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Fallacies of Insufficient Evidence - Review

Write the name of the fallacy below the picture and complete the explanation.

This fallacy occurs when we claim, without

enough evidence, that a small or harmless
action, will 1. lead to a terrible outcome.
A. Slippery slope.

B. Appeal to ignorance

This fallacy occurs when the arguer claims

something is true because no one has 2.
proven it is false (or false because no one
has proved it is true).
This fallacy occurs the arguer cites a person
who is 3. not really an authority on the

C. Appeal to Authority

D. Questionable Cause.

E. Appeal to Tradition

F. Hasty Generalization

This fallacy occurs when someone 4.

conclude that one thing 5.causes another
simply because the two are associated on
a regular basis.
This fallacy occurs when it is assumed that
something is 6. better simply because it is
older, traditional, or it has "always has
been done.
This fallacy occurs when a general
conclusion is from a biased or 7. small
sample. When we say something always
happens when it might just happen

Fallacies of Insufficient Evidence - Practice

What fallacy is happening in the arguments below?
1. "The US shouldn't get involved militarily in other countries. Once the government
sends in a few troops, it will then send in thousands to die." Questionable Cause.
2. Women should stay home and take care of the children, because they have filled
these roles for centuries. Appeal to Tradition.
3. My classmate said that psychology class was hard, and the one Im in is hard,
too. All psychology classes must be hard! Hasty Generalization.
4. Since the class has no questions concerning the topics discussed in class, the
class is ready for a test. Slippery slope .
5. My mother says you must drink 1 gallon of water per day.
Is she a doctor? No, but she knows a lot about health. Appeal to Authority.

Im not going to watch the football match. Whenever I watch, my team loses.
Appeal to ignorance.

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