Briefing On The SHS Market Research Project PDF

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BRIEFING ON THE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL MARKET RESEARCH PROJECT '5 March 2034, 10 are to 12:00 nn 1. The MR-SHS Project Team ‘+ FAPE Research Project Implementation Management Group © Dr. CardVC. Porio, FAPE Executive Directo, Adviser © EnP Manuel. Javier, FAPE Project Leader-Coordinator ‘© Mr. Roderick Malonzo, FAPE Database/MIS Head ‘Educational Management Consultancy Company (EMC: Group): © Dr. Amelia M. Fajardo, EMC? Lead Market Research Consultant-Partner © Prof. Marga Uy Baula © Prof. Phoebe Beltran © Prof. Leynard Gripal Prof. Ferdinand Pitagan + ‘Emilio Aguinaldo College Research-nfo Tech Group: o Dr. Socorro Rodriguez, EAC Research/IT Director Consultant Online Survey (Cloud Platform) © Ms. Mark Oblena Mr. Michelle Campos 2. Overview of the Senior High School Market Research Project 2.1 Title: "Market Research on Senior High School Provision in Private Education Sector” 2.2 Background: This project is part ofa larger financial study of providing senior high schoo! in the country from a ‘demand-supply-price perspective. The demand for senior high school provision is brought about by the passage of the K to 12 Law: DepED has projected 2.1 milion pubic junior high school graduates by S¥ 2015-2016 seeking to continue to senior high school for SY 2016. The projectec number of private IHS graduates eligible to continue to grades 11 is 346,000, of which atleast 250,000 were ESC srantees. On the supply-side, if all the 1.1 milion public JHS graduates would have to be accommadsted in public SHS schools, DepED would need to double up its efforts in sehoo! building construction Program, employ more teachers, acquisition of mare school sites, and set up standard facies, DepED’s budgetary allocation and spending would have to be much larger than previous GAA share, Based on current prognosis, DepED would not really be able to have the required school buildings, teachers, and other resources to offer seniar high school program to the projected 3.1 milion public HS graduates seeking enrollment in grade 13. The challenge made by the DepED Secretary to private education institutions f to commit to absorb atleast 35% to 40% of the 1.1 milion ofthe public IHS eraduates. ‘The implied supply-side isue i the absorptive capacities of both public and private schools, If pure public SHS provision, what should be the absorptive capacity of public schools? Would private education institutions have sufficient absorptive capacity to commit to take in at least 400,000 public JHS graduates and 346,00 private JHS graduates into grade 11 by SY 2016-2017? In 2012, FAPE ePPP Steering Team in collaboration with COCOPEA conducted a series of regional consultative conference on Public-Private Partnership in Education attended by 206 private teducation institutions (60% HEIs and 40% high schools). One of the main objectives of that conference was to identify a range of costs of delivery of senior high school which can be used as @ basis for government (DepED) to determine the amount of subsidy per student in Grades 12 and 22. ‘The "Pricing PPP" workshop’s resulting feedback on mean costs of high school education or general education at the college level ranged from as low as B 12,000 to as high as P 55,000. Considering current ESC grant, school fees (tuition and other fees), and parents’ means, the workshop dlzcussions ‘on suggested price points of government subsidy per student ranged from as low as ® 6,000 to as high as # 35,000, and the weighted average of # 28,000. In the preliminary costing analysis of public education which considered direct costs and annualized capital expenditures done by ADB-E'SD? ‘Team has the costs of public education per student ranging from as low as P 15,000 to as high as P 24,000, These were the public school casts per student being considered in designing tiered education voucher for senior high school n SY 2026-2017. To further validate the real costs of delivery of senior high school, the FAPE ePPP Steering Team had proposed to run a more in-depth market research on the operating costs of private schools and HEls first and second year college level courses. The suggested hypothesis fs that schools may not Participate i the voucher is too low, and that DepED agrees to bring the vouchers to a level for private schools and HEIs to participate assuming that level i below DepED's true cost of delivery ‘To get valid and reliable data on the real costs of delivery of senior high school, the Private Education Assistance Committee (PEAC) chaired by DepED Secretary Armin Luistro had approved FAPE's National Secretariat's market research project to proceed primarly to undertake an in-depth Investigation on the operating costs of private schools and HEIs frst and second yea" college level ‘courses. The underlying principle of this market research focusing on analysis of costs of delivery of ‘education is that information on costs is needed to compare cost effectiveness, to estimate resource requirements, and to assess the financial feasibility of the development of goverrment schools andor privat Schools Planning the implementation of senior high school program starting SY 2016-2027 for grades 12, necessitates the availabilty of reliable and valid baseline data for DepED to be able to allocate ‘equitably limited resources and to give priority to areas where its greatly needed. Such information is also needed by the private school sector to be able to determine where and i what manner ean it offer is assets and capabilities to complement governmem's effort and support its mandate to make ‘quality expanded basic education accessible toll. ‘The underlying principle of this market research focusing on analysis of cost of delivery of education 's that information on costs is needed to compare cost effectiveness, to estimate resource Fequirements, and to assess the financial feasiblity of the development of goverment schools andor private schools 2.2 Market Research Problem: Ths project focuses on thvee fundamental questions: 8. What is the demand trend and projections for senior high school program (core and track curricula) and its corresponding resource eequirement implications given a set of service standards to be complied with to achieve excellence and viability? How much are the institutional costs and private costs of public and priate senior high school provision inthe Philipines? ‘© What factors account for differences in education costs among senior high schools to be established in the country? 23 Objectives: Tis projec seeks to accomplish the following: 2, Determine preferences of parents and student fr senior high schools. b. Ascertain the manpower requirements ofthe local industries inthe community and nearby provinces, ©. Based onthe identified manpower requirements, verly the most appropriate Tech-Voc tacks for 'SHS and the contest ofthe university bound track ofthe SHS program. 4. Uncover the real cost of offering each ofthe identified Tech-Voc tracks and university bound tracks of the SHS program. «Estimate the most reasonable cost of SHS that DepED should glve for GASTPE participating private schools 2.4 Methodology: a, Targatrespondents/participants determined through purposive sampling plan using directories of ESC/EVS Schools, CEAP, PACU, ACSCU, Tech-Voc, PAPSCU, Business/Industry Organizations, LGU. Planning Offices and PESO, School Finance Experts. b. Devices/Mechanisms Instruments Respondents/Partcpants = Students = Pavents = School Administrators ‘Survey questionnaires (Online “UNKS"; offline “seantron") = "School Heads/Owners AGU Representatives = Business and industry Sector Representatives School Finance Experts Focus Group Discussions, Key Informants Interviews, ond ‘Workshops. Process Organization €.1 Cloud System Platform for online surveys & offline survey using scantron device C2. Five Regional Clusters for FGDs, Kils and Workshop Series: Regional luster Venue Regions Invoved NCR duster TManila/MakatiCity | NCR, 42,6, partly Regions 3 ‘Noth Luton Custer Dagupan City Regions 1, 2,3, and CAR. South-Eastern tuzon Custer | Legaspi City Regions 8, partly Regions 4a and Visayas Custer Cebu City Regions 6,7, 8, and partly ‘Mindanao Cluster General Santos Chy | Regions 9, 10, 12, CARAGA and ARMIN 25 Timeline Date Activity ‘September 2013 + PEAC approval ofthe Market Research Project (ct to Noy 2013 * Notice to proceed + Designating FAPE Project Leader-Coordinator + Team stafing and negotiation with research consultancy grou’. December 2013, * Inti meeting of market research experts and formation of teams + Refining the market research design, instruments and “equi-ements January 2018 February 2014 * Finalization of Project Engagement Terms of Reference + Mobilization Inception Report + Finalization of lst of participating schools, respondents, paricipants {sampling plen) + Finalization of instruments + Design and development ofthe M-SHS Cloud Platform + Start ofthe Online Survey (links) ‘+ Conduct Offine surveys in schools without or poor Internet access eee (selected areas near the regional clusters venue) ie # Online running survey results aes | * NCR Gtr Conduc of Fd, Ks and Worksop fr NER point ears * Southeastern Luzon Cluster 2: Conduct of FGDs, Kilsand Werkshop in| | Legaspi city aes North on Ctr 3 Conduct FFs, Ke ard Worshopn Daan '* Mindanao Cluster 4: Conduct of FGDs, Kils and Workshop in General commas Santos City ‘April 20-30, + Visayas Cluster 5: Conduct of FGDs, Klls and Workshop in Cebu City = Write Shop MaytoJuly15 |» Preparation for the MIR-SHS Results Presentation and Utilzation Workshops ‘= MR-SHS Project Results Presentation and Utllation Workshop (venve’ es ISHS Projet Rea retrain and Udon Warn | Ae ‘= MR-SHS Project Results Presentation and Utllzation Workshop (venue cebu) 3, Request/Solicit the Assistance of Regional Program Coordinators (RPCS): 3.1 Follow up communications with invited respondents and participants: 3.2 Check List of participating schools by region and enjoin each of them to: 1. make sure the top administrator accomplish the online survey ». Designate responsibieT personnel o provide basic information of the school and strategic plans ‘elated to offering senior high schoo! in SY 2016-2017 as well as to arrange for the use of the ‘computer lab fr enine survey, assisting and gulding respondents withthe links to accomplish the online survey «randomly seleet needed sample size (number) of student respondents (Second and Third Year Students) 4. randomly select needed sample size (number) of parent respondents from among the student respondents selected 3.3. Check onthe list of participants ofthe FGDs, Klls and Workshops and invitation letters (supplied by ‘the MR-SHS Project Team) a, List of predominant industry of the region (source:_muniipal/ety socio-economic profile on business/industry data as well as the municipality PESO (Public Employment Service Offic). , List of active private companies in the region. « Gty/municipal planning heads/officers and PESO manager/officer 4, Random sampling from the list of school administrators and school finance experts (from the 2014 MR-SHS lst of participating schools {tobe provided by EMC?) 3.4 Propare a directory of the region’s school-based IT personnel (names, school addresses, contact details} and submit it to the FAPE Project Leader-Coordinator, 3.5. Coordinate with FAPE Project Leader-Coordinator on the venue arrangements and logistics for the regional cluster FGDs, Klls and Workshops, 3.6 Coordinate with FAPE Project LeaderCoordinator and help in the hotel accommodation arrangements for the MIR-SHS Project Team, including transportation arrangements 3.7 Facilitate the collection ofthe following from the private schools in the region and submit through email the allowing: 2 EBEIS (past three school years ~ SY 2011-2012, SY 2012-2013, SY 2013-2024) ofthe private and public schools in the region. (USB/OVD) ». Financial/cost data needed to simulate cost of providing senior high school program. [List of financial/cost data sets),

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