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life is a journey.

the album Nos Vamos En Vacaci6nes; Trep, Trep on

Nueva Navidad; and Solanrcnte Una Vez on C-anci6nes De

If that is


[ara. A few years passed before the 1994 release of Inevitable


on the Sony Discos label. Charlie who currently doesn't play

Masso has the journey

any instruments says, "I play the vocal chords." Inevitable is

down to an art and

a perfect example

has been said that



eagerly anticipating what

adventures he



During his years in show business, Charlie has never


become involved

along the path of life.

of the well-tuned instrument that Charlie

in the behind the scenes

aspects' such


producing, like many of his fellow former Menudos. Charlie

"I'm getting ready for sornething big,"

always finds himself in front of an audience. \?hen he isn't

says Charlie.

singing, acting has always proved to be a stroltg magnet in

Charlie's life experiences have definitely prepared

hirn for something big and have built an impressive resurne

for him. \flith experiences in singing and actitrg, Charlie's
artistic career has spanned 15 years.

His career began with afive-year stint in the group

Menudo. In the beginning of 1987 when it was his turn to
leave the group, Charlie abeady had recorded numerous
albums and had appeared in commercials, television shows,
a novela, and a movie

with Menudo. He was more than apt

to pursue a solo career.

Charlie's professional life.

"The aufience is going to accept

you the way you are . lf the| lilte
yOUKfnUSiC, they're going to like
for what you do for them and
i yoo

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oAn Oyt ilto people'shgantsrl]

His first solo venture involved a stay in Panama

where he appeared in the Spanish version of Elrlgtrton
Beach Memoirs. Charlie found success as an actor but his
love for Menudo and singing was not forgotten. \(hen
Robby Rosa (a.k.a. Robi Draco Rosa) left the group
prematurely in May of 7987, Charlie appeared with Menudo

In The Streets concert

tour that traveled through the states and Mexico. Soon
Charlie returned to his own career and in the beginning of

as a special guest

star in The Summer

first solo album Charlie Masso.

Music remained a constant in Charlie's life. In late
1988 he released an English album in the Philippines called
Charlie Masso - New York, and in 1989 he presented his
1988 released his

Ti. His record company

Melody Records also invited him to work on a few
second Spanish language album Sin

compilation albums: he sang Tiempo De Miel Y De




Photo from Tiger Beat magazine.

The acting part of Charlie's resume includes novelas

Charlie explained that when people are busy and

from Puerto Rico and Mexico. In the iate eighties he

appeared in Cuanclo LIega El Amor with singer/actress

involved in their lives, they think it's crazy to ask them to

Lucero. However, the most popular novela that Charlie was

fortunate enough to work on was Muahaohitas. Charlie

the reunion and Ray's answer was fun, Charlie couldn't

refuse. "I do things for fun. The best way to make a living

played a cop who goes undercover at a local university. The

is having fun."

quit everything. But when Charlie asked why they should do

So, to the delight of fans of Menudo's past, Charlie

novela became very popular in the Americas and has even

been rebroadcasted this year on Spanish television.

became a part of El Reencuentro. Once again he is part of

Charlie Masso is also no stranger to the theater.

Besides Panatna's Elrishton Eleach Memoirs, Charlie has

the magic, part of the family. He is amazed how each of

them came together with their own ideas, their own missions,

appeared in plays in Mexico and Puerto Rico. Charlie's roles


have been so diverse that he even played a tree


it works. "Even the lawyer looks good," Charlie jokes.


environmental play Qu6 Planton.

So that leaves, oh yes, movies. Charlie through the
years has had parts in movies, but

in 1994 he played the hero

in the movie El6sarne. In B6same he co-starred with

Mexican pop star Paulina Rubio. \(ith the help of Charlie,
Paulina finds true love of the heavenly type.
\When Charlie's schedule has been on the light side,

he has kept hirnself busy. He has appeared in commercials

and also likes

to jot down


"I'm ldnd of a guy who does it




songs, novelas, and

it a preparation for something that is

I don't exactly know right now what it is,

But I consider

coming up that

but I am sure all of this is necessary for that."


And with tl-ris attitude, Charlie Masso keeps his

varied. In 1996 he returned to Puerto Rico from

Mexico where he had lived during the majority of his solo

career. He appeared in the mini-series Sefiorita Ana.

Later on in the year he surprised many when he joined the
merengue group Kaos. \7ith Kaos Charlie recorded two
albums Aqui Esta Kaos Lo Mas Encendios and Kaos 98. But



from Eres magazine.

soon after the release of Kaos 98, Charlie made the decision

to dedicate his tirne to El Reencuentro. \fhen euthusiasrn

began to grow in the end of 7997 over Menudo's twentieth
anniversary, Charlie was too occupied to notice or take part

in the various interviews being



by the press.

his fellow former Menudo metnbers were appearing in

rnagazines and on radio shows, Charlie was keeping up


his Kaos obligations. \7hen Ray called Charlie to invite him

to participate in the reunion, Charlie thought it was

a great

back. Unfortunately, Charlie

put off calling, but Ray was persistent. Ray kept calling until
idea and promised to call Ray

he had Chariie confirmed.




Photo from Yea magazine.

"I do




way to
make a



Photo by Silvia Leva

Speaking of joking, Charlie, who was once described

is now El Reencuentro's joker.

Charlie is always ready with a joke to make things light and
huppy in his own signature, coquetish style. But when it
as Menudo's serious one,

comes to business, Charlie is always the utmost professional

treating his career

as he


child; with respect aud care.

This is how Charlie Masso has been able to come

so far along


was always

there. The audience, the reason why they have been waiting

we have something to do
together. It's kind of a mission. It is kind of a karma stuff.
It's kind of a cosmic energy. I don't know exactly what it is.
But it is something that all of us are doing because it goes
further than a show. It goes further than money. I don't

for so many




know, further than record sales. It's personal. It's important

the path of show business.


level, "I think that the magic never went away.

to point out that

rosy in the land of El

course, Charlie is quick

Reencuentro. \(hen six young men come together with their

for our spirits. Tfrat's the reason why we're here. Maybe
that's the key of all the magic, because it became also
important for all the fans. It became also important for all of

own ideas, personalities , career goals, and spend what

their spirits too."

sometimes things aren't always

like an

of time ou the road


sornetimes there are clashes. However, Charlie explains that

For Charlie El Reencuentro has also given him the

opportunity to talk about his personal life more. During his

to argue about

solo career, Charlie was advised not to discuss his now wife

everyday and there is always someone threatening to leave, El

Yanilet in interviews. But once Charlie returned to Puerto

endless amount

despite the fact the six can find something

Charlie points out that

Rico, he began speaking about Yanilet and their son Carlos

fight. In this reunion of former

Javier who turned five this summer. Unfortunately the

entertainment press in Puerto Rico took Charlie's marital
problerns and turned it into a full fledge divorce. However,

Reencuentro sticks together.


successful groups



Menudos there is no communication problem.

But what

amazes Charlie most about

the whole

concept of El Reencuentro is reliving the magic once again.

He never irnagined singing the old songs and dancing the old
dances again. $?hen asked what he
concept he iikens

thinks of the whole

it to something on a higher, unexplainable

in recent interviews including his interview with f,ih/,tah

'98.1 Cbarlie has explained that despite problems he and
Yanilet are still together. He recently told


magazine, "I

cannot have a love life if it is not with her (Yanilet)."

So what advice would Charlie give

to enterrainers
who are given the advice from their management or public
relations practitioners to hide their partners? "Fire them."


Charlie does nor believe in the popular enrertainmenr theory

of "people want what they can have."



Charlie believes, "The audience is going to accepr

you the way you are. If they like your music, they're going

to like you for what you do for them and what






represent. How deep you can get into people's hearts."







Photo from Yea magazine.

peakirrg of Charlie's farnily life, he is a huge fan of his

sorr. \X/hen you speak to Charlie about being a fan


music artists, he rnentions iiking the music of Luis Miguel,

Michael Bolton, Lucero, or the work of Ricky Martin. When
one mentions sports stars to him, he is more impressed. If he
was to bump into MichaelJordan he may even ask him for an

autograph. But wheu you speak to Charlie about his son, his

if he was a five-year- old hirnseif. "I'm a fan

of my son, but dor"r't tell him that. He's my son; he's
face lights up as

solneone special."


is obvious that Carlos Javier is a fan

Sfibete n

Mi Moto.
The journey of life has definitely been interesting for

Charlie Masso. He proves he can handle the rough spors and

enjoys the smooth spors ro rhe max. What lies ahead on the

for Charlie? Well, don't ask Charlie that

question. He will tell you, "I don'r know where I will be
road of iife

tomorrow." However, he does mention that ten years from

now he would like to be somewhere like the Bahamas fishing
and writing.

of his father

too. On a summer afternoon as fans surrounded Charlie


Photo by Silvia Leva

New York hotel lobby, Carlos hid behind his father's

leg. And according to Charlie, Carlos loves the music of

El Reencuentro and can do the motora when he hears

But with clear blue warers and white sand in the way

off future, what does Charlie have planned for his next step
when El Reencuentro comes to a close in the end of 1999?

for awhile now Charlie has been working on an album

of boleros. It has been hard for him to find someone to back

the album, but now things are starting to look positive for
this solo venture. Guillenno Torres of Kaos is working on
the production and Marco Antonio Solis (Los Buki$ has also

shown some interest in the alburn. Most important of all, the

record conpany Fonovisa, which is El Reencuentro's label,

has shown interest

in Charlie's and a few of his groupmate's

future recording plans.

Acting of course always remains

possibility. In the

past Charlie never considered the American marker, but


the growing number of Latinos in American films and on

Broadway, Charlie now keeps his options open for this
market also. He also acknowledges the fact that he loves ro
joke and to talk, and jokes that maybe one day he will have
his own talk show.

Charlie Masso may not know what life has in store

for him, but he knows he is prepared for whatever comes his
Photo by Jill Herman

Photo by Christine Preciado

Photo by Christine Preciado



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