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It contains a film title, no release

date but explains that its coming

out soon, it has a credit but
doesnt contain star names.
The main colours used are dark
grey and black and this connotes
danger and darkness and is a
scary colour
The symbols here are the doll
called Annabelle and everybody
knows that shes an important

part of the film

The main figures and objects are the doll and the
chair and this attracts the audiences attention
because they could think it looks scary
The intended audience is probably teenagers and
adults because they could seem interested in the
The gene conventions are the doll the chair and
the girl facing the other direction makes the film
poster look scary
The star isnt the USP because the star isnt on the
movie poster so the star would be recognised
Attention is gained because people could find it
scary and it could attract their attention
It is a good poster because it is scary and its
obvious what the genre is

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