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Blurb: Having been bitten by one of a zombie horde, a young adult is seen to go through the
transformative process as she becomes one herself. The majority of footage will be stop motion.
Character Profiles:
Jennifer Manson was born into a middle class family who were able to live a comfortable, enviable
existence. Having been a problem child since the age of eleven, she moved to out at sixteen after
being disowned by her family.
Throughout her social circle she was renowned for her inability to maintain relationships. As such, she
often resorted to alcohol and dabbled in soft drugs as a means of escaping herself, frequently hiding
from her friends and those who cared about her. On more than one occasion she was offered help to
attain sobriety and to combat her depression, all of which she declined. Additionally, she is wanted in
connection to a series of crimes, all of which would add to her existing record.
At the outbreak of the apocalypse, Jennifer did not leave her apartment for a fortnight; she survived
off of a can of baked beans, bottled water and stale bread. When these provisions ran out, she chose to
venture out to visit her estranged parents address and raid the neighbouring flats for supplies.
On her return, she got bitten and was forced to endure an excruciating physical and mental alteration
into one of the undead.
N.B. At no point is any drug use shown or mentioned in the lyrics.
Statement of Intent: Being an avid fan of both the band and death metal in general, I feel that I have
a strong understanding of the conventions of the genre and how best to contradict them. For example,
I do not have a cast of human characters, and the blood/violence and questionable content has been
significantly downplayed. I have also noticed how their appears to be a lack of diversity in terms to
music videos, and I wished to create something that would prove intriguing and artful; I am hopeful
that viewers will be appreciative of the visuals, irrespective of their listening preferences. The
dystopian universe that I am creating will be reflective of my-and many others-love of dark, horrific
fantasy, whilst the childrens toys inject a false approachability; potential audience members are lulled
into a false sense of security. By diametrically opposing the style of the footage, and the content, but
linking the latter to the music a twisted, distorted circle is initiated where nothing is as it seems. A
subliminal moral message is conveyed; the character of Jennifer was created to be ironic; it is a
metaphorical representation of the dangers of drugs and the delusions they can cause. As such, this,
coupled with its figurative portrayal of mortality, corresponds with the lyric fight death; people
undertake these acts as a feat, to prove their invincibility.
Plot Synopsis: A time lapse sequence shows a sunrise before cutting to footage of chaos, mayhem
and ominous news reports. This was partially influenced by Deicides End the Wrath of God video
where recordings of people in church interject with the band playing
( People will be seen running before this cuts to a
model of a door being opened. The doll closes it, sliding down in exhaustion and fear. The room is
distorted and it and the furniture seem to be disproportionate to the size of the figure. The camera gets
closer to the girl who is writhing in agony; our attention is drawn to blood on her arm. She has been
infected with the zombie virus via a bite.
Jennifer will move in a manner that suggests she is fighting the infection coursing through her veins.
She will hit the floor and doors, whilst hallucinations will appear in a translucent form around her.
She stands, wobbling on her feet. Her movements will be interjected with excerpts of hordes of
approaching zombies and a virus spreading through her body.
She jolts as this cut scene finishes. Staggering to a window, she looks out and sees the undead
swarming the land surrounding the building. Using incredibly fast cuts, we will see this group from
different angles, with them briefly appearing to be human in occasional cases.
Stunned and scared, she launces herself across the room to land in an armchair. Once again we see the
spreading of the disease. After this, the seat begins to melt away and she must escape its grasp before
getting consumed by it. At various points throughout, found footage of the enemy and viruses will be
interjected, to add interest and an added level of interest.
Feeling that she is out of options, she makes her way to a small coffee table, where a plate of rotting
food sits. She reaches for a knife next to this and stabs herself in the chest in an attempt to end her
turmoil. This does not alter her inevitable fate as she stands, a full zombie.

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