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ca4ut " SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Noe Neae SEARCH WARRANT TO: __THE CHIEF OF POLICE OR HER AGENT OF THE METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPARTMENT WASHINGTOND.C. {Specie Law EnoeameatOfiar 0 Cun eatin of Oe of he Watopolian Pole Dparonent rater Aufarzed AGEREY) Affidavit, herewith attached, having been made before me by __Metropolitan Police | Detective Paul C. Regan (CID) Badge 02-1434 that he has probable cause to believe ‘that on the (person) (premises) (vehicle) (obiect) known as AT&T OR ANY OTHER SERVICE PROVIDER FOR 202-497-5604 in the District of Columbia, there is now being concealed certain property, Records relating to the location of AT&T cel number_202-497-5604 Starti Mt 2015 and continuing for the next thirty days and content and Call Detail Records on 4, 2015 to and any new ‘elephone numbers subsequesty assigned to the target celular telephone (See Attach i 2 { Y wa which is _Evidence of the criminal offense of Homicide. t [and as om sitea (ego round fron) that thre is probable cause to boleve that the property so described is being concealed on the above ‘soars rotten (vehicle) (object) and that the foregoing grounds for issuance of the warrant exist. in & ‘YOU ARE HEREBY AUTHORIZED within 10 days of the date of issuance of this warrant to search in rime af the day cng irate pr) renin] oie cc te rope speed ade propery ou ee. ia) YOU ARE COMMANDED TO SEIZE IT, TO WRITE AND SUBSCRIBE an Inventory of the property , te dave a Sy of of this fg warrant and return to file, et is warrant and return with the Court on the next Court day after its Issued this ZU day of + 20_15 Tea, Groen RETURN received the above defiled warrant ot 1 20_[4- and have executed it a8 follows: On , Dt OF M,, searched the {person) (premises) (vehiciea) (object) described in the warrant apd I left a copy of the warrant and return with oO properly posted. ‘ame of person sarhed or ewnd,ecupent custodian or porn presi at pare ove) The following is an inventory of the property taken pursuant to this warrant: Waly by x [WEbakin, SIS male v x cer Subscribed and sworn to before me this 247 wv tag lh “odes, Superior Coun he Die of Chania TRUE Me By IScncaot ATTACHMENT A Data starting on May 10, 2015, and continuing for the next thirty days for target number 202-497-5604, any other numbers associated with the account, and any new telephone numbers subsequently assigned to the target ‘Subject items to be searched for: Historic, current, and future data related to: 1. Call logs for both received and transmitted phone numbers starting on May 1, 2015 to present Time at which the calls were placed, Duration of the phone calls. SMS/MMS data including: Numbers to which messages were sent fo, or received from and content of those messages. E-mail data including: Addresses to which messages were sent to, or received from and content of those emails. 6. Any direct connect/ push-to-talk information transmitted or received by the phone 7. Associated dates, times, and durations of any direct connect / push-to-talk transmissions. 8. The phone number that is associated with this handheld device. 9. Cell site activations, 10. Numbers dialed; to include post cut through digits (DDE) 11, Subscriber, ESN, and billing information forthe specified wireless telephone. 12, Subscriber, ESN, and billing information for any other wireless telephone on this account or that may be identified from these records. 13. An engineering map, showing all cell-site tower location/addresses, sectors, orientations, and horizontal beam width. 14, The physical address/location of all mobile phone towers inthe specified market. 15, A list of control channels/radio channels and their corresponding cell sites. 16. Precision tracking though use of GPS. n of a Pe ected with Instal The pen-trap devices are authorized to collect the following information for the target cell phone, 202-497- 5604, any other numbers associ iated with the account, and any new telephone numbers subsequently assigned to the target cell phone fora period of thirty days: 1. Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. §§ 3122-24 All dialing, routing, addressing and signaling information associated with each communication to and from the target cell phone(s), including, but not limited to: a. Any unique identifiers associated with the cell phone, including ESN, MEIN, MSISDN, IMSI, IMEI, SIM, or MIN. b. Source and destination telephone numbers and email addresses. ¢. Date, time and duration of all communications. 2. Pursuant to 18 U. {§§ 3122-24 and 18 U.S.C. § 2703(4) SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) Special Proceedings No. FOR A SEARCH WARRANT TO. OBTAIN DATA CONCERNING AN ) amet AT&T CELLULAR TELEPHONE ASSIGNED — ) CALL NUMBER 202-497-5604 ) UNDER SEAL Affidavit in Support of a Search Warrant Requesting Data for Cellular Phone Number 202-497-5604 INTRODUCTION 1. The affiant is Detective Paul C. Regan, a swom officer of the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) in Washington, D.C. This affiant has been a member of the MPD for approximately twenty years and is currently a Detective assigned to the Criminal Investigations Division, Electronic Crimes Task Force-Technical Services Unit. Previous assignments include the Homicide Branch, Seventh and Sixth District Detectives’ Unit, and Sixth District Patrol. During my tenure, I have assisted with arrests of persons in violation of narcotics, firearms, and violent crimes. I have received training in the following areas: basic investigative skills; interview and interrogation, Homicide Investigations and am currently a certified instructor with the Metropolitan Police Department. Throughout my tenure I have conducted numerous criminal investigations, interviewed victims, witnesses, and suspects, and have seen criminal cases through the judicial process. 2. submit this affidavit in support of an application for a search warrant pursuant to Superior Court Rule of Criminal Procedure 41, and 18 U.S.C. Sections 2703 and 3122, directing a>, AT&T to assist members of the United States Secret Service and Metropolitan Police eave 467 Department by providing all information, facilities and technical assistance needed to ascertain the location and identification of an individual who participated in the offense detailed below as well as the physical location of the cellular telephone assigned call number 202-497-5604 (the “TARGETED CELLPHONE”), with service provided by AT&T the “TARGETED CELLPHONE PROVIDER’, including but not limited to data indicating the specific latitude and longitude of (or other precise location information concerning) the TARGETED CELLPHONE (the “Requested Information”), for a period of thirty days. 3. Tam familiar with the facts and circumstances of the investigation through my personal participation; from discussions with other members of the United States Secret Service and Metropolitan Police Department and other law enforcement officers; from my discussions with witnesses involved in the investigation; and from my review of records and reports relating to the investigation. Since this affidavit is being submitted for the limited purpose of securing a search warrant authorizing the acquisition of the requested information, I have not inchided details of every aspect of the investigation. Facts not set forth herein, or in the attached exhibits, are not being relied on in reaching my conclusion that the requested warrant should be issued. Nor do request that this Court rely on any facts not set forth herein in reviewing this application. 4, Probable cause exists to believe that the requested information may lead to the location and identification of an individual who participated in the offense detailed below, in violation of District of Columbia Criminal Code. oa ISAC AL BACKGROUND OF THE INVESTIGATION On May 14, 2015 at approximately 1324 hours, DC Fire and EMS were dispatched to 3201 Woodland Drive Northwest Washington, DC for the report of a house fire. Upon arrival, firefighters found smoke and fire visible from a second floor window of a three story residential home. Firefighters forced entry into the residence's front door and began fire suppression. ‘The fire was contained to a second floor room and closet, with minor extension to an adjacent bathroom, While extinguishing the fire, firefighters found the charred remains of a juvenil sized human being on a bed in the room which was on fire. Due to the thermal damage of the body, investigators were unable to determine the race or sex of the human remains. The remains stayed on the scene. Additionally, an adult aged male and two adult aged females were found in an adjacent bedroom. All three of those adults appeared to have suffered trauma to the body. Two were removed from the residence and found to have no signs of life and remained at the scene. The second adult aged female was removed from the residence and transported to Georgetown Hospital where lifesaving efforts failed. Autopsies of all four victims have been ‘conducted by the District of Columbia OCME and for all four decedent's the cause of death is, various traumatic injuries and the manner of death is homicide. All four victims have been positively identified. 6. As the investigation progressed and the crime scene was searched it was learned that cellular telephone with target number 202-497-5604, belonging to decedent Savvas Savopoulos, ‘was not located, Your affiant believes that this cellular telephone was in the possession decedent Savvas Savopoulos at the time this offense was committed. Your affiant believes that the call detail records and the cellular tower locations for the targeted cellular telephone will lead ot 3 (6ce4ut members of the United States Secret Service and Metropolitan Police Department to the location and identification of person(s) who took the cellular telephone during the commission of this offense. ‘The undersigned further requests that this warrant, and any related documents be scaled until further order of the Court, as disclosure of these materials at this time would seriously jeopardize the ongoing investigation, | swear that the statements made in the foregoing affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Reviewed by: Ffirh Aspistant Uniged States Anémey Metropolitan Police Department The foregoing affidavit was sworn to the undersigned Judge of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia by Detective Paul C. Regan, Metropolitan Police Department, after being placed under oath as being truc and correct, this_“2)__ day of May 2015. Tudge 2 Superior Court of the District of Columbia SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CRIMINAL DIVISION INTHE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION —)_—_Special Proceedings No. FOR A SEARCH WARRANT TO ) in| OBTAIN DATA CONCERNING A. ) sem Ae AT&T CELLULAR TELEPHONE ASSIGNED) CALL NUMBER 202-497-5604 ) UNDER SEAL MOTION TO SEAL AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT OF SEARCH WARRANT, AND MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT THEREOF The United States of America, by and through its attorney, the United States Attorney for the District of Columbia, respectfully moves the Court for an order directing that the affidavit in support of the search warrant for data relating to AT&T cellular telephone , and the instant motion, be placed under seal until further order of the Court. In support of its motion, the government states as follows: This search warrant application arises from the investigation into a homicide Case that occurred on or about May 14, 2015, in the District of Columbia. To expose the affidavit in support of the search warrant, which includes information not known to the public, to public review at this time would reveal the investigative efforts currently being undertaken by the Metropolitan Police Department, would impede its ongoing investigation, and will impede future investigations by revealing investigative tactics, WHEREFORE, for all the foregoing reasons, the government respectfully requests that this motion to seal be granted. Respectfully submitted, Vincent Cohen, JR. UNITED STATES ATTORNEY R Dated: 5 ( (9(s— By: spies SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CRIMINAL DIVISION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION, ) Special Proceedings No. FOR A SEARCH WARRANT TO ) iSaveae? OBTAIN DATA CONCERNING A ) AT&T CELLULAR TELEPHONE ASSIGNED _) CALL NUMBER 202-497-5604 ) _- UNDER SEAL ORDER Upon consideration of the motion to scal the affidavit in support of the above-captioned Search this__Ze) day of Aa » 2015, ORDERED, that the Government's Motion is hereby GRANTED and the affidavit in support of Warrant, the above-captioned Search Warrant and Motion to Seal the Affidavit be scaled until further order of the Court. oS D.C. Superior Court Judge

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