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Nancy Do
Ms. Williams
Period 5 Oedipus Vocabulary
26 January 2015
Characters and Vocabulary: Scene 2 and Ode 2
Helios An epithet of Apollo; son of the Titan Hyperion and Titaness Theia; brother of
goddesses Selene and Eos; drove the chariot of the sun across the sky each day
Polybus King of Corinth; foster-father of Oedipus; raised Oedipus after his real parents had
abandoned him
Merope Wife of King Polybus of Corinth; foster-mother of Oedipus; one of the seven Pleiades;
daughter of Atlas and Pleione
indiscretion definition: lack of judgment, prudence, or restraint; synonym: mistake
brazen definition: shameless, bold; synonym: audacious
perquisites definition: privileges from of ones rank or power; synonym: perks
treason definition: the betrayal of ones country; synonym: disloyalty
anarchy definition: a lack of law; synonym: confusion
herald definition: the person who announces official news; synonym: messenger
abomination definition: something that is hated; synonym: anathema
disdain definition: to treat with contempt synonym: scorn
scoundrel definition: a wicked or evil person; synonym: villain
duplicity definition: a deceitful action; synonym: guile
incarnate definition: having bodily formed; synonym: personified

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tumult definition: a disorderly uprising; synonym: riot
treachery definition: a breaking of faith or loyalty; synonym: betrayal
maunder definition: to speak foolishly; synonym: babble
impious definition: lacking in reverence; synonym: irrelevant
prudent definition: showing good judgment; synonym: cautious
parry definition: to avoid or deflect; synonym: ward
din definition: a loud and steady noise; synonym: racket
rankle definition: to cause continual bother synonym: annoy
soothsayer definition: one who can predict the future; synonym: psychic
malediction definition: a wish for harm to happen to another; synonym: curse
haughty definition: thinking that others are below oneself; synonym: arrogant

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