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Periodic-als Scientist Interview

Scientist Selected: Robert bunsen, and gustav kirchhoff

Why did you select this scientist? didnt really have a choice, but I guess they were better
than the people who created the periodic table
Basic Info:
Full Name: robert bunsen, and gustav kirchhoff
Country of Birth:
Gttingen, Germany & Knigsberg, Prussia
Birth and death year: 1811-1899 & 1824-1887
10 Interview Questions:

when did you guys meet?

2. where did you guys study? did you guys study together
3. why did you decide to work together
4. tewhat was your guys biggest discovery? and how did you guys discover it?
5. way before your guys discovery what were you guys working on?
6. what led you both on this path?
7. what are your guys other famous discoveries still used today
8. what made you create them?
9. through your last career years what did you guys end up doing, and why?
10. through your life what made you so determined to keep moving forward, and
become successful

Source for Basic Info

Title: Robert bunsen and gustav kirchhoff
MLA Citation:

Scientist Interview Question Facts

Source 1 Title: kirchhoff biography
MLA Citation:
Source 2 Title: robert bunsen chemistry history
MLA Citation:

Interview Question #1:

1. became friends in 1851
2. met when they were both at breslau university where kirchhoff was teaching
3. invented spectocracy with kirchhoff
Interview Question #2:
1. Bunsen received his doctorate in 1830 from the University of Gttingen, in his
2. Kirchhoff was educated in Knigsberg where he entered the Albertus University
3. both taught universities; both professors or science

Interview Question #3:

1. both taught same subjects
2. worked on invention spectroscope together
3. bunsen arranged for kirchoff to move to another university with him
Interview Question #4:
1. invented spectroscope
2. discovered 2 alkali metals

3. they both opened up a new era of chemist discoveries

Interview Question #5
1. invented spectroscope
2. year after, discovered alkali metals
3. learned 2 heads work better than one
Interview Question #6:
1. bunsen
Fascinated by all things physical, geological, mathematical, and

2. gustav earned a masters degree in math, and then led on to science
3. both fed off of each others idea'

Interview Question #7:

1. bunsen burner created by robert bunsen
2. gustav never invented anything alone
3. Gustav Kirchhoff, born 1824, became the first scientist to show that electric
current flows at the speed of light through a conductor
Interview Question #8:
1. robert bunsen loved exploring with chemicals, that it cost him his right eye.
2. gustav was very impressed with the sun, and how electricity could be improved
3. took almost all their lives to come up with life changing discoveries, on top of
discovering 2 extra alkali metals
Interview Question #9:
1. bunsen spent last 40 years of his career at heidelberg
2. other chemists flocked bunsen

3. kirchhoff
was awarded the Rumford medal for his researches on the fixed lines of
the solar spectrum, and on the inversion of the bright lines in the spectra of
artificial light
Interview Question #10:
1. education was very rare but they came from waealthy families
2. both scientists had a real passion for what they did
3. close companions besides each other were also into the same interest, which
influenced them even more

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