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People follow the belief of

deities and Orisha.

They believe in Judeo-Christian
god, Jah.

They believe in God or

Ritual are in rented halls or Theres no certain place to

follow through.

They have voodoo

schools, with Christianity

Many ways to perform

rituals. The most popular
is Bombe.

The way they eat is the Vital


A way they perform is

talking to spirits with
voodoo dolls.

They sacrifice animals and

sacrifices happen for
special events.

Their body is a temple.

They curse and charm


There is no main leader,

but more like a unit.

No organized leadership

The setup is more like a


Initiations happen when a

person feels the Orisha
has called them.

Grounation Day is April 21 and it

is the most Holy day for

Anyone can want to

practice voodoo.

Priesthood can be men

and women.

Emperor Haile Selassie I of

Ethiopia. (2nd sent from god)

Priest can be men,

priestess can be women.

Priest play a huge role in

the health.

Emperor Haile Selassie I of

Ethiopia plays a part on 4/21.

Depending on where you

are, the types of voodoo

Santeria is an AfroCaribbean type religion.

Jamaican type of religion

Afro-American type of

In Latin America there are a few types of religions that are practiced. The three
specific ones are Rastafarianism, Santeria and Voodoo. In every religion there are
similarities and differences and it was cool to look further into each religion.
The first religion I researched was Santeria and I found the most information on this
religion as I looked at different sites. This type of practice originated from Afro-Caribbean
and their god is known as Orisha. People who follow this religion believe that if they follow
through with the jobs and roles that the Orisha has given them, they will gain the help to life.
Santerians worship in rented halls or homes. Some homes may have altars so it may be
more of an advantage to use homes. Priests come and lead the rituals, which can be men
or women and any type of ritual. You have to go through an initiation first. The most popular
is the Bombe, which includes the Orisha to dance, drum and sing with the people. Even
though they worship things, they also sacrifice and they sacrifice animals. They will do this
for any special event, which is scary for killing an animal, but very interesting.
The Second religion I found information on was Rastafarianism. This religion is
based on the picture of Bob Marley, if you want a clear picture. It originated in Jamaica and
they have two idols. Jah is the Judeo-Christian god and then Emperor Haile Selassie I of
Ethiopia. Their belief is that Ethiopia is the perfect world. They dont have any specific place
to worship like the Santerians, but they do have some type of rituals. They have the Vital
diet which is they eat natural foods because their body is a temple. They grow their hair out
naturally to show. Since Santerians are associated with Bob Marley they think their whole
religion is based around the date 4/20, but actually 4/21 is their holy day. They call this
Grounation day and it celebrates the honor of the Emperor.
Haiti, Louisiana and Africa is where you can find the last type of religion. It is known
as Voodoo. People view voodoo as black magic and bad and in some rituals it can be, but it
some places they also follow Christianity. This religion is Afro-American and yes they have a
god. They worship either God or spirits. They actually have schools to teach them about
Voodoo, which are much like Catholic schools. They are taught by teachers, some teachers
can be priests and priestesses. They learn about the history and rituals. A ritual that is
popular is the use of Voodoo dolls. They can be made out of hay, straw and yarn and are
used to put curses or spells on people. Their setup of leadership is more like the way a
church authority, which is funny because people think that the practice of Voodoo is the
worst religion, but it is really cool to learn about.

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