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Professional Competency Analysis

Saginaw Valley State University
Brandi Burton

Profession Competency Analysis

Identify as a Professional Social Worker and Conduct Oneself Accordingly

Social work is a profession that promotes social welfare and well-being. Throughout the
past years I have participated in multiple courses, assignments, and fieldwork to improve and
develop my skills as a professional social worker. Numerous learning opportunities have
assisted my growth as a professional, which has supported my completion of each individual
competency throughout an extensive process. The progression of becoming a professional
started in the first social work course curriculum and persisted throughout the following years.
I was able to complete this competency throughout courses of educational opportunities.
Several lessons offered by the Saginaw Valley State University social work program have
assisted my growth as a professional. First and foremost, social work 215, allowed students like
myself to stride for our final destination as a social work professional. The coursework allowed
professional growth by teaching us students an appreciation for the primary mission of social
work and how to apply the mission in practice at a micro and macro level. Exams permitted
fellow classmates and myself to reflect on our understanding and improve my knowledge as a
social work professional. The most significant involvement in this course in relation to the
previously listed competency was completion of 40 hours in a social service organization or
agency. This task allowed others and myself to select an organization or agency of our choice to
familiarize with, and gain information on the variety of social services available to the public. I
conducted my volunteer work at Michigan Kinder Kare in Freeland, which permitted a learning
experience of the youth population. This service available to qualifying persons, supported
children from infancy to twelve years of age with learning opportunities, activities, and social
support to gain a head start in development. From ah-ha moments to essential milestones, the
children attending the Kinder Kare learning center were equipped and provided the ability for

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customized growth everyday. I participated in various opportunities to grow along side the
children as a professional and enhance my oral communication skills with clients, staff, and
families. Arriving on time, professionally dressed, and being prepared assisted my growth as a
professional. Among the staff that supervised my volunteer work and my instructor, Professor
Estrada, I was evaluated on my abilities to achieve essential knowledge as a professional,
receiving a worthy evaluation and high course completion.
Social work 300, a necessary course, provided additional assignment to support my
growth as a professional social worker. Throughout the semester several students and I were
required to conduct interviews in a practice setting. In rotation, students would conduct a 5-15
minute session with a client as they would in a professional agency. It was necessary to
participate and manage the interviewing session as a professional would. On various days as a
student I would have to be prepared with my personal presentation, communication techniques,
and research to provide my client with the optimum services they deserve. Continual assessment
of self was required as well as deliberation between peers and instructor to better my practice.
The role-play assignment lasting 15 minutes in length permitted classmates and I to practice our
roles as professionals. Our instructor evaluated our performance on our professional demeanor
such as dress code, attending skills, word choice, and relationship building. After completion of
the project and evaluation we reflected on our performance and improvement areas. This
allowed me to develop a further professionalism by watching my personal skills, techniques, and
acknowledging areas that can be further developed.
Both assignments will assist my future practice with clients. I know now that I need to
continually self assess and correct, so I am able to constantly develop. I have a better
understanding of professional roles and boundaries, which will help me in various practice

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settings. Furthermore, I utilize and will continue to use supervision and consultation. It was not
until my volunteer experience that I gained a grasp of why supervision is required and needed. I
readily will ask for supervision and consultation to modify, critique, and assist my growth
Apply Social Work Ethical Principles to Guide Professional Practice
It is apparent that social workers have a commitment to manage themselves ethically and
participate in making ethical decisions. When acquiring my Emergency Medical Technician
certification I began to recognize potential conflict of patients desires that differed from my own
personal wishes. While completing my clinical hours, I assisted in transport of a patient who had
a do not resuscitate (DNR) order present. A DNR otherwise known as a medical older printed by
a doctor instructs health care workers, like fellow coworkers and I, not to participate in
cardiopulmonary resuscitation if a patients heart or breathing ceases. The patient I was assisting
in transport happened to be in his midlife years, but experienced numerous hardships with his
health frequently within the past year. The DNR order evidently prohibited CPR, which was
concerning to the values I held as an individual. At the time it was not apparent, but I certainly
was dealing with a conflict between my personal values and the patients. Not being able to treat
the patient created intrapersonal conflict because it was what I considered best for the patient
when it clearly was not his desire. Eventually I came to the conclusion there was nothing I could
perform legally with the document present and set aside my personal values of life.
Reflecting on this incident has assisted my growth as a professional immensely. At the
time I did not know what I was experiencing personally, but with the knowledge I have acquired
from multiple core course and field work, I am now able to realize the conflict between personal
values and client values. My values and desires will not always resemble my clients, I need to

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recognize these differences, as I did in my emergency response, and appreciate the variances.
Furthermore I will need to practice with the best interest of my client in mind, even if their
values conflict with my personal values, and proceed in an ethical manner.
I was able to further achieve this competency in my current fieldwork, otherwise known
as Social Work 483. While practicing underneath the MYOI Field Coordinator and supervisor I
have been able to acknowledge and manage my individual values, thus I am able to practice in
professional manner without personal biases guiding my practice. Field experience has
presented the capacity to accept the vagueness of ethical conflicts and apply various approaches
of ethical rational to reach an honorable decision. The MYOI Field Coordinator and Supervisor
both witnessed my ability to manage personal values when I reached the aptitude to relate ethical
predicaments of discussing cases in team conferences. My supervisor was able to sign off on my
ability to apply ethical principles and how they might guide professional practice.
The completion of this competency has justified techniques for future practice. I am now
able to recognize conflicting values and how deal with person emotions that may arise,
nevertheless practice in an ethical manner. Achieving this competency enables me to appreciate
each clients individuality and differences, allowing for personal and professional growth. I
recognize that people are not all generated similar and just because my values conflict with a
clients does not suggest one is right or one is wrong. Likewise, I can practice in an unbiased
fashion and appreciate the ethical decision-making process. Professional growth was a result of
this learning experience, as well as personal growth. I can distinguish my biases, challenge
them, and invent scenarios that confront my customary ways of rational.
Apply Critical Thinking to Inform and Communicate Professional Judgments

Profession Competency Analysis

Distinguishing, assessing, and incorporating numerous forms of knowledge such as

research-based information has permitted the mastery of this competency. In the core course
social work 329, Research Methods and Social Work Practice, the professor instructed us
students to complete a literature review assignment. For this project, as one of the students, I
conducted research on African American males and marijuana use. After discovering five peerreviewed journal articles about marijuana use in African American males and intervention
strategies to prevent additional use, I created an evidence-based practice presentation and a
literature review document to present to the professor and the class. Specific elements were
included such as the research purpose, hypothesis, data collection, chief findings, and the most
efficient intervention technique. This assignment allowed for critical thinking growth and the
ability to communicate information into professional judgment. Obtaining a course grade of an
A, demonstrates my application of critical thinking skills.
An additional assignment that expanded my critical thinking to inform and communicate
professional judgment was assigned in the social work course, 401. I was instructed to attend an
interprofessional simulation with the intent to integrate different professions to participate in
creating the best treatment plan for a simulated client. During the simulation various social work
undergraduates and I collaborated with occupational therapy students to treat Dementia patients
in long term care facilities. My ability, as well as other students skills, to establish effective
verbal communication permitted us as professionals to design the most efficient treatment plan
for the client population we worked with. I was able to recognize occupational therapy students
knowledge and cooperate with their profession in a competent manner demonstrating effective
communication between our professions to achieve better resources for our simulated clients.

Profession Competency Analysis

Reflecting on the simulation with numerous professors and other students justified the mastery of
the competency, applying critical thinking to inform and communicate professional judgment.
These assignments that assisted my completion of the competency, likewise have
enlightened me with notions on how to manage my future practice. I will be able to participate
in in-depth research studies on specific client populations, growing knowledge to better assist
these populaces. Research and thinking critically will allow for professional growth when
difficult tasks approach. I can be assured other professionals are nearby for expert guidance in
their area of study all with the same purpose in mind, helping the client. When challenges are
existent, I can depend on research, analyses, and communication between professionals to
overcome whichever obstacle exists. Effective communication between clients, agencies, and
colleagues is essential for success. Both, Research Methods and Social Work Practice (329) and
Social Work Practice II (401) have assisted in my growth as a professional and furthered my
capacity to apply critical thinking to various scenarios.
Engage Diversity and Difference in Practice
Distinguishing how cultural structures and standards might tyrannize, marginalize,
isolate, or create advantages, increase privilege or supremacy is how I attained this competency.
The social work course, Human Behavior and the Social Environment II (330), informed fellow
students and I how to identify diversity characteristics that conditions an individuals experience
and individuality. Throughout the semester, I was instructed to record a journal entry
periodically, of intersectionalities that marginalize populations. With these journal assignments,
I considered multiple factors including, class, culture, age, race, disability, gender identity, sex,
and religion with the thought process as to how these dimensions of diversity intersect and cause
isolation or oppression. Reflection on the journals allowed for fellow classmates to collaborate

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on how these intersectionalities permit populations from treatment, opportunities, and

experiences they deserve. Feedback from classmates assisted in the learning process, but the
input our professor provided was most helpful. I engaged as a learner and as an informant in
order to attain this competency.
These journals have developed, not only my abilities to recognize dimensions of
diversity, but also enhanced my transition from student to professional. I am now able to
embrace diverse points of views, acknowledge barriers and intersectionalities, appreciate the
significance of shaping life experiences, and gain self-awareness to eradicate potential influence
of personal biases or values. These learnt behaviors will influence and assist my professional
practice. When working with clients who are marginalized due to diversity, I now have the
ability to identify the dimensions of diversity and discover ways to overcome where these
dimensions intersect. Subsequently, I then can determine innovative techniques to lessen
challenges this population may face. I can now appreciate the fact that all persons are different,
thus each individual has a singular life experience defining them. Furthermore, I will
acknowledge the circumstance of each person and how diversity has characterized their human
experience and the formation of their identity
To further my achievement of this competency, I actively studied diversity from various
sources. Social work courses assisted with an education on diversity that marginalize
populations, while these courses certainly supplied copious amounts of information, fieldwork
gave me an opportunity to learn from additional sources. Communities, organizations, and
citizens provided knowledge about diversity during my field hours, but more specifically clients.
Throughout fieldwork Ive had plenty of interactions with clients. Willingly, I listened to the
clients life perspective and developed an understanding of their personal situation. As I listened

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to life stories, I consciously made and effort to record what I have learned from my clients as
well as my feelings toward what they conversed. The logs permitted immediate feedback of how
I interpreted the clients words and my instant reactions. I then shared the logs with my field
instructor where we discussed how my personal biases influenced my reactions and how culture
structures marginalize most of the client populations I encounter in field.
Moreover, I gained knowledge about myself that has changed the way I view life.
Constructing these journals and logs opened my eyes to a world of inequality. Once I had been
notified of privileges I did not know existed, I began to analyze individuals living in poverty and
the numerous intersectionalities that marginalize populations and how these barriers restrict them
from even the slightest privileges I have. These personal records impacted my rational process
and how I visualize privilege and oppression. Something I might see as normal or easily
obtainable, may be uncommon or inaccessible to certain populations. Furthermore, everyday
occurrences or barriers resulting in oppression may be typical for some individuals that I do not
encounter regularly. These writing exercises have strengthened my appreciation for the
advantages I have, and enhanced my recognition of what cultural structures oppress or
marginalize populations. I further know how to be self-aware and minimize personal biases and
acknowledge all intersectionalities that may exclude persons from privileges multiple individuals
take for granted.
Advance Human Rights and Social and Economic Justice
Mastery of this competency required the ability to understand the mechanisms of
discrimination and oppression. With knowledge of the mechanisms, then indicates promoting
equal rights, social and economic justice; furthermore, initiates practice that reduces social and
economic injustice. I was able to master these tasks in various methods, but two occurrences

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significantly highlighted my aptitudes. During my student fieldwork, an incident transpired

when a client was concerned about certain barriers that were permitting his/her success. The root
of the cause happened to be the inability to find a school that allowed student over 18 years of
age to obtain a driver licenses. Once a driving school was found, often times the instructor did
not provide vehicles for documented hours of road time. The clients barriers were present due
to financial circumstances, childcare, school, distance, and lack of vehicle, which prohibited the
attainment of a state drivers license. During this event I was able to recognize how something so
minor to privilege persons, is problematic for an individual who experiences continuous
oppression. Knowledge about the causes of poverty and environments of poverty assisted my
recognition of the barriers my client faced. I was able to advocate for human rights and assist in
the process of helping a client take strides toward success. This occurrence facilitated my
acknowledgment of oppression, barriers, and economic injustice, advancing my ability to
discover techniques to assist client success.
An additional occurrence that supported the mastery of this competency occurred in my
criminal justice class 350, Juvenile Justice. Periodically, students and I had to complete
activities that involved a serious of questions in reference to juvenile misconduct. Several of the
scenarios incorporated and ethical dilemma and it was asked of fellow students and I to respond.
One activity in particular referred to two teenagers that attempted an explosive and firearm attack
on a school. The assignment went into depth on the justice the two teenagers deserved for their
actions and many people agreed with one another that Harris and Klebold earned life sentencing.
The rational other students and the press concluded was because the two boys were mass
murders and had criminal minds, therefore they deserved nothing but the worse punishment.
Most individuals paid no regards to the value of life of the two boys. When responding, I took

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into consideration human rights the teens had as well as the criminal activity they participated in.
While they did commit an offense that was quite horrifying, death penalty, as some students
mentioned, is not appropriate. Every person has the right to life and basic human rights,
although some individuals choose to participate in delinquent behaviors, communities should not
treat these individuals less of a human. Criminals are still human beings and deserve the basic
rights a human should have with acknowledgment of the crimes committed.
The criminal justice class opened new areas to gain knowledge. This course assisted me
with appreciation for individuals, societies view in disgust. Advocating for basic rights is just
as relevant to lawbreakers as to oppressed populations. Throughout this course I have developed
professionally with the ability to value all persons, although they participate in behaviors I do not
agree with. Even though I may not agree with an individuals choice or appreciate the actions,
every person, delinquents included, have basic human rights and these right shall not be
overlooked. Professionally I have gained the competence in diverse areas of study, and can
advocate for social justice and human rights. This will assist my future career when working
with marginalized populations that encounter barriers that permit their growth or rights and
individuals who face unequal punishment because societies view them as corrupt. I will be able
to eliminate personal biases, recognize mechanisms of discrimination, and engage in practice that
reflects social and economic justice for all.
Engage in Research-Informed Practice and Practice Informed Research
Both practice and research are key components for growth as a social worker. Realworld experience informs scientific inquiry and evidence-based research influences practice.
Using research findings to improve practice and exercising practice experience to inform
research ultimately is what I have done to master this competency. Research methods and social

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work practice, social work 329, shares credit for my ability to master this competency.
Throughout the semester it was instructed of us to create an evidence-base practice presentation
and conduct research. Throughout a lengthy process of searching for intervention techniques for
the client population, African American males using marijuana, I simplified the findings to the
most appropriate evidence-based intervention for my client population. Findings revealed that
emotional support and motivational therapy were among the most effective intervention
strategies for this population. The research I conducted provided evidence to inform my practice
as a social worker. Although the client population I intended to assist was not in fact a
population I currently was working with at the time, I know what intervention strategies to enact
with African American males using marijuana in my future practice. This assignments and
results provided by research justifies why research is used in social work practice. Utilizing this
tool, allowed for expansion of my professional knowledge, development of knowledge
applicable to a sizeable population, and the aptitude to apply scholar reports to practical
An additional experience, conveniently gaining more insight on research-informed
practice and practice informed research, occurred when interviewing a high-school social
worker, Mrs. Langenburg. After a series of questions she provided feedback on, I came to the
conclusion that research is extremely prevalent when treating a youth with services. Throughout
the interview she spoke of challenges she faced when encountering a youth population she did
not have much knowledge off. Mrs. Langenburg relied on accredited articles and several
research dynamics to gain knowledge of her clients population and hardships they were seeking
service for. Not only did she gain and abundance of new knowledge, she was able to assist her
clients in a more effective manner.

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While I may not have conducted the research on the populations she worked with, I
gained sizeable amounts of information from her research strategies. Straight from her personal
experience, I was able to witness her success with clients due to her ability to utilize research
findings to inform her practice. This interview impacted my future career in numerous ways. I
was able to interview a social worker on her methods and techniques, experiencing first hand the
resources she refers to for assistance. Furthermore, courses and texts provide valuable
information and when applied result in gaining knowledge, but not everyone applies text to
reality. Witnessing a social workers advancements with her client population reaffirmed the
fact multiple core courses illustrate, that implying research informs and develops practice. When
utilizing strategies effectively, like conducting research, an individual, like myself, will gain
better abilities to work with diverse populations.
Apply Knowledge of Human Behavior and the Social Environment
As a future social worker it is my duty to be knowledgeable about human behavior
throughout an individuals life. Human behavior relates to the social systems that individuals
reside in and the ability the systems have to support or discourage persons upholding or attaining
well-being. In furtherance of my capabilities to master each competency, I specifically recall
one applicable period and an assignment proving my comprehension of this skill.
When beginning my fieldwork as a student, I wanted to be prepared and have readily
accessible assessment tools when needed. After researching multiple tools, I came across several
that would be beneficial for practice, such as the feelings and emotions chart, reflecting a variety
of emotions through a circular face. Another conceptual framework that I research and assisted
my fieldwork was the anxiety scale. This scale is a questionnaire to measure current anxiety
levels with a rating level of 1-5, one being the rarely and five being frequently. There was plenty

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more assessment tools I discovered when conducting my research, but the overarching theme is
similar between all of the conceptual frameworks. Most of them represent or indicate a level of
whatever is being analyzed and provide essential feedback about a client, but it may not always
be accurate. However, while utilizing these tools in field, I have been able to gain a better grasp
on what a client is trying to communicate to me and differentiate emotions, stress, and anxiety
levels. Conclusively, researching and applying conceptual frameworks advanced my abilities to
understand person and environment.
An additional assignment occurred in social work practice I, 318. During this course
students and I were asked to complete a Genogram of our family for the past three generations.
The experience visually displayed health concerns repeating generation after generation, family
structure, and complexities of my familys relationships. The Genogram allowed for a quick
reference of multiple types of my familys history and information, which may have induced
personal physical and emotional health concerns. While this was a great learning experience, I
know most of the complexities that lie within my familys relationships. However, when
utilizing this framework with a client who the practitioner does not know well, it is relatively
easy to visualize the dimensions of the client and his or her family with a genogram present.
This eliminates the client from feeling threatened or as if the social work is looking for all the
broken relationships. Furthermore, the Genogram is particularly useful when a client is not
willing to communicate verbally, but may indicate his or her story through a diagram, drawing,
or journaling. A genogram can open questions without having to pry, such as why is this line
broke between your father and you? Finally a genogram, at a glace, gives the worker and idea of
the clients interactions with their environment and surroundings.
The assignment and real world application of this competency has developed my

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professionalism eminently. Not only have I acquired skills that will benefit my practice, but also
I have developed as a unique professional. I have the aptitude to connect referral processes to
theory, integrate knowledge of human development to existing cases, and familiarize myself with
several assessment tools that are applicable to the client population I interact with. I have
learned that it is relatively easy for me to utilize the process of assessment, intervention, and
evaluation. I recognize my comprehension of knowledge to understand person and environment,
as well as observing classroom material come to life in real world scenarios. Not only does the
process of mastering this competency enlighten me with knowledge, but provides a sense of
accomplishment when reflecting on my growth as a professional.
Engage in Policy Practice to Advance Social and Economic Well-Being and to
Deliver Effective Social Work Services
Participating in policy practice and understanding how policy affects the ability for
services is what I focused on when learning this competency. In the core social work course,
Social Welfare Policy I, I was able to challenge a policy, recognize how it negatively affects a
massive population, and advocate for reasons why the policy should be reformed. Previously I
conducted an informational presentation on the illegality for same-sex couples to jointly adopt a
child or second-parent adopts their partners child. Although not true in every state, this policy
regularly affects same-sex couples that are not able to have child or be a legal parent to their
partners child. While exploring this policy through amounts of research, and constructing a
final report, I realized that policies prohibit some individuals life aspirations, which
consequently affects their overall well-being. This is one of the many unfair policies that impact
communities, but while it may only be one policy, it affects a mass amount of people.
The formatting of the final report was significant to my growth as a professional. Not

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only did I have to conduct copious amounts of research, I had explained how and why this policy
forbids same-sex adoption or second-parent adoption. The detail of the report expanded my
knowledge, my familiarity of the subject, how one policy can affect multiple persons lives, and
the role policy plays in delivering services. One law cannot only forbid services, but it can also
implement services as well. When life aspirations cannot be achieved, an individual may seek
out counseling services or other mental health professionals, to behave toward and cope with
emotions resulting from discriminating policies.
A further experience that has more of a positive outlook on policy transpired during
fieldwork at Bay County Department of Human Services. Michigan Youth Opportunity
Initiative, is a recently developed program that currently still is emerging. With that, comes
leniency with rules and various ambiguities. Throughout the time I have worked with Bay
County DHS, incidents with the youth transpired and the concern is if the program should or
should not allow misbehaving youth to attend group meetings that benefit their saving funds,
social circle, and knowledge. The MYOI manual has recommendations and guidelines, but no
specific answers or policies for misbehaving youth. When one youth is disruptive, the remaining
youth feed in to the behavior or are punished as a group for one youths behavior, by loosing
privileges, when it should be that one specific youth. When a youth acts out and the coordinator
and I refer to the manual, ultimately stating its the coordinators call and to use best judgment as
a group and go forward with the decision. This was frustrating for me, because every situation is
different and the children tend to misbehave periodically. After speaking with our supervisor on
how to go about a situation, again it was directed to the hands of the coordinator who was
hesitant with making a decision as well.
The uncertainty and lack of policy refrains practice as well. Being that I desire to

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eventually go into policy writing, it is apparent I am a black and white, yes or no, right or wrong
type of individual. Lack of policy prohibits accountability and structure, which has complicated
this decision-making process. However, this incident has proven that policy practice is desired
when delivering effective social services. Policy affects delivery of services and in order to
engage positively in policy, one must know the history of the structure or organization and
engage it practice of the policy. The MYOI group needs this structure, so guidelines are
established and reinforced and practiced effectively. This experience will assist my future career
by having a reminder that free rein is not as effective and policy creates a structure to follow and
reference to when a conflict might emerge.
Respond to Context that Shape Practice
Being knowledgeable, practical, and active in response to societies, clients, and
organizations is expected of a social worker. Practice is dynamic and it requires practitioners
and future practitioners, like myself, to react eagerly. In furtherance of my skills and abilities as
a social worker, I participated in collecting pamphlets, flyers, and research from community
agencies that are specific to the populations I encounter in fieldwork. These informational
resources provided me with a guide for different services in and around the community that are
available for my clients. With a variety of knowledge it will be relatively easy to reference to the
list of services I created and select appropriate facilities for each individual. Additionally, the
more I become acquainted with diverse services within the community I practice, the greater
rapport I will develop with each agency. This will further my professional communications
skills, contact, and knowledge as a growing individual.
Further justification on how I mastered this competency happened when the MYOI
coordinator, a professional counselor, and I collaborated with one another over possible services

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for a client. The contact between us professionals has remained as we continually work towards
a common goal with our client. Together we worked and discussed what mental health concerns
that caught our attention, what services needed to implemented, and what assistance the client
needs to begin strides to success. We discussed care plans for the clients children, identified
conflict causing setbacks in the clients stride for success, and how we could work pleasantly with
one another with the best interest of the client in mind. The communication between the MYOI
coordinator, the counselor, and I allowed each of us to examine our individual strategies to assist
the client, and gain knowledge on the expectations of other professionals. This experience was
not only knowledgeable, but allowed me to gain skills that I can use in my future practice. I will
be able to work well with other professions if I keep the best interest of my client in mind. I can
understand that practice is dynamic and it is required that I be resourceful and proactive when
servicing a client. Moreover I now understand how to respond to dynamic situations that involve
diverse professionals, provide leadership, communications skills, and improve the quality of the
clients services.
Engage, Assess, Intervene, and Evaluate with Individuals, Families, Groups,
Organizations, and Communities
Of all competencies this certainly was one of the most detailed. In order to reach this
level of competence I had multiple assignments, learning experiences, and fieldwork to grasp the
concepts. However, I still have masses to learn to master this competency entirely. Throughout
my learning experiences to gain proficiency in this area, I actively prepared for client interaction,
learned when and how to use empathy skills and other interpersonal abilities properly, and
develop an agreeable, but yet attainable plan for clients. Likewise, I to gained knowledge on
how to collect, organize, and develop client data, evaluate clients strengths and boundaries,

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construct intervention goals, and select suitable intervention strategies. These skills I have
acquired allow me to work as a competent student social worker. More specifically, I achieved
these skills by two encounters in field.
The first encounter was a strong personal reaction I experience when engaging with a
client. The client participated in sexual behavior frequently with multiple partners and was open
and willing to talk about his or hers sexual activity. Frequent sexual activity with multiple
partners produced signs and symptoms of sexually transmitted disease. When first hearing
someone who is so honest and open about his or her frequent sexual activity, I was shocked and
concerned for the childrens safety with multiple unknown partners regularly passing through.
After the conclusion of the visit, I spoke with the coordinator about my personal reaction and
identified ways to manage so my reaction is not visible. Techniques that I identified were; first
and foremost, eliminate personal judgment or bias toward the clients sexually active lifestyle.
Additionally, came to the conclusion that the children were healthy and never have been in
harms way with the common various partners in and out of the house. Finally, the facts that the
client was a wonderful parent and ensured his or her children were safe, healthy, and cared for.
The reflection of my strong personal reactions toward a clients sexual activity allowed me to
grow as a professional and develop skills to eliminate judgment, identify the clients skills and
limitations, and eventually create a treatment plan.
A further incidence that contributed to my competence in this area was my ability to
engage, interview, assess, and evaluate at multiple levels. In field, I was able to work with a
client on a plan towards desired goals. The goals were to be independent, have transportation,
attend college, find day care and become employed. This client and I built a trusting relationship
over a few weeks and began to discuss future desires and plans. The client identified a goal and

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we discussed if it was attainable, a time frame, and any revisions should something happen. The
client clearly identified specific task and desires she wished to attain and discussed different
opportunities that will assist her strides to success. While the client spoke I remained silent,
which facilitated her ability to share additional information. Once goals where developed with
my assistance she created an assessment plan identifying her strengths that will benefit her
ability to achieve her goals and what limitations she will have to work against to further her
success. Once the plan was finalized and the client felt assured this is the way she wanted to
approach her goal, she began to achieve small tasks. Throughout this time I facilitated services
such as driving schools, academic opportunities, and child care options that were available.
Currently the plan is still in progress, but I have evaluated her success thus far, identifying
accomplishments made.
As represented previously, I have acquired various skills when working with a client.
This learning opportunity educated me with abilities that have enabled my capacity to engage,
intervene, assess, and evaluate future clients. This interactive process has allowed my growth as
a professional to great lengths. I have learned and achieved methods of practice through my
demonstration with clients. This will assist my future practice as a professional and allow
success if I acquire employment in a state agency.
Inclusive of all competencies, I have completed, participated, and initiated numerous
tasks to prove my growth as a social worker. Every experience has provided me with the
opportunity to learn and gain further knowledge and future occurrences will do the same. I look
forward to all encounters that advance my professional practice and welcome critique,
recommendation, guidance, and other professional judgment to assist my course of development
as a professional social worker.

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