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RKWC Under The Scope

RKWC Under The Scope

10% only who are happy

in RKWC!!

Picture by: Hessa Saif

DISAPPOINTED International
womans day!!

Special day for the Special

one P#4

Meera AlMuhairi

The number of student who are unhappy in RKWC is

90%, and that what the survey shows. I asked students
in RKWC about the college in general. The questions
are: What they not like in college? What they want to
change in college or the college do? What the majors
that they want the college open it?
Most of the answers are unfortunately negatives. I
dont like anything in college because there are no
active events, no place to eat, no studio for media
students and a limited computers for the engineering
students. I hope if they open cafs in college and make
the canteen bigger than now. Also, I hope if the college

Whats going on HCT RAK

Social Media?

Continue P#2

RKWC Under The Scope

10% only who are happy in


Picture by: Hessa Saif

Meera AlMuhairi

The number of student who are unhappy in RKWC is 90%, and that what the
survey shows. I asked students in RKWC about the college in general. The
questions are: What they not like in college? What they want to change in college
or the college do? What the majors that they want the college open it?
Most of the answers are unfortunately negatives. I dont like anything in college
because there are no active events, no place to eat, no studio for media students
and a limited computers for the engineering students. I hope if they open cafs in
college and make the canteen bigger than now. Also, I hope if the college open
new major for example Political Science and Psychology. Amna said. The parking
is very crowded, the canteen food is not clean or healthy, and nothing is deferent
or exited in college we have the same routine every day. Maybe if the college do a
good and entertainment trips it will be deferent to us and we could enjoy and
increase our grades. I feel like no one cares about media students, they do not
have trips or anything that make them feel like they are a media students!
However, I wish if there are Nursing and Meteorological in college that will be
great. Badryya said. Moreover, Hessa added in what badryya said The college
become a noisy place even the library is noisy and there is no arrangement we
even cant find a quit place in college, and the break for all the students in the
same time. I feel that if the college build a place for every major it will be much
better than now. The major that I want is pharmacy.
The negative answers continued from girl to another girl. Fatima said There is no
place in college to set in it, every place is full, for example the classes and the
canteen. Moreover, there is no privet place only for girls, even the mosque is
crowded and we cannot set in it. Also, I think the new place for waiting is wrong
its too far from classes if the college made a closed passage to prevent the
students from the sun and the heat, which will be amazing. Aisha added to
Fatima There are few teachers in the college and too much students which cause

a problem, also if we complain no one listen to us. Maybe if the college add new
majors such as cartoon design (animation) and law will be better.
The last girl that I asked is Noor who said, The College is okay and it can be
better if it listen to the student and what they want and need. I hope they could
open a place only for girls to have a rest in it. However, there are other types of
engineering I hope if they open it. And after this questions I made a survey and
ask the students do you like the college? I got 10% only yes and the rest of
them answered NO. I hope if the college starts to listen to the students before
RKWC Under

Whats in Cinema?
Cinderella (PG)
HN10 Hindi (15+)
Faster (15+)
Chappie (15+)
Demonic (15+)
Focus (15+)
Outcast (PG15)
By: Meera AlMuhairi

Youm Maloush Lazma Arabic (PG13)

Meera AlMuhairi

DISAPPOINTED International womans

Every year RKWC celebrate of International
womens day, but this year going to be different.
Sumayya Al-Rasbi told me that this day going to
be different this year. It was different but
unfortunately frustrating. Every year the college
made Poster and put video in college screens, but
this year they made a beautiful decoration with
maps and pictures of popular woman and that it! I
saw the students pass by the decoration without
see or know what happen there. The college did
not made something to attract the student only
this few thing. Maybe if there is a popular woman
gust who come and speak about herself and how

American Heist (18+)
Asterix (G)
Dragon Blade (PG15)
Focus (15+)
Kidnapping Mr. Heineken (PG15)
Life After Beth (PG15)
Outcast (PG15)
Project Almanac (PG13)
Regatta Arabic (18+)
The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out
of Water (TBA)
Youm Maloush Lazma Arabic (PG13)

RKWC Under The Scope

Whats going on HCT RAK Social Media?



By: Meera AlMuhairi
Meera AlMuhairi

Special day for the Special one

The 21st of March is a day for most
beautiful and kind creature. Its Mother
Day where everyone shows their love for
their mother. The college decide to make
a Mothers Tea Party Gathering, gallery
for mother students and teacher, poster,
video, decoration and make a special
time to let the students reward their
mothers. That what the college will do for
that special day as Sumayya Al-Rasbi

RKWC Under The Scope

Programs Offered

Numbers of New Teachers

in RKWC:

General Education Division

Foundation Division
Applied Communication Division
Bachelor in Applied Media
Bachelor of Corporate & Media Communication
Business Division
Bachelor in Human Resource
Computer and information science Division
Bachelor in information Systems Security and
Bachelor in information System Business
Bachelor in information Technology Application
Bachelor in information Technology Interactive
Bachelor in information Technology Networking
Education Division
Bachelor in Education Technology

8 Teachers from UAE

4 Teachers from India
2 Teachers from USA
1 Teacher from UK
1 Teacher from Australia
1 Teacher from Romania
2 Teachers from Lebanon
1 Teacher from Trinidad
and Tobago
Totally: 20 Teachers
Welcome to RKWC

# Time For Cross Words #






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