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SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 4. SEARCH WARRANT LTCAT tt TO: __THE CHIEF OF POLICE OR HER AGENT OF THE METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPARTMENT WASHINGTON D.C. ‘one Law Enforcer Ofc’ o Cleat of Ofer of be Metropolitan Pace Department o ater AuBornd Agency ‘Affidavit, herewith attached, having been made before me by _ Metropolitan Police Department Detective Paul C. Regan (CID) Badge 02-1434 that he has probable cause to believe that on the (person) (premises) (vahicte) (object) known as__AT&T OR ANY OTHER SERVICE PROVIDER FOR 44389-3200 = FO Oe oe ee inthe District of Columbia, there is now being concealed certain propery, 5. Call Detail Records with Cell Site locations for AT&T cellular telephone number sae Stating ‘on May 10, 2015 to May 15, 2015 including incoming and outgoing calls and text messages, and any new telephfre nunibers ‘ re subsequesty assigned to the target cellular telephone (See Attachment A) i whichis _Evidence of the crminal offense of Homicide, Vanes am satisied (eed ground for eke) that there is probable cause to believe that the property so described is being concealed on the above designated (person) (premises) (vehicle) (object) and that the foregoing grounds for issuance ofthe warrant exist. ‘YOU ARE HEREBY AUTHORIZED within 10 days of the date of issuance of this warrant to search in the daytime/at any time of the day or night, the designated (person) (premises) (vehicle) (object) for the property specified and Ifthe property be found thers. h ‘YOU ARE COMMANDED TO SEIZE IT, TO WRITE AND SUBSCRIBE an Inventory of the property seized, to leave a copy of this, further copy ofthis warrant and return with the Court on the next Ceurt day after Its executi , 015 ae / 3S Dar of Colin RETURN | received the above detailed warrant o1 Ths, Y + 20_\Sc_ and have executed it as follows: On » 500 — M, I searched the (person) (promises) (vehicles) t) described in the warrant and | left a copy of the warrant and return with “Aosta ae Recacdy Ra pro aca oo Sessa sno pn BUTT BC THOR] properly posted. ‘The following isan inventory ofthe property taken pursuant to this warrant: H This inventory was made in the presence of Kezean Dd swear that this is a true and detailed account ofall proper taken bv me 7 See re nr." ————— ofthe Dict of Coumbla Beaten. Me ‘Subscribed and sworn to before me this 247" day of Sokt Affidavit [ Stnet 44 You affiant submits this affidavit in support of an application for a search warrant pursuant to Superior Court Rule of Criminal Procedure 41, and 18 U.S.C. Sections 2703 and 3122, directing ATT to assist members of the United States Secret Service and Metropolitan Police Department by providing all information, facitities and technical assistance needed to ascertain the physical location of the cellular telephone assigned call number 443-852-3299 (the “TARGETED CELLPHONE”), between May 10°2015 through May 15, 2015, with service provided by AT&T the “TARGETED CELLPHONE PROVIDER”, including but not limited to data indicating the specific latitude and longitude of (or other precise location information concerning) the TARGETED CELLPHONE (the “Requested Information”). In support of this search warrant, your affiant states as follows: 1. On May 14, 2015, at approximate 1324 hours, DC Fire and EMS were dispatched to 3201 Woodland Dr NW. Washington DC for the report of a house fire. Upon arrival, Firefighters found smoke and fire visible from a second floor window of a three story residential home. Firefighters forced entry into the residences’ front door and began fire suppression. The fire was contained to a second floor room and closet, with minor extension to an adjacent bathroom, 2. While extinguishing the fire, firefighters found the charred remains of a juvenile sized human being on a bed in the room which was of fire. Due to the thermal damage of the body, investigators are unable to determine the race or sex of the human remains. The remains stayed on scene. 3. Additionally, an adult aged male, and two adult aged females were found in an adjacent bedroom. All three of those adults appear to have suffered trauma to their body. Two were removed from the residence and found to have no signs of life and remained at the scene. The second adult aged female was removed from the residence and transported to Georgetown hospital were lifesaving efforts failed. 4. The scene of the investigation is a three story, brick residential home with a basement. This juvenile decedent was located in a bedroom on the second floor, which sustained heavy fire damage. The decedent is located on the charred remains/matress spring of a queen ae sized bed. The majority of the bed frame has been consumed by fire and the floor under the bed sustained heavy fire damage and in some area was totally consumed by fire. There is fire damage to all furniture in the room and the charred remains of some furniture features impress that some furniture was all or nearly all consumed by fire. A strong odor consistent with that of gasoline is present in the home. An accelerant K9 was introduced to the scene and indicated the presence of an ignitable liquid on the stairs and in the room in which the three adults were located. Several matches and a matchbox were found at the top of the stairs. . Although, no formal identifications have been made at this time, an investigation has revealed that the home is normally occupied by, Savvas Savopoulos, Amy Savopoulos and their ten year old son, Philip Savopoulos. Furthermore, the residents employ a female housekeeper who was last seen and known to be at work at 3201 ‘Woodland Drive on Wednesday, May 13, 2015. Members of the Major Crimes/Cold Case Homicide Unit conducted an investigation into this offense and interviewed a person identified as Jordan Wallace 03/28/1987. Mr. Wallace stated he is an employee of Mr. Savopoulos whose job consisted of transporting Mr. Savopoulos to and from work and handling daily assignments given to him by Mr. Savopoulos. . Wallace stated he received a call from Mr. Savopoulos on Thursday morning, May 14, 2016 and was directed to report to the office in Hyattsville, Maryland to pick up a package and return the package to Mr. Savopoulos. Wallace stated he responded to the Hyattsville office and met Mr. Savopoulos’s accountant .He and the accountant responded to the Bank of America located in Hyattsville, Md. ‘Wallace and the accountant walked into the bank at which time ‘Wallace watched the accountant enter into a transaction with the bank manager. At the end of the transaction Wallace witnessed the bank manager give the accountant a manila envelope which contained currency. Wallace stated the accountant gave him(Wallace) the envelope and Wallace drove to $201 Woodland Drive NW. When Wallace was ten minutes away from Mr. Savolopulos home he(Wallace) called Mr. Savolopulos on the phone and informed him he was nearby and had the package. Wallace stated that Mr. Savopoulos instructed him(Wallace) to place the Ss money on the seat of his red car which was parked in the garage. Wallace stated when he arrived at 3201Woodland Drive he went inside of the garage, located a key to unlock the door and placed the envelope in the drivers seat. After placing the envelope in the drivers seat Wallace locked the vehicle and exited the garage and closed the door to same. . As detectives continued to question Wallace, Wallace changed his account of the events regarding how he received the package, where he left the package and when he was told to get the package. When ‘Wallace was questioned about a text he(Wallace) received from Mr, Savopoulos on Wednesday, May 18, 2015, Wallace changed his story. The text was addressed to Wallace and it directed him to meet the accountant on Thursday morning in Hyattsville to pick up the package. Wallace admitted that information was true and he made a mistake about when he was told to get the package. Wallace was also questioned about what the money was placed in when he (Wallace) received it from the accountant. Wallace admitted that he lied when he stated the money was in a manila envelope when he(Wallace) received it from the accountant. Wallace stated what actually happened was the accountant took four bundles of money from his(the accountants) pocket and placed the money in a red bag which belonged to Wallace. Wallace then drove to Mr. Savopoulos house and called Mr. Savopoulos ten minutes before he(Wallace) arrived at the home. Mr. Savopoulos told Wallace to leave the money in the car inside the garage. Wallace stated, when he arrived at Mr. Savopoulos garage he(Wallace) placed the money inside a manila envelope that was in (Wallace's) car. After placing the money in the envelope (Wallace) stated he placed the envelope in the drivers seat of the car. Furthermore, Wallace admitted that he lied when he stated that the vehicle was locked, Wallace stated the vehicle was unlocked and that he left the envelope which contained the money in the vehicle. Wallace stated that he was told by the accountant that the package contained forty thousdand dollars in cash. During the course of the interview, MPD detectives requested that Wallace give them his cellular telephone. That celluar telephone is described as a Black Apple Iphone with a brown wooden case with a IMEI number of 358369067991221 bearing telephone number 443- 852-3299. During the interview, Wallace showed the detectives a —_ [scone 14 number of text messages and incoming and outgoing calls with Mr. Savopoulos. 10. Detectives interviewed a witness which stated IT received a text from Wallace on Thursday, May 14, 2015. The witness opened the text for detectives to view. The text contained dialogue and photos ofa red lined bag with what appeared to be two bundles of cash, one of which had visibly displayed, a white money wrap band. The accountant that was interviewed stated the money IT withdrew from Bank of America was wrapped in money warappers from the bank and the money was seperated in four bundles that totaled forty thousand dollars. A visual inspection was conducted of the red sports car that was parked inside of the garage of $201 Woodland Drive; there was no visible traces of a manila envelope, loose cash or any other items on the front seat or floor of the vehicle. Wherefore, you affiant requests this Court issue a search warrant directing AT&T to assist members of the United States Secret Service and Metropolitan Police Department by providing all information, facilities and technical assistance needed to ascertain the physical location of the cellular telephone assigned call number 443-852-3299 (the “TARGETED CELLPHONE”), between May 10,2015 through May 15, 2015, with service provided by AT&T the “TARGETED CELLPHONE PROVIDER”, including but not limited to data indicating the specific latitude and longitude of (or other precise location information equcering) the TARGETED CELLPHONE (the “Requested Information”). shglis- Assistant Affiant .S. Attorney Subscribed and sworn before me this 18"" day of May, 2015. nee TD Judge, Superior Court for the District of Columbia SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA SPECIAL PROCEEDING BRANCH In re Search Warrant For: a Misc. No. AT&T Cellular Telephone : (Scene 1¢9 ‘Number (443) 852-3299 Filed under Seal MOTION TO SEAL AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT OF SEARCH WARRANT AND MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT THEREOF ‘The United States of America, by its counsel, the United States Attorney for the District of ‘Columbia, respectfully moves the Court for an Order directing that the affidavit in support of the above-captioned search warrant be placed under seal until further order of the Court. In support of its motion, the government states as follows: The affidavit in support of the search warrant describes an ongoing police investigation which includes information not known to the general public. Disclosure of the information would jeopardize the ongoing investigation and would also raise significant safety concerns for witnesses involved in this investigation. WHEREFORE, the government respectfully requests that the affidavit in support of the search warrant be placed under seal. Respectfully submitted, ‘Vincent Cohen, Jr. Acting United States Attorney RB stisf1- sdal ‘Assistant United States Attorney 555 4™ Street, N.W., Room 9717 ‘Washington, D.C. 20530 (202) 252 7242 DC Bar 415214 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA SPECIAL PROCEEDING BRANCH Inre Search Warrant For : Mise. No. AT&T Cellular Telephone : (5 cnc 949 Number (443) 852-3299 Filed under Seal ORDER Upon consideration of the motion to seal the affidavit in support of the above-captioned search warrant, it is this __{{ day of May 2013, hereby ORDERED, that the Government's Motion is hereby GRANTED and the affidavit in support of the above-captioned search warrants be scaled until further order of the Court. Judge, Superior Court of Ls of Colum!

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