Marketing Final

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Brandan Settles

Advanced Marketing
2nd Block

Print Advertising vs Digital


Table of Contents
Rural vs Urban

Settles 1
Print Advertisement vs Digital Advertisement

The goal of this research was to examine the success of print

advertising to digital advertising. While print advertising is still a major way
of advertising, digital advertising is continually growing. There are different
factors that will determine which way a company will decide to advertise
their products. Digital advertising helps cast a wider geographic net toward
a specific kind of customer, whereas traditional print advertising is often
more effective at driving business at a local level (Mueller, D). One factor
that has to be taken into account is to determine who the targeted consumer
is. Is the company trying to attract baby boomers and older, or are they
trying to attract Generation X consumers. Another factor to consider is the
location of consumers they are trying to reach. Is their consumer located in
an urban area or are they located in a rural area. Cost is another way in
determining the way a company will advertise.
Companies such as Life Alert or AARP has a targeted group of older
adults. It would be more cost effective for companies targeting this group to
use print ads. Such as sending pamphlets or flyers to the consumers home

or inserting their flyers in the daily newspaper. This group of consumers

grew up reading the newspaper, which had print ads. They may find it easier
to continue this way of looking for advertisements rather than going on a
computer to find out about what a specific company has to offer.
A company that is advertising to the consumers of a younger age
would be more likely to use digital advertising due to the rise in the use of
computers and smartphones. The graph
Settles 2
below shows the different age groups and how they use media outlets. This
can help a company determine which is the best way to reach their targeted

(Henry, 2014)

When determining how to advertise to consumers in a rural area

verses an urban area there are things to take into account. Consumers who
live in a rural area where change is slow to take place may have limited
access to the internet, where as in an urban area, people are more likely to
use the internet. Generally speaking, rural residents still tend to be more
homogenous than their urban counterparts and tend to share cultural and
religious values. They are more likely to be blue collar than white collar, and
tend to make less money on average (Strain, M).
Settles 3

Companies have a budget for advertising cost and have to determine

whether it is more cost efficient to use it on paper or digital. The last decade
has been tough for those in the print business. Thanks to the inexorable shift
of eyeballs to digital, newspaper advertising has collapsed, and many
newsroom budgets have been slashed (Blodget, 2014). Due to the
demographic shift between baby boomers and the generation X consumers,
more money is being spent on digital advertising. Worldwide social network
ad spending reached $16.10 billion in 2014, a 45.3% increase from 2013
that pushed socials share of overall digital ad investment to 11.5%.
Combined social network ad dollars from North America, Western Europe and
Asia-Pacific represented 93.7% of global expenditure (Marketing Spend,
January 2015).
Although print advertising is a way to reach people, more companies
are starting to put more money into digital advertising. Digital advertising is
reaching more people today due to the increase use of the internet.
Smartphones, tablets, and computers have made it easier for companies to
advertise to a wide range of consumers with a wide range of products.
Digital ads will lead the way for global media growth in the next four years,
accounting for 33% of total advertising revenue, nearly catching TV in the
process. TV advertising will generate $173.7 billion worldwide in 2014 and
grow to $214.7 billion in 2018. During the same period, Internet advertising
will grow from $133 billion to $194.5 billion (Marketing Spend, December
2014). The future for advertising will be digital.

Settles 4
Works Cited
Blodget, Henry. If Newspapers and Magazines Think Life is Tough Now, They
Wont Want to
See What Happens Next Business Insider. Business Insider, Inc, 04
May 2014. Web.
9 Jan. 2015. <>.
Marketing Spend. Facts & Statistics. Chief Marketing Officer, n.d. Web. 9
Jan. 2015
Mueller, Daniel. Digital Advertising vs. Print Advertising. Small Business.
Demand Media, n.d.
Web. 9 Jan. 2015. < 22836.html>.

Strain, Mary. Difference Between Rural Marketing & Urban Marketing. Small
Business. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 9 Jan. 2015. <>.

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