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Definition of the Caribbean Region
This describes the area washed by the Caribbean Sea and is often described as the Caribbean Basin. It
would therefore include most of the islands of the Lesser Antilles, Greater Antilles as well as the
mainland territories in Central America (Costa Rica, Belize, Panama, Honduras) and Northern South
America such as Columbia and Venezuela. The common link here is the Caribbean Sea.
There are deep seated structural features of Caribbean geology which also identifies commonalities. It is
the area that is defined by the Caribbean Plate and which experiences similar tectonic, seismic and
volcanic features and processes.
It describes the area that saw the impact of European colonization, slavery, indentureship and the
plantation system. this refers to all the territories so that one way of defining the Caribbean is to identify
those countries that experienced the rule of specific European countries. Thus the Caribbean may be
defined as being broken up into the English, French, Dutch and Spanish speaking countries and
In the Caribbean at least three types of governmental systems are found. They include Independent States,
Associated States and Colonial Dependencies.

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Society is a collection of people occupying a defined geographical area over a long period of time.
Society in the Caribbean is often considered the boundaries of a nation state.
The sociological understanding of the term society stresses the interaction amongst its members.
Culture is widely regarded as the way of life for a people.
It is often defined as the learned behavior of a people. Culture is sub divided into material and nonmaterial culture.
Material culture includes the products of people such as their styles of architecture, types of food
preparation, economic organizations and their forms of technology.
Non-material culture refers to the cherished values, ideas, beliefs and ideas.
Cultural values refer to a set of rankings people in a society confer on to a myriad of social behaviors.
Norms are standards of behavior that are culturally accepted and emanate from the realm of cultural
values that we share.


Cultural Diversity
Cultural Diversity is the existence of sub-cultures within a main culture or different cultures in a larger
area such as the Caribbean and the US.
Social Stratification
This is the social arrangement of society based on criteria such as race, wealth and education.

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Social Mobility
This is the movement, usually of individuals or groups, from one social position to another within the
socially stratified system in any society.
This is the admixture of cultural traits and exchange of values from other cultures.
Cultural Erasure
This is where traits or practices of a culture are no longer practiced over time.
Cultural Retention
This may occur as a result of the deliberate desire to keep traditions alive and help some groups to
preserve their sense of identity. It is also defined as the process where past cultural practices are practiced
Cultural Renewal
This is where cultural practices that were once done are being revived or the fashioning of new practices
based on those of the past.


Migratory Movements
The ancestors of the pre-Colombian Amerindians may have come out of North Eastern Asia across the
frozen Bering Straits to Alaska during the fourth Ice Age some fifteen to twenty thousand years ago. The
nomads wandered southwards through North, Central and South America evolving distinct physical and
cultural characteristics.
Over hundreds of years the Amerindians moved and some settled. Some of the familiar names are Aztec,
Maya and Inca.
The Orinoco Basin and the Guianas in South America were the original homeland of the Caribs and
Arawaks who migrated northwards through the Lesser Antilles to the Greater Antilles. By 1492, the main
Arawak groups which inhabited the West Indies were the Lucayans in the Bahamas and Tainos in Cuba,
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Jamaica, Haiti and Puerto Rico. The greatest Amerindian civilization flourished on the mainland of
Mesoamericas and South America.
It is perhaps the constant movement of people into and out of the Caribbean that led Richardson to refer
to a regional migration tradition. This propensity to migrate, he argued, took off immediately after
emancipation in the 1830s when thousands of men and women most notably from smaller islands,
migrated to Trinidad and British Guiana in search of higher wages and better conditions. By 1845, more
than 10 000 migrants from small West Indian Islands had travelled to Trinidad and over 8000 others had
gone to British Guiana. Many of these emigrants eventually returned home displaying the fruits of their
labour. This movement continued from a long time as a feature of Caribbean people, that is, to move from
small islands of the Eastern Caribbean to larger ones in a complex inter-island migration.
Encomienda System (System of Unfree Labor)
Hispaniola was the first test ground for Spains Indian Policy.
Amerindians had to present Columbus with a certain amount of gold each week which were measured in
ingots (a calabash full of gold dust)
He made them dive for pearls. Amerindians drowned because they were not accustomed to diving so
Chiefs were hunted and killed by Spanish dogs if they did not adhere to the rules.
Nicholas De Ovando, a Spanish Governor was appointed by the crown to oversee the encomienda system.
The rich Spanish (encomendero) gained jurisdiction over land and they had Amerindians working for
Nicholas De Ovando had to protect the Amerindians but he did not do so.
Many Amerindians died of starvation.
In 1510, in Hispaniola, the first Dominican friar arrived to help the Amerindians.
Father Antonio Montesinos on Advent Sunday in 1511 addressed Spanish telling them they were
hypocritical and warped.
The Law of Burgos (1512-1513) sought to alienate the tension between Spanish and Amerindians.

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Bartolome de Las Casas was a former encomendero who had a religious epiphany and freed the
Amerindians. He went to King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella to look to Africa for labor since it was
cheap and easily accessible.
The audienca moderated the amount of tribute the slaves had to pay and they functioned like a High
Court. (1531-1532)
The New Laws of the Indies (1542) dealt with the prohibition of enslavement of Indians and prevention
of doing personal services for encomenderos.
By 1560, encomienda system was partially banned as some encomenderos still practiced the system.
By the second half of the 16th Century, there was a virtual genocide of the Amerindians.
Repartimiento and Yanconaje
Repartimiento was primarily practiced in Central Mexico and Andean Highlands.
Adult males had to do rotation work.
In New Spain, the Repartimiento was called Mita.
There was an encomendero who had to oversee the work usually a rich Spanish.
Yanaconaje was practiced in Peru and Bolivia.
African Slaves
African slaves were accessible, stronger, healthier, less prone to diseases and had knowledge of
The journey of slave ships from Africa to the West Indies (Middle Passage) was wrought with horror,
waste of human life and was characterized by high mortality rate.
Chattel- African slaves were treated as commodities.
Asiento- a contract between a company and the Spanish Crown.
All forms of colonial labor depended on servitude/ coercion
Economics was the start and end of slavery.

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Plantation Society
Race, color, status, occupation, ethnicity affected the social pyramid of the plantation society.
The plantation society is a capitalist type of enterprise in which land is treated like a commodity.
Indentured laborers were assigned contracts in which they were paid wages to work for a specified period
of time.
After the contracts expired they were given the option to return to their homelands or to receive a plot of
land. Many chose to stay.
Indentureship was supposed to differ from slavery, however, the servants were treated as harshly as the
Caribbean Reponse to Oppression
Amerindians used bows and arrows with poisoned tips.
Infanticide and Group or Individual Suicide
If caught, they were burnt to the stake
They were intentionally idle on the plantation (Go Slow)
They destroyed valuable machinery
Marronage Maroons were the runaway slaves who established communities in the hilly terrain of many
areas of the Americas. Marronage was not always an option in island communities but existed in large
territories where the hilly terrain was ideal for settlements. The most famous Maroons in the Caribbean
are found in Suriname, in the Blue Mountains and Cockpit Country of Jamaica and in Las Villas in Cuba.
They were successful at defending their liberty and in 1739 the British were forced to sign a treaty of

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Movement towards Independence

Foster Commission (1935) in Trinidad and Moyne Commission (1938) looked at the economic situation
in each country.
Universal Adult Suffrage the right to vote
In the 1930s political parties were formed.
Entrepreneurial activities- shop-keeping and saving society (sou-sou)


Plate Tectonics
Plate tectonics is the study of the movement of plates and their resultant landforms. The crust is made up
of two plates, the Continental or Oceanic and they move or float on molten rock.
Types of Plates Margins
Convergent Plate Margin
At these margins two plates move towards each other and it is called a destructive plate margin. At a
convergent plate margin, either a collision zone or a subduction zone may be formed. A collision zone
occurs where two continental plates collide forming fold mountains. E.g. Eurasian and Indian plates
collide to form the Himalayan Mountains. A subduction zone occurs when an oceanic plate collide with a
continental plate and the denser oceanic plate is forced under.
At a convergent plate margin volcanoes and earthquakes occur. E.g. the eastern end of the Caribbean Plate
along the line of the Lesser Antilles and the North American plate and the Caribbean plate.
Divergent Plate Margin
At this plate margin, the plates move away from each other and is called a constructive plate margin as
new crust is formed. This results in gentle volcanis and earthquake activity. Magma is forced upwards and
new crust is created. E.g. the Caribbean and North American plates move away from each other to form
the Cayman Island Ridge.
Transform Plate Margin
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At this plate margin, the plates slide past each other with converging or diverging. It is also called a fault.
Volcanic activity does not occur here, instead only seismic activity is experienced. E.g. the Cayman Island
A volcano is an opening in the earths crust through which molten rock, ash, steam etc are ejected.
In the Caribbean:
Mt. Pelee-Martinque
Erupted in 1902, and killed 30 000 people.
A nueeardente (glowing cloud filled with super heated ash and gases) descended on the village and thus
suffocated the residents.
Earthquakes are sudden earth movements or vibrations in the earths crust. They are caused by the
development of faults in the crust which result from collision of plates or from the movement of molten
rocks below or within the crust or the sudden release of stress that has slowly built up along the fault
plane at a transform plate margin. The focus is the point at which the earthquake originated. The
epicenter is the point on the surface of the earth directly above the focus.
Risks involved with Earthquakes
The ground vibrates during an earthquake. Waves travel outwards from side to side. Walls may crack and
windows may break. Utility poles fall and buildings collapse.
Ground Fissures
The ground splits and cracks.
Liquefaction is the process whereby reclaimed land or loose sediments behave like a liquid during an

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Port Royal- Jamaica (1692)
The entire city of Port Royal slumped into the sea as a result of liquefaction.
Over 3000 people died as a result.
Kingston Jamaica (1907)
Registered a 6-6.5 on the Richter scale
Caused fires
800 deaths
85% buildings destroyed
Ground fissures over 15cm apart
Jamaica (1993)
5.4 on the Richter scale
2 deaths
Triggered landslides
More than 500 homes destroyed
Dominica (2004)
6.3 earthquake
3 historic churches destroyed
Hospital damaged
Wall collapsed
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Indonesian Earthquake and Tsunami (2004)

Occurred off the island of Sumatra
Upward displacement of 10m
Tsunami travelled at speed of 800km/h
A hurricane is a low pressure system formed in warm waters. All hurricanes develop over the sea. They
do not develop close to the equator as they require a surface temperature of 27 degrees.
Before a hurricane
Calm weather, high humidity and strong swells
As hurricane approaches, cloud cover builds up and winds intensify
During a hurricane
Wind strongest near the eye of the storm
Eye: calm, down draught of warm air
Wind drops suddenly after eye passes and starts again
After a hurricane
Wind speeds gradually drop
Heavy rain may continue
Wind damage
40% increase in wind speed doubles the destructive power
Wave damage
Waves may reach 8m high
May be severe beach erosion
Marine life damaged or killed
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Corals damaged
Coastal structures damaged
Ships and boats at risk
Storm surge
Near eye of major hurricane sea levels are several metres above normal
Strengthened as approaches shore
Flooding by slowly rising waters (Caroni, Barrackpore)
Triggered where steep hills are sodden with rain
Hurricane Ivan in Grenada ( September 2004)
80-90% houses damaged or destroyed
5000-6000 slept in shelters
Power lines brought down
Water supply contaminated
Recently built national stadium destroyed
Most schools damaged
90% nutmeg trees destroyed
90% trees fell
Roads blocked and airport closed
Landline phone and radio transmitters down
1700 hotel rooms, 300 available
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Prison roof blown off

Soil is the uppermost layer of loose material on top of the orck which makes up the surface of the earth. It
consists of tiny oarticles derived from the broken down fragment of rock together with humus.
Soil erosion
Soil may be eroded by:

Soil compaction by grazing animals and machinery

Over grazing
Over use of artificial fertilizer
Slash and burn cultivation
Forest fires
Bad agricultural practices

Soil conservation
Soil may be conserved by:

Wind breaks
Contour ploughing/drainage
Crop rotation
Canopy cover
Cover cropping

Coral Reefs
How are coral reefs formed?
1. The main frame of the reef is built up by coral polyps whish are small soft bodied creatures which
use calcium carbonate dissolved in water to build up a hard casing of limestone to protect
2. These tiny polyps live in colonies or large groups.
3. Layer after layer of limestone is added to the colony as new polyps build on top of the structure.
4. Other organisms also live on the reef and these creatures produce hard skeletons which help to
build up the structure of the reef around the framework of the coral.
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5. Only the surface layer of the reef is made up of live coral.

6. Between the reef and the shore, there is usually a shallow lagoon. The floor of this is made up of
sand, dead coral and rubble.
7. On the seaward side, the reef slopes down more steeply. At the base of this slope there will also
be an accumulation of sand and rubble.
Conditions in which coral reefs grow
1. The temperature of the water should be between 21 and 30 degrees Celsius. Thus is why there are
few coral reefs outside the tropics or in places where there are cold sea currents.
2. Corals mat be killed where the water is too hot.
3. Sunlight must be able to penetrate where the coral is growing. Corals grow only in fairly shallow
water. The exact depth depends on the clarity of the water.
4. Coral grow where the water has the right amount of salt. Few reefs are near the mouth of rivers.
5. Corals need to grow in clean water. Muddy water damages coral because it shuts out sunlight and
because silt particles choke the coral polyps. Organic growth of other organisms are promoted.
Organic pollution damage coral. Corals may be starved from lack of oxygen or smothered in
algae. When the growth of the coral is held back, it often becomes diseased and may die.
Types of Coral Reefs
1. Fringing Reefs- This type of reef consists of a platform of coral which is connected to and which
is built out from the coast. The surface of the platform is usually flat or slightly concave and its
outer edge drops away steeply to the surrounding seafloor. A shallow lagoon usually occurs
between the coast and the outer edge of the reef. Buccoo Reef is an example of a fringing reef.
2. Barrier Reef- A barrier reef is similar to a fringing reef except that it is situated several
kilometers off the coast and is separated from it by a deep, water lagoon. The coral of a barrier
reef is often joined to the coast although the lagoon may be too deep for coral to grow on its bed.
In some cases, fringing reefs develop on the inner side of lagoons which lie between a barrier reef
and the coast of the island.
3. Atolls- Atolls tend to form horseshoe shapes or rings. The reef surrounds a deep lagoon. Atolls
occur off the coast of Belize.
Importance of coral reefs to the Caribbean
1. They protect the coastline from wave erosion and they dissipate wave energy.
2. A rich source of marine flora and fauna-a marine ecosystem
3. Promotes tourism. E.g. scuba diving and snorkeling therefore provides income and earns foreign
4. Source of sand for beach when reefs break down.
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Droughts are caused by a lack of rain over a long period of time. If rain does occur, it usually isnt enough
for the ground to absorb therefore it is evaporated again.


The family is the most fundamental universal social institution and has several functions. These include
reproduction, socialization, economic unit to supply basic needs and emotional and psychological
support. The family ought to be the first to instill in a child attitudes, norms and values so that his or her
own behavior can be developed.
The primary function of the education system is to promote socialization of young people. Schools
transmit a societys values, attitudes, beliefs, norms, specific skills and system of knowledge to young
people. It also recruits young people for specific occupational and social roles in society. They also help
to keep people out of the labor market and it promotes technological change in society by providing the
basis of knowledge and skills that enable technological innovation to occur.
Religious institutions meet any basic human needs that are not met by the other institutions. They deal
with the ultimate human concerns of life and death. It provides a set of beliefs that explains and interprets
occurrences in the social and physical environment that cannot be explained by other means. They also
serve as a basic human need for providing people with ethical principles, morality and a set of guidelines
for appropriate behavior. They also provide a set of beliefs for interpreting the causes and consequences
of a persons past, present and future conducts. Religious institutions provide people with an identity as
members of a specific group and a sense of connectedness with the past and future/ it provides emotional
support and consolation in the face of uncertainty, anxiety, defeat, alienation and disappointment.
The Justice System
The justice system has three main features:
1. The use of prisons and policing

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2. The informal system which involves diversion and rehabilitation

3. Surveillance


Imports from Canada, US and Europe

Foods- fresh and packaged

Electronic items

Motor vehicles



Films, videos, cable T.V.

Music, entertainment

Books, magazines, software


Consultants, experts, advisors

Exports from Caribbean


Natural gas

Foods-fresh, packaged and agricultural produce



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Music, Carnival costumes, songs, artists, performers

Migrants, students, tourists

The Westminster System

The government is chosen by the democratically elected Lower House.
The head of government is the Prime Minister who leads the Cabinet which is responsible for the Lower
An opposition exists, led by the leader of the party with the second largest number of votes in the Lower
There is a career public service which impartially serves the government of the day.
The armed services are outside politics and act on the instructions of the government.
The rule of law prevails with an independent judiciary subject to the constitution.
Impact of Caribbean Cultural Practices Abroad
1. Notting Hill Carnival-United Kingdom
2. Caribana Festival- Toronto
3. Brooklyn Labor Day
4. Point Fortin Day- New York
All met with resistance in the beginning but then tourism became enticing

Soca, reggae, calypso

Chutney, Tassa

Steelpan (Pan European Association responsible for creating a network to promote the
development of pan in Europe.)

Impact of Rastafarianism
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Rastafarianism evolved as a cult in Jamaica. The cult perfected in 1930s and leaders such as Marcus
Garvey stimulated this movement with their belief in racial dignity. Rastafarians form tribes and live in
communes with each tribe having a leader who possesses power over all other tribe members. Within the
Rastafarian religion women are regarded as inferior to men and exist only for their pleasure. Often times,
the women folk are seen walking behind their men and never in front or even to the side. This has evolved
in modern times where the women are treated equally.
How Caribbean Art and Culture contribute to the Development of our Caribbean
Reflect our everyday experiences of physical and social environments e.g. Derek Walcott (St. Lucia)
intertwines the physical aspect of the Caribbean in his poems
Represent important aspects of our history e.g. Bajan writer George Lamming wrote a book the Pleasures
of Exile (1960) where he writes about the struggle to reclaim our voice with reference to European
colonizers and Sculpture Negro Aroused by Jamaican sculptor Edna Manley (1935) showed workers
from Jamaica rising from oppression
Economic development e.g. Carnival, Crop Over festival
However in order to promote economic development we have to use modern technology namely an
international reggae festival launched on the internet.
-What are some of the dangers we face when we begin to adapt our arts and culture to make them
attractive to persons outside of the Caribbean?
-How might packaging them appropriately to suit these new technologies change their character?
-Will we lose important that make them our own?
-What sorts of policies might Caribbean governments need to put in place to ensure that while the arts and
popular culture are properly developed we also protect what they reflect of our actual heritage?
-How can we ensure that our artists and cultural entrepreneurs develop skills that will provide them with
employment and help them to survive and prosper economically?

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Sustainable Development
This is a concept of advancing peoples quality of life, assessing such advance in terms of economic
criteria as well as human dynamics, particularly the conservation and protection of the environment.
This is the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their own needs.
Sustainable Development addresses:
Human Rights Violations
Sexual Prejudice
Environmental Destruction
Elements of Sustainable Development
1. Society- social institution, democratic system of government, resolving differences
2. Environment- awareness of the fragility of the environment, availability of resources
3. Economy- sensitivity to the limits and potential of economic growth and the impact on society
and environment.
4. The impact of globalisation on development- foreign trade, WTO, IMF, World Bank, TransNational Corporations.
Economic Development
This is the development of the production of goods and services in a country.
Indicators of Development
GNP/ capita

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Purchasing Power Parity (PPP)
Employment levels
Economic structures such as primary, secondary and tertiary sectors
The level of local and foreign debt
Levels of foreign aid receipts
Non-economic indicators of Development
Life expectancy
Levels of education
Ratio of doctors to the population
Labor productivity
Distribution of income
Improved institutions and attitudes
Birth rate
Death rate
Growth and Development
Growth is the all round expansion of the economy. It can be measured in GNP which reflects the general
increases in total output. Examples of growth include advances in technology, quality of life, standard of
living education, health care etc.
Development is the qualitative concept concerned with the pattern of economic change. In order to have
development, there must be growth.

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Economic Growth
Economic growth is affected by:
Rate of investment
Rate of increase in the working population
Technological development
Balance of payments
Role of government and government expenditure
Balance of Payment
Balance of Payment = (Money made+ Money Brought In) - (Money Sent Out)
If Balance of payment,
Positive- Favorable Economic Growth
Negative- Less Economic Growth
Zero- No Economic Growth
Features of underdevelopment
Poor economic performance
High rates of population growth
Low standard of living
Relatively short life expectancy
High unemployment
High crime rates
Poor educational opportunities
Considerable dependence on agriculture
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High infant mortality rate

Problems of Development
Economic dualism- division of the economy into two distinct and radically different sectors
Size of population
The role of education
The role of information technology
CARICOM- problems of regional trade
Structural adjustment


1. Most Caribbean countries have the legacy of slavery and this has stratified the society under
factors of economic status, race, color, education, wealth and marriage. Because of this there is a
sense of inferiority and superiority among the classes which in turn hinder development.
2. Unfair discrimination other than by merit hinders development. A person should not be
discriminated against because of race, color, religion, sex, status or creed. Where such
discrimination exists, low levels of production will occur.
3. A country with high levels of crime and violence can generate a fear throughout the population.
As a result, productivity is diminished and distorted and the development is hindered.
4. Access to education and training is critical in assessing the development of a country.
5. Health care should be a priority of the government as unhealthy workers will spend less time at
work and therefore they will be less efficient than expected.
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6. Technology allows for increased knowledge. Knowledge can help to promote development as
new and modern techniques can be implemented.


This is the growth and intensification of political, economic, social and cultural relations across national
Six global factors are:
1. Submission to an economic model
2. Constriction of capital flow
3. Access to more markets
4. Removal of preferential trade
5. Erasure and/or hybridization of culture
6. Deepening of social inequality
Impact of Golabilsation
Globalization impacts:
IMF (International Monetary Fund)
The IMF was established in December 1945 in the aftermath of World War II as there was the need to
have an agency to stabilize the international monetary system.
For the lending and disbursement of funds, certain stipulations apply, all of which fall within the
economic philosophy of free market capitalism.

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World Bank/International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)

This was established around the same time as the IMF.
The World Bank focused on specific projects lending.
Both the IMF and the World Bank were designed to help countries recover form the effects of World War
GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) now WTO
GATT was founded in 1947 with headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland
The main purpose was the promotion of free trade
Its principal function has been to encourage compliance of trade agreements, lowering barriers to trade,
and focusing on tariffs.
Multi-national corporations
Also called Trans-National Corporations and these are businesses that carry out at least 25% of
production internationally.
Example of Multinational Corporations in the Caribbean
Cable and Wireless
Holiday Inn
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Price Waterhouse
1. Employment can be created
2. Increase of foreign exchange
3. Transfer of technology
1. MNCs may use their power in the markets to drive domestic producers out of business
2. They buy few or none of their raw materials, instead they are imported
3. Technologies and skill brought by MNCs may be severely guarded.


British West Indian Federation idea came up again in Montego, Jamaica in 1947.
Decided that Trinidad would be the site for the West Indian Parliament which upset Jamaican delegates
who said Port of Spain was too far away.
Princess Margaret declared the Federal Parliament open in 1958.
Most urgent problem facing the Federal Government was to identify a source of funding for the smaller
islands who had little to fall back on.
Important Objectives
Strengthen the movement for self government.
Safeguard the democratic system of government.

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Facilitated the movement form colonialism to independence through a united voice.
Coming together of smaller states and strengthen their effectiveness in dealing with larger bodies.
Reasons for Failure
Masses were not educated about the Federation
Communication among islands (postal, shipping) were inefficient
Petty rivalry among member states
Distrust by smaller states for the larger bodies.
Heads of Government meeting in December 1965 confirmed the agreement to achieve a Free Trade Area
Agreed name: Caribbean Free Trade Association (CARIFTA)
Caribbean Community and Common Market came into effect in August 1st 1973.
Signed by Barbados, Jamaica, Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago and was known as the Treat of
Eight other countries joined CARICOM
Bahamas- 13th state on July 4th 1983
Suriname- 14th state on July 4th 1995
Concentrated on the promotion of Integration of the economics of member states
OECS(Organization of Eastern Caribbean States)
July 4th 1981
The states close proximity to each other would facilitate integration and co operation.
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Co-operation among member states at regional and international levels.

Promotion of unity and solidarity among member states and defending their sovereignty and
Promotion of economic integration through the Eastern Caribbean Common Market
Arranging for overseas representatives to work together for common foreign policy objectives
ACS(Association of Caribbean States)
Main objectives
To strengthen co-operation and integration among members through increased economic activity by
trading raw materials and finished products among members
To preserve the Caribbean environment
To conduct joint negotiations on external economic relations
ACS Initiative
Intra-ACS trade seeks to increase the flow of goods between members
Co-operative functions
External economic relations
ACS was envisioned to
Provide a unique opportunity for pursuing a range of objectives that relate to a shared patrimony of the
Caribbean sea and seaboard making provisions for their use on a sustainable basis
Address ecological and environmental questions
Institute measures to control the spread of diseases
Provide mechanisms for prevention and control of toxic waste emissions
Gather information for the control of drug trafficking activities within the area
CSME(Caribbean Single Market and Economy)
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Includes the negotiations of protocol which will efficiently amend the treaty of Chaguaramas
Came into force on July 4th 1997
Benefits of the CSME
Increasing trade and exchange of goods in an assured market of over 5 million persons creating
opportunities for employment, investment and trade
Improved services provided by enterprises and individuals including transportation and communications
Greater opportunity for travel
Expanded scope for artistes to showcase their goods and services
Opportunities for nationals to study in CARICOM countries and to work in the country of their choice
Established in 1972 to develop a system of regional examinations at the Ordinary and Advanced Levels to
replace the London General Certificate of Education
In 1981 the first examinations were held in 5 subjects
In 1998 the council had 7 examinations at the Advanced Level
Created a regional institution in 1948
University College at Mona Jamaica was the first campus of University
Campus was established in St. Augustine in Trinidad in 1960
Cave Hill Campus Barbados in 1962
Eleven University Centers situated in non-campus countries throughout the region as well as a Center for
Hotel Tourism and Management in the Bahamas
UWI plays a critical role in the education advancement of the region
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First suggested at an official level in July 1966 at the Canada West Indies Prime Ministers meeting in
Formal agreement establishing the CBD was signed in Kingston Jamaica on 18 th October 1969 at a
Conference of Plenipotentiaries from 18 countries and territories
Agreement was to come into force on the 26th January 1970 and Secretary General of the UN acted as the
Depository for the agreement where the government of Barbados was appointed as Trustee
First meeting of the Board of Governors of the CDB was held in Nassau on 31 st January 1970 and
Professor Sir Arthur Lewis was elected as the first President of the Bank
Based in Barbados
Has seen the introduction of regional news that emanates from a source that has regional overage as its
primary mandate without having to compete with the international sources for coverage
Responsible for the administration and organization of cricket in the region
Comprises representatives from Barbados, Guyana, Jamaica, the Leeward Islands and Trinidad and
Tobago and the Windward Islands
Headquarters held in Antigua and Barbados

Served as an integrating force in the Caribbean: different races and classes come together
Served as a boost of morale and identity of West Indian people
While cricket has a special place in the West Indian consciousness there are other areas that need to be
capitalized on. E.g. we should perform better at swimming and water sports given the fact that we are
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Performance in athletics far outstrips the level of support and infrastructure

We need programmes and infrastructure from the school and community levels up to the national level
Making a living from sport
Aside from cricket few other sporting disciplines afford Caribbean people to make a living
Coaches, sport psychologists, physical education instructors, physical therapists
Sports equipment and goods has become a lucrative business


Mass media are those channels that can be used to communicate messages to a large number of people
Major Role
1. To enhance communication among members of a society and of the global village. They have
their major functions: to inform, to entertain, to make us visible to others
2. To let individuals know what is going on in their immediate environment and in their wider
3. To lessen countries feelings of remoteness providing an adequate supply of news from and to
these areas
4. To ensure that programs of public education are effectively implemented
5. To support the school curriculum
6. To provide entertainment e.g. TV, radio stations
7. To make ourselves visible to others which in turn promote economic development
Factors affecting the media performance
1. The availability of communication technologies: satellite, computing, optic, laser and digitalizing
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2. Media rights and privileges

3. Professional training: CARIMAC- Caribbean Institute of Mass Communication
4. Dominance of foreign media e.g. 76% of Jamaica and 95% of Montserrats programming is

It is a socio political world view as well as a movement which seeks to unify and uplift both native
Africans and those of the African diaspora. It is part of a global African community. It is usually seen as a
product of the African slave trade. Pan-Africanism sets aside cultural differences, asserting the
principality after sharing experiences to foster solidarity and resistance to exploitation.
The calling of the first Pan African Congress occurred in 1900. Marcus Garvey founded The Universal
Negro Improvement Association in 1914. The emergence of a Marxist state in 1917 threw into the
political and ideological ring the challenge of social analysis perceived principally as class struggle. Color
became a problematic element. The issue of class and race remained unresolved theoretically for
Caribbean Marxists, by some, largely ignored, was connected to Pan Africanism.

It is a literary and political movement that developed in the 1930s. The Negritude writers found solidarity
in a common black identity as a rejection of French colonial racism. They believed that the shared black
heritage of members of the African Diaspora was the best tool in fighting against French political and
intellectual hegemony and domination.

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The movement was influenced by the Harlem Renaissance particularly the work of African American
writers Langston Hughes and Richard Wright whose work addressed themes of blackness and racism.
Further inspiration came from the black culture and history of Haiti. Key figures include Paulette Nardal,
Jane Nardal, Dr. Leo Sajoo, Martiniquan poet Aime Cesaire, Leon Damas, Langston Hughes and Richard
The term Negritude was first used by Aime Cesaire in the 1930s while in Paris, discussing the status of
blacks with fellow international French students, Leopold Senghor of Senegal and Leon Gontran-Damas
of Cayenne. Their concern at the time was how to recover black pride and dignity from white intellectual
Industrialization by Invitation
Industrialization by invitation was a term coined by Sir William Arthur Louis. Arthur Louis believed that
manufacturing could emerge whether or not there was a regional manufacturing class throughout the
Caribbean. Louis re-iterated the idea that industrialization was only possible if there was foreign
Louis reason for this was that industrialization was expensive and export promotions required breaking
into foreign markets and building new distribution outlets. This could only be done if islands concentrated
on inviting manufacturers who are well established in foreign markets. Once an increase in foreign direct
investment is attracted, the private sectors income will increase. He referred to this strategy as
Industrialization by Invitation. Some of Louis strategy can be seen in the economic reform of Trinidad
and Tobago and Jamaica. After World War II, the Peoples National Party in Jamaica called for industrial
development programs. Some of these programs were encouraged by the Norman Manley Government.
In the 90s Jamaica privatized its industries in the period 1972-1995. Industrialization by invitation was
interpreted by competing political leaders in the search for the key to development of Jamaicas economy.
From 1962, Dr. Eric Williams of Trinidad and Tobago proposed and eventually implemented Dr. Louis
economic strategy of industrialization by invitation. This led to the development of a booming
manufacturing and petrochemical sector in Trinidad and Tobago.
In Puerto Rico, the government launched Operation Bootstrap in 1948. The basis of this policy
indicated that the Puerto Rico government provided incentive for industries in the US to locate in Puerto
Rico. The incentives included exemption from Puerto Rican taxes from ten to thirty years and the
provision of infrastructure, factory building and trained workers.
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1. Rapid structural changes
2. Economic reform in the case of Puerto Rico and Trinidad and Tobago- industry overtook
agriculture by generating most of the GDP.
3. Repatriation of profits to home countries of the industry
4. Pollution
5. Exploitation of the labor force by keeping them at minimum wage
Positive impact
1. Offered Jobs
2. Industrialize country providing a revenue generating sector

Marxist Theory arose in a capitalist world and as an analysis of that world as well as antidote prescription
for diagnosed ills. Marx the social philosopher and Lenin the field officer gave the world inherent
tensions of Marxism.
Seven basic characteristics of Marxism:
1. Centralized authority- Marxism is a power focused system and the initial effort of it emergence
is about the obtaining of or seizing political power. All basic communal or national necessities
must be in the controlling hands of leaders of the state. This principle is socioeconomic and
political theory developed by German philosopher Karl Marx in the nineteenth century.
2. Revolutionary character
3. Anti-imperialist rhetoric
4. Scientific principles
5. Historical rootedness

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6. Enforcement leadership
7. Sublime end
Caribbean Marxism
Marxism is important to this region. The issue of race complicated the adoption of Marxism in the
Caribbean. British Caribbean Marxists linked the problems of class and race. The European thinkers were
fixed on Marxism as having essentially, even supremely, a class character, and so the issue of race was at
best secondary and often subsumed.

Caribbean perspective on British Capitalism

Capitalism was introduced into the Caribbean with the first trans-shipment of Black African Slaves across
the Atlantic. According to Walter Rodney, this type of capitalism was one-sided. It was non-negotiable for
two fundamental reasons. The first is that Africans had little or no say in the system and the second is that
the system was forced upon the Africans.
Capitalism in its simplest terms means free market enterprise. This system is a means of organizing the
economy whereby the exchange of goods and services is done according to the forces of the market, that
is, demand and supply.
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Capitalism boasts of two major ideals:

1. Private owned capital and investment
2. Profit making
Eric Williams was one of the first persons to link slavery and Capitalism. He argued that slavery was
purely economic and it embodied the Capitalist ideal of the British.
The only form of Capitalism which the British taught in the Caribbean was slavery and colonialism.
When both were no more useful to the British, they discarded them. Both slavery and colonialism were
maintained through a system of torture and coercion. CLR James pointed out that the system of slavery
and colonialism had to be brutal to ensure that the system of Capitalism worked and worked well. The
brutality was not only mental but psychological. The black West Indian was constantly reminded of
his/her blackness and this blackness was closely linked to backwardness.
British capitalism only involved the Caribbean to the extent that the position of the Caribbean performed
only to the needs of the British government, nothing more. The forced arrangement was that the
Caribbean produced and the British consumed.

Trends in Caribbean feminist thought

A simple definition of a feminist is one who advocates the recognition of rights for women rather than the
mere granting of the privilege.
Throughout the world, males are in charge and have been in charge for centuries. Women have fared
badly under males. During slavery, women were abused sexually and their resistance was largely
individual such as infanticide, abortion, arson or even murder.
The struggle of women to be treated justly is a necessity for the proper morality of any society. Women
are not asking for special rights and privileges. Their priority is for treatment deserving as human
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Social justice is based on a premise that all people are entitled to the same basic rights and freedom as
everybody else.
Equality refers to efforts to treat everyone in a similar way
Equity attempts to ascertain whether the treatment is fair or just.
Evolution of Social Justice in the Caribbean
The traditional notions of civil society did not apply to the Caribbean region in early colonial times
The Treaty of Tordesillas (1494) that purported to divide the world between Spain and Portugal laid the
foundation for colonial exploration and expansion in the Caribbean region by other imperial powers
The Treaty of Ryswick 1697 established the principle of no peace beyond the line which reinforced that
whatever applied in Europe between the European powers did not apply to the Caribbean
The area beyond the line to which the treaty referred was the west of the prime meridian and south of the
Tropic of Cancer. As a result the Caribbean was established as a zone of war in which even the basic
assumption of a civil society did not apply.
Equality was not a principle that applied in the colonial state. This manifested itself in the introduction of
exploitative labor systems and led to the recognition of slaves as both people and property
After the emancipation of slave in 1834 and the failure of the apprenticeship in 1838 the concept of
people as property was removed. However the indentureship systems limited the freedom of movement as
indentured workers needed to have passes to leave their estate.
Indentureship ended in 1917
The Universal Adult Franchise was first implemented in Jamaica in 1944 and in Trinidad and Tobago in
1946 and later in the other territories. It gave all persons older than 21 years the right to vote regardless of
ownership or rental of property or levels of income.

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Movements toward real social justice came with the introduction of the Bill of Rights in constitutions of
the newly independent countries of the Commonwealth Caribbean starting with Jamaica and Trinidad and
Tobago in 1962.
The Bill of Rights were chapters in their constitutions that recognized, declared and protected the
fundamental human rights and freedom of the individual in all societies
Fundamental Human Rights and Freedom
The inclusion of a Bill of Rights in the constitutions of independent countries of the Commonwealth
Caribbean affords the citizen the power to redress any infringement of his/her constitutional rights
through the use of the court system.
All of the independent territories of the Commonwealth Caribbean have Bill of Rights which are
enshrined and protected in their constitutions.
All the independent territories except Trinidad and Tobago have followed the format of the European
Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedom for the inclusion in their
The Council of Europe drew up this Convention in 1950
Trinidad and Tobago copied the formula of the Canadian Bill of Rights 1960 for the inclusion in its
constitution in 1962 and retained this model when it became a republic in 1976
The Bill of Rights diminished the effect of the Westminster doctrine of the Supremacy of Parliament. It
also places constraints on executive action. The doctrine of the supremacy of the constitution applies to
all of the constitutions of the Commonwealth Caribbean.
The Entrenchment of the Constitutions
The constitutions of the Commonwealth Caribbean are all protected from easy amendment by the
entrenchment of their positions.
The Parliaments of the region cannot amend all of the sections of their constitutions by a simple majority
because this is one of the various checks and balances that have been placed in the constitution to protect
it from political abuse or amendment.
There are three main types of entrenchment in the constitutions of the Commonwealth Caribbean:
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Special majorities in the Parliament- all of the constitutions of the Commonwealth Caribbean have this
procedure which specifies that certain sections of the constitution require special majorities in the
Approval of bills for amendment by referenda- some of the constitutions of the Commonwealth
Caribbean require that certain bills that seek to amend the constitution be subjected to the approval of a
referendum after they have been passed in Parliament.
Time delay procedures between readings of a Bill of Amendment- some of the constitutions of the
commonwealth Caribbean specify that there should be a period of 90 days between the first and second
readings of a bill that seeks to amend the constitution before the head of state gives his/her assent to the
bill. The effect of such a delay is that the Parliament cannot consider any bill to amend the constitution
hurriedly and more time is given for a deeper consideration of the proposed amendment by the wider
The Caribbean Court of Appeal
The Caribbean Court of Appeal is intended to be a replacement for the Privy Council as the final court of
appeal for the countries of the Commonwealth Caribbean
The Caribbean Court of Appeal faces critical issues such as budget, the method of selecting judges, the
location of the headquarters, the status of a circuit court or maintaining a fixed location and the
confidence of the Caribbean public.


1. Atlantic Slave Trade- the commercial buying of Africans from West Africa crossing the Atlantic
Ocean, to be sold to plantation owners in the western hemisphere.
2. Chattel slavery- form of slavery where people are owned as property and can be bought or sold
3. Communism- a theory of a society where all property should be owned by the community or
state and labor organized for the common good.
4. Cultural accommodation- acceptance of aspects of or traits or traits of foreign cultures
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5. Cultural assimilation- integration of aspects of or traits of foreign cultures into local culture
6. Cultural beliefs- ways of thinking common to a group people from a specified geographical area
7. Cultural diversity- the existence of sub-cultures within a main or different culture
8. Cultural domination- where a culture of one country is pervasively influencing a local culture
9. Cultural erasure- where traits of a culture are no longer practiced over time
10. Cultural expressions- ways in which ones culture is demonstrated
11. Cultural hybridization- the admixture cultural traits and exchange of values from other cultures
12. Cultural norms- the standards of behavior that are accepted and shared by members of a society
13. Cultural pluralism- where minority cultures exist alongside a main culture
14. Cultural renewal- where cultural practices that were once done are being revived or the
fashioning of new practices based on those of the past
15. Cultural retention- where past cultural practices are practiced presently
16. Cultural relativism- the comparison between cultures based on the notion that no culture is
17. Diaspora- the dispersion and distribution of members of a race or society
18. Repartimiento- a Spanish labor system where a percentage of the male population of any village
between the ages of 18-60 could be recruited to work for a Spanish settler for a week or fortnight
19. Social stratification- the social arrangement of society based on criteria such as race, wealth and
20. Sugar revolution- the period where sugarcane production and processing was the main economic
activity in the western hemisphere.
21. Common market- a form of economic integration where restrictions on the free movement of
commodities, capital and labor among member states are abolished and a common external tariff
is established

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22. Cultural imperialism- one countrys imposition on another directly or indirectly, of its value
23. Development- the sustained high level of economic and social well being or standard of living.
Development was traditionally defined as the ability of a country to advance economically, as
measured by increments in its GNP per capita. Today the concept has been broadened to
recognize the Human Development Index that includes assessments such as life expectancy,
literacy and educational attainment-quality of life indicators.
24. Economic growth- the increase in the production of goods and services in a country over one
25. Free Trade Area- an agreement between countries to abolish tariff and minimize restriction of
trade between but set restrictions against outside countries
26. Globalization- the growth of a single, unified world financial market where geography plays a
diminishing role
27. Industrialization- a country or area where there are a large number of factories and the use of
28. Inter Monetary Fund- a specialized agency of the United Nations that seeks to maintain
monetary stability and to assist member states in funding balance of payment deficits.
29. North American Free Trade Agreement- agreement made in 1983 that brought together
Mexico, Canada and the United States together as a free trade zone
30. Popular culture- the range of expressions of creativity, artifacts accessible to, produced by, and
enjoyed by the majority of people in a society
31. Single market- the joining of economies in a free trade area
32. Social justice- the fair and equitable treatment of all class of people
33. Tariffs- taxes levied on imported goods
34. Treaty- a contract between states, relating to peace, truce, alliance, commerce, or other
international relations
35. White collar crime- deviant or corrupt behavior by people of very high social standing in society
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1. Name of country
2. Population size
3. Size of island
4. Language spoken
5. History of the island
6. Type of government and details of government
7. Relief of the land- vegetation, soil, rock
8. Crops grown
9. Types of industry
10. Weather patterns
11. Foods
12. Festivals and celebrations

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Definition of research
Research is an activity that entails formal, systematic processes for carrying out a scientific method for
Characteristics of Research
1. Is directed towards the solution of a problem.
2. Emphasizes the development of generalizations, principles or themes that will be helpful in
predicting future occurrences.
3. Is based upon observable or empirical evidence, selects valid data gathering procedures, and uses
mechanical. Electronic or psychometric devices to refine observation, description and analysis of
4. Involves gathering new data from primary or firsthand sources, or using existing data for a new
purpose. Merely recognizing or restating what is already known and has already been written is
not considered research since it adds nothing to what is known.
5. Is rigorous and systematic.
6. Tries to be logical and to apply every possible test to validate procedures employed, data
collected and conclusions reached.
7. Is carefully recorded and reported. Each important term is defined, limiting factors are
acknowledged, procedures are described in detail and references are carefully documented.
Purposes of research
Basic Research- The findings of this type of research informs the development of broad generalizations or
Applied Research- The goal of this type of research is to improve products and processes. Theory is tested
in actual situations.

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Action Research- this is focused on immediate application. It places emphasis on current problems in a
local setting. Its findings are evaluated in terms of local applicability and not necessarily universal
Types of research
Historical Research
Describes what was. Entails investigating, recording, analyzing and interpreting the events of the past for
the purpose of discovering generalizations that help us to understand both the past and present and
possible implications for the future.
Descriptive Research
This type of research describes, records, analyses and interprets conditions that presently exist. It entails
some type of comparison or contrast and attempts to discover relationships between existing variables.
Experimental research
This type of research focuses on variable relationships and describes what happens when the variables are
carefully controlled or manipulated. Deliberate manipulation is always a part of the experimental method.
Qualitative Studies
These are studies that use a numerical method of describing observations of materials or characteristics.
Quantitative Studies
These are studies in which the description of observations is not ordinarily expressed in quantitative
terms. Numerical measure may be used but other means of description are emphasized.
Sampling Procedures
Types of sampling procedures
1. Simple Random Sample- where subjects are selected by lottery or by use of random numbers.
2. Stratified Sample- where the population is stratified according to lists of units divided into
groups or strata according to an appropriate variable.

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3. Quota Sampling- this approach entails stratified sampling in which the selection within the strata
is non random, once the general breakdown of the sample is determined.
4. Purposive Sampling- used in qualitative research where subjects are selected especially for their
particular understandings of and involvement in the context where the study is being carried out.

Ethics in Research
Informed Consent
The people you speak to, observe, send questionnaires to, should know what you are doing and that you
are involved in a research project. You should not put undue pressure on people or who might be afraid to
say that they do not wish to participate in the research.
Invasion of privacy
You should seek permission of the person being interviewed to allow you to use a tape recorder for
You cannot tell other people what you learned or observed about a person, venue or situation if the
persons are in a position to recognize the venue, person or situation. You must attempt to disguise your
subjects identity.
Knowledge of the outcome
Participants in the research project have a right to know what you will be doing with the information you
collect as well as the reason for the research.

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