Periodica Alscovalentcompound

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Periodic-als Covalent Compound

Covalent Compound Selected:

Why did you select this Covalent Compound? Is it Polar or Non-polar Covalent?
I heard this was a type of drug in corn. Its way more interesting than the
other really weird ones that sound so complicated for my little brain. I think
I have also heard about methanol a couple of times
How is this Covalent Compound important/relevant to your life?
I know it is used a lot around the world, but its not really relevant to my life

Facts on the Covalent Compound

Source 1 Title:
MLA Citation:"Methanol."
- PubChem
. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2014.

1. Methanol has many names; methyl alcohol; wood alcohol; carbinol;

Wood spirit; Methylol; Wood naphtha; Methyl hydroxide; Pyroxylin
2. Its molecular formula is CH
O which consists of carbon, oxygen, and
4 hydrogens.
3. Methanol is manufactured by the reaction between carbon monoxide
and hydrogen
4. It is mostly classified as alcohol ,Its the simplest alcohol, and at room
temperature, forms a clear and highly flammable solution with a
characteristic sweet smell.

it was once produced during the distillation of wood. This process is
no longer used, and modern synthetic processes rely instead on
carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and hydrogen.
6. Ingestion of large amounts of methanol is extremely dangerous, as its
converted to toxic compounds including formic acid and formate
salts. These can affect the central nervous system and cause
blindness, coma or even death
7. There are various ways to synthesise methanol, using different
compounds from carbon monoxide to methane:
8. The main use for methanol is certainly to synthesise other chemicals.
For example, about 40% of all methanol produced is converted to
formaldehyde in the process of manufacturing many different
products, from explosives to plastic
9. In the early 70s, researchers developed a way to convert methanol to
fuel for use in vehicles.

Small amounts of this chemical can be added to wastewater, to

block denitrifying bacteria (which convert nitrates to nitrogen).

Facts on the first NONMETAL in your Compound

Source 2 Title:
facts of Carbon Monoxide
MLA Citation:"Facts of Carbon Monoxide."
. Demand Media, 15 Apr. 2009. Web.
08 Oct. 2014.

1. Carbon monoxide is a gas that is produced when fuels are not

completely burned. It has no smell, taste or color and is also
extremely flammable.
2. In the home, carbon monoxide can come from several places. It can
be produced by heaters or furnaces and by the use of both wood and
gas fireplaces.
3. Carbon monoxide exposure can cause death. According to the Journal
of the American Medical Association (JAMA) more than 1,500 people
die every year from carbon monoxide poisoning
4. Carbon monoxide in the body can cause damage to the body's tissues.
The tissue damage, or hypoxia, limits the amount of oxygen that can
get to the body's vital organs.
5. Burning carbon-based fuels such as charcoal, gasoline and natural
gas produces carbon monoxide.

Facts on the second NONMETAL in your compound

Source 3 Title: Carbon Dioxide
MLA citation:"Carbon Dioxide."
Carbon Dioxide
. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Oct. 2014
6. Carbon dioxide exists as a
gas in the air around us.

7. carbon dioxide consists of one

molecule of carbon and two molecules

of oxygen.
8. carbon dioxide does not react with grape juice or wine components,
and hence is considered an unreactive gas for the purposes of wine
9. carbon dioxide as a gas is heavier than air and therefore can be
layered as blanket of unreactive gas.


Solid carbon dioxide at room temperature by passes the liquid

phase and converts directly to the gaseous state.

Facts on the third NONMETAL in your Compound

Source 4 Title: Hydrogen facts
MLA Citation:" Facts About Hydrogen."
. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Oct. 2014.

1. Hydrogen is the first element in the

periodic table, meaning it has an

atomic number of 1 or 1 proton in each hydrogen atom.

2. hydrogen is the lightest element.
3. Hydrogen is the most abundant element. About 75% of the element
mass of the universe is hydrogen.
4. The most common isotope of hydrogen is protium, which has 1
proton and 0 neutrons.
5. Hydrogen gas is extremely flammable. It is used as a fuel by the space
shuttle main engine and was associated with the famous explosion of
the Hindenburg airship.
6. Hydrogen compounds are called hydrides.
7. Hydrogen may be produced by reacting metals with acids
8. The physical form of hydrogen at room temperature and pressure is a
colorless and odorless gas.
9. Hydrogen has many uses, though most hydrogen is used for
processing fossil fuels and in the production of ammonia.

In compounds, hydrogen can take a negative charge (H
) or a

positive charge (H

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