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Compressor machines are used to increase the pres: sure of a gas by mechanically reducing its volume within ts case. Airis most fequendly compressed, but natural gas, omygen, and nitrogen are. aso com pressed. Posiive-displacement, centrifugal, and axial Compressors are the three mox common pes wsed in proces facilities and pipeline sations. They can hhandle large volumes of gas in relatively srall equip. ‘ment and may have a varlery of drives (eg, electric ‘motors and steam or gas turbines). This chapter foruses on the two most common \ypes of compressors—centifugal and posiive dis- placement, also known as reciprocating, Centrifugal ‘machines can be single sage or multisage. High speed impellers increase the kinetic energy ofthe gs, Converting this energy into higher pressures in a di. vergent outlet passage called a difuser. Large volumes (of gas are compressed t0 moderate pressures in cen twifugal machines. Positive displacement, oF recipco- ‘ating, compressors can also be single stage or mul ‘Sage. They are usally ofthe reciprocating pistomsype land are the only compressors that can compress gasto ‘extremely high pressures. Centrifugal and reiprocat CHAPTER Compressors Ing compressors are avalable in many sizes and phys: cal configurations. These machines, which can be used with a variety of auxiliary equipment, ae usually NA Uasly rade mounted argent 8 Hecre motor NA Ul gradenuctd rangement me thew ‘mann 441 Seting Elevations of Reeiprocsing Compressors 7. Dimension from the centerline of the dampener to the face ofthe nozzle—See by vendor. 8 Boom of the compressor baseplate to the cen: terline ofthe compressor shat—Set by the vendor. INTER- AND AFTER-COOLERS Tatercoolers Coolers are primarily used to reduce the operating temperature Within a compressor cit- ‘cuit, which allows the use ofa smaller machine with fewer cylinders. These coolers may vary in size and ‘ype (eg, shel and mb, air coolers, and Utube) and shouldbe located as close tothe compressor 28 rac: tical In some reciprocating compressor arrangements, the coolers may be mounted on and directly over the compressor by the vendor, but they are usually lo- cued by the engineering contracor close 10 the ma- chine or stage suction drum, Exhibit 442 shows a centrifugal compressor with is intercooler nd inter- connecting piping berween sages as supplied by che ‘vendor. Exhibit 443 shows a reciprocation compres- sor with all components, including the intercooler, supplied separately by the contractor. Further reer: fence to this can be seen in Exhibit 4-36, where the Imeroooler to compressor 1 is mounted separately at 4grade, parallel to the compressor shaft. The inter- ‘cooler to compressor 3 is mounted st grade, perpen- dicular to the centerline ofthe shaf, and is supplied by the vendor. Afercoolers Aftercoolers are used to reduce the ‘operating temperature ofthe gas when i leaves the ‘compressor, whether it continues through additional process equipment or enters 2 pipeline in wich it ‘must havea speciictemperature. Ater-coolers may be located farther away from the compressor than shown, in Exhibit 437 because the primary piping does not return tothe cooler. Exhibit 4-44 shows a ypical afer: cooler piping and instrumentation diagram. HOUSING AND PLATFORM REQUIREMENTS: ‘When a compressor is covered—partally or totally ‘enclosed by a shelter or structure—maay elements ‘determine how the layout must be approached. The factors t0 conser are: * Operation-—The plant operations personnel need 00m to walk safely around the machine. They must hhave accesso valves, switches, and gauges and must be able to see all gauges, lights, and dials on the contol panels + Maintenance—All principal components to be re: ‘moved during major maintenance must be able 10 be lied by the traveling crane, swung laterally t0 the clear area (designated in Exhibit 4-33), and re- moved from the building * Climate condiions—insallation in temperate cli- ‘mates may require only a roof that provides limited protection from the elements. In warmer climates, ‘curtain wall structure may be the right application. A curtain wall has a complete roof and fou sides that are open from the operating level to a height of 8 (2400 mm). The roof blocks the sun for most ofthe [EXHIBIT 4-42 Central Compressor with Inter Cooler and Piping Between Stages (ecveuzee) day while allowing cooler breezes 10 pass through the structure. This instalation may also be used in areas with significant rainfall. Toually enclosed struc rues are usually provided in severely cold climares + Saley—The housing must have easy access through ‘our, ample ventilation as protection from potentially clangerous gas leaks, and a sufficient number of doors and stairways in the event of an emergency. + Economics—The area inside the building should be large enough 10 sausfy al other factors and. no larger, unless specifically requested by a client to accommodate future equipment within the stuc- Exhibit 445 shows bow to sie a building, regard- less of what ype of machine i used; the example i for Compremors centrifugal gas compressor. The elements tobe sized are discussed in the following sections ‘oor elevation The operating floor elevation is es- tablished by making all standard allowances around and above equipment and providing the usual head- room below all horizontal piping runs and conduits, 1s shown by blocks E and F and Exhibit 4-45, ‘Building width The width of the building is eab- lished by first allowing space forthe largest compres: sor ran. There must be adequate room between the steam turbine, lube ol drain piping, and any miscella neous piping that may be aranged along the adacent ‘all 35 shown by block Cin Ebi 445. ache com- "Proce Plant Layout and Piping Design pressor end, there must be sufficient room for the ‘operators and any routine maintenance, 2s shown in block B Although the operator must have accesso the font ofthe contol panel ic may also be necessary t0 allow access to the rear of the panel for maintenance, shown as clearance D. Building elevation The elevation of the building is further established by determining the size ofthe clear maintenance area (shown 3s X by ¥). This area must accommodate the largest single piece 10 be maintained ‘a minimum elevation above all operating floor re ‘quirements, shown as clearance A The alternative ‘maintenance area may be used if this area is clear {throughout the length of the building Hook centerline elevation The layout designer de- termines the ceaterline elevation of the hook. The ‘maximum lifted load must be supplied to the stuc- tural engineer or building contractor to furnish the comect uveling crane. The eave elevation is then set (on the bass ofthe clearance ofthe crane selected. ‘ERHIBTT 445, Compressor Shelter Sting Cera GENERAL COMPRESSOR LAYOUT ‘This section highlights addtional features to consider inthe design of a centrifugal or reciprocating com- pressor layout. There are many ways to develop 2 compressor layout, but cerain aspects of these ma ‘chines dicate how best to approach a design that opti- mizes operation, maintenance, and sfery while adher- ing © economic requirements Centrifugal Compressors: Inlet Piping With higher compressor velocities and rotung speeds, the plant layout designer must give greater consideration to the compressor inlet line. The ASME power test code requires a minimum of three diame- ‘ers of straight run piping berween the elbow and the Inlet nozzle, Often, however, such factors as gas veloc Ines, molecular weight, and temperature must be co- sidered for the optimum layout An equipment engi reer should be consulted at the outset 10 develop a Dasecase layout requirement. The preferred design is ‘one in which the horizontal run is parallel to the com- presior shaf, at shown in arrangement A of Exhibit 446. (In these examples, iis assumed that the com- prestor inlet size is 12 in and chat the required L- dimension for this paricular gas compressor is four diameters) The compressor elevation can be affected by the various layouts, Another factor that could inf fence stright run requirements is the need t0 inject. wash water into the gas stream to clean compressor blades, as shown in Exhibit 447 Suction Line Strainers Compressor suction lines must be free of any foreign particles that could damage the internals ofthe ma- chine, Strainers are installed in the inlet line berween the block vaive andthe compressor inlet nozzle. Aer ‘the unit has been on sream for some time, the stain ‘ers are normally removed. Should the sirainer be the permanent pe, a cleanout connection must be ‘added to remove any trapped foreign mater during 2 shutdown of the compressor. Exhibit 448 illustrates ‘0 such applications Break-Out Flanges All lines to 2 compressor that must be removed for ‘maintenance of the comprestor or strainer removal must havea sex of flanges inthe line in addition to the set at the compressor nozzle. Exhibit 449 shows one line with a buil-in extra set of flanges atthe shutoff valve and another line for which flanges must be added because there are no other anges near the ‘compressor case "Proce Plant Layo and Piping Design Miscellaneous Piping Connections ‘The plant layout designer must review both the engi- neering contractor and the vendor piping and insru- mentation diagrams 10 ensure that all connections have been piped up by one or the other. Primary operating valve accessibility All operat ing valves must be accessible 10 the operator from grade or the operating platiorm around the machine. ‘Valves that are physically out of reach may be made ‘panne 447 Wash Water Injection accessible through extension stems or chain opera- tors. Exhibit 450 shows some ofthese variations High-Pressure Steam Inlet Piping To sxeamline the high-pressure, high-temperature seam inlet piping to the turbine, the plant layout de- signer should review the compressor outline drawing tw locate the neutral axis. Ar this point, the curbine is anchored 10 the steel frame. As depiced in Exhibie Compressor = 2 [EXHIBIT 450 Operating Valve Accessibilty 451, locating the line anchor close to this point en ables the designer to generate 2 layout with a mini ‘mum amount of leg, thereby sausfying the stress and flexibly requirements in this particular sytem. Straightening Vanes ‘When the straight un onthe inlet piping is less than desired, a sraightening vane may be insalled to “smooth the flows and improve the compressor perfor- mance. These vanes must be in accordance with ASME ‘or American Gas Assocation standards. IFuse of vanes ‘an be tolerated, the length for any arrangement (as illustrated in Exhibit 4-46) can be divided by fou. Reciprocating Compressor Piping Poorly designed reciprocating compressor piping ‘causes pulsstion that can reduce machine capacity and increase horsepower requiremens. Line design should be simple and run as low to grade as possible to facilitate support Once the compressor piping has ‘been designed, the proposed configuration is sub- fected to an analog study that may be done by the vvendoe o¢ an independent testing laboratory. Simu- lated by electrical creuis, this analog study identifies Potentially damaging accoustic or pulsation problems uring the design phase of the projet, eliminating higher repair and redesign costs at alter date Line Branches {All branches should be located close ta line support ‘whenever possible. Any such connections should be located on the top ofthe piping to minimize any po- tential liquid carry-over, Exhibit 452 shows sypical ‘branch connections. Compressor Pipe Supports, Exhibit 453 illustrates how to minimize the transmis sion of damaging vibrations by Isolating the line sup- pont from adjacent compressor or building founds ‘ons, operating floor stel, or building framing, ompresors Drain Piping Ample drain piping must be provided on suction and discharge piping to avoid liquid carry-over into the ‘ojlinders. On multistage machines, care must be taken ‘wth the drain header system wo avoid piping up alow pressure drain ino a high-pressure header. Doing $0 forces the higher-pressure liquids im the ower: pres- sure cylinders. Compressors have small amounts of 2 leakage atthe stuffing box, which is usually picked ‘up inthe distance piece berween the cylinder andthe crankease. Gassight distance pieces are used for such hazardous materials 25 hydrogen, The piping 2nd in- "Proce: Plant Layout and Piping Dotan strumentation diagram should be carefully reviewed to ensure that all vens and drains are properly de- signed, This chapter has given the plant layout designer 2 variery of possible soluions to successfully develop a comprehensive compressor layout Maximizing eff- ‘lency while minimizing original capital expenditures and ongoing maintenance costs is a demanding task ‘The close coordination and cooperation of equipment and system engineers, an understanding ofthe client's ‘needs and preferences, and designer creativity are all necessary elements to achieve this gol

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