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Written by Jocelyn Lysik

Drop and give me 25 pushups! Coach Lyons screamed at the team. Didnt you
slackers work out this summer?! Youre all flabby and out of shape! Lets go! Get to work! And
so began day one of football practice for the Pennsylvania Panthers. Despite being late August, it
was a sweltering 85 degrees mid morning and the new coach was really coming down hard.
Hey Rider, how was your summer? Jason panted in between pushups.
Eh, it was fine but I really wish I spent more time at the gym!
I know, right, me too! This new coach is really a stickler when it comes to getting in
shape and fooling around. I heard so many great things about the old coach, stinks that he
Hey, well at least you probably have a shot at --
Hey! If you can talk you aint working hard enough! Give me 25 more! In fact, all you
sissies can give me 25 more!
Okay, gather around, Coach yelled to the team. The team sat in the bleachers dripping
in sweat waiting for their coachs next order. Im going to read your place on the roster as of
right now. So sit back, shut up and listen! Brian White...defense. Cole Porter... Linebacker
The coach continued to rattle of defensive and offensive positions. The rest on the team began
getting restless while waiting to be called. Rider Phillipskicker. Jason Grey starting
quarterback. Theo Baileybackup quarterback. A collective gasp filled the stands and all eyes
turned to Jason.
Man, Jason! Congrats, buddy! People would kill to be the starting QB spot especially as
a freshman! Dude, way to go! Rider exclaimed as Jason was still in disbelief. Riders eyes go
wide as he sees Theo Bailey sauntering over to Jason.

Hey good job out there. Congrats on getting starting, Theo said as he shook Jasons
Thank you, Jason stammered.
Hey dude, no hard feelings. You earned it! See you at practice tomorrow, Theo called
over his shoulder as he jogged towards the locker room.
Practices are finally getting easier now that were a few weeks in, dont you think?
Jason exclaimed as they were running laps around the football field.
Yeah Im so glad Coach is going easy on us tonight...You know with our first game
tomorrow and all.
Im just happy that we got a short practice tonight so we have more time afterward.
Yeah, me too. Got any big plans for your night off?
Yes, actually I do I met this girl yesterday, Ava, and were going out tonight.
Oooo! Jason has a girlfriend! Rider teased sarcastically.
Yeah yeah, tease all you want! At least I got myself a date while all youre going to be
doing is watching TV!
Ha. Ha. Ha. So funny. Just dont stay up too late, we got an early bus tomorrow for the
game! Im going to head to the showers, good luck on your date! Rider left Jason to finish the
work out. Jason was just finishing up when he saw Theo trotting over to him with a smirk on his
Hey, Jason just wanted to tell you that the bus time got changed for tomorrow. Bus
leaves at 11:30 in the morning instead of 8:30.
Oh thanks, good to know. See you then! Jason ran to the locker room to get ready for
his date. He kept wondering why the time would be changed, he guessed because the opposing

team got messed up or something. No big deal, at least hell get to sleep in and do some
homework in the morning. Jason went back to his dorm to get his wallet and his cell phone then
left to go pick Ava up to go to dinner.
On Jason and Avas date, they talked about football and how excited and nervous he was
about the first game of the season. He learned that she was the captain of her swim team and that
she had her first meet coming up later in October. After dinner, they went out for ice cream and
walked around campus a little more. After saying goodnight they headed back to their separate
dorms. Jason collapsed on his bed exhausted from a long day of football practice and the anxiety
of embarrassing himself on the first date. He was already looking forward to seeing Ava again.
As planned, he went to bed early intending to sleep in a bit, but still use the extra time in the
morning to study for the big calculus test he had coming up the next week.
Jason dreamed that he was being dragged out of a sandpit, he felt like hands were actually
pulling him up from the dark to the bright lights of day. He kept hearing voices yelling his name,
screaming for him to wake up. Somehow, suddenly, he realized it wasnt a dream, and opened his
eyes to see Rider and a few other members of the football team huddled around his bed with
angry faces. Seriously, man! What the hell are you doing? You should be on the bus!
Huh, what are you talking about? Theo told me yesterday after practice that the bus was
leaving at 11:30, that the start time changed or something.
What, no, the time never changed, the bus left at 8:30! We got off the bus to find you, we
knew you wouldnt miss the first game. Get your ass out of bed and get dressed, Joe is driving
us to the game, hurry up!
What?! Why would Theo do that? Crap! How long do we have?! Jason shouted as he
jumped out of bed.

The game starts in twenty minutes! Hurry up, were gonna be late! Rider and the others left
while Jason scrambled his butt to get ready. I can't believe Theo would do that! The first game?!
What a freaking nice guy to do such a thing, huh? Gosh. He thought as he became more and
more angry. Jason grabbed his bag and ran out the door and down the hall. He found Joe and the
others anxiously waiting outside. In the car on the way there, Jason got a text from Theo:
OMG! Im so sorry man! I thought the time changed I was almost late too! I hope you
found out and you make it to the game on time! Sorry about it again! Well, Jason assumed that
Theo didnt mean for him to not get there on time. He just shook it off and worried about what
the coach would say because he was late to the very first game of the season.
They pulled into the stadium with five minutes to spare and Jason put the rest of his
uniform on as quickly as he could and made it on the field just in time. He played the game, and
the Pennsylvania Panthers crushed the other team thirty-seven to six.

About a week full of serious football practice went by. There was lots of school work,
especially with finals right around the corner, and a few more dates. Jason was excited for their
next game, and with a screw-up in the bus schedule, all the players had to drive themselves. After
being late to the last game, Jason was prepared. His bag is packed, his car is gassed up and his
alarm was set for 7AM. Nothing would get in his way this time. But then, something did get in
his way.
That morning Jason hopped out of bed and couldn't wait for the game. He got ready
quickly and was going to make it to the game a little early. Thats what he thought anyway, until
he got to the parking lot and found that all four tires in his truck were slashed! He couldn't even
think. How on Earth was he going to make it to the game on time now? He couldn't be late two

games in a row! Just then he caught a glimpse of another truck pulling out of a parking space and
it just so happened to be Theo! He ran down and tried to flag his truck down, and when Theo
finally noticed him, he pulled over.
Theo, thank God you stopped! Jason relievingly said.
What are you doing? Why aren't you going to the game? Theo exasperatingly asked
All my tires are slashed, I cant drive like that! Do you think you could give me a ride? I
cant make it to the game anyway else, Jason pleaded. Theo was reluctant at first but he just
couldnt say no. Jason grabbed his bag and gear and dropped it in Theos truck and they headed
on their way. They got to the game at the right time and no one had to worry about Jason not
playing that game.
The next weekend, there was a bake sale to raise money to fund buses for Jasons football
team. Each player has a two hour shift and of course Jason had the first and earliest shift starting
at eight in the morning. The people switched out throughout the day and as a whole they earned a
lot of money. Before the game that night, Theo passed out brownies to Jason and a few others
that were left over from the bake sale since he had the last shift.
A little later that evening, Jason began having serious stomach cramps and felt like he
was going to throw up. He told the coach and he said he should try drinking water but when
Jason did that, he just threw it back up. Jason continued to be sick even up to the start of the
game. Thats when the coach decided to put Theo in as the quarterback because Jason was just
too sick to play.
During the game, Jason sat on the sidelines and watched as Theo made awful passes and
only caught the ball four times. Now he understood why Jason was put as starting QB! Theo just

forgot all the techniques during the game! After they lost the game, due to Jason not playing, one
of the other team members came up to Jason.
Hey, how are you feeling? Was it something you ate? Cole asked.
I don't know because all Ive eaten in the last four hours was one of those brownies that
Theo was handing out, Jason responded.
You ate one of those brownies?! Dont you know what was in them? Theo put some type
of weird medicine in them to make you not be able to keep things down! He also put laxatives in
them! I cant believe you ate that! exclaimed Cole.
What?! Why would he give that to me right before the game? And now that he played
and barely did anything right, we lost! All because of those stupid brownies! Jason was getting
angrier and angrier. How could any team mate do such a thing?
Later in the night, Jason confronted Theo about the brownies. Theo, what the hell was
that? You give me drugged-up brownie so you would be able to play? Other players ate them too
but didnt get sick so was it just mine? You could get arrested for this, are you trying to ruin your
football career?
Woah, calm down, the ones with the drugs in them were for the other team, not for you.
You must of picked up the wrong one, Theo responded defending himself.
But you handed me the brownie! So you obviously knew what was in that one! You
made us lose the freaking game because you got me too sick to play! Jason yelled at Theo.
Theos voice began to shake, Im sorry, man! I thought I gave you a normal one, just
calm down, no one else needs to know about this.
Oh, no one else needs to know? Oh yeah, just wait till I tell the coach. You and your
sorry asss will get kicked off this team! Jason said as he stormed off.

Jason I swear to God you will regret it if you tell him. Dont do it, Theo sternly said.
Jason turned around and looked Theo right it the eyes, Too late, Theo. Jason was fuming. He
couldnt believe those brownies were drugged! Obviously Theo purposely didnt give him a
normal one, he had a smirk on his face the whole time Jason was yelling at him. Even though the
drugged ones were for the other team, thats still illegal and Theo should pay for it. Hes not only
ruining his own career, but it will hurt the team and coach as well! The team could be suspended
for the rest of the season and the coach could get fired! Did he even think any of this through?
Jason ran up to the coach and told him the whole story, starting with the part about Cole
telling him about the brownies and ending with the part where Theo said hell regret it. Jason
could see the coach growing mader as Jason continued. When Jason finished, the coach turned
towards the door and walked into the locker room where he suspected Theo to be. Jason didnt
risk going in with him because then everyone knew he was the rat. Jason went back out on to the
field and found Rider picking up some equipment. Jason told him the whole thing as well and
Rider couldnt believe it. They finished cleaning up the field and decided to walk home instead
of taking the bus so they wouldnt have to be around Theo, it was only two miles back to the
dorms anyway.
Jason and Rider gave their bags to a team member and began walking home. They were
laughing and joking around about school, the game and even Jasons girlfriend, Ava. The sun
was setting and it was getting late so there were few cars on the road. One car stuck out in both
Jason and Riders mind.
Hey, Jason is it just me or has that black truck gone by us like seven times now?
questioned Rider.
Yeah Ive seen it too Maybe the guy is just lost? Jason suggested.

Maybe.. Oh, here it comes again. I dont have a good feeling about this, maybe we
should call someone to get a ride-- Um its slowing down now. What should we do? Rider
anxiously asked.
Uhhh, I dont know. Lets just run now, it's only a half mile, Jason decided. But lets
pretend we are racing so we dont draw too much attention to ourselves. On three, ready; one,
two, THREE! Jason and Rider took off. At first, they saw the truck going in the opposite
direction as them, but then they saw it turn around. This couldnt be good, they thought. The
truck sped up and caught up to Jason and Rider. They sprinted then.
We were almost home when the truck stopped and a tall man got out that was dressed
head to toe in black. He began running after us, we were terrified. He was fast, and caught up to
us quickly. I didnt even know what to say to him. That was when he reached out and yanked
him back. That was when he held the gun to Jasons head.
I stopped running then and started pleading, begging the gunman to drop the gun, but he
wouldnt listen. He kept saying I told him, I told him. I could barely understand him, he was
slurring his words, he was really drunk. I was screaming for help but no one heard a thing. He
told me to shut up or I would be killed too. I stood there and watched.
I heard the shot, I saw him, Jason, hit the ground. I couldnt breath. I watched as the man
got back in his truck and go back the way he came. I took another look at Jason, and I blacked
out, Rider tried not to break down as he told the officers what had happened. Rider was in
shock. He just witnessed his best friend who was like a brother to him be murdered by a drunk.
What was he supposed to do now? Who did he have to talk to? They were supposed to be pro
football players together. They had their whole life planned out. But tonight, all of it was ruined.

Rider left the police station and headed back to the campus. No one had heard the news
yet. He saw a few of the guys from the team on his way in and they could tell something was
wrong. All Rider could say was that Jason was dead. He didnt know what else to say, he just
needed to go to bed. He was almost to his room when he saw Ava. She ran up to him and asked
him if Jason was okay, apparently she had heard.
Um Im sorry but Jason. hes gone, Ava. hes dead, Rider didnt know how to put
it any more tersely.
No, no that cant be! Ava began to sob. Who would do that? How can somebody look
at anyone and shoot them like that! Why did he have to die? Rider embraced Ava into a hug and
they cried until they fell asleep in the hallway.
Two weeks later, it was the championship game. No one on the team was at all focused.
Everybody was still in shock, especially Rider. How could anyone on the team be fine? They has
just recently lost Jason, they definitely should not be expected to be okay. Theo played the game
in Jasons place as quarterback and although he was grieving for Jason, he was a bit excited to
finally play as starting quarterback on the team. The Panthers had beaten this team before in the
beginning of the season so it should be easy to win again, but they lost Jason so they were
doomed to lose. There was an overall vibe on the field that everybody noticed and it wasnt a
good one. The communication on the field was barely there. The plays were sloppy, and they
continued to fumble the ball because of careless decisions. Of course, the Panthers lost the game
7- 31. In the locker room after the pathetic game, Coach Lyons came in but he didnt yell at the
We had a great season. We won almost every single game. You guys did your best
tonight under the circumstances, and I know yall are grieving for the loss of our team member,

Jason. Hopefully the guy who did it is held responsible for what he did. He doesnt deserve to be
runnin around free like he is right now. And to the seniors. Good luck at the draft, and wherever
you are headed next. Ill see the rest of you next year on the field, and with that, Coach Lyons
left us in the locker room to gather our belongings.
It was in between semesters so many students were going home to their families. Rider
was going home as well. He forgot all about the spot where Jason had been murdered, until he
drove by it.
Jason was trying to fight him. He was big, he was hitting and punching Jason. Jasons
face was cut up. I kept screaming. I didnt know what to do. The shot was loud, deafening. He hit
the ground really hard and the blood just poured out of his head. I looked away, I couldnt see my
best friend like that. I glanced at him one more time but my vision was blurry, his eyes rolled to
the back of his head as he bled out and the truck sped away.
Rider opened his eyes again and realized he was holding up a long line of traffic. He must
of stopped in the road and revisualized what had happened. He took one last look at the sidewalk
and drove away.
Its been three months and still no one knows of any evidence, other witnesses or anybody that
might be responsible for the murder of Jason Grey. Ava and Rider have been brought in for
questioning, and the police also interviewed every player on the football team but nobody knew
anything. The police couldnt match the tire tracks burned on the road to any vehicle around the
area and the only blood they found on the sidewalk and road belonged to Jason Grey himself.
Everything just wasnt adding up.

Theo, do you think the guy who killed him will turn up? Ava calmly asked Theo.
I hope, but I mean, you got to think positively about the whole thing. Look at the good
side: There is more of a chance for other people to play as quarterback, and if he was still here I
wouldnt be dating you, see? There are good things to him being dead, Theo smiled and looked
at Ava.
Ava has a puzzled look on her face, How can you say that? I still miss him a lot, and I
thought you did too.
Oh, no, thats not what I meant. I miss him, I just wasnt close to him so I dont miss
him like you do, Theo added.
Yeah whatever. I just wish they would figure it out. Do you think it was the same guy
who slashed his tires? Ava questioned.
Theo looked down as he began to speak, Im going to let you in on a little secret. I dont
think it was the same guy because I didnt murder him, but I was the one who cut his tires and I
knew all along that brownie had drugs in it , Theo looked back at Ava. And I wish I didnt do
that stuff now, I just really wanted to play, you know? Its my senior year, I should be able to
play. I would take all that stuff back and let him play those games if I could, just to have him not
be dead anymore. I miss him too, Ava. Tears began to steadily stream down Avas face.
Although she was mad at him, he did sound sincere and thoughtful. Ava couldnt stay mad.
Dont cry, Ava. Although I hated the guy, I still wish he was here so I didnt have to see
you this sad all the time. I think you should just get over the guy. Hes not coming back, Theo
matter of factly stated. Ava hugged him and went back to her dorm.
A few weeks later, still nothing has changed. No news, no evidence, no nothing. Ava and
Rider just went about living their lives, trying to forget about the fact that Jason was dead. Rider

actually had gotten a scholarship for some other college that wanted him playing for their team,
and he was really considering it. He didnt have Jason anymore and so now his school and the
football field were just a reminder of Jason and that he was dead.
Ava and Theos relationship had been a little rocky lately. They had had a few fights
because Theo accused her of still being hung up over Jason. He just didnt get why she couldnt
get over him. Ava was going back to Theos place after her classes that day and she was still a
little angry at Theo for saying all those things about Jason. Especially since she knew how much
he had meant to her.
Ava! Glad to see you, I feel like I didnt see you all week, I mean with our busy
schedules and your job, Theo said embracing her in a hug.
I know, Ive missed you. I have to go back in an hour, I have a huge exam tomorrow and
I have to write a five page essay on The Renaissance or something, and I have to read forty-five
pages of that book we got assigned yesterday Im just really busy, Ava explained.
Oh, yeah I totally get it. Its cool. Im getting busy too with football practices starting up
again and everything. Hey um, by the way I dont know if you were paying attention but today is
the eight months mark sinceuh the accident.
Yeah, I know. I didnt feel like I missed him as much today, maybe Im moving on from
him a bit.
Wait, youre not moved on? I mean I dont wanna be rude about it but come on, its been
over a half of a year.
Just because it has been awhile doesnt mean I cant miss him, Ava said defending
I know but youre not still, like, in love with him, right?

No, of course not!

Okay, okay. Just making sure.
Why do you care so much, anyway? Ava questioned Theo.
Okay, to be honest- dont get mad! But, honestly, I just never really loved the guy. I
mean he was a great athlete but he rubbed it in peoples faces all the time. And then when I told
him how I was thinking about asking you out, he went and asked you out. And thats just not
cool. Then you guys dated and he got killed and I know its super mean but the first thing I
thought of when he died, was that I could now date you. Please dont get mad, I do thinks its sad
that hes dead and stuff but I wasnt ever a big fan of him, Theo shrugged.
Ava was speechless. She loved Jason. I- I- um. I loved him. Its okay you didnt. I, um,
just wish you got to know him a little better before someone killed him.
So youre not mad?
Oh, Im not mad. Just sad.
So just to be sure, you dont love him, you love me, correct?
Ava hesitated. What if she wasnt over Jason? She knew he was dead but that definitely
does not mean she doesnt have to just stop loving him. What if she didnt even love Theo, or
want to date Theo anymore? She was unsure and sad and just overwhelmed.
No, she said. Im not in love with him now, you dont have to worry.
Okay good. I was worried. So since were on the topic of Jason - wait. Youre totally
over him right? No feelings? Theo asked again.
Had he not been listening to her? Was she invisible? Yes, she lied. No feelings
whatsoever, she lied again.

Ok, anyway. Good. So, I kinda wanna tell you something but you have to swear you
wont be upset.
Okay. whatever, just say it. Ava was trying to hurry him along.
So you know the night he was murdered? Yeah, well, so my uncle was at the game that
day and he had a truck. It was better than my truck, this was a sick truck. So he let me take it for
a spin that day and said hed take mine back to campus for me. So I was just driving along and
stuff, up and down that road, the one where he was shot. And I saw them and stuff and I was
thinking about pulling over and giving them a ride in that cool truck and stuff. So I when I turned
around to go back down the road to go get them, I dont even know what happened. Theo
So hold up. Where are you going with this? Ava was puzzled.
You have to let me finish. So anyway I pulled up to them and turned around to put my
football stuff in the back to make room for them in the front, and thats when I dont really
remember what happened. I remember going back to campus, without them. I remember giving
the truck back to my uncle and taking my football stuff out and going to bed. I just- Im sorry.
Woah, Woah, Woah. Youre telling me you saw him get murdered and didnt even tell
anyone before now?! Ava was fuming.
No, you got it wrong. You see, I didnt just watch him get murdered and not do anything
about it. I was the murderer. I did it, Ava. It was me.
Ava couldnt speak. She backed up and just didnt talk. She didnt look shocked,
You promised you wouldnt get mad. Are you mad? Theo angrily asked her.
No, she lied. Then she forced a smile.

Good, because if you were mad, I might have had to kill you too! Theo joked. Ava
looked at him horrified. Im kidding, Ava! I was being sarcastic. Gosh dont be so touchy.
Goodnight, Ava said stearly and casually exited Theos room. Once she closed the door,
in a rush of confusion, anger and sadness, she sprinted to Riders dorm. By the time she got
there, she was full on sobbing and was panicked. She began pounding on his door and screaming
Riders name until he came to the door.
Ava, why are you crying? What the hell happened? Rider sympathetically asked.
It was Theo! It was him! He just told me everything, that bastard! It was him! Im so
incredibly stupid for going out with him and just finding out that it was him this whole time!
Rider, how could this have happened?! Ava screamed.
Wait, wait.Ava, slow down. What did Theo do? Rider questioned anxiously praying
that it wasnt what he thought all along Theo had done.
He killed him, Rider! He killed Jason! He freaking shot him in the head and killed him!
Rider pushed past her in the doorway and stormed down the hall. Rider, where are you going?
we have to go to the police!
No, Ava. Im gonna go beat that guy like until hes out, do what he did to Jason. He
doesnt deserve anything anymore! Rider was fuming.
No, Rider no. We have to go to the police! He probably still has the gun anyway. Come
on, Rider, please! Lets go! Ava pleaded.
Fine. But the moment I see that guy hes gonna wish he was never even born. Rider
and Ava ran out to the parking lot to go to the police. They both couldnt even believe any of this.
Jason was killed in November and now its August and they were just solving this.

Ava and Rider stormed into the police station. The chief came out to greet them and Ava
told him the everything Theo had said. By the end she was crying again.
Its not that I dont believe you, its just that we are going to need hard evidence,
something that proves he was the one that shot him, the officer said.
Well Im sure he still has the gun in his dorm. I can go in and distract him and take it if
you want, Ava suggested.
No, no. You dont need to take it. I can give you a picture of what the suspected gun
looks like, its just a Smith and Wesson 45 handgun, and if it matches, you can call us back, the
officer explained to Rider and Ava. We will have to confiscate the gun but we can easily get a
warrant to get into his dorm. Well take care of it from there. The officer gave Ava the picture
of the gun and then they left.
Theo knew Ava was upset about him killing Jason, and she definitely has the right to be.
She is going to have to make it seem like shes okay to be able to get into his dorm and make it
seem like Theo and Ava are still in a relationship. She and Rider decided she would go tomorrow
Ava knocked on Theos door. Theo opened the door seconds later and silently invited her
Hey, Ava. How are you? Im sorry to have sprung all that on you You didnt tell
anyone right? Theo sternly questioned her.
No, of course not. I just needed time to think.
Oh, yeah, thats fine. So were still fine, right? Like you didnt come here to break up
with me cause I killed your ex or something, right? Theo joked.
Theo, no. I just need a little more time, okay?

Yup, great, I understand. Dont worry about it. Um, so you caught me just coming back
from football practice Do you mind if I go change and take a quick shower? Ill be back in less
than ten minutes, Theo asked.
Yeah, thats fine. Ill wait here.
Okay, great. Ill be back shortly. As soon as Theo shut the door behind him, Ava got up
and began searching for the gun. He had to have it somewhere in here. She looked in his
dressers, closet, and even in between the mattress. Where could it be? Theo would be back soon,
she had to be quicker. Just as she was giving up, she glanced over at his trophy shelf. He had
won a lot of impressive awards and apparently shooting Jason was one of his greatest
accomplishments because right there with the trophies, was the gun and a picture of Jason.
How had I never noticed this before? Am I really that oblivious? God, how could I let this
slip right past me!
Ava looked at the picture of the gun and it was a perfect match. Ava sat back on the couch
just as Theo was opening the door. Ava stood up to greet him.
Hey Theo, Im sorry, I just got a text from Elena, we got stuff we have to work on before
back to school. Sorry, Theo, Ava said very apologetically.
Oh, its cool. Im exhausted anyway, Theo said hugging her good-bye.
After Ava left, she went to Rider and told him about the gun. They called the police
officer and he told them hed take care of the rest.
A week later, Rider and Ava went to the first football game of the season. Of course, Theo
was the starting quarterback, in place of Jason. They had been waiting for what feels like forever
for the police to arrest him but they hadn't heard anything. But that all changed during the third
quarter of the game.

The Panthers had the ball and were ten yards away from a touchdown. That's when the
police showed up. At first, one of the officers was just talking to Coach Lyons, and when he
pointed to one of the players on the field, Ava and Rider knew the officer was there for Theo. A
few policemen walked on to the field and the referee blew the whistle for the game to stop. Ava
and Rider couldn't hear what the officers were saying, but it was obvious from the terrified and
humiliated look on his face, Theo was scared! He was handcuffed and walked off the field in a
matter of minutes. Ava and Rider just looked at eachother.
Although they both knew the police would come eventually, they didn't think it would be
during a school football game! Ava and Rider were both relieved and a weight was lifted off their
About three weeks went by until the trial. Theo pleaded guilty, as he should. Ava and
Rider both attended the trail and Rider was called to the stand as a whiteness. It was devastating
to see Jason's parents crying as they watched Jason's best friend through childhood tell the tragic
story of their son's death. It was now Theo's turn on the stand. He sat there and pleaded guilty. "I
know I killed someone. I know that is a crime and so I should go to jail. I know that. I did it all
for a reason though. Bad reasons, but all reasons I truly regret. I wanted to be starting
quarterback so bad. He was taking me away my professional career from right under my feet. I
had to stop it. I needed the pro teams to look at me, not at Jason. I guess the fury of it all got to
me and when I saw him on walking back home on the road, I just decided it would be best to end
his career young... And kill him then. I stole his career from him, and I guess his girlfriend too. I
stole his life. All because of jealousy. I regret it all now. And I know that means absolutely
nothing to his family and friends, but I regret everything I did."

Theo walked off the stand and went back to his seat. Rider looked over at him, still in
disbelief that he would murder an innocent guy over a football career. Theo looked back at Rider
as the judge said "guilty". As the guards walked over the Theo and he stood up, he had apology
in his eyes as he mouthed the words "I'm sorry" back at Rider.


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