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How to build a RC Coanda Effect Saucer

By Jean-Louis Naudin
1) Required electronic material for the RC version

2) Construction material

a 3 mm thick styrofoam sheet XPS (Depron, Gediplac, Ectrupor),

some 1 mm diameter carbon rods,

a brand new cutter,

To glue the different parts, I recommend you to use UHU Por or special foam Cyanoacrylate
(CA) glue.

3) Construction
You need first to download the airframe plan at:
There are two proposed setups:
The first is in DXF format (ces01plan.DXF), at full size (scale 1:1), to be used for CNC or CAD
The second is XPS format (CES01.xps), at full size (scale 1:1), ready to be printed in any A4
printer. You need to print the 35 pages and assemble them so as to build the plan at full scale.

All CES parts must be cut in the styrofoam with a brand new cutter and with a low angle of
How to build a RC Coanda Effect Saucer by Jean-Louis Naudin

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The main saucer frame must be assembled as follow:

Then you need to assemble the central servo mounting base:

How to build a RC Coanda Effect Saucer by Jean-Louis Naudin

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The 8 curved petals sheets must be carefully cuts:

And to avoid cracks on the curved surface they are rolled as the method shown below:

Then the petals are glued carefully on the main saucer frame:

How to build a RC Coanda Effect Saucer by Jean-Louis Naudin

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The main saucer frame is now finished:

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The lateral control flaps are simply fixed with an adhesive tape:

For a better control efficiency, they must be straight and flat and not curved as shown in the
photo above.
The brushless motor is fixed on the top of the cupola via an epoxy disc:

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You need to cut the 24 rudders, four series of 3 rudders a fixed and four series of 3 rudders
are controlled by a servo. Below some details and the how to about the commands:

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Your Coanda Effect Saucer is ready soon finished A streamlined body 280 mm diameter and 60 mm
height and placed at 45 mm above the hull. The streamlined body is made with a 3 mm thick foam and
fixed with 8 carbon rods (2 mm diameter) and height rectangular plates (6 mm thick) on the hull.
See below:

The Coanda Effect Saucer has been tested successfully in flight with a:

The propeller is a Graupner ECO CAM PROP 10/6" ( 25/15 cm ) ref : 2941.25.15

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Here the electric diagram for the radio:

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The balance point (Center Of Gravity) must be higher than possible and centered on the axis of the
engine. The Lipo batterie is placed on the top inside the saucer.

Here the good tuning for the control flaps:

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4) For your 1st test flight

Here some advices and Tips for your first flight as a flying saucer pilot:

Use full charged Lipo battery, I use 3S1P (11.1v) 1500 mAh Lipo rated for 25-35 C.
For your first try, you must have no wind a very light wind (< 5km/h) conditions.
Put the throttle as fast as possible to the max power so as to overcome quickly the ground
Then, at about 1m50 above the ground, you may set the throttle to the hover value (middle
power) and enjoy yourself to pilot your flying saucer

Some videos of the Coanda Effect Saucer flights demo can be seen at:
You will find more information in my CES dedicated blog at:
FYI: I am building now a new CES version with a 9DOF IMU (ArduPilot+V2 and a HMC5843
magnetometer + GPS) for a full 3D stabilization and autonomous flight Stay tuned
I hope you will enjoy flying with my Coanda Effect Saucer
Best Regards,
Jean-Louis Naudin

The Coanda Effect Saucer is based on the work of Henri-Marie Coanda, Viktor Schauberger and Geoff Hatton.

This document is free for your personal use only and not for a commercial application; you can redistribute it
widely under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this documentation If not, see < >

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