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Name Jahware Roberts

Mr. Farrell
16/ 3/ 2015
English Language Arts 9

The raisin the sun claim

Is money life or Freedom and a happy familys .Just think about it money can buy anything in the world do you
agree,will you are round money,money cannot buy every this ! not life .Money can not by a life.
The author of this book Lorraine Hansberry book is about money the people in her book always talk about
money.The question she levels people think about when they read her book is,Is money life
I think money is not life ,family and happiness is ,to all the people disagree will i have something to tell u ,If
money did not exist what would you people who disagree with my claim what would think money is.
Money is not life because money cannot buy a life .but with family is life a happy life.
Ruth questions beneatha"you mean you wouldn't marry George Murchison if he asked you someday , that
pretty,rich thing,honey I knew you was odd "?
Ruth is questioning Beneatha on why wouldn't she marry a rich guy or why wouldn't she marry a guy just for
his money.

Beneatha is saying money isn't everything.she wouldn't marry a man for his sounds like beneatha
doesn't really care about money .why feel this way because beneatha talks about loving someone for who they
are not by how much money they have.
My opinion on beneatha reply was good she made the right decision,money don't matter being happy and love
I proved beneatha reply was a good one because mama agrees with her mama to wants to live happy with
family.I know this because she use the money to buy a house,so he family can live happy and
55 to 60

This claim is about the headaches and problems money brings,like the separation of marriage ,family stroking
,physical and emotional .
mama is sad because it's the last thing she got from her husband.she said if it wasn't for you all.I would just that
money or give it to the church or something Ruth"now what kind of talk is that
Walter wish he could be like the rich white boys because some of the white boys are very young and they have
more money than he does so he want to be rich even though he knows that's not going to happen so he is trying
to change it by investing in a liquer store.
google's provides For most of my life, I have had money problems. In fact, I have always lived with a deep
sense of personal discontent concerning my use of money. This discontent (or unease) concerning my finances
came from two areas:

First, I have always been discontent with the amount of money I was spending. Ever since graduating college in
1996, I have lived paycheck-to-paycheck never able to get ahead. Despite ever-increasing paychecks, I was
never able to build up any substantial savings. My credit card bill seemed to mimic my pay stub. The money
came in. The money went out. And as I entered my 30s, this inability to build savings could no longer be
blamed on an entry-level income, it had to be blamed on me.
This claim is taking about the problems money can bring and how to are voided money problems.
My claim is good because i have good evidence to prove other people who may disagree with me because,If
you do not have money you can still have family . Having enough money to feel secure and live a comfortable lifestyle can unquestionably
contribute to your overall sense of well-being, but it can't compare to having a close connection with the people
you love most. If you don't pay enough attention to money it can lower your quality of life, but if you pay too
much attention to money it can damage your relationship with your family because you lose out on time and
connections with them.
This evidence is saying money is not important,mama said freedom is live
If walter did not have any money what would he think is life .

money is not life , freedom is life with freedom and family you have happy life .Money can buy you nice thing
but it also brings you said

money is like a vulture waiting to swoop down and take

something from people. It can make families feel like they are being ripped apart from the inside. It can make
people confused and unaware of what truly matters in this world. Is money more important than family, but it
could make people feel lonely, family can help people through things, money can give people a good life style.

Is money more important than family, but it could make people feel lonely? If people choose money over family
they are going to feel like nobody wants to be around them. People will know he is that person who preferred
money over people that they loved. They will feel disgrace from other people around them. After a short time of
having the money it will become their life instead of family. They will most likely surround themselves with
people that only care about money and not them. If they ever begin to realize what they did they can fall into a
depression, once that lonely feeling sets in there really isnt any going back. Families will have a very hard time
accepting them back into the family

Hook: Importance of Money
Introduce the author and the play
CLAIM: Is money life? If not money, then what?
Supporting Paragraph 1
Topic Sentence about claim
Textual Evidence #1
Textual Evidence #2
Concluding Sentence
Supporting Paragraph 2
Topic Sentence about claim
Textual Evidence #1
Textual Evidence #2
Concluding Sentence
Counterclaim and Rebuttal Paragraph
Topic Sentence about counterclaim
Textual Evidence #1
Textual Evidence #2
Concluding Sentence
Restate claim: Is money life?
Personal experience
Concluding thought
Minimum 4 quotations from A Raisin in the Sun
Minimum of 2 quotations or facts from an outside source
Maximum of 1 personal experience or story

NOTE: Once you have completed the graphic organizer, we are going to transfer your work to the drafting
space and reformat it (Ctrl+C and Ctrl+Shift+V). I will help you with that in class.
Type your responses HERE:

Hook: Importance of

Is money life or Freedom and a happy familys .Just think about it

money can buy anything in the world do you agree,will you are round
money,money cannot buy every this ! not life .Money can not by a life.

Help with hooks:

Introduce the author

and the play.

The author of this book Lorraine Hansberry book is about money the
people in her book always talk about money.The question she levels
people think about when they read her book is,Is money life

CLAIM: Is money
life? If not money,
then what?

I think money is not life ,family and happiness is ,to all the people
disagree will i have something to tell u ,If money did not exist what
would you people who disagree with my claim what would think
money is.

Help with claims:

In one topic
sentence, explain
one reason why your
claim is true.

Money is not life because money cannot buy a life .but with family is
life a happy life.

Provide at least one

high-quality piece of
textual evidence for
your claim.

Ruth questions beneatha"you mean you wouldn't marry George

Murchison if he asked you someday , that pretty,rich thing,honey I
knew you was odd "?

Add at least one

sentence of
commentary to:
1) explain,
2) clarify,
3) offer an opinion
about your textual

Ruth is questioning Beneatha on why wouldn't she marry a rich guy or

why wouldn't she marry a guy just for his money.

Provide at least one

high-quality piece of
textual evidence for
your claim.

My opinion on beneatha reply was good she made the right

decision,money don't matter being happy and love does.

Add at least one

sentence of
commentary to:
1) explain,
2) clarify,

I proved beneatha reply was a good one because mama agrees with her
mama to wants to live happy with family.I know this because she use
the money to buy a house,so he family can live happy and 55 to 60

Beneatha is saying money isn't everything.she wouldn't marry a man

for his sounds like beneatha doesn't really care about
money .why feel this way because beneatha talks about loving
someone for who they are not by how much money they have.

3) offer an opinion
about your textual

In one topic
sentence, explain
another reason why
your claim is true.

This claim is about the headaches and problems money brings,like the
separation of marriage ,family stroking ,physical and emotional .

Provide at least one

high-quality piece of
textual evidence for
your claim.

mama is sad because it's the last thing she got from her husband.she
said if it wasn't for you all.I would just that money or give it to the
church or something Ruth"now what kind of talk is that

Add at least one

sentence of
commentary to:
1) explain,
2) clarify,
3) offer an opinion
about your textual

Walter wish he could be like the rich white boys because some of the
white boys are very young and they have more money than he does so
he want to be rich even though he knows that's not going to happen so
he is trying to change it by investing in a licker store.

google's provides For most of my life, I have had money

problems. In fact, I have always lived with a deep sense of personal
discontent concerning my use of money. This discontent (or unease)
concerning my finances came from two areas:
Provide at least one
high-quality piece of
textual evidence for
your claim.

First, I have always been discontent with the amount of money I was
spending. Ever since graduating college in 1996, I have lived
paycheck-to-paycheck never able to get ahead. Despite everincreasing paychecks, I was never able to build up any substantial
savings. My credit card bill seemed to mimic my pay stub. The money
came in. The money went out. And as I entered my 30s, this inability
to build savings could no longer be blamed on an entry-level income, it
had to be blamed on me.

Add at least one

sentence of
commentary to:
1) explain,
2) clarify,
3) offer an opinion
about your textual

This claim is taking about the problems money can bring and how to
are voided money problems.

In one topic
sentence, explain
how others may

My claim is good because i have good evidence to prove other people

who may disagree with me because,If you do not have money you can
still have family .

disagree with you

(this is your
Provide at least one
high-quality piece of
textual evidence for
your counterclaim.
Help with counterclaims: Having enough money to feel secure and live a

comfortable lifestyle can unquestionably contribute to your
overall sense of well-being, but it can't compare to having a close
connection with the people you love most. If you don't pay
enough attention to money it can lower your quality of life, but if
you pay too much attention to money it can damage your
relationship with your family because you lose out on time and
connections with them.

Add at least one

sentence of
commentary to:
1) explain,
2) clarify,
3) offer an opinion
about your textual

This evidence is saying money is not important,mama said freedom is


Offer a rebuttal,
explaining why your
original claim is
more valid than this
counterclaim. Try to
use textual evidence.

If walter did not have any money what would he think is life .

Help with rebuttals:

Add a concluding

Restate your original

claim to answer the
question: Is money
life? If not money,
then what?

money is not life , freedom is life with freedom and family you have
happy life .Money can buy you nice thing but it also brings you

Help with conclusions:

Offer a piece of
personal feedback as
to why you believe
your claim is true. said money is like a

vulture waiting to swoop down and take something from people. It
can make families feel like they are being ripped apart from the
inside. It can make people confused and unaware of what truly
matters in this world. Is money more important than family, but it
could make people feel lonely, family can help people through
things, money can give people a good life style.
Is money more important than family, but it could make people feel
lonely? If people choose money over family they are going to feel

like nobody wants to be around them. People will know he is that

person who preferred money over people that they loved. They will
feel disgrace from other people around them. After a short time of
having the money it will become their life instead of family. They
will most likely surround themselves with people that only care
about money and not them. If they ever begin to realize what they
did they can fall into a depression, once that lonely feeling sets in
there really isnt any going back. Families will have a very hard
time accepting them back into the family

Add a concluding
thought for your
reader to consider. A
concluding thought
might teach the
reader something
new, leave them
thinking about
something, or answer
the question, so
Help with conclusions:

Claims Essay Rubric

Standard Addressed

testable/researchable and
relevant questions, problem
statements, or hypotheses
that demonstrate clarity
about the nature of the task.

Collects information and data
necessary to solve the
problem as formulated,
drawing evidence from
informational texts,
conducting an investigation,
or generating data.

The student identifies and
considers the most relevant
information or findings and
develops insights. To make
connections and draw
conclusions, the student
uses structures and
strategies, which contribute
to the framework for
communicating a solution.
The student reflects on the
quality of the conclusions
drawn and may revisit and
revise previous steps in the

Incorporates feedback to
make appropriate revisions.

Assures that the final product
meets all discipline-specific
standards for language,
terms, expressions, rules,
terminology, and

I can introduce
I can introduce
precise claim(s),
precise claim(s),
distinguish the
distinguish the
claim(s) from
claim from
alternate or
alternate or
opposing claims,
opposing claims,
and create an
and create an
organization that
establishes clear
structure that
among claim(s),
consistency with
the overall
reasons, and

I can introduce a
precise claim that
throughout the
text, and which is
evaluated against
at least one

With help, I can

introduce precise
distinguish the
claim from
alternate or
opposing claims,
and create an
structure that
consistency with
the overall

Even with help, I

cannot introduce
precise claim(s),
distinguish the
claim from
alternate or
opposing claims,
or create an
structure that
consistency with
the overall

I can draw
With help, I can Even with help, I
evidence from a
I can draw
I can draw
draw evidence
cannot draw
range of texts to evidence from a evidence from at
from a range of evidence from a
support my claim range of texts to least two texts to
texts to support range of texts to
and refute a
support my claim. support my claim.
my claim.
support my claim.
I can develop
claim(s) and
I can develop my
own and other I can develop my With help, I can
fairly, supplying
own claims using develop my own
evidence for
examining the
claim(s) with
each while
Even with help, I
evidence and
some evidence,
cannot develop
implications for
may only
but may ignore or
out the strengths
evidence of a
each. Some
be mentioned.
and limitations
balanced look at
recognition of
The two sets of
of both in a
the issue.
claims may not
and cannot
manner that
knowledge is
be fair or
recognize the
anticipates the
present or
knowledge level
and concerns.
I can utilize peer
I can share my
With help, I can
I can utilize peer
Even with help, I
feedback to
work with peers
utilize peer
feedback to
cannot utilize
improve my work
and request
feedback to
improve my work
peer feedback to
for precision and
feedback for
improve my work
for precision.
improve my work.
precision or style.
for precision.
I can write and
revise a timely
claims essay,
attending to or
exceeding all
aspects of the

I can write and

revise a claims
essay, attending
to all aspects of
the task.

With help, I can

I can write and
write and revise a
revise a claims
claims essay,
essay, attending
attending to all
to some aspects
aspects of the
of the task.

Even with help,

I cannot write and
revise a claims
essay, attending
to all aspects of
the task.

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