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Leaders That Have Become


Columbus Metropolitan Library

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2 Leaders
Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela
was a Civil Rights
Activist and a
South African antiapartheid
revolutionist who
through his
dedication became
president of South
Africa from 1994 to
1999. In his early
20s, he became
actively involved in
the anti-apartheid
movement joining
the African
National Congress.
Their goal was to
become a big group
deriving strength
from millions of
rural peasants and

have abused their powers:

Lavrentiy Beria
Ivan the Terrible
Emperor Commodus
Emperor Caligula
Christian VII
Emperor Heliogabalus
Emperor Nero
Josef Mengele

whove Become Successful

working people who had no
voice under the current
regime in order to become a
big and successful movement.
For 20 years, Mandela was
able to aim for peaceful, nonviolent acts of resistance
against the South African
government and their racist
policies. Because of his acts,
he was sentenced for many
years in prison receiving the
lowest level of treatment from
prison workers because he
was a black politician. After
his imprisonment, Nelson
became the president of ANC
and with the group he was
able to negotiate with
President de Klerk to have the
first democratic election.
Nelson was then inaugurated
as the first black president.

The quality of a leader is

-Ray Kroc
reflected in the standards
they set for themselves

Caesar Chaves

Cesar Chavez was a union

Workers Association in 1962.

grape growers. As a leader, he

leader and labor organizer

10 years later, the group

employed nonviolence and

who worked to improve the

merged with another group

led marches, called boycotts,

treating, pay, and working

called the Agricultural

and went on hunger strikes.

conditions for farm workers.

Workers Organizing

Because of his dedication, his

In his early life, him and his

Committee to from the United

work earned him friends and

family worked as migrant

Farm Workers in 1972. They


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