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C_DRN-N-ITUB Aart HT wel GENERAL STUDIES Paper—Tt ReiRe waar: ae we afr. aa: 250 [Time Allowed : Three, Hours ‘Maximum Marks * 250 went & faq fare sgt Prana wr sae 83 oye Areata mie agte at omagis wet ater wer & wer fat ate sth at F ot ey . wh wea aPrad &1 ate aoa7em & sie aad ar? Re mee vat Bere ait mre Fate Ror sect are steer far var & ate ee Br ee Ta METRE (EAC) grr BTS Te afer Pathe, wir ve fear aT aC afta mitre fea aa Peat er re Te ae AIL ats Te MAY get 9 wee ato ae APRS Bar segTeN fe ara TRC serge Fare her ar ges wr sae sr a ee wy Rarer aAT RC QUESTION PAPER SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS, Please read each of the following instructions carefully before attempting. questions : There are TWENTY questions printed both in HINDI and in ENGLISH. All the questions are compulsory. The number of marks carried by'a question/part is indicated against it Answers must be written in the medium authorized in the Admission Certificate which must be stated clearly ‘on the cover of this Question-cum-Answer (QCA) Booklet in the space provided. No marks will be given ‘for answers written in a medium othér than the authorized one. Word limit in questions, wherever specified, should be adhered to. Any page or portion of the page left blank in the answer book must be cléarly struck off C-DRN-N-TTUB ® wet & sae 200 wet & afte ae Aer waft maf A ster wei A oThg @ afer meet @1 wi wet & sis wart 1 Answer the questions in NOT MORE THAN 200 words each, Contents of the answer is more important than its length. All questions carry equal marks. 12%4x20=250 Qu Q2, Q3. Q4. ‘renter een’ & Raia Bower wea AY FATA Fae ere we F fre Ae ae em satiate dads Fey A Rafer RY, CH Tews. sae (ARTs) _PreT Pe #1 Be aur Boyar A, dete F areal A ae S fe, we SF wT A Fue ahaa ara Prorg fier mr aut aA Starting from inventing the “basic structure’ doctrine, the judiciary has played a highly proactive role in ensuring that India develops into a thriving democracy. In light of the statement, evaluate the role played by judicial activism in achieving the ideals of democracy. 12% waft oRteite figis ent wher Fo yay @ ate ae Raia eer } sneer afieeri Haw 8 eg we Dw A wee FH Tete ata F otha hte (BaeiH) wad Sa 8 ue ¥ gar gar 8) we ww te sem 2 Wo wae oheeae At deer fae F 21 wef we ‘Though the federal principle is dominant in our Constitution and that principle is one of its basic: features, but it is equally true that federalism under the Indian Constitution leans in favour of a strong Centre, a feature that militates against the concept of strong federalism. Discuss. 12% wee att sed ace A afta, Raiere ake safle (@aPrets), 82 HY afar ava 105% aRafev &, wal aitarne (wr-afeeres) ste saftaie Patereare F rd TeX wr ear andl dig BA Ei ada Aiea F Ale eitarweT A ages & prow seer AR e TrET aT TTT Pre aT wee? ‘The ‘Powers, Privileges and Immunities of Parliament and its Members’ as envisaged in Article 105 of the Constitution leave room for a large number of un-codified and un-enumerated privileges to continue. Assess the reasons forthe absence of legal codification of the ‘parliamentary privileges’. How can this problem be addressed ? 12% amy ‘ara, ate areata eanian’ deer a em wey B 2 eT ee RA A wT aR aren & 2 area % fret afro & ora ea @ afte Rea eae ae ae? aa ARAL ‘What do you understand by the concept “freedom of speech and expression” ? Does it cover hate speech also ? Why do the films in India stand on a slightly different plane from other forms of expression ? Discuss 12% CDIN-N STUB @ Q6. Q7, Q8, Q9. FRE eee B aaROT A aga F Aaa vee aM KUTT Rama) Bee che area & as ame BF TEN are et ae A where Teste wa F fee ee are ter mr Rate ee A gee Ror ar wae 7 fear ARAL Instances of President’s delay in commuting death sentences has come under public debate as.denial of justice. Should there be a time limit specified for the President to accepUreject such petitions ? Analyse. 124 sBisar ar stare saat Bar aie fe Per wear anf aE reer A she sae sea agi Gat aE A AA A gor wae wT A Kat we aT AI EF ae Wee, A eect Ree Mer aw aPeisr B orere Batata: walt BP wah ARAL The size of the cabinet should be as big as governmental work justifies and as big as the» Prime Minister can manage as a team, How far is the efficacy of a government then inversely” related to the size of the cabinet ? Discuss. 12% waft 100 witwa RR werer Pram (adione) aS aT sa Se AIT wt ae aR marr ait A are 8, wah were a EU wT A wore oar afta wm alarg, & were oe Pare we TH RL CHa, F ata we iat Ar wT? aartemgis wad veer ar aUiET AAT Though 100 percent FDI is already allowed in non-news media like a trade publication and general entertainment channel, the Government is mulling over the proposal for increased FDI in news media for quite some time. What difference would an increase in FDI make ? Critically evaluate the pros and cons. 12% Prerdt a PPro FR & re Ta SR wafer A ear area (Beas) sree dD Peart wn ate Rast A we B cler BBE Teed (sat) sir we aaa FCDA ge Sas A ogee A MO TER ge wal AA A er vee ga (2 staat, arate Wee ou PH Pe were Tae A aaa st on Bt ‘The setting up of a Rail Tariff Authority to regulate fares will subject the cash strapped Indian Railways to demand subsidy for obligation to operate non-profitable routes and services. ‘Taking into account the experience in the power sector, discuss if, the proposed reformi is expected to benefit the. consumers, the Indian Railways or, the private container operators. 12% wer % caedha are tree arity (Creaareal.) walor vert ah A wrRT 8, ve TER anit SB werre A oat A Pies we Te see Pe (APR) a she eee gra @ gedes fowh Foye A, arr oar ara at Dea wel ake ort zen tH arene ae oe Feat Fer gen ate we, CATA, A aPAT a area ARR C-DEN-N-STUB ® Qo. Qu. Q12, Q13, Qu4. National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) in India can be most effective when its tasks are adequately supported by other mechanisms that ensure: the accountability of a government. In light of the above observation assess the role of NHRC as an effective complement to the judiciary and other institutions in promoting and protecting human rights standards. 12% nfioy erat Peer wade oer A Tea we HF caer wT (GEA) & saat A arate eegttee anus aT aPT wT Ie wT BL Te RT ‘The penetration of Self Help Groups-(SHGs) in rural areas in promoting participation in development programmes i$ facing socio-cultural hurdles. Examine 12% a waste a Ree aga & fq sree aoa Sate A Eel FEAF are, TA seat Fre woe dame, wet selene H aaa Sy ere A A gas afespe a td? Do government's schemes for up-lifting vulnerable and backward communities by protecting required social resources for them, lead to their exclusion in establishing businesses in urban economies ? 12% feast afteftse F cara fae afte BaF ata F fOrq eer ar 2, are oy, fevers ge Pies wears wa rae sreene A store ah art 8) steer F ate Te Gee ard & wafer & yews, oer ai ter She ste ses her F yoeT se wel wT ‘An athlete participates in Olympics for personal triumph and nation’s glory; victors are showered with cash incentives by various agencies, on their retum. Discuss the merit of state sponsored talent hunt and its cultivation as against the rationale of a reward mechanism as encouragement. 124 aa organ aivertarbee. 8 aye der A eet aS Row A wae I A, sour A Rarer FRY afte Mew era A ate aes A eet Feet at Rotated Fat ead Pole 89 at acai St art aie? ant ogee F vert % raf AAT Should the premier institutes like IITs/ allowed to retain premier status, allowed more academi independence in designing courses and also decide mode/criteria of selection of students, Discuss in light of the growing challenges. 1% can went apa ater Bar enor. wre AA feet ar ete wer 7 ere bere, aT Has the Cadre based Civil Services Organization been the cause of slow change in India ? Critically examine. 12% _ CDIN-W-STUB ® “Qj were 8B ae ore a aH, er ster HE aA The sre ee” (Gian), Ww Bos ste wd sre, A Tea ed we ae Rat oe grEt A caem Rear 1 pts Frere oe wel MAE AE aT SAY ora A aaa TAT ares Qu 78 Bier thera A Paras ani stk canta Wgfe A we aTT A dearer a favtor FA ‘Two parallel run schemes of the Government, viz. the Adhaar Card and NPR, one as voluntary and the othef as compulsory, have led to debates at national levels and also litigations. On metits, discuss whether or not both schemes. need run concurrently. Analyse. ‘the potential of the schemes to achieve developmental benefits and equitable growth, 12% Q.16. eben at are BATRA, TA ta are he weet Bar TE HRT Ba Haha Baie 3x8 Ger F wea AB Qifte FEA | RT A Ger at area A ating wea 21 wot Fours ah te 8 te eet Ga oe wef TAAL With respect to the South China sea, maritime territorial disputes and rising tension affirm the need for safeguarding maritime security to ensure freedom of navigation and over flight throughout the fegion. In this context, discuss the bilateral issues between India and China, 124 O17. Fer Shah whet (TA) RT ReMeTCHTT aT TET AA som we wh seat oe ye ae wea pe TC rT RR weet rea Fe aT am? “The aim of Information Technology Agréements (ITAS) is to lower all taxes and tariffs on {information technology products by signatories to zero. What impact would such agreements have on India’s interests ? 12%. Q.18. ‘steer Preter Rerat YT qe A sis werd F fhe Ate mF et wel amt © Pe duc Bo dar F faq eae Per oA ae ae A GF AT AMT, aah a 8 avere Shr Sq eT Rem aT! Beh wet SF Hs oe aah ie she an area aot Fhe wet A are 7 FA A ow oa feof eT 2 Somie of the International funding agencies have special terms for economic participation stipulating a substantial component of the'aid to be used for sourcing equipment from the : leading countries. Discuss on merits of such terms and if, there exists a strong case not to accept such conditions in the Indian context. 12% C-DRN-WN-TUB 9 Qo, area a am AF “aa Reore Be” (NDB) ae wa A “OTE me ern Pra ae @ Q.20. (ANB) & seo ee TAF AT ect BEB) Ta Aa at af GH GAT 2 fre ver fet A 2 aa FRI et a aa S orhite ne we aaf ART India has recently signed to become founding member of New Development Bank (NDB) and also the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). How will the role of the two Banks be different ? Discuss the strategic significance of these two Banks for India. DR free oar ror (soALA.) ww Neca Neha deer 8, set fey mg Frofe Bet a mead & guia we C1 veya, am a afte (Bz) take TaR Profs he eT dora 87 ere gear a areal & hea a oe are F ge aT UMTS Federer AiO WTO is an important international institution where decisions taken affect countries in a profound manner, What is.the mandate of WTO and how binding are their decisions ? Critically analyse India’s stand on the latest round of talks on Food security. 12% CDRN-N STUB ©

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