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Unit 36: Interview Techniques

Research Document
Order of contents:
Topic Research for interview 2:
Guest Research for interview 2:

You need to carry out EXTENSIVE research on your topic and guest.
You need to demonstrate why you have used your guest for this

topic. You need to reference where you found your research.

(Referencing is KEY)
Research of topic:
Key Facts:

The Dirty Girls Project began with a documentary filmed in

1996 in a high school.
The documentary was filmed and published by Michael Lucid.
Michael Lucid wanted to document a group of 8th graders who
were notorious for their crass behaviour and allegedly bad
The group of 13 year old girls spoke a lot about feminism and
their influences who were mostly musicians such as; Kurt
Cobain, Courtney Love, etc.
The project is to encourage girls to stand up against societys
norms and standards.
The first video that came out , were the Dirty Girls talking
about themselves and their schoolmates who mostly just
made bad comments about them.
This video has recently become very popular.
This project is becoming very popular because feminists are
looking into it and it has all become kind of a movement for
young girls.
After the video became very successful, people wanted more
videos and documentaries about the Dirty Girls, so Michael
Lucid made more videos and interviews.
A lot of articles have been made about the Dirty Girls and they
re getting a lot of recognition for their acts towards feminism.

Potential areas of interest:

Areas of concern:

Guest: Amber Willat

Research of Guest
Primary Research: (Interviews with guest to find out what they
know; interviews with friends of guest to find out about guest) Insert
voice recordings /notes
- Amber Willat is founder/visionary of the Dirty Girl Project.
- Studied at University of California
- Writer/artist/journalist
- Amber Willat featured in the video, along with her sister and
- Amber moved from the high school a year after the video was
published in 2000.
- She went on to study art at University of California.

Secondary Research: (Internet /books)

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