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For centuries, the Roman Catholic Church had little competition in

religious thought and action. The resistance of the church to change led to the
Protestant Reformation, which resulted in the birth of new political and
economic institutions. It led to important economic and political changes. Power
in most European states became concentrated in the monarchs.
At first the Reformation divided the countries of Europe on religious
principles, leading to religious intolerance. Religious differences and hatreds
caused war and destruction. Gradually, religious toleration emerged.

Immediate Causes

Merchant wealth challenges the churchs view of usury.

German and English nobility disliked Italian domination of the Church.
The Churchs great political power and wealth caused conflict.
Church corruption and the sale of indulgences were widespread and
caused conflict.

The Reformers
1. Martin Luther
believed in salvation by faith alone.
posted the 95 theses.
contributed to the birth of the Protestant church.
2. John Calvin
believed in predestination.
expanded Protestant movement.
3. King Henry VIII
dismissed authority of the Pope in Rome.
divorced and remarried; then broke with the Catholic Church.
formed the Church of England.

4. Queen Elizabeth I
associated with the Anglican Church.
showed tolerance for dissenters.
Her rule was known for victory over the Spanish Armada in 1588.
Immediate Results
A. Germany
North: Princes converted to Protestantism, ending papal authority in their
The Hapsburg family remained with the Catholic Church.
War between the Protestants and Catholics resulted in devastating loss
(known as the Thirty Years War).
B. England
Elizabeth I ended bloodshed and united the British Isles under the Anglican
The rise of Reformation contributed to the growth of capitalism.
C. France
The Catholic monarch (Henry IV) granted Protestant Huguenots freedom of
worship with the Edict of Nantes.
Cardinal Richelieu changed the focus of the Thirty Years War from a
religious to a political one.
D. Catholic Reformation
Both Huss and Wycliffe dissented before Luther did.
The Catholic Church mounted the Counter-Reformation to reassert its
The Council of Trent reaffirmed most Church doctrine and practices.
The Society of Jesus (The Jesuits) was founded to spread Catholic doctrine
around the world.
The Inquisition was used to reinforce Catholic doctrine.

Long-Term Results
Changing cultural values and traditions during the Reformation caused
growth of secularism.
growth of individualism.
growth of religious tolerance.

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