was a kind of
hunter too.
Gaven, why does the fire prey on moths? She asked the raven.
He took a moment before answering, his feathers drooping mournfully.
The fire consumes all, MysticWater, not just the moth. I have seen entire
forests fall to it and countless lives taken. It is a powerful killer.
FawnFur leaned against her friend, basking in the fires warmth and
watching the shadows flicker around them.
Gaven? Where did fire come from? It is such a strange creature, She
asked him.

Emily Dahlstrom
Long term project
Mystic Waters Story

The raven looked at her with an expression close to a smirk. His eyes
sparkled in the fire light the way they always do when he had a particularly
good story to tell. Darkshadow looked up from where he had been dosing
and nudged StoneEye who, was off in his own world yet again. Soon all four
of them were looking at the bird expectantly. Gaven gave a mock squawk of
surprise at the intensity of their full attention.
Did I say I had a story, or did I grow a second head or something? He
Oh give it up and tell us already! DarkShadow growled. For the
preys sake! Weve known you all our lives, and we know when you have
something good to say.
Gaven gave an exaggerated sigh and was rewarded by the sound of
wagging tails thudding against the hard ground.
Ok, ok. You are right; I do have a good story. Its an old one, so listen
closely. Gaven began.
A long time ago, the world was very dark, lit only by the stars and the
moon. The earth was barren and cold, an eternal winter that made life very
hard for the few that could live there-
Betas Winter? FawnFur asked sleepily, referencing the common wolf
tale about a harsh winter and the wolf that finally brought spring to save his
No. Gaven frowned at her. This is a new story, and it is not about
wolves. I promised a tale of fire, and last I heard there was no fire in the
Betas winter. This took place before even that.
Before wolves? DarkShadow scoffed, I doubt there was such a time,
and if there was, no one would have remembered it!
Would you shut up? I am trying to listen, so be quiet and let Gaven tell
his story! MysticWater howled. They shut up.
Thank you. Im going to continue now. Gaven resumed his story.
It was long ago that the earth was caught in the thick blanket of
winter and found that it could not escape. The nights spanned for an eternity
and the life that had just begun to fill the world began to fade, for without
warmth there was no way to survive. So cold was it that even the ever-

Emily Dahlstrom
Long term project
Mystic Waters Story

restless waters of the ocean became still. Betas winter was not but chilled
breeze compared to this.
The three guardians of the young world were at a loss of how to save
it, and were forced to watch helplessly as the creatures they had grown to
care for slipped away. After a long time, they got together to confront their
creator, the soul of the land - commonly known as the king - to see if there
was any way to combat the deadly winter. For a time the land was silent, and
the three great creatures of the sky waited in the silence only broken by the
mournful howling of those long dead.
A voice echoed in their heads and the land gave them a vision, one
which they would never forget. Darkness. No, not darkness, this was more
profound. Hollow. It was not dark so much as it was empty. Then came the
explosion! Light was separated from darkness, darkness from light. Sound,
sight, smells, earth, stone, water, rock, red, blue, yellow, white, strings of
stardust, suns, moons, awareness, happiness, sadness, grief,and life. There
was something else too, a warmth coming from the void, a summoning
greater even than that of the sirens. The land called them back; they were
not ready for the void yet. They still had life in them. And so, the wonderful
vision faded, leaving them stranded in the cold world. The land left them too,
to curl up and rest, for such magic takes a toll on even the greatest of
All things came from the void in that moment so very, very long ago,
and that knowledge left the three beings stunned and strangely humbled.
Still they were having trouble seeing how this would help them bring warmth
to the world. They pondered it, and then one by one left to think it out on
their own.
One of the three, a creature known as the Moth, looked up into the sky
and beyond, at the stars and the moon that so faithfully watched over them.
An idea began to form in the mind of the Moth. All life came from the void
and returned to it when their time was up, so The Moth reasoned that there
must be a place between where they lived and the void, where the
separation was thin enough to move between the two. Thus, the Moth began
his search for the void in the hope that when he found it, he might find
something to thaw the earth. The search took a long time and the Moth
traveled to a distance so far away that the whole of our world was but a
bright speck in sea of stars and darkness. It was here that The Moth was able

Emily Dahlstrom
Long term project
Mystic Waters Story

to break through to the void, and what came through it was the sun. What
came through was fire.
Heat and light bounded through the break in the void and dilated till
the whole of the universe was filled with its brightness. The fire also rained
down on the earth; it created massive craters were it now sleeps until it
explodes outwards in great destructive bursts that we call volcanoes. That
brought an end to the great cold that is now known as the age of ice. Now,
that is not the end of the changes the creation of the sun brought about. The
spirits of the dead also felt the shift in the void and did their best to get to
the Moth and the great sun, but the distance was too great for them. As the
Moth was now bonded to the Sun, the Land bonded to his people, and
common moths to the fire as well. From then on, moths carry with them the
souls of the dead when they fly into the fire, and then they carry them to the
void. That is the story of how the Moth became patron to fire and the dead.
The End.

Chapter 3
The wolf looked out on the ocean, his face a mask of stone. Pain
twisted in his gut; it was a poison like no other. The cold water of the ocean
felt as if it were jeering at him. Just one leap and all the pain, gone. How easy
it would be, how cruelly simple. All around him, wind howled, lifting the snow
and swirling it around in the open air like a dance, like a lovers dance. There
was music too, although no one could ever hear it but him. It was dusk now
and the light would be gone soon. The pack would come looking for him. The
choice was still there: the cliff, the ocean, the release.
A small part of him claimed she was still with him, that he could return
to the pack to find her waiting for him. He was not one for lying to himself.
Skywish was gone, along with the storm of last night. Hope, that deadly,
deadly poison. Better to live in harsh reality than a hell of your own making,
living in some fantasy that was going to rip your mind in half before it really
killed you. Arctos took a step forwards, towards the water. Images of his life
flashed before his eyes. Skywish was all he cared to see. He was running,
running towards death, running towards a cure, running towards Skywish.

Emily Dahlstrom
Long term project
Mystic Waters Story

Then it was over. Arctos opened his eyes, nothing had happened. He
had been running, and now he was back to where he had been sitting in the
snow. No death, No release, nothing. He would have just dismissed the last
few minutes as his mind playing tricks on him, but right in front of him were
his tracks leading right off the cliff.
An angry noise similar a growl came from behind him, deeper than any
growl he had heard before, dark and full of malice but beautiful in its own
right. Dark grey fur rose up around his hackles and a familiar tingle ran up
his spine to the base of his skull. Arctos knew exactly what was standing
behind him.
Long ago in the time of the first hunters, and wolves like the legendary
Beta lived to walk the earth, there were creatures that lived alongside them.
They had no true form, but could take the shape of any creature they chose.
Every pack had a diffrent name for them, Temporians, Sesongers, Estacions,
Sezoaens, just to name a few. Arctos chose just to call them season
creatures. Over time they became lost to legends and lore, and would have
been lost to time completely had the stories not preserved them. But they
were not gone, and in fact there was hardly a moment when they weren't
there, moving unnoticed through the world like ghosts. Almost completely
It was the first time one of them had ever addressed him; most viewed
Arctos with the same detached interest they gave to everything else they
saw. Arctos turned to face his opponent and was taken back by what he saw.
Standing before him was something that vaguely looked like a wolf. White
horns made of ice curled back along its head ending at the nape of its neck,
golden eyes that seemed to absorb sunlight, beyond that the rest of it was
blanketed in shadow from the setting sun. He took a step back and gave a
growl of his own.
For what do I owe the pleasure? Arctos asked sarcastically, You have
never acknowledged me before, although I wouldnt think a nomadic soul like
yourself would care for an earth-bound creature like myself.
The growling stopped and it regarded him with a cold glare, as if
realizing for the first time that the wolf it was speaking to had a serious
death wish. Coming to some conclusion, it shut its eyes in fair well and
dispersed. Arctos watched as it left to go deeper into the forest with mild

Emily Dahlstrom
Long term project
Mystic Waters Story

All things that live within the glass wall you call time have their end;
loss is no stranger to us, came a voice right next to him. It is those who let
the lost consume their lives are the ones who truly walk with death as a
traveling partner.
A spring at this time of winter! She, the voice that was no doubt
female, was beside him. Unlike the winter, she had no physical form but he
could see her silhouette well enough, and the air around her had the
unmistakable scent of spring. Grief hung heavily to her words... her words they were not in any language he knew, but they sounded right and he
Im not going to pretend to understand what that means, and I have
lived long enough to know that death was following me since I turned eight,
He snapped. You should not be here. You are disturbing the winter, making
them restless.
As soon as he said it, he realized it was true; they were gathering
around them, watching from the thick wood.
The ocean, master of none. They will not come any closer.
She was right; they never came near to the ocean. Arctos snapped at
himself for not releasing it sooner.
Lovely, so you are here to lecture me on how to handle grief. If I
wanted that, I would have gone to TideSong, who never seems to run out of
ways to tell one to get over oneself. He sighed. You have never cared
She made a noise that sounded like the call of some hunting bird. You
tried to escape, but then I would grieve for you. We need one awake enough
to see, feel, know us. Without that we might not get through it all. You know
as well as I that Skywish is not dead. You are so used to sensing everything
around you that as soon a it is out of your sight, you become lost.
Skywish wasnt dead. Arctos shivered. Where is she, then? What is
beyond death? There has been a change, hasnt there? The night she
became lost, the world shifted. What do you need me for?
The world is alive, Arctos. Death will not take you yet, for the life
around you will hold you down. We are connected. You jumped, and the part
of you that still wants to live called to me. I answered. Her appearance

Emily Dahlstrom
Long term project
Mystic Waters Story

seemed to fade a little, becoming less real and more translucent. A moment
later all he could see of her was a soft green brown wisp of color that danced
around him on the soft breeze.
I will search for her; there is little of the earth that I do not travel. Till
then, wait. And with that she was gone all together.
Arctos drifted back to the present, and much to his disappointment
found that TideSong was still talking. She was old, yes, but oldness does not
make you any wiser; that Arctos had learned a long time ago. Still, the loners
held her in high regard for whatever reason and she was a valuable ally to
have when the pack got into trouble with them. Twenty years of age was a
ridiculous age for a wild wolf, but Arctos sometimes got the feeling that she
would outlive them all. He could literally feel himself sinking into his grave
with her never-ending monologues about what was it again? Chickens?
Old man, are you listenin to me? I feel like Im talkin to some mouse
turds er some thang. TideSong slapped him with her paw. Ya better be
listenin I ain't growin any younger an you have a pack to attend to!
You are a strange and unusual torture. What ever did I do in my past
life to deserve this? he exclaimed in a mournful wine.
That earned him another slap. For an old lady, she was quick!
Herumph, no respect fer the elder I see. Authority is nothin to you!
Why, the only creature you didnt go aroun sassin was SkyWish - dat girl
could sass you a fish if you led er a stream if you know what I meen.
No, he really did not. Honestly, I stopped caring about what you had
to say around four years ago.
TideSong gave an exasperated sigh. Herfaderf, yar still ticked that
tha girly tree wouldn let you jump off thah cliff I see. Get over yourself .
He stiffened; it was not like him to have some sort of fit of grief and
blab all about how messed up his life was to an ancient she-wolf. Still, as
soon as the spring left him, he had gone straight to the loners shore and
cried his heart out till his voice was sore and his mind was weary. As far as he
knew, she hadnt told anyone of his abilities but was constantly referring to

Emily Dahlstrom
Long term project
Mystic Waters Story

the spring creature as a tree for some reason. Arctos still couldnt tell if it
was a codename or she thought that the season creatures were actual trees.
The cliff would have been better than this. he mumbled under his
Watcha sayin about fish? Fish are not yer issue here, Arctos! Naw look
at tha sun. Ya have to get back to your pack of nimrods er theyll do sumfin
stupid again. She eyed him warily. Git goin now before you start blaimin
me fer holdin you back.
Arctos gave her a charming smile. I would never! But thanks for the
With that, he left before she could suck him back into another pointless

Emily Dahlstrom
Long term project
Mystic Waters Story

Chapter 4
Her instinct were screaming at her to run - run till the breath left her
body and her soul escaped to the void. But run where? From what? A curtain
of unease gripped her as she awoke to DarkShadow sitting on her face.
Normally she would have bitten his tail till it was an ugly excuse for a stump,
but the waves of fear coming off him stopped her. She settled for an angry
bite to leg instead. He gave a yelp of surprise, tripping over her and landing
unceremoniously on his face.
Oh, you're up, he said, his voice muffled by Gavins wing that broke
his fall.
It was strangely still and quiet in the cave except for the quiet
breathing of the others. It was hot and humid, too; dew cling to everyone's
fur or feathers.
How long was I out? MysticWater asked, looking outside to see the
rain had long stopped but the ground was muddy.
DarkShadow paused, Im not entirely sure, I woke a little while ago.
He looked at her pleadingly. You feel it too! I can smell your fear.
He looked at Gavin, then to StoneEye, FawnFur, and SkyWish, who had
all curled up together on the farthest corner from the exit. MysticWater
stiffened. DarkShadow was always too proud show he was afraid; this
strange feeling must have him really worked up.
It doesnt look like they feel it. Been sleeping like pups and I cant
smell any fear coming of them. DarkShadow growled to himself in
frustration. Maybe Im just being paranoid. Skies above, at this rate Im
beginning to sound like SkyWish!
Calm your face. MysticWater licked his nose. I feel it too. Maybe it
was the deer from last night, or maybe we breathed in too much smoke from
the fire.
DarkShadow laughed nervously. Yeah maybe. I feel like a pup
again... Repeat this and I will kill you, but, I dunno, I feel like it is talking to
Her teeth clenched as the white wolf was gripped with a sense of
vertigo, her thoughts reeling. The underlying currents just under their line of

Emily Dahlstrom
Long term project
Mystic Waters Story

sight, dancing and curling around them and through them... they were part
of it too, each of them another line on unique color caught in an orchestra of
lights. Then there was the water pulling them through, leading them, but not
controlling them, not yet. That was the mist; DarkShadow could feel it to. He
was right, the phantom fear was almost definitely the Mists doing, but why?
She was about to say something when FawnFur woke up, her yellow
amber eyes blinking blearily in the dim light of the cave. They turned to look
at her and she stuck her tongue out at them. StoneEye groaned as FawnFur
got up opening one eye to glare at her, angry for having someone interrupt
his much-needed beauty sleep.
Is it morning? StoneEye grumbled.
Not yet, but with this weather its hard to tell, FawnFur answered.
Woke up to you two talking like the worlds going to explode or something.
StoneEye shook himself into awakeness, noticing for the first time his
siblings fear. Even with the air so thick with moisture, it was hard to mistake
the sharp scent of their unease. It was making the cave seem smaller
somehow, more like a cage rather than a shelter.
Stop this. I just woke up and you two have got me worked up over
some imaginary demon you conjured up, StoneEye growled, still grumpy
over being woken up.
FawnFur looked at him, clearly hurt. When they were younger, Fawnfur
was notorious for making up ghost stories and scaring DarkShadow and
MysticWater. As brave and obnoxiously proud as those two were, FawnFur
had inherited GoldenPerchs, SkyWishs brothers, gift of storytelling. Gavin
once said that she was even better than he, but she denied it. When the
others went to sleep, DarkShadow and MysticWater would try to elaborate on
FawnFurs tales, seeing who could scared who the most. It usually ended with
the the two screaming at each other. The game was banned by popular
demand, but was occasionally still practiced when they couldnt sleep.
I swear I didnt tell them anything! The last story we heard was from
Gavin, and that one wasnt even scary! FawnFur Protested.
DarkShadow was watching them wearily, not sure if he should stop
them or if things were about to get really interesting. MysticWater sighed,
her family was impossible to work with! Seeing as things were going
downhill, she decided it was time to wake Gavin and SkyWish. her mother

Emily Dahlstrom
Long term project
Mystic Waters Story

could distract her like nothing else. SkyWish gave a moan as her daughter
licked her nose. Scrunching up her muzzle in irritation, the old wolf opened
her eyes.
MysticWater! DarkShadow! what terrible thing have I done to be
woken up by your squabbling?
Um- FawnFur and StoneEye gave a mournful bow of apology and
DarkShadow was looking at MysticWater as if she had grown a second head.
It was StoneEye and I who were arguing, Mother. FawnFur valiantly
Eherm... well, I will let it slip this once, seeing as you two are the good
ones... be a dear FawnFur and get your mother some prey.
DarkShadow was having some sort of spasm, trembling with the effort
to keep from laughing.
Hehe, deer, hehe, fawn, heh,
MysticWater, take your brother outside. Hes being obnoxious,
SkyWish commanded.
Ok but where-?
You see my dear, if Arctos was here you would be so much more
disciplined. This one time he blah blah blah
FawnFur left at the first warning signs of another Arctos rant. She was
nowhere near as hotheaded as MysticWater or even DarkShadow, but there
were few creatures that would willingly subject themselves to SkyWishs
fantasy. The old wolf would have been lucky if she landed a cripple, let alone
a super attractive, loving, kind, fair alpha who though she was the best thing
ever. FawnFur scolded herself for thinking such things; she loved SkyWish
with all her heart and was ashamed of doubting her.
From somewhere inside her head music began playing; the tune was
soft but jaunty. Gaven had tried singing it to her once in that strange, rough
voice he used on occasion, completely different from the silky, deep way he
usually sounded. The song carried her along as she walked through the field
she had appeared in after leaving the cave. MysticWater had once brought

Emily Dahlstrom
Long term project
Mystic Waters Story

up the idea that the Mist was the one causing the strange lapses in space
that occur when they left any one area, always appearing in a different spot.
Sadly, the white wolfs idea was quickly dismissed and the topic wasnt
brought up again.
Her paw jerked back as the ground below her feet changed from grass
and earth to stone. She thought of Mystic Waters idea and suddenly it didnt
feel so far from the truth. The cave was a grey brown color and the walls
were surprisingly smooth - it smelled deeply of earth and water, although it
seemed to be completely dry. The tan wolf contemplated leaving right away
until she noticed that the walls were covered in red pictures. Her first
thought that it was blood but upon closer inspection it revealed to be some
unknown substance, she had never smelled anything like it. Fascinated at
her discovery she walked in wonder as the tales in the wall unfolded in front
of her.
The painting she liked best was the one that looked like it was once a
great masterpiece till it had been worn and faded over the years. It was of
what looked to be some strange ancient predator, and it reminded her of the
dragons Gavin had once talked so fondly of: majestic, proud, and thoroughly
wild. As she moved deeper into the cave it looked like the creature split into
two, and a snake, and a bird all tangled up in each other like so sort of
This was not the only painting - there were many of distant lands and
plants that seemed to go on forever. There was even one of a wolf as it
confronted a being whose features had mostly been smudged, but FawnFur
could still make out the the curled horns along the side of the head and the
eyes that felt as though they could see straight through her. No, that was
something else that was watching her. FawnFur swung around to come face
to face with, with MysticWater. The white wolfs gaze was cold and lifeless,
nothing like the usual show of pride and rebellion she usually wore.
I have warned them, warned them of the bad things to come. Why are
you so dense?
FawnFur felt her ears flatten against her head and her hackles rise. The
voice had spoken in DarkShadows voice, not her sisters. It felt as though she
was is some extremely creepy dream, but she felt perfectly awake... in fact,
she felt more alert and alive than she had been for a long time. Looking over
whoever the wolf in front of her was, FawnFur began to see subtle differences

Emily Dahlstrom
Long term project
Mystic Waters Story

that separated the wolf from MysticWater. For starters, it had no scent. Not to
mention, MysticWater had yellow eyes, not greenish blue ones. Still, there
was no mistaking DarkShadows voice. Whatever this creature was, it still
had parts of those she loved, even if this was some sort of elaborate illusion.
A small voice echoed in the back of her head, wondering if her siblings were
somehow a part of it. She dismissed the thought, but the feeling lingered.
Who are you? FawnFur growled in the most threatening tone she
could manage.
The other wolf cocked its head. I am this . It gestured to the swirling Mists
at the entrance of the cave.
Why do you - why do you look like MysticWater? She asked. And talk
like DarkShadow? FawnFur added.
I am everything that has and will enter my domain and in return
everything that has and will enter my domain is me. It slouched a little,
giving FawnFur the impression that there was more at work than it was
saying. Not that it mattered. Nothing it was saying made any sense. I dont
have much time, it said now. You must leave or perish.
What are you doing, then? What warning?
It smiled. Heh, you have no idea how long it has been till I was aware
enough for sentient thought. Countless centuries ridden out in a dormant
FawnFur walked over and licked its muzzle before she was completely
aware she was doing it; having done it so many times to her family when
they were sad, it had become second nature. What she wasnt prepared for
was when the white wolf leaned on her like a pup might do to their mother.
You have a gift, FawnFur, a way about you that makes others open up.
Do not let what is to come steal that from you. It closed its eyes. I have
been awake too short a time, yet I must leave again if the world is to get
through this. I cant protect you any longer so I must let you go.
Around her, the world seemed to sway and fade out till all she could
feel was the warm fur of her sister up against her own.
I am sorry, was the last she ever heard from it.

Emily Dahlstrom
Long term project
Mystic Waters Story

SkyWish worked a little too well. The fear was still there, but it was
hard to dwell on it when your head was sore from the sound of your mother
who wouldnt shut up. MysticWater put a paw on her muzzle in a pose of
misery. DarkShadow was still giggling like an idiot in the corner, it was
unclear whether he was proud of their mother or having a bazaar heart
attack. Gavin seemed unconcerned, so her brother was probably fine.
Oh, he was so lovely in the moonlight. SkyWish continued, I was
falling deep into his yellow eyes, it was like drowning in the blood of your
prey, still warm after the kill.
Gavin laughed at MysticWaters expression, which had gone from
bored to deeply scared.
Gavin, dont laugh, you will kill the mood! The old wolf reprimanded.
Why, none you coul-
I think we should leave.
All heads turned towards FawnFur as she entered the cave, walking off
balanced but with a determined look in her eyes. She smelled strange, like
fire and earth had rubbed off on her fur.
SkyWish got up and licked her favorite daughter behind the ear, What
happened to you, FawnFur? You look as though youve seen a ghost, and you
are trembling all over!
FawnFur looked over to where StoneEye had been standing quietly
near where she had just come in. They must have had some unsaid
agreement because StoneEye got up and walked over so he could stand
beside her.
I think FawnFur is right, he announced.
What are you two talking about? Leave? Leave where, go where? I
dont understand, SkyWish barked in confusion.
Leave the Mist, mother. FawnFur wants us to leave the Mists,
DarkShadow clarified.
For once, SkyWish was speechless. It had been so long scene she had
thought about leaving, though what was waiting for her when she did never

Emily Dahlstrom
Long term project
Mystic Waters Story

left her thoughts. Hope and fear curled around in her stomach. Would Arctos
still be there, waiting when she finally got out? Was he dead? In the
beginning she had spent so many days, weeks, months on end searching for
the way out, leaving Gavin alone with her newborn pups. Now it has been
brought up again, after it had been dismissed as hopeless and buried so
deep in her heart for so long.
SkyWi-Mother, Are you ok? MysticWater asked. She could smell the
deep tangle of emotions emanating from the elderly wolf.
I-I dont think it can be done, SkyWish whispered quietly. Before I
came here, there was a beta named WhistleBranch. He was going with Artos
to meet with another pack when they came across the Mists. H-He didnt
believe Arctos warning, and one night went in to prove that this place held
no power. We lost five other wolves who went out to search for him in this
place that summer. Those who come in never come out.
But we are different! The Mist told us to leave! FawnFur howled, then
covered at the surprised stares of her family. Only StoneEye saw that Gavin
was the only one not surprised by this.
What do you mean- SkyWish began but StoneEye cut her off.
Look, SkyWish, DarkShadow, MysticWater, he said, looking each in
the eye as he said their names, We are wolves, creatures born of free will
and free lands. Territories are made and held through the bonds we willingly
create and willingly maintain. We are held together because we are family
not by some unseen force. We are trapped here. Can you not feel how
restless we have become? Our destinies are written in stone, but we are
forgetting that we are its writers, not this place that holds us here. We sit
here and listen to stories told of a world we have no mark on, one that
doesnt even know we are here!
SkyWish, forgive me, but you are getting old. How much longer are
you going to wait see Arctos again? Time is running out! We dont know how
much time weve got till its gone and there is nowhere to go! DarkShadow,
MysticWater, You have the makings of alphas, but it is time to find your own
packs! This might be hopeless, but I would rather do something that wont
work than do nothing at all!
StoneEye took a deep breath and relaxed, his tail even started wagging
a bit.

Emily Dahlstrom
Long term project
Mystic Waters Story

How long have you had that in your system? DarkShadow asked
Longer than you might think, The grey wolf answered, Longer than
you think.

Chapter 5
Arctos sat in silence next to a large black wolf as they watched the sun
sink into the ocean. It was going to be a nice night, nothing like the heavy
rain from the one before. He waited awhile before addressing his companion,
content to rest and watch the sky. It was Fang who broke their silence.
I have a feeling there wont be many more nights like this one, where
there is no threat of war looming over us, the black wolf said softly.
Arctos agreed. I know what you mean those humans are coming
closer every day, and so are their illnesses.

Emily Dahlstrom
Long term project
Mystic Waters Story

The humans had been there a long time - almost a generation now.
Arctos was one of the few that could still remember what it was like before
they came. They had been no threat at first, but then the wildlife of the
surrounding area became sick. Diseases that the humans and the animals
from over the mountains had become immune to was taking down scores of
creatures. Arctos had no idea whether they noticed - or even cared - but they
did nothing to contain the array sicknesses that poisoned the land.
The wolf population had been hit the hardest, with mad-dog diseases
and canine distemper destroying packs that had existed for centuries. Now,
only Fangs and Arctos packs remained intact, and even rapidly expanding
due to new recruits fleeing from their broken packs. Fangs pack had the
advantage of being the farthest from the threat, and he was a clever
tactician. The reason Arctos pack had done so well was a mystery to most;
the fact that they were so close to the humans made them seem doomed to
In truth, Arctos had seen this coming and had prepared accordingly. He
knew the best way of treating those afflicted as well as knowing exactly what
ailed them. No one was suspicious, or was too thankful for his help to ask
him where the extensive knowledge came from, and Arctos was happy just to
keep that information a secret.
How much longer do you think we have till some young hot-headed
beta tries to lead a revolt to destroy the humans? Fang asked.
Arctos laughed at the joke although he knew his friend was dead
serious. The younger wolves didnt like that they were doing nothing about
this problem and were becoming increasingly restless. If they didnt act soon,
things might get out of hand.
The grey wolf sighed. They dont seem to realise what they are
dealing wit! Humans are not some rival pack to be scared away - we must be
more clever about this if we are going to survive!
Fang nodded. I agree. Why do you think I sought you out without
telling my pack first? I trust you, Arctos. We need to work something out or
we will all fall.
Beta help us, The older wolf agreed.
Fang studied the sky for a moment before he spoke again. I havent
heard that saying in a long time. You must really be as old as they say.

Emily Dahlstrom
Long term project
Mystic Waters Story

Beta? The pups are always asking for the old stories. Rarely will the
day go by when Im not sick of hearing it over and over. Its their favorite.
Arctos grumbled in a grumpy-old-man kind of way.
Fang smiled as he thought about the pups back at his home, though
none of them were his. I almost cant remember what it was about, now. But
I always used to think I heard the cries of the winter spirits searching for him
when there was a big storm. At Arctos troubled expression he added, It
was all made up, of course. I dont believe in it now.
The elderly alpha relaxed. The old stories have some truth to them. I
would be more cautious to throw the Temporians to the wind. Do you not
remember what happened to Beta, or am I going to have to tell it to you all
over again?
Ha! Well first off we always used to call them Estacions. Not that I
knew why, Id rather just call them nature creatures and be done with it.
Fang cocked his head. I never took you for the superstitious type, Arctos!
Arctos smiled slyly, Weve all got our quirks... plus, Im an old man.
The elderly are allowed to be weird.
At that he lay down in the soft grass, and a second later Fang joined
Tell me that story again. Aren't elders the ones in charge of that kind
of thing? Fang asked.
Yes, I suppose we are. Though Im warning you, Im not very good.
Arctos looked up at the stars overhead. Dang, its really nice out!
Stop stalling and tell! Someones bound to notice our absence soon,
and then there will be trouble. The black wolf gave an encouraging wag of
his tail. He would never act this way in a formal meeting with Arctos, but this
was a talk among friends.
Arctos took in a deep breath and began, It all started a long, long time
ago. There was this pack, one of the first wolf packs and they were very
So this is it, we are leaving here. Forever. FawnFur woofed, the
enormity of what they were about to do hitting her for almost the first time.

Emily Dahlstrom
Long term project
Mystic Waters Story

A massive raven, an elderly wolf, and four young wolves look around at
the place they called home for so long as they stood in the entrance.
MysticWater felt a shiver run down her spine, it was as cold as the strange
sense of fear that had been chasing her all morning. She had to run, had to
leave. Even as they were leaving, the feeling only grew. DarkShadow gave
her a reassuring smile.
"Lets keep this cave stalacTIGHT to our hearts" The black wolf said in
MysticWater slapped him.
They were in the middle on a cold hard winter and the prey had
become harder and harder to find, but they managed. One of the wolves was
named Beta and he was a strong wolf renowned in the wild for his prowess in
hunting and cunning. It was with his help that the small pack was faring well
despite the hardships presented to them in the cold. Then, one night, Beta
left the camp with his brother and sister to go find food when he came upon
the largest hart he had ever seen. Now, Beta was not stupid: he sensed
something powerful coming off the strange stag and knew that killing it
would be a mistake. The clever wolf was right, for before him was a young
creature of winter who did not know the dangers of revealing themselves to
the eyes of the forest.
Gavin flew down to meet the small party in the glade, dipping into a
graceful dive and pulling up at the last second to land less gracefully on the
muddy ground. His wings were ruffled and the great bird was practically
jumping with excitement.
Its amazing! He gasped, It is like normal mist ahead, I could actually fly
through open air rather than blindly through! It is too foggy to see the terrain
though and behind us is like a wall.
MysticWater shared a glance with DarkShadow, the black wolf looked
more troubled than elated like the rest of their company. So she was not the
only one that felt like she was being corralled out. The white wolf walked
away from where the others were chatting, and when she looked behind her
she saw that DarkShadow had followed her. They looked into the wall of

Emily Dahlstrom
Long term project
Mystic Waters Story

swirling blue and silver light that looked so alive, so dangerous... yet to leave
it behind felt wrong.
I dont want to leave either. I feel as though Im ditching one of you
guys, instead of some magical mist that has kept me prisoner my whole life,
DarkShadow whispered.
I dont think I can leave, DarkShadow. This place is a part of me
somehow, MysticWater said, And yet it is pushing us out. If it didnt want us
to leave, we couldnt.
The Black Wolf had on his serious face, one he very rarely used. We
will come back, just the two of us. The others dont cant. They belong out
The white wolf stared at her brother, astonished; she had not thought
coming back was an option. Can we? Will it let us?
I dont know, but it sometimes feel like I have some sort of influence
on this place. You are even better at it than I am!
It was true; ever since they were pups MysticWater always had some
sort of command on the Mist. Once SkyWish had been missing for days when
they were very young, and when they wouldnt stop bothering poor Gavin
about how late she was, he told them to ask the Mist. Of course it didnt
work, but that night, little MysticWater had escaped, and as soon as she
walked through the entrance... there was SkyWish. She was always able to
find anyone anywhere in the Mist, even animals she didnt know. They never
talked about it because SkyWish would have a fit.
Come on, we are moving out! The old wolf called.
They walked for a long time without anything eventful happening, with
Gavin flying overhead as a lookout and the five wolves trotting faithfully
below him. It had gotten warmer since the morning, and the air was filled
with the smell of grass and dirt. StoneEye was the first to get the scent and
he warned the others of what he smelled. The FawnFur stopped and she
remembered the Mists warning, that it could not help them any longer.
Dont worry; we will just tread carefully and we will be fine. The bear
is out numbered, StoneEye told them.

Emily Dahlstrom
Long term project
Mystic Waters Story

I dont fear no bear! Why Arctos took down hordes of bears. They
were no match for him!
Im sure they were, SkyWish DarkShadow said sarcastically.
Why hasnt Gavin seen them? He is supposed to be a lookout,
FawnFur asked StoneEye.
Because have you noticed how hard is to see right now? this fog is
getting pretty thick,
SkyWish grunted. Im just happy it is normal fog; Im so sick of that other
MysticWater listened to their chatting with mild interest, It didnt sound
like the bear was anywhere close by. She felt hot and her head was
beginning to swim, like she hadn't had water for a long time even though
they had stopped for a drink a short time ago. The familiar feeling of the
oncoming headache came and went quickly. It was followed by the need to
lie down now. Gavin said it was called an aura. This was going to be a bad
one, she only ever got auras when they were worse than normal.
Guys! I think we have to flee, DarkShadow whimpered loudly, his
voice about one octave higher than usual.
What is it? FawnFur asked, and then let out gasp when she saw what
he was looking at.
The bear cubs chest was bloated and its fur was still sopping wet, salt
crusted around its lips from where the water had dried in the sun. From what
they could see there was no streams or lakes around where it could have
washed up, but it had definitely drowned.
Saltwater? This little cub drowned in the ocean! SkyWish exclaimed.
The old wolf was a small ways upwind; she and StoneEye were
investigating a second cub - this was most likely the one StoneEye had
originally scented.
There is another one down here! FawnFur called and two raised their
heads to look at them.
Ugghhh, MysticWater contributed.

Emily Dahlstrom
Long term project
Mystic Waters Story

Sadly, Betas siblings did not see the signs and thought this was just a
normal deer, and before he could stop them they attacked. The hart struck
out with its antlers, flinging them to the ground, the fight lasted only
seconds before the two wolves were defeated. Beta felt fear rise up in him
were he was hidden by the snow. Creatures of the seasons were not known
for their mercy - they had a reputation of being cruel, though the older ones
have been known to respect the animals in the forest. Blood stained the
snow around the two wolves from where they had been hit, and they could
only watch helplessly as the stag descended on them.
Above them, Gavin let out a screech of warning, flying down as fast a
he could but he had seen the new threat to late. The fog had abated some,
just enough so that he could see the massive dark form hurtling towards
them as fast as it could go. The mother bear was coming at them from down
wind: the wolves would not know she was coming until she was in fighting
range. Gavin had seen a mother bear fight before; they made up for their low
speed and agility with their impressive strength and cunning. In mid-dive,
the giant raven could only watch helplessly as DarkShadow was hit full on.
DarkShadow saw the ground come up to meet him and he braced
himself for impact. The world spun round and round. Why did his shoulder
hurt so much? Just a second ago he had been examining the carcase of a
dead cub and now he was in pain... he tried to move but it just made it hurt
more. Had he gone blind? No, his eyes were closed. FawnFur screamed.
There were sounds all around him. He opened his eyes but all he could see
was grass and mud. What was happening? DarkShadow smelled blood, his
blood, mixed in with the grass and the earth. He had to move, had to help.
Pain seared his shoulder as the black wolf rose to his feet, eyes swimming
with red, and vertigo gripped him. If what was attacking them now turned on
him, the black wolf would be completely helpless.
Courageous Beta thought. As the winter was about to do the final
blow, the wolf rose up from the snow and bit down hard on the stags throat.
It twisted in surprise, jumping and bucking frantically in attempts to free
itself. Had it not been so young it would have known to change into its nonmaterial form, and Beta wouldnt have been able to hold on to. That was its

Emily Dahlstrom
Long term project
Mystic Waters Story

fatal mistake. Within moments, Betas sharp teeth were able to break
through its thick hide and it dropped dead in the snow.
DarkShadow was the last thing on the bears mind at that moment as
she was suddenly attacked by the biggest creature she had ever seen. It
looked like a normal raven, but normal ravens were not larger than horses.
Gavin tore at her fur with his mighty talons and pecked when he could with
his beak. It had been a long time since he had been in a serious fight and he
was slower than he hoped. His side was killing him from where the bear had
hit him with her paws; she was strong, and this was certainly not her first
battle. He flapped upwards, and she managed to snag one of his tail
ROAHR screamed the bear as Gavin glided just above her head.
He circled her as close to the ground as he dared, his balance
dangerously off - the bear had done more damage to her opponent than she
realized. Gavin frowned; he had to end this quickly or he was going to get
seriously injured. Folding his wings into an awkward dive, a feeling of deadly
calm washed over him. It would have been easier to just fly away, though he
wouldn't get very far till a gust of wind knocked him to the ground. If that
thought had crossed the ravens mind, though, it did nothing to waver his
resolve as his bill plunged into the female bears stomach.
It had been a direct hit but the force of the impact tore him out of the
bear and sent him bouncing along the hard ground like a rag doll till he hit a
tree with a loud thud. He flailed for a moment on the ground, stunned from
impact, his glossy feathers covered in mud. The bear advanced towards him
a little, making her strange groaning noises as blood drooled out of her
mouth like saliva. Gavin stopped flailing, his wings coming to rest fully
outspread beside him. He wasnt moving, and he was completely vulnerable.
Beta felt a tingle down his spine and his fur bristled along the nape of
his neck. The forest was still, but he could sense the thousands of eyes that
suddenly focused on him. The gravity of what he had just done weighed
heavily on his shoulders. For a few moments everything was still, stunned
into silence. Beta raised his tail high defiantly, for the wolf had no regrets for

Emily Dahlstrom
Long term project
Mystic Waters Story

what he had just done and if the situation would arise again he would not
hesitate to act.
The gathered winter creatures sensed this about Beta, and they saw
his devotion to his family, his pack. They saw that he would proudly give his
life to defend them, and they also saw an opportunity. They saw a way to
stake their superiority above the creatures of the forest and to set an
example to those who opposed them. It began to snow and the temperature
dropped. A few howled their resentment to this proposal though the plan
was already set in motion. Their cries were drowned out by the exuberant
cheers of the others, exalting in their cleverness.
Beta noted the changes around him with a mixture of fear and anger.
For unknown to them he could not only sense their presence(all creatures at
the time could), but he could hear and see them as well. They had no
distinctive sent. As revenge for the death of one of their kind, they would kill
Beta and his family. However, the winter creatures were wary of him now, for
he had defeated one of them, though only through a stroke of luck, and
there was no way to know if he could do it again. There would be no outright
attack, so they would have to wait till their storms weakened him first. Then
they would strike.
DarkShadow look around; he was aware that Gavin was either dead or
unconscious but his mind was acting obnoxiously slow in processing the
gravity of the situation. It felt like he was just an observer, one with no
emotional attachment to any of what he was seeing. Somewhere his mind
was telling him to look for the others, to help Gavin, to run, but he could not
actually grasp the thoughts enough to act on them.
FawnFur and StoneEye were nowhere to be seen, he noticed, though
those names meant nothing to him at the moment. SkyWish was a short
ways away from the dazed black wolf - she was breathing heavily and she
was trembling. There were no signs of blood on the old wolfs grey fur.
DarkShadow felt relief at that, though he didnt know why. The air smelled of
blood, and his attention turned to its source, the bear. She was moving
considerably fast for something with their small intestine trailing behind
How is she still alive? He thought.

Emily Dahlstrom
Long term project
Mystic Waters Story

The bear was almost upon the raven and DarkShadow felt the sudden
urge to do something. So he did what came naturally.
Ey! He barked.
The bear turned her head and grunted.
Thats a grizzly wound you got there. How can you bear this long?
The black wolf called. Water are you going to do about it?
Maybe it was the fact that he was still moving or maybe it was the
really cruel pun DarkShadow just unwittingly made about water when her
cubs had just drowned. Either way, she took the bait and began lumbering
towards the black wolf who was laughing hysterically over his bear puns.
But wolves are smart creatures and do not go down easy. Beta did not
lose heart that his family would weather this winter. For Beta was as clever
as he was loyal and had many tricks to help them battle the coming months.
They had already collected a small reserve of food and the drop in
temperature would work in their favor keeping it fresh. For now he had to
focus on how to protect them against an attack.
He had thought long and hard when he finally came up with an idea.
If he made it seem as though the harsh conditions were working in the
wolves favor than maybe the winter creatures would give up and let them
go. But how would he make them seem strong when they were struggling to
get by?
The plan Beta made was one largely used today by our own betas and
is well known by the packs of today. What we eat changes how we smell and
even the patterns on our fur, but we eat by our ranks so that we can
distinguish among each other. What Beta and his family did went against
protocol. Each ate another part of their prey then marked their territory so it
seemed to the winter creatures as though there were many wolves rather
than just a few.
Patrols became more frequent and were done by another pair of
wolves every time which further increase there ylation of numbers. When a
group of the winter creatures came to check on their work but were forced to
retreat out of fear of being overwhelmed, Betas plan had worked! Still, the
cunning wolf was not satisfied. Food was running out.

Emily Dahlstrom
Long term project
Mystic Waters Story

SkyWish could not remember having been more scared. Her limbs were
stiff and painful and her heart was going dangerously fast. Arctos, if only he
was here, he could save her, save all of them. The bear had come on them
so fast from downwind, and thus they hadn't even heard it till it was too late.
It was attacking out of grief and a pain that wouldnt go away, SkyWish could
understand that much. The bear knew that they had not killed her cubs there were no bite marks on their fur, and only the stark smell of seawater
and death stained their still bodies. But, it was easier to have something
tangible to blame, something to fight, to kill, to share in your pain.
Understanding did nothing to quell the anger growing inside the old
wolf. That bear was going to kill her family. Behind her was the quivering
body of MysticWater, who had been attacked shortly after DarkShadow, her
ears flattened against her skull and her eyes tightly closed. The white wolf
was at the climax of her migraine, lost to them in her own pain. On the other
hand, she hadn't become a blunder fool like SkyWishs son, DarkShadow,
who was currently occupying himself with giggles as their deadly foe
advanced on him. SkyWish cringed at his shoulder, the black fur looking wet
and inflamed. At least StoneEye had the sense to take FawnFur and run. The
two had been overwhelmed with the instinct to run; she had seen it in their
eyes. The fear, the blankness, and the internal struggle of loyalty over
survival. Survival always won.
Something had to be done.
Soon, food had run out all together and the hunting parties were
coming back empty handed, the pack grew thin and weak and it was coming
through in their scent. Soon, the winter creatures would be back and they
would fall. Beta could not let that happen, but he could not come up with a
plan till one fateful hunting trip.
Beta had gone out alone to hunt when he spotted an old crow circling
above him.
Crow, Beta called to it, What is it that you are doing? Shouldnt you
be south with the others, where it is warm?
The crow flew down from where it had been circling in the sky to land
on a branch just above Beta.

Emily Dahlstrom
Long term project
Mystic Waters Story

That I should. He sighed, but I am old and would never make it

through the journey. I would prefer to die in the nest I met my mate in and
raised my chicks.
But there is no food here. How is it that you get by? The wolf
The old crow chuckled. I have not eaten in many days, wolf, and even
if I did find food I would have no way to break into its thick carcass to get the
The wolf cocked his head, But what about your beak? It looks strong
enough to hunt with to me.
Strong enough to kill, but it cannot tear apart our meat to eat it. We
are not owls: if I ate my food whole I would surely choke. The crow fluffed
up his chest. Our beaks are far from useless, however. We can talk to many
a creature and make many a sound to friends, or foes.
Beta was silent for a moment and the glimmer of an idea crossed his
Crow, you have lived here for a long time. Is there any way that you
would know were some of the prey would be hiding? Before the old crow
could reply Beta added, I could open the meat for you so that you could eat
it and in return my pack would get the rest.
The crow took a moment to reply as he thought about the wolf's
proposal. Finally he answered, Your idea is a good one. I will help you - after
all, I am old and have nothing to lose but time.
SkyWish struggled to her feet despite the pain and the stiffness,
thinking of Arctos the whole time. She could almost hear his voice as he told
her about how beautiful she was, how he could never live without her and
about how every second she filled his thoughts. Just his memory could make
the pain go away, a fleeting sense of security in when everything around her
was falling apart.
The bear was almost to DarkShadow. She had to act now or it would be
too late.

Emily Dahlstrom
Long term project
Mystic Waters Story

The crow kept his promise and soon Beta and his pack were eating
well, but more problems began to arise. The cold was beginning to take its
toll on them. The wolves were beginning to show signs of hypothermia and it
was getting worse as time went by. Even with their thick coats the cold
seeped into their veins, slowly freezing their warm blood.
To add to their woes, Betas sightings of the winter creatures were
becoming more and more frequent and he began to despair. His enemies
had not given up as he had hoped and now he was going to lose all he held
dear. The wolf was, for the first time, completely at a loss of what to do. Beta
walked off alone to the farthest edge of their territory where he began to
StoneEye was running before he even realized he was moving, tearing
across the snow and mud at speeds he had no idea he could reach. Sound,
color, smells, were all blurred by primitive command to run. Part of him, the
part of him that was still able to process what was going on, told him to go
back. The grey wolf tried to turn himself around but his body wouldnt listen,
it was as if he was being controlled by someone else.
Two minds clashed as he ran, mud turning to sand and then rock,
fighting himself for control. A ringing became louder and louder and soon he
couldnt focus on anything else but the sound, and his fear. Where was his
family? They had all been together, then they were apart, broken, alone. And
he was running. Calm down, Calm down, CALM DOWN! he came and abrupt
halt, his butt skidding across stone. Had he said that out loud?
He took a deep breath, slowing his heart rate down as he shut his eyes
and rested. StoneEye was back in control. The fear, the chaos, it was gone, a
memory, nothing but a memory. He was back Back where, where was he?
Where were the others?
Clam down, yer hiperventalatin it nippin at mah sleep.
StoneEye turned around and was face to face with the oldest wolf he
had ever seen. Her fur was grey and course age but something about her
was so, so familiar. She smiled at him like she knew something he didnt then
took a step closer.
Wahts wrong pup, Yea dont reaconise yer oun family? Did SkyWish never
tell yah about her ol Mama TideSong?

Emily Dahlstrom
Long term project
Mystic Waters Story

The sound of Betas call reached out and across the land, he sang of
the triumphs of the wolf pack and the downfall that ultimately awaited them,
of the cold snow and warm dens, of hunting and of dieing. All of his sorrow,
his pride, his love for his pack, he put into the song till even those deep in
hibernation heard him... and they began to wake up. The ground around him
began to thaw as new voices took up his call. They came from far away and
as they came closer their voices rose in volume, thousands of birds coming
from the south, they filled the sky as they welcomed their homes once
MysticWaters headache ended just in time for her to walch her mother
step in between DarkShadow and a bear. SkyWish growled, a deep, rumbling
sound, that felt as though it didnt belong to the frail old wolf. It seemed to
fill her with strength and the young white wolf could only look on with
amazement at the transformation from senile old lady, to the fearless
persona of a determined warrior.
The two looked at each other for a few heart beats, time seemed to
slow between bear and wolf. MysticWater tried to cry out to her mother, but
her mouth was dry and no sound came. It would have been too late even if
she had. Ringing filled her ears and fuzzed her thoughts, it was almost
surreal, like everything was stuck in some complex spider web.
The scream was short and it pierced the air like a dagger, leaving the
air as quickly as a soul leaving a body. One second it was there, filling the
world with its presence and the next, it was gone leaving all those around
them to feel the emptiness left behind. All was unnaturally still, SkyWish, her
mother, was unnaturally still. MysticWater pulled herself to her feet,
indifferent to her injuries, and wabbled over to the still form. She looked frail
and insignificant compared to the glory of a few minutes ago, limp and
unreal. This was not SkyWish, not the annoying old wolf who drove her family
crazy, not the one who wouldnt shut up about her lost lover, not the one
who had raised this small pack(for better or for worse), not the mother that
had given her life to save her child. This was the limp body of wolf, but it
showed nothing of the wolf who once inhabited it. SkyWish was gone.

Emily Dahlstrom
Long term project
Mystic Waters Story

Beta had called to the spring creatures, and they answered his call. It
took a long time for the pack to recover but in time they did. The winter
creatures moved on and no longer tormented them. The end Arctos
You are a very good storyteller, but you are terrible at endings. Fang shook
his head.
Arctos smiled at his friend, SkyWish was the last wolf to have told him
that, he would find her, he had to.
I should go, you to. We have been away from our pack for too long. The
black wolf got to his feet and began to walk away.
Good bye Arctos
Bye Fang
The old wolf stayed lying down until his friend was a good distance
away, then he turned his head towards the sky.
Where are you SkyWish. He asked the stars.
But all he got in answer was a small moth that landed on tail a moment
before flying away.

Emily Dahlstrom
Long term project
Mystic Waters Story

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