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ee 2 Wit ale OY Eli Graw PVA ENC. isabeth Sharman atl] With MP3 Inside Extra Section Iture Integrated Activities Fictional and Non-Fictional Texts Glossary with Vocabulary Activities woo at eH mH SIPBRRE SS HE EAR B (CrP) SH WEE AF: KATIA / HE) WS (Sharman, E. ) Hs RHE. 4 RGAE th Merk, 2008, 8 4 WX: King Arthur ISBN 978-7-5605-2894-6 I. We 1. OW OR TM. OKH—-MiA—M MK WOKMDR—KA—pittes W. H319.4; 1 HP al it AS EI f3 CIP CHK (2008) % 114740 & WAL BS: BEML AF 25 - 2008 - 064-5 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or any information and retrieval system, without the written permission of the publisher. Copyright ©2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. This authorized English-Chinese bilingual edition is jointly publi (Asia) Co, and Xi People’s Republic of China only, excluding Hong Kong, Macao SAR, and Taiwan. hed by McGraw: Hill Education Jiaotong University Press. This edition is authorized for sale in the ARAB SHE BRE ROL LD DS BE EH AF tb RSL 5 DR AE He FA AS CUE BAD HR ZS PE I Ae Pt NR AE BAG AB GPT « AS FAD A A Dr Sl BR A SAY AT AL Ee A A EE Sf AB SE AM ES CAS LF A HED FT REM Whe Fk HMR Ait HART PE CHAE WE Sh kU ZETIT GBH 10 © City: 710049) HH «(029)82668357 82667874 KATHE) (029)82668315 82669096¢ sd) Ate 8 i EH 4 HR ZS a) 25 F 787mmX1092mm 1/16 7, 875 2008 4 8 F431 A «2008 4E 8 FE 1 UEDA ISBN 978-7-5605-2894-6/H + 807 25.00 36 MALTA ALY ARH. MH, MASP REAM, HR AMF BA, 010—62605166,, REM RBRBASIH He At RBA as Sums ez 77) @HRHERS EE Art BR Geek eUaF) Ek EXL @yL— tae x FL BRB WAR mR Rap FARM eb e- FP REMRBRBASH He VIF RAE TBH Password Readers & Fit 3% T RAPA MARAE. CRE Bite EEMESREFAILHER. VRALWARA AEF IRET AAD MN SIH. SHEMET RAANKEMEGAR, AEGRAIREGM, RAE ALFA, LHEMRRT. SAAFAREMRASEMHAHHREL, HB FERRABMXAHT ARE, SHRMHEA KARL, ERB HW Het, HPA-AHAER. ATHR, MRARMSAKBHAALAE RAE $—( Beginner ) E-RNEMLEBURER RA, HRM ADI, AHA most can; FHSABATHSH, MAPRAWMHRA. AF-BHRHY, HH AULFIGSMAP RAT ERMA. $= Elementary ) K-KRAEGLERUREM RR, HHRMA LAD, 3 must, can, should, have to. K—AR# MHA SRE HASREBRALRA, FRNAALRHA, UREA DHA, SHEMALE ER Fa, BEA By Be af GR et ESE A, RSW Ae MB ok oh HS = X( Pre-intermediate ) NFGHKERURERHR, PRP BEM, AIR was f were. KS REWMHRATRAHEAWIL, ROM, RATWU-SP IBAA By HBR BR A Had HF 3 58 BAR| Intermediate ) AE EM A — A PR TB KL oh BYEZ ASR IY. HE A 6 ab Hel — AH OR A — eS R-RMAXEMWDEATL, RA TURAF AURA RR RRA Ho RP -HLRARUR TI RAGRWBREH, WMAEREMA, FEARS WS. EREMAAAKRRM AMER YAN, UR Re Hs. Hi Upper-intermediate ) K-PAEWPRAERRALERRATARM MA: BOP Rit, STARTS. MHKSAPOARAHUESAARARE HE. REPKE FLT AEB ah oh ie Ot A, EA TRE A CXBAREAF WAL, BOR, BM. EA RECS ACHE, HERAT ERERMARY AHMAR, KF KAAEMHLMEE, HES ARE—-TH. REMRBRBASH He CONTENTS Chapter | The Birth of Arthur /4 Chapter 2. The Sword in the Stone /10 Settings — A Tournament /16 Chapter 3 Camelot /18 Chapter 4 Guinevere and Morgana /24 Chapter 5 The Round Table /30 Settings — The Round Table (36 Chapter 6 Sir Lancelot /38 Chapter 7 Sir Tristan /44 Chapter 8 The Holy Grail /50 Chapter 9 Sir Perceval and Sir Galahad /56 Chapter 10 Guinevere and Lancelot /62 Settings — The Last Battle (68 Chapter 11 Civil War /70 Chapter 12 The Death of Arthur /76 About the Story Ancient Britain /82 The Arthurian Myth /84 Arthur’ s Britain /86 Not only glossary 90 1M WERE 98 H2M API 198 HE—HLEKK 3H MME 99 4 Ea SKM 1100 SSM BROW /101 X—ORBE SOR MAE /102 7 RPL /103 BRT KK 104 SOR SAA /105 BO ES TW 106 RB RA S811 RE AAR 1107 Hie WEEZIH 108 HRBR ERAS AM /109 BRERA (109 ERLANG KAM /110 WILK M12 BAER NS REM RBRBASIH He .. at Tintagel Castle, Lady Ygraine has a REMRBRBASH He Pictures 2 Look at the first frames of chapter | and answer the questions. 1) Where does the story take place? a) In England. b) In Italy. c) In Russia. 2) Who do you think the woman and the baby are? a) The Queen of England and her son. b) King Arthur and his mother. c) King Arthur's wife and child. 3) Who is the girl? a) Arthur's daughter. b) A servant. c) Arthur's sister. 4) What happens to the baby? a) His mother doesn’t want him. b) Someone takes him from his mother. c) His mother takes him away. 2 How wonderfull Come and see your new little brother, Morgana | don’t want to look at him! & Who's there? What do you want? REMRBRBASIH He CHAPTER 1 2 It is | - Merlin, You must give the boy to me. King Uther gommands it. | willgive him to a good family. They Can 1e@keatter him until his time comes. 6 What do you mean? | don't understand. When Uther dies, Arthur willbe king — a great ing of England. 8 That is all you need to know. Now we must go. Tl Good! | don’t want a brother: | can be pawertul.too — as powerful as a king! REM RBRBASIE He THE BirtH OF ArtHuR Merlin gives the baby to Sir Hector, | know that one of King Uther's knight. you are kind. and Joyal. You must: look after this baby. His name ie Arthur 2 It io the grder of King Uther. A ir Hector accepts rder without quest 3 he 4 If the king commands, then | must gbey. Th My wife and | have a new baby called Kay. a wi pe oresihanibbi ; together as brothers. . on REMRBRBASH He CHAPTER 1 The Birth of Arthur as 3) is a magician. is Arthur's mother. is Arthur's sister. 4) is a knight. grows up with Sir Hector and Kay. Check your, comprehension 4 True or false? Indicate T or F. 1) Arthur is born in London. 2) Merlin takes Arthur from his mother. 3) He takes him because King Uther orders it. 4) Merlin will be king when Uther dies. 5) Merlin gives Arthur to Sir Hector and his family. _ 6) Sir Hector and his wife have no children. Now rewrite the false statements to make them true. REMRBRBASIH He 5 Complete the sentences with adjectives that are used in this chapter. 1) Something that is very, very good isw___ = ‘ 2) Something that isn't big ist____ _ 3) Something that isn’t old is n__ 4) A person who does good things for other people is k__ _ 5) A person who has a lot of power isp____ 6) A person who you can depend onist{____. 6 Fill in the table. FEMININE MASCULINE boy mother brother husband daughter queen ey rater MODAL VERB: MUST 7 Complete the sentences with must and one of the following verbs. buy go send study tell wait You must give the boy to me You must look after this baby. 1) You here for the bus. 2) My sister for her exam this weekend. 3)1 some bread and milk today. 4) All children to school. 5) We @ posteard to Aunt Mary. 6) You everyone your news. REMRBRBASH He Pictures 1 Look at the illustrations in chapter 2 and answer the questions. 1) Who is the character in the third picture? 2) Who are the characters in the fifth picture? 3) What is the relationship between them? 4) How old do you think the boys are now? CHAPTER 2 Fourteen years later, King Uther Fentctina acai ane calls Merlin to his pedeide. 1 Take my guard You know what to do with it. vo and jyserts it into a stone. 4 REM RBRBASIH He 2 Match the words (1-3) with the pictures (a-c). 1) sword =_} 2) tournament |_| 3) inn J 3 Stand.aside! Let me try! Hector, Kay and Arthur com 6 to London for apupasment. 4 Don't beygillyl You aren't strong | want to be a famous or tall enough! knight when I'm older 5 THE SWORD IN THE STONE X But no man can move the sword — and he’s only a boy! He is Uther's shein, 2 He is the king! 3 Suddenly, Merlir ears, | am Merlin the Magician, and this is Uther’s sword. You are now King of England. 4 Who are you? And what's happening? Why are they calling me king? x Why are they skageling? Thank you for your gare. of Arthur: Now he must follow his destiny. { REM RBRRBA SHE He CHAPTER 2 The Sword in the Stone Check your comprehension 3 Answer the questions. 1) Who gives his sword to Merlin? 2) Where does Merlin put the sword? 3) Can any man remove the sword? 4) Why do Sir Hector, Kay and Arthur come to London? 5) Why does Arthur offer to go back to the inn? 6) What does he see in the churchyard? 7) What does he do? 8) What does this mean? Match the verbs (1-6) with the pictures (a-f). 1) fight 2) follow 3) insert 4) kneel 5) pull 6) remove .\\ 5 Match the characters (1-4) with the descriptions (a-d). 1) Kay a) He is young, but he passes the test and becomes King of England. 2) Arthur») He explains to Arthur about his destiny. 3) Sir Hector ¢) He enjoys swordfighting, and he laughs at Arthur's ambitions. 4) Merlin d) He doesn't need to look after Arthur now. What's happening? Why are they calling me king? Why are they kneeling? Rewrite the following questions in the correct way, using verbs in Present Continuous. 1) you / listen / to me? 2) who / your mum / talk to? 3) why / those boys / fight? 4) where / we / go? 5) | / do / this correctly? 6) someone / sing? Complete the summary with the correct forms of the following verbs. be come go leave put see succeed tell try Merlin King Uther'’s sword in a stone in London. Many men to pull it out, but they don't Arthur, Sir Hector and Kay to London. Kay his sword at the inn and Arthur back to get it. He the sword in the stone and pulls it out. Merlin tells him that he King of England. REM RBRBASIH He PRESENT CONTINUOUS (QUESTIONS) SETTINGS & Pr Ceo ory so | What event comes first? Put these sentences in the correct order. (| a) Merlin puts Uther's sword in a stone. (| b) Merlin takes Lady Ygraine’s baby and gives him to Sir Hector. _| ¢) Arthur pulls the sword from the stone. L_] d) Merlin tells Arthur that he is King. |_| e) King Uther dies. 1 Arthur is.growned King of England, Ty Ep a 2 Long live the king! } i iP ) yee | im lam here togadvise you, and | have special ypowers. Come with me now. | can give you something 4 Merlin, | don't think that I'm ready to be king. I'm 0 young. How can | make important REM RBRBASH He Words 2 Match these words (1-6) with their definitions (a-f). 1) coronation a) to lead a country and to enforce its laws 2) court b) the respectful name for a king or a queen 3) to crown ¢) to place a royal symbol on someone's head 4) queen d) a ceremony to present a new king or queen 5) to rule e) the royal woman who leads a country 6) Your Majesty f) the royal household 1 Merlin takes Arthur to a mysterious lake. Just watch and wait. 2 What can there be here for me? Who... Bi what.. ig that? That is the Lady of the Lake, Arthur. R The sword is for you. ) 6 Take it. 3 \ ) ave.patience, Arthur. CHAPTER 3 Carry it with — It can g CAMELOT 1 Many years pass. There are no ware, and England becomes a rich country. Let's drink to King Arohurt J Merlin, look at that girl! Who io she? D But he mustn't love with her.. That's Guinevere ~ daughter of the King of Camelerd. REMRBRBASIE He CHAPTER 3 Camelot Check your comprehension 3 Complete the summary with the following verbs. appears becomes fall in love gives has help likes make protect says takes want Arthur King of England. Merlin that he can Arthur to decisions. Merlin Arthur to a lake. An arm and Arthur a magic sword that can him. Arthur his court at Camelot. He is a popular king. England becomes peaceful and rich. Arthur Guinevere, but Merlin is worried. He doesn’t Arthur to with her. Characters 4 Combine each character or object (1-6) with a distinguishing sentence (a-f). 1) Arthur a) is a sword with magic powers. 2) Guinevere b) is nervous when he becomes king. 3) Excalibur c) is a beautiful young princess. 4) Merlin d) love and respect Arthur. 5) The Lady x of the Lake e) gives Arthur a sword. 6) The people f) offers to give Arthur advice while of England he is king. Put the names of the following characters in the most appropriate category (1-3). Lady Ygraine Arthur Sir Hector Guinevere Uther Merlin Kay the Lady of the Lake 1) Supernatural characters: 2) Royal characters: 3) Other characters: REMRBRBASH He ITs / IT’s Its name is Excalibur. (Its = possessive adjective) It's magnificent! (It’s = the contraction of it is) 6 Insert the apostrophe in “its” where necessary. 1) Come skiing with us. Its easy! 2) | don't like this computer. Its screen is too small. 3) This is my dog. Its a terrier. 4) My dog sleeps in the house. Its bed is in the kitchen. 5) | can’t start the car. There's something wrong with its engine. 6) | don't know what to do. Its a difficult problem. 7 Complete the captions by inserting the following words. Your Majesty Sir Madam Ladies and Gentlemen 3) | bring a message from Fi “4) Good evening, Spain, { a REMRBRBASIE He Pictures 1 Look at the illustrations in chapter 4 and answer the questions. 1) What does Arthur do in this chapter? 2) What do you think Merlin’s reaction is? 3) Who are the characters in the sepia pictures? 4) Who do you think the woman talking to Merlin is? 5) How do you think she feels about Arthur and Guinevere? CHAPTER 4 Merlin, | must guanry.Guinevere. | cannot have any other woman except her. That's my 1 final decision. It’s a terrible mistake, Arthur. Believe me. | can see the future. 2 Choose another woman. | don’t want to tell you, but | must. This is what | see: Guinevere and your best friend fall in love. They betray you. Your court is destroyed. and England liee in. guine. REMRBRBASH He Words 2 Match the underlined words (1-5) with the definitions (a-e). 1) To marry someone is a) someone who is invited to a party ete or a ceremony. 2) Auedding: is b) a ceremony where a man and woman 3) A bride is are married. , ¢) to have a party because you are happy. 4) A guest is d) a woman on her wedding day. 5) To celebrate something is e) to become their husband or their wife. 11 can’t listen to this. You're wrong — | don't believe it! N N N N y ‘ —— REMRBRBASIH He CHAPTER 4 You don't seem very happy, Merlin. Why aren't you gelebrating? | 1 yr 2 Morganal What are you doing here? You aren't ayguest. | FF 4 Well, this is my q brother's wedding afterall. But don't worry. Nobody here knows me. (a 5 After the disappearance of her son, Lady Ygraine wa her daughter, Morgana. any more. But | don’t care. By lve got my books, and ) my ambitions. GUINEVERE AND MORGANA MW Morgana visits Merlin in hi ro TE 2 Merlin, you are a NY NM great magician, and so wise. Please teach me some of your kills, 3 If you wish, Morgana. | don’t suppose that it can parm. 4 But Morgana learns quickly and becomes as powerful as Merlin. aie ih alike Merlin, however, she uses her powers for vil, not for good. Ik 5 What do you think of Arthur's satide, Merlin? Like you, | can see the future. | can see the end of Arthur and hi xkiagdom. CHAPTER 4 Guinevere and M organa Check your comprehension 3 True or false? Indicate T or F. 1) Merlin wants Arthur to marry Guinevere. 2) Merlin sees danger in the future for Arthur. 3) Arthur believes Merlin’s warnings. 4) Lady Ygraine teaches Morgana magic. 5) Arthur's sister appears at his wedding. 6) Morgana knows the same things that Merlin knows. Which characters from this chapter do the following adjectives describe? Match the adjectives (1-8) with the characters (a-d). Some adjectives can describe more than one character. 1) worried a) Merlin 2) lonely 3) evil 4) angry 5) jealous 6) determined ¢) Morgana (now) 7) ambitious 8) upset d) Arthur b) Morgana (as a young girl) Which character might have said each of the following sentences? 1) “I don’t want my brother to be happy.” 2) “l accept your offer of marriage, Your Majesty. 3) “I don't believe that Merlin can see the future. He must be wrong.” 4) “I can't forget my baby son. | wonder where he is now.” REMRBRBASH He (NOT) AS + ADJECTIVE + AS 6 Rewrite the Morgana becomes as powerful as Merlin. following Morgana isn’t as good as Merlin. sentences, using as + adjective + as. 1) That little boy is quiet. A mouse is quiet, too. 2) You are intelligent. Your friend is intelligent, too. 3) English people are friendly. Italian people are friendly, too. 4) | am 1.5 m tall. You are 1.5 m tall too. 5) Francis is fifteen years old. David is fifteen years old too. 7 Rewrite the following sentences, using not as + adjective + as. 1) The Johnsons are rich. We aren't so rich. 2) Your homework is difficult. My homework isn't so difficult. 3) Chocolate is nice. Cheese isn't so nice. 4) You are patient. I'm not so patient. 5) The boys in our class are hard-working. The girls in our class aren't so hard-working. Complete the summary with the correct names of characters. orders to take Arthur from his mother and give him to Arthur grows up with 's son, . When dies, he orders to put his sword in a stone. pulls the sword from a stone and becomes King of England. becomes his advisor. The gives him the magic sword Excalibur. Arthur marries but predicts the fall of his kingdom if he does this. Arthur's sister grows up to be a magician. REM RBRBASIH He Words 1 Look at the picture and answer the questions. 1) How many tables are there? 2) How many places are there at the table? 3) How many seats are there? The Round Table PW 3. Now | an mario | feel that Camelot is complete. But | don’t want to.ghoWetavoul to anyone. | want all the knights to be,equal. 3 Merlin takes Arthur to with me, wwe, | 4 This is the Round Table - a wedding present from Guinevere’s father. Many years ago it was King Uther's. You can sit around it with your knights. Then no knight can appear superior to the others. REMRBRBA-H He ef Then that is where Lookl My name's Ned eee appearing here. 1 your place next to me, brothel You are a true and loyal knight, 4 and a good friend. REM RBRREBA SHE He CHAPTER 5 7 1 Welcome brave Sir Bedivere, i. my gephen. Gawain, and Tristan, Poe prince of Lyonesse. There are places for you here, too, How was your journey from France? REMRBRBASIH He THE ROUND TABLE V Thank you, Your Majesty. It was a good journey. But how do you know who | am? 3 If we are all equal, then why does Lancelot get the best geat - to the right of Arthur? Who does he think he is? PII «14 20n Montred, a knight of the Round Table! What do you think of that, Arthur? REMRBRBASIH He The Round Table (Sire eV teu setae 3 Choose the correct word or expression. 1) The Round Table is a present from Guinevere’s father / Merlin. 2) It was Merlin’s / King Uther’s table before. 3) The second name to appear is Sir Kay / Sir Lancelot. 4) Sir Lancelot comes from France / Scotland. 5) Sir Kay / Sir Lancelot sits to the right of Arthur. 6) Morgana’s husband / son is now a knight of the Round Table. Read the description of each knight and find his name in chapter 5. 1) He is Morgana’s son. 2) He is the son of another of Arthur's sisters. 3) He comes from France. 4) Arthur calls him his brother. 5) He comes from Lyonesse. 6) He is courageous. Now match the descriptions (1-6) from exercise 4 with the pictures (a-f). 6 Match the following words (1-6) with similar expressions (a-f). 1) brave a) ahead of 2) good b) an unfamiliar person 3) stranger ¢) on the other side 4) foreigner d) courageous 5) in front of e) well-behaved 6) opposite f) from another country PREPOSITIONS OF PLACE 7 Look at the picture of Here is your place next to me. the Round Table and Why does Lancelot get the best use the following seat to the right of Arthur? Prepositions to complete the descriptions. between in front of next to on opposite to the left of to the right of Lancelot is King Arthur, Kay is Arthur. Gawain is Tristan and Bedivere. Mordred is The knights’ names are them, the table. REMRBRBASIH He 1 Which of the following adjectives can be used to describe a good knight? 1) brave 6) evil 2) courteous 7) good 3) cowardly 8) honourable 4) dependable 9) rude 5) dishonourable 10) unreliable Now use the adjectives from exercise | to form five pairs of opposites. or Nai ao) Sir Lancelot ae Wi a — ia) jim now 1e OLDS XX
  • ) an] a O| S/O} Zl 4) x} <|elol]> Cl-/O/O] ] aH | al< PlLalalrl Sl ) a /ClOlzZ/O OJH/O/O/O/ Z| a] wn] >] a Cle) aac] a <| ol wae OO], m4] nC} z]a]—|~7 to command to distract to condemn. dragon convent to drive coronation to drown court duty courteous to cross to crown E cruel eng. each other either either... or... D equal even better to defeat evil to defend except to depend on depicted a deputy FE despite destiny fair destroyed (pase of to destroy) to fall in love disappearance famine REMRBRBASIH He 4 Use the following sentences (1-4) to fill in the word bubbles (a-d). 1) At last 2) How dare you your sister. 3) Keep an eye on 4) Take care ieeeeemniiienens fatal guilty fault favour i H fond of Sprever Hail! to forgive to harm Have patience! heir a hero honour gentleman honourable gone horseman grief How dare you! guest. humble REMRBRRBASIH He NOT ONLY GLOSSARY 5 Choose the correct word to complete each of the following sentences. 1) On the radio they're giving a warn / warming of terrible weather. 2) It is a pleasure / please to meet you. 3) She is still sad about the disappear / disappearance of her pet dog. 4) There is a rebellion / rebelling in the north of the country, Your Majesty. 5) She is a very known / well-known pop star. Everyone likes her. 6) Take a coat. You need some protect / protection from the weather. 7) I can’t carry this. | haven’t got the strength / strong! 8) I love her passionate / passionately. / imprisoned M magician inn magnificent. to insert make amends to marry mist yf see to join mortal to join together justice N K nephew to keep an eye on kind O kingdom oak to kneel to obey knight to offend order over z overpowering Last Supper. legendary Long liv. P to look after pain love potion passionately loyal peasant REMRBRBASIH He 6 Fill in the crossword puzzle with words related to kings. 1) To make someone king. 2) To have control over a country, like a king. 3) The title that people give a king when they talk to him. 4) The country that a king has control over. 5) A king’s daughter. 6) The crime of being disloyal to the king. 7) A king's son. 8) The ceremony where a king is created. 9) A king’s wife. 10) The place and the people that are closely connected to a king. | 4 R protection proud to pull from powerful purest REMRBRBASIH He R to raise (an army) rebellion refuge to remove reunited rope ruins to rule iS. safe sail to search for seat serving woman shall fall (v. fut.) shall tumble (v. fut.) shame should to show favour silly skill SPY to stand aside stranger strength surrounded sword swordfighting T Take care! task to thank threat tournament treason tribe to trust trusted U underwater unlike V vision W Wales warning was (v. past) wasn't (v. past) to waste weak wedding well-known whenever will be (v. fut.) will give (v. fut.) will love (v. fut.) wise to wish wound REMRBRBASH He KB ii King Arthur (ESE); RHA RANA DS CRA, BAT, BEAK. HOARE AENSAAR, MARS RHR RT, Merlin (24K): AEMEAMERERE AME. ELRRE ERE SAT -HHE, HH HENERE RRR HD, REMRABLE. Guinevere (HEA): LREWRRHARAAHKA, LREZH, BER LG—HLZ HEH, ALRERF. Lancelot (2%): LREHRRA ROAM PRL, La OR LR, SEBMSHTALERE WBE. Mordred (S46 1 6): AEH PE RM AM, Hee EY eh aR SAF AR URES. Morgana (HM): ERE MMM, CREGRP HS RAM, RRS EW, HS RHA. the Lady of the Lake (HPA): EEMPWAM, EREWERZ AB HK PM HK HT EA, HIRI RS HE Gawain (GX): FMERECHPORBRHA, REE HM. Perceval (°F 3% AS): a Mt SR (Bt Wa , 2) Se mt AR AY LP I We —, (BF abe A thy Sea Hk — LE AR EH Galahad (wit): GMLRERTPRSAWMt, ZARRRRPR RH OMA hE HWE LALA, HH TSH. Tristan (HEME): RH MEF, COREE SK ty AM eR mT a . Bedivere (G44): RETEREHMR+, AMBMERELS, RAE EH LS RSME, Kay (Wl): #REBLZF, SE-KKA, MERELATRARERH $Hx5), FHMSAAMESM EAE ND PS, MK, DERE, ARRNUE, SirHector (MRHE+): TREWHR. Isolde (PRAM): SAMAME, GARLELA EM, HEME, King Uther (ASE): RHE WEEE, MEUM SRABRE MATH. Yoraine (Hak): EMR ELH, A AIRE HE A, Elaine (G38): HSMM A, St FE SR Hy ML dot King Mark (52S E): RHO, RORRS AP AR, EVRA ASE HE SiR DERE BREZA. FATA 82m Aha AEM RARE Bk KE Opa 1-2. ARAL, BER AR M_b SESE AS A ep , — 4PM anes LRA, BAAR! 2KIET , ROE, BORA EAN , BeAr ft WEI. 3. BARAT! 4. HEAEMBIL? HEF A? oP 6e 1. EAN 2. RB. SIME TER, RATES Hr. 3. RR EE! 4 BFRRNT , TE. 5. READER AAR. AMS, HES LIE 6. AE, RAH REE | TABERUZM , EWES, REA ZA 8. MILA AIBEAL S , ERAT 5 9. BAS BFK. 10. ABE! WAGE! RA AES RAT AE EA , hE — fa weed 1. BUCKS LSC TEE EI — BM 2. SEER , BREN REZ , ES OER MURR, AMEE 3. PREFER AEN , ASR ETE 4 MERE Z tt, RYN, REKAMIA— FRR, ABIL, fH SEE 1.1446, REA BS 2, REET, CHK. PRAM, MBA Rata. 3-4. BES SVB RMe te Sh, JHB ERAGE. 5. RON Ses SE pl 1 AREA ABRAMS, RTH, ATTRA ABH ES SE LRRARARE , fi LAAT HE! 3. MBI—F, 1K! 4 OER AHA AERA, SIM b eR. SKKE REM HA WEL. 6. HERI T | ASLAN HE 7S | 1H, SIR Hei! 2.81, MAAS FH Lee? 3 RUS O, RANE ERP To 4 RA WAAR GK! 5, MEE SEL GAT eB BHA Hh 6 KERALA, RIVERA. CUPREELM, BARRA eT TARY AFB BUY 3k BRIE T | P13 1 AAA HER AABILA! , IIE TRF | 2, HWE TCE EAHA AWARE! 3. 9k, MUABLS T 4 ARLWE? EAM? ff yn RW LE? 5. ARAM, WE. RRR, RTE ZO, QUART RI aE. 6. SER ! TAMIA AF BENE? 8 MRICB, SUMS CATR T , RC TI, DEAT Cntriz. ops 1. SEEN EN SLE, 4K, RRR AEN, ATV IE. FRAT HH ERE? 5. WE, AEM, REGIE, RAE. PACT, BAAR DE 48, EARNS. Pld 1, SEES — EAL 2. Sk, RAWA, RWEASAMRARZ IH? S$ RRR HF 3. ADO, WEE, LER 4. FUR, BMAF, FIBA. 5. ABR IE ABABA? 6. PAH, WEE, IOUT, RS. -p.20 1 SIA T | 2. EM ERLE, ABI. BAS, MIME. | 3. MEE CEA AL DE BS PTE aC, LY STE BEB ARE 4. REF SEH! p21 | 1. SARL, BOAR, SoS ARN 2.1 AREF! 3. E- AMES b, REE RB). 4. RPK, ABLE, eA Je? 5. ART ee -R— SL BE He, 6. HELLA ERE hth $48 ERSRE (p24 LS, REBRACAR WE, FAZER. Rie. 2 AUER, EE, HLA! FRAT BUA, TRE AL 3 RARE, (PERL RBA, HCH SRNR AR WY. RTHART i, RAHM — 8, Be Be. pas 1. SRARAEOT (ERATE, OST, BRALAS TR TY 2, REPRE AEG, WEE 5H EM AMLT He. 3. BE. ERA! | 4 RRERELBE! P26 1. BK, BL ABATE OW. MEA ALI? 2, EE! RETA? RANI A RI 3. RA RMB ICR! 4. PEA IER HOMEAL, PEARL, SEER 5. JL FREI, FRR Ae ILC a — ARSE 6 MMEBKERRT , (ARMEP, RAMAN. ‘ —100 ENT RASE ASE HE 1 CEASA LT PANE 2.8K, QUE HOMER, ARGH, eben Re — seme TH, 3. OS, ARSC, PAR HARA BRA 4, OPTS PARI: Ub TR Ma RAPT. {ELS PHOS LAO, MAB LCE TAMRAC SACI EAR, RK? BORK PE, HREULAOR, Aiea BIW Pe HALE HA AE. 1, PEAEAR AL RET , FRENETIC. (PRA AEE fal AA + RELA 2. BERRIEN. 3. RAE EB — PAT. 4 ORD, CAIRO HL, SANIT EY. ASAT LAIR ATMA AE ald, HERE AT IB Tht: eR Hb A OT oat LA, MERWAS! 2 ABA FREESE HA BE. 3. a EA EA Ei, LAT 4 RUE, RAS, ARIE RAL, IRATE. p32 1, LB CHS TRAE AS, PRAISE SB HSC, EM EEA ITE, 8H tA aE. 2, (SBE A BLE ES 3. ABIEHE? 4. RAB. 5. Doma aE WE. DER, Hea the? 1, BET. Beige Ae Nit. HEL A88 Wf ARLE HE 2 2. STAY, (EY OEE IL, PRUE. 3, MURR ATIESE EY, Wy ft Sa eA EEE a FR 2 DUELS RARS, SHA IORM CHE IUE Morgawse, BOERS 3 —MELAE 2 Lancelot du Lac JF IHi6 du Lac ABRAHE, HIMAPIEHEH AY of the lake, [2 2: i RPA IA hte ME FAK, FMR A PS REM RRRBASH HE DAB CE? 4, RAIL FRG ELE EZ, TE, EHC? Hoe Hiss p38 1. SOPRA ESN, CRS, ARTF TH 2. FTCA UTA, SUE HE IRA? 3. FR, FER 4 ERATE, REACH M— ACK. apa 1, FE, SNR EET eH EE BK 2, PRE MIF HL, ARAL: MUI TERT te EAT 3. SURE RBH NSM, fA 0M EAR 4. RUNMA FLERS T ZETHRPSGAE , HATA Ho aT RIA ESE? v p40 1. Rube AE Ab BRE MA eA IF LY 2, HOR TESTES,” EHUD, STP! 3.78, MARAT! 4, Sh BALE AMC A T 5. FED PA AE SSA, APTA ALL: , FRATTALAREE , TLAH SEIU RP Ry EE EI 5. MTA, RATER ACs — es, BBN TENE SE HERR. Hx RE fe PEPE UES HSE, TUL AE FEB. 9. REP, RASBS, HARE LH. 10, SRR. RE, MAA 2 HIE A. ea pal 1, WEEE RIM WARE te EL AS 2, SIE — Ea CHE AR AV ATAL, PRTC ANTE A PERK 3. (AEWA AI EAE FSS. 4. SWE, RPL EK, PRA ANREP ES T , BRAIN. 5. RMEAAM, (HRBAME, RAS. D wear one’s colors 4235-1 ((14E AE MEL 28 OATH CAN MEW), FETC OTOH OA. HARE ae HARM M, WIE wear one's favour, PLATE ABT LAI AR, A, AAT REKTRR OME. REM RRRE ASE HE 6 RibReK, AVE AE . 7, BATRE ZIV? $78 Ewe p44 1, EMER EASA, ER AR He 1 Me 9 EAR , RE RETR A A BF — fede Pi) EH ASE A 2. APH AYR RATT RE , (LATO MRR. AZ, HAY ALALAC NY BFR: 3. REBK- AAR tt, WHER ANA PRE, WER KRHVKF, RERWA, 4, fir, BLL. p45 1, FERIR 2 , PRR AR BAY BE a TES 1h iE 8 Ha 2 ERAP RA OH, ARE, MTL Ame Lb th AE past TK, (IN SPA AH 3. fk, RA. 4. MBAR BER REA T , RIE R. 5. RRL MAS, RT TE! p46 1, Fe EAR AE. 2.0, FEN, RRM AAR! 3, RAIDER, FARR T BRAM, Bob passe tnt? 4. BE EOLA EPR AF — BIL, 5. PRAM, RARE, (ARAM RILRAH Be 6. RE AATAGR, RA MER — EE MBM. 7. LS SE! 8. FW, RIL AT Oh, RARE, RAE RAR IL. BUTE aE FLAS BL BIER A EMI | 9. FR OR AH BRERA. FP CEAB ESE 10. FRBALIGM, OAFLA AR ATS PRA? p.47 LK, EATER PS Ah. 2. SHARE, RERRAT T , RAESEN —EELRA— i, RR A e Meals 3. PPM, PATA ARERR 4.8, EK a PEMRRREASE HE 5. AUR A th | (ERAN ATT Ee | 6. AMDT , AE? HA wieHNOL? 7. SA, FEI 8. AAGBT , HEBKT. 9. ANAT AE, ARETE! BEA ARIA FAN. 10. REDE, FPR AMET LAE AT, oA SIE RFR T | B3e ZK p. 50 1 46S, OR EAB. 2, MATTER DS Si BY SS A). | 3. RK, — RRM BF th SE EAE 4. MDM, WARFARE. S.A RERAERE! (LARUE, REF opst LAF, RRB MEBIT 2. JUHA, E/E LANA, BERRI T 3. SUE, DM LIT , IRIER—F! 4 EES b, DRM RT 5. AEE? 6. ROACH. BSLZEN, RARER nome (EM -p. 520 1, ERT Mi AREF 7. RELL, LRAT Oe MLRE ARE. 2. ARAM? 3. HU BUET Ta T , RATT Eh 4 ALBERT, RRATTAT LA TRU Ta] DEAR, BRLEMALLTOT BA Ania CFE 5. RARE AAA TAREE T , BK, FRIL AS Mette IE? 6. AN, TE. ACE A A 9 RUM ta AMIS, cB PE. ! 7. SURO, UR B, WHE ES. 8. HEM APM, STR. 9. OSE, RA, BAEZ LEMAR. 10. Rese, MAK, MRBLK TAM, RAMI FER p53 2. BULA, MHF. 3, ERNIE, FRAT AT DLA TERR ESS IL” ALMA Bk HE APART RE T BEE 6 5. SUPE RAT AT LL A ae ATE — ie T RATT, UpiOeH HeRaR . TACEMIL? RAW, RTA To 8. Att ZA 7 AOUGE, BER, Ree REA RD & 2+ LRU TRACER LH RECA, RE OEATE ABARAT WET . 2K, (TEL LB — emt AMINE AAI? FIERRO, RE ARIGID LEAR, HARARE, (IRAE, TERR. ABR, IRIE jp RURIR SC EAL LEE DRAG, Ris ME SMELT EH RIAA, WERE PRA 4. MBL , SLL IME VR — He BAYS T SANA YE RAE, (RRA Sat 6. IRAE, WIN, POACMRATLIPE NS, ELBE AR Py — 2 ARTIS A BL ML 7 FER, VG85, RAAOUOWE AT. RNAV MEM, RR AT aa th. ps8 1, AAT AB ART LRSM: , WARP RAAR AINA — iB HY Be PAR AER 2. BUTE. ba T ARAL! SALT SRE, BT OK. Atk, See HM), (LABRET MCT 4 ULE NAM, WRB! 5. AAT UI Se, ATTRA EAT HEPZ he, WR RRS TARE . TAAL Mee AS hy 3 aH. 6. HiME, (AR APR EAS AY LF ps 1 EFPIA E A ER, HAT HE 2. RARER AR , IMEICOMS , LATTA UR A ERE 5 AMAT Tm A fiir). 3. PEG, ERE RUL! PEMBRREASE HE 4. EAT? BHARAREHE? 5. PRL, A PRIS TE: , AT LE 6. HAH T, PERC RRA, HHH. RRA OMME AT, SAGEM EE #10e =R5Mt p62 1, BRE LATTER LE SR BEA, ARCO Pc U0 BE eh AM te. 2. THAT , RATE, AOR ANH. 3. REP Al ZR 4. RAAB, Ee 5. KAA! PREM UGER WE GAA! 6. MRR BAL TREE, ER, RARE. P63 1. REALE TS EER, (AIR PA. RE A. 2. MEAT, RAY, BAN — LP ABT te — iz. 3. RATER FAERIE T | 4 RARDIN! UAT ART Re! WEAF! 5. Se. EE, PR EDRT ! Ti, HEE, RRS 8, TEBE. p64 1, MAREE FAR EAR TA 2. RRL, RARE, RRC. 3. RAY, KARAT, EET. 47TH EIS. HERR LF 5. FER, AEA ERE ARE 6. EWE! AIRS! 7. BFRT , HES! 8. BUAE RRIF Disk inte— ile T | 9A, HICH, RATER, WAI “P65 1 FA WR PA LL 2. HLAEARIMLA T (it. 3. AERO, TRAM — he 2h, 4, EL, BRAD HLA Tae =106— REMRBRBASH He 1 OEE, ALVA RIE ANAL, HERE OLAS HET , Ht AUB. A BEIM, MAZE. DALES A ACR RE. BET. AIA), Sete eet. 3. Pir a Be He: , RAT iL AL th a aT 4, RANA, RAGA MATA ch PAAR PUBL. BLE RE EH LE on LUA. Bie MH SEDL UE BE 2 HG! hee TRE! 3. AMIE, BREE TS, BUTE MEET T eT. 4, LE IA ST , BATA HH DE At Bh Be BLO a EE 5, ASU RRR, RULES! (AEE Z ie, RHEE | EE AER ESCHER, MALAYA? 6 RATE. RAT LRLIF, RNG R— TE! op. 72, LGXAY, ZEYE E+ 2. SOE, MAM RAIL, ROT T » 3. BERET , SR BORA 4 OE ERR, 13 AE. 5. LA — PRAT Ve EB A? 6.RER, BATU rAER. LEONA, AKER OE, FRI HEAR. 7. SPE, TEA PT Pa, A SESS 8. RENER! RAW, RRMA, REE E. 9, BEE , PATHE Ay 2076 UIE | p73 1, PAF CE RLM FT 2, BAEC THR . 3, HATE ESSE Pel Aa. 4, SUM, SRAM ERT, ARMAS. 5. FRAMWA A, BRAK. PEMPRREASE HE $28 WHEL p76 1 WE ASTE T ROA OS, (Ff ta 52 BH 2, PME, BULARMSETAVAT A , RRL RW SR, 3. GOK, SRE BIT WE EAT. 4. RAMS, WEEE BIIIET. pT 1, BURR IERR AY 77 ALTE TERRE 2. RAF AT , RREWAAAR L, AA —DABRAET 3. HAT ABIET , SUT. BRR OEE A? 4, RET BAHL, (ALATA 1, PRUE AA A A HERE T HINT, HEMET OM SAY ABDA. 2, RRMA. 3, TUE AR A FE EA BS AH 4 HER, RATT, AUGER ZO, HRC ET. 5. ifr. * 6. REA EAH, OT RAE HE SLI TH TP ICHE BOR SUA BHP SCH p.79 1 EI, RAP AT — Aa 2. AR RE RS = file 3. fA THE EAE BO PCA: 4, RITE, BK, BMT. 5, MDE EAB T BOAR, (3B MSR es, (ELIF He ‘aS Ze PSE BSE CR Te —108— REMRBRBASIH He HAA 1680 SAAT 55 HH 410 PH S~6 597 owe 878 1066 FRAG AAMLFART BSH. F LANL MRAT FARA SIA LIE 94 400 SEP, 18, AEM T RAIS AE, HAO Me AALS] A 5 HAD Wiese (RAZ RRL. RAR). F Bye eB RLS FAD RG RR, F BAM TUB I EET 5K, CM, MAE ER, FLAAGLEPKRHRRSAR, HTK MAOR 2A, KAMALHHAAA ACH EMH RERE, BBA FM ARAN SD ERAREI I, HEIR T ARP BR, BATHE & ARH ARR AE A HES HARP E MY RSA, MAMAS SL TIRE LM CARMA), FEA CHMAB) ARF BBR Sith )o EREMT AE Ba) AMM, ARK A GRA MAPS, ERLE 200 F, SMAI MAAR Hak i 3k 64) AB Of Te eh il he ok ake RB) ROD AR AB 5 oe ee RAAT Hes BMW Shh SRSA HEAMALL Rb Ges e, Kee E REFRLPLE, CKPERRAR—THBHR wAHHZ. EB LAARAS Mh HA HUE A RRA T KHZHLSI i, MARB2DZ. UBERA KOGLEM RHR, RAF SRG HBHRPREABA (HAA 410 £3) 600 3k Het HA AT a oth BE 85 KB to TA, ALUM AA RAT ATE ERA, ARIAL MAA RAR GARE S DAVE, HE HREMAKMA FOCKANMK) PY, RA-AZALBM BE, ARM MET TOKAR HEA, RFEBER-BF BA, KLAN MRLM AMA RG (HAMA HH R-AFLLF), LRFLBPLKHKH Fit M3] LPH MR—HEA SERRA HF } AMARLRA RAF LAARLM, AHHAM PHAR RRES HS REREP, SRR REA, A Ble — 2 RI, BPD BEAMS BOR LEEMKFRLEPERY RG, RPM AHS Ae 1138 FKL SEL) HAHAHLERTRSRR, HET ORO ER SHEED BE, KGET LMSLA 12 We RAR. MEKK PAM T RAM LE LAE HM oT HPP. OAT RDA ZMH AMHR, Hei (S HEE) P NAT FRERZLK, 1485 #, OM DBALE MH BRHF ERE) Pek QRKERT BMPRMMOHF, LEE, AERA LEMS wade HO RA, ESMHAH. HR, ARURBUREAR HORE, ESENRHDAG BRI MHL, RNEDERANRS 5LBERAWIULA RRR RARABRS 4 UREA MAO HRP RLRERE MRA, dh Fe BMI Fo PR RAG RH Oh RE EEA RMERGAE LEWD EE MEM, MSAD AMBHMEE LAK ARRUE, MEF AMAR, EA, FEMBRBARAR-A SEBO, HHRMA KI HLELAH RE, RAMP DT RR 5 AH By HO Lok, Aw IE ZF. FREKLMKRBEBR, RARE MRERMRHAM DR, 5 EEALHRAFA RRS. KE PERERA RAL ERAGE BAR Eh, iO BF RABY RAB OER, MATRA RTH AAR”, IIL: “RRB BF, FORRLEMZ AM," REMAP LAME AFAR, MEARE AMF SMBH, LIM RAH ABILS RHEABB FELMEMERSARLIL, HH SHELBLAFHR, A-LREP, BB RR BAA ASE se eh, FAR MELA RT RGR, SUALAMMME TRA MidB, REAVA BUUREN BHES , PLANES Oh DR, LA 13 wR , HARA wR, -110- REMRBRBASIH He Kit, BEMMALS LOAAK, RMRPHMAEH, LEERKERT I Fo 1191 $A EAA BS RIL BSH T — BME He ALE E fob RM RG? BAK, LERMAMH-BLURE, GET, CHARMER LAM . RAH SFAR SAMAK? REMRARREASE HE A to abandon v. #03, FE, WE advice n. #IX, 45K toadvise v, MX after all BIE, 223% ambition n. lt], #1; BFL» angel n. Ki amy n. BA, HDA at last! 2-F to attack v. B¢it B to beat v. TIM bedside n, Rid to betray v. FIR birthplace n. Hi HE Hh, bloody adj. FARAT, mLMBAY brave adj. Fin) bride n, Bri c caren. AI tocare v.fEF, SE to casta spell Set---fi/MERE cave nt. UN to celebrate v. Feb, RH chivalrous adj. 3K AGH CACHAN ; a churchyard n, BREaS Ho, tocommand vy. fir, 32% tocondemn v. Hib, #ie; IIE convent 7. (il Bi coronation n. A138 SL4L court n, EXE, WIRE courteous adj. HAMA ALAS tocross v. 3, wit tocrown v. J%, Mt bE xt cruel adj. RA cup n. te D to defeat v. ARIE, Ti todefend v. (RTL to depend on fai, (iit depicted v. [depict M334} i1 HB deputy n. (UH, 10H despite prep. 24% destiny n. ria destroyed v. [destroy Hit ext |B disappearance n. jH&, BSIF to distract v. 51%; (H+ EMb BS IF dragon 1. Je todrive v. SRE to drown v, 5%, WE5E duty n. XH, URBE E each other #11 either adv. [ HFA a 4) +P Jt either...or... ACHE HiRHE-- equal adj. F456) even better #25 evil adj. BEAY except prep. RT F fair adj. ZIE HY to fall in love f:, Wh AZ famine n. ULSié fatal adj. Heft) fault nL, HR favour n. #40; AR EVA RARE HE fit adj. 36214; REFER fond of FEI forever adv. ski toforgive v, RAE, Ht G gentleman n. 21-4 gone adj. it 3504); FETAL AY grief n. AEG guest n. ZA guilty adj. JEN) H Hail! int. [2A WUE, BUR Ver wT | vol! toharm v. fii‘ Have patience! iiijinsi! heir n. HERA heron. See honour n. HF, HE honourable adj. 1381, BAHASHD horseman ni 4: Saif How dare you! (AH! (VEAL! humble adj. $109, AH I imprisoned _v. [imprison fit 224}i8 J koe inn n. fete to insert v. ffiA J tojoin v. MA, Bin to join together 24%; Se-4> justice n. 2iE, AF K tokeepaneyeon Mik, TERE, Y4ut> kind adj. MBM, AEH, ANAEHY kingdom n. =F tokneel v. Bé knight n. Hae L Last Supper (S82 Hi) 3a fei 9 BRAS legendary adj. fei i, (e209 Long live...! += 778! to look after Bit love potion tf 25 loyal adj. Sukh) M magician n. ESET magnificent adj. #2569; FAY make amends ‘#Dy#hit, #h8e tomarry v. BE, i, 4j--2hNF mist 1. % monk n. (8-1, #48 mortal n. SLA N nephew n. S33 oO oak n. ABE to obey v. ii}, aA to offend v. 42, EE order nn. fit, 474 over adj. $1584 overpowering adj, @A ZH A Peis HE) AR P pain n. Pr, HE passionately adv. #7UHh, AHI peasant n. #EE Pleased adj. #5#6), HME pleasure n. Hate SEMRBRREASE RE power 7.34); HEA, Aft powerful adj. BAM; ALA H9 precious adj. BRI); BR Ay protection n. (Ri? proud adj. SFC) to pull from J\---Seaesir purest adj. [ pure (JiR 2 LRA HY Q quest nF, RR R to raise (an army) v. #29E, BE rebellion n. #2, HR tefuge n. A ZAb, MEAT toremove v. hah; MAE reunited adj. Mi€i), FRAY rope n, 4i-F ruins, BEE torule v. 7H, Sti s safe adj. Bf) sail_n. WL to search for 48 seat n. JAZ serving woman fic, £1) shall fall v. [fall AOx§ 20 JBLAF shall tumble v. [tumble HO#§2eit ] ar shame n. Ft should v. aux. JiZi% to show favour Xft APSHIIERR silly adj. (8H, AIH) skill n, $855, 2 spy n. [alist to stand aside [N#\—3$, 3431] stranger nn. BRI4E A strength n. 4% surrounded adj. #E--FAFIAY, BASEN sword n. fl], $26) swordfighting n. SAR Ea t Take care! (RAL, BH, sl» task n, fEH, (fr to thank vy, Rift threat n. Lie tournament n. 3b Heat treason n. Hi, HIE tribe n. ABE totrust v. fit trusted adj. EfAAEHY U underwater adj. 47K F HY, Tez HAY unlike prep. A(R, AIA] v vision n. 41% Ww Wales n. BAR wamings n. Ft was v. [be Hit zest] JE wasn’t v. [was AMET JANE to waste v. 129%, HEBE weak adj. EIS), AHEAD wedding n. 9%. well-known adj. HZ iBvgHY, 4% 64 whenever adv, Fiefalett will bev. [be HRS RY JE will give v. [give AUIIEEY 44 will love _v. [love AY IKE 15 wise adj. VEHARY, 328A AY to wish v. 4 tl wound n. fi( HSE 71S IMG) -114- RE MRBREA SIE He 11}-b 2)-a 3)-d 4) ps 21a 2b 3c 4)-b ps 3 1) Merlin 2) Ygraine 3) Morgana 4) Sir Hector 5) Arthur 41)F Rewrite: Arthur is born at Tintagel Castle in Cornwall. w 2)T 3)T 4) F Rewrite: Arthur will be king when Uther dies. 5)T 6) F Rewrite: Sir Hector and his wife have a son named Kay. po 5 1) wonderful 2) little 3) new 4) kind 5) powerful 6) loyal 6 FEMININE MASCULINE girl boy mother father sister brother wife husband daughter son queen king 7 1) must wait 2) must study 3) must buy 4) must go 5) must send 6) must tell #2E p.10 1 1) Merlin. 2) Kay, Arthur, and Sir Hector. 3) Kay is Sir Hector’s son, and Arthur is Sir Hector’ s foster son. 4) 14 years old, ul 1b 2)¢ 3)-a ve p.l4 1) Uther. 2) Into a stone. 3) No one except Arthur. 4) Fora tournament. 5) To take the sword for Kay. 6) A sword in a stone. 7) He pulls the sword from the stone. 8) He is Uther’s heir and King of England. If 2)-d 3)-a 4)-b Spe be - p.15 I< 2a 3d 4)-b 1) Are you listening to me? 2) Who is your mum talking to? 3) Why are those boys fighting? 4) Where are we going? 5) Am I doing this correctly? 6) Is someone singing? 7 puts, try, succeed, come, leaves, goes, aw sees, is BIR p.18 1 beeacd SEMRBRBS AE HE p.19 2 Id 2) 3c 4)-e 5)-a 6)-b p.22 3 becomes, says, help, make, takes, appears, gives, protect, has, likes, want, fall in love 4 Ib 2pc 3)-a 4}f She 6d 5 1) Merlin, the Lady of the Lake 2) Arthur, Uther, Guinevere 3) Lady Ygraine, Sir Hector, Kay p.23 6 It’s 2) Its 4) Its 5) its 7 1)Madam 2) Sir 3) Your Majesty 4) Ladies and Gentlemen 3) It’s 6) It’s 84 p.24 1 1) He marries Guinevere. 2) He opposes this marriage. 3) Arthur’ s best friend and Guinevere. 4) Morgana. 5) Hatred. p.25 2 Ie 2b 3)-d dpa 5)-c p.28 3.1)F 2)T 3)F 4)F 5)T 6)T 4 1}a 2b 3}c 4d 5}b 6)-d Trb 8)a 5 1) Morgana 2) Guinevere 3) Arthur 4) Lady Yegraine p.29 6 1) That little boy is as quiet as a mouse. 2) You are as intelligent as your friend. 3) English people are as friendly as REMRRREASE HE Italian people. 4) Tam as tall as you are. 5) Francis is as old as David. 7 1) We aren’ t as rich as the Johnsons, 2) My homework isn’t as difficult as yours. 3) Cheese isn’t as nice as chocolate. 4) I’m not as patient as you are. 5) The girls in our class aren’tas hard-working as the boys: in’ our class. 8 Uther, Merlin, Sir Hector, Sir Hector, Kay, Uther, Merlin, Arthur, Merlin, Lady of the Lake, Guinevere, Merlin, Morgana SS p.3l 2 1) A Round Table. 2) The king and his knights. 3) Their names appear on the table. p34 1 1) Guinevere’s father 2) King Uther’s 3) Sir Kay 4) France 5) SirLancelot_ 6) son 4 1) Mordred 2) Gawain 3) Lancelot 4) Kay 5) Tristan 6) Bedivere 5 1) 2d 3)a dpe SH 6ye p.35 6 1)-d 2)-e 3)-b 4)-f 5)-a 6)-c 7 to the right of, next to, to the left of, between, opposite, in front of, on HOR p.38 11) 2) 4) 7) 8) 2 1-3) 2)-9) 4)-10) 5)-8) 6)-7) p.39 3 1) Arthur 2) the Lady of the Lake 3) Guinevere 4) Lancelot p.42 4 1) His mother abandons him. 2) The Lady of the Lake. 3) A brave and honourable knight. 4) Guinevere. 5) Yes. O)No. 5 1)A 2)L 3)L 4)A 5)A 6)L 6 1) hero 2) village 3) north 4) dragon 5) gentleman p.43 ; OU | ADJECTIVE _| chivalry | chivalrous | courtesy courteous [danger dangerous fear | fearful hero ~ | heroic honour honourable pride proud 8 1) the most beautiful 2) the oldest 3) The best 4) the wisest 5) the most powerful 6) the worst 9 c-f-b-e-d-a #78 p.45 2 Ic 2}f 3)+b 4a 5-0 6)-d p.48 3 Ie 2)-b 3d 4)-a 5)-f 6)-c 4 1) land 2) nephew 3) passionately 4) secret 5) fatal 6) task 7) potion 8) sails p.49 5 1) Tristan is a prince from Lyonesse. 2) Isolde is a beautiful girl from Ireland, 3) Mark is king of Cornwall. 4) Tristan’ s wife is from Brittany in France. 6 )I'm 2)I’ve got 3) I've got 4) I'm 5)I'm 6) I've got S3e p. 50 1 the Round Table, knights, Camelot, Lancelot, son, nephew, Mordred, Guinevere p.51 2 1)God — 2)Christ 3) Last Super 4)holy 5) pure 6) vision p.54 3 1) They are reserved for the best knights. 2) Because he’s only a poor peasant boy. 3) The Holy Grail. 4) Itis from the Christ’ s Last Super. 5) They leave immediately to search for the Grail. 6) He is imprisoned by the Lady of the Lake. 4 1) cave 2) cup 3) empty 4) fond of 5) waste 6) threat 5 If 2c 3)d 4)-a 5)-b 6-€ REM RBRBASIH He : : . : : p.55 7 1) This is the table that Arthur receives as a wedding present. —c) 2) This is the sword that Arthur pulls from the stone. —a) 3) This is the cup that was Christ's at the Last Super. —d) 4) This is the sword that the Lady of the Lake gives to Arthur. —b) HOE p.57 2 1) England 2) Scotland 3) Wales 4) North Ireland p. 60 3.1)F 2)T 3)T 4)F 5)F 6)T 4 1) Galahad 2) Galahad 3) Perceval 4) Perceval 5) Perceval 6) Galahad 51)Princess Elaine. 2) Knights. 3) Angels. 4) Arthur, 5)Fisher King. 6) An angel. p.61 6 ili]: fight, attack, beat, die Y\I4]: knight, battle, king 7 1) Lalways go to bed at ten 0” clock. 2) We sometimes have fish and chips for dinner. 3) They usually wear jeans and T-shirt. 4) You never phone me, 5) Jack and Sarah rarely go on holiday. 6) Mr Parker often forgets the students’ names. 8 10% p.62 1 1) Mordred 2) Guinevere 3) Arthur 4) Lancelot p.63 21) crime 2) guilty 3) innocent 4) forgive 5) condemn 6) justice p. 66 4 1) keep an eye on 2) keep your eyes open 3) get your head around 4) stand on your own two feet 5) give you a hand p.67 6 Ig 2)-d 3)-a 4)-h 5)-f 6)-€ Tc 8)-b 7 tells, watch, spies, discovers, condemns, saves, goes, enters 81 p71 2 Ie 2)-a 3)-d 4)-e 5)-b p. 74-75 3 France, Lancelot, deputy, Mordred, help, Camlann, Arthur 41)Mordred 2) Lancelot 3) Arthur 4)Mordred 5) Mordred 5 NOUN ADJECTIVE illness ill blood bloody danger dangerous truth true NOUN VERB rebellion rebel visit visit spy spy, surprise surprise punishment punish control control REMRRREASS HE ne 16 1 tc 2)-b 3)-a p.77 Ti)f 2)j 3)-e 4)-a 5)-c 6)-h Tb 8)-i 9d 10)-g 2) Mordred. 3) He throws the sword back into the lake. 4) Merlin and three mysterious queens. 5) The Isle of Avalon. 4 1) get up 2) Sit down 3) get off 4) Come back 5) tum off 6) take away 5 1) Morgana 2) Guinevere 3) Mordred 4) Lancelot 5) Merlin 6) Galahad 7) Arthur: BRA p.83 1 d-b-e-f-c-a WLR p.90 1 1) king 2) magician 3) knight 4) spy 5) peasant 6) servant 7) bride 8) angel p.92 3 #LAl: brave, chivalrous, wise, courteous Ait] ; fair, kind, loyal, honourable, pure, trusted p.93 4 a)3 b}2 c)-4 d)l p.94 5 1) waming 2) pleasure 3) disappearance 4) rebellion 5) well-known 6) protection 7) strength 8) passionately p.95 6 1) crown 2) mule 3) your majesty 4) kingdom 5) princess 6) treason 7) prince 8) coronation 9) queen 10) court PEM RRR SSE HE | AAR : BSN Mare) Give you pleasure, Supply you information, Improve your language, Enrich your literary accomplishment. Moral and Civic Education Ere nara fama ae aa reac Corey eer et Key English Test Ga eal a ali ieee ba ees ed re ee CAO ON eh ba Me BS hela eee Bret sie eee ere eal Ee POL elie cele oe. Clu) Coca tao bt tLe oy re ae ee LL tc eo eee See A oo ese te 2 SIC oes 4a ae Dre eee Wie Me) SG es et Selig. 2 Me ta Lees tie MO eee eee kee be) Me ee ee bee: RRR AAPHB 2k, UES fe De aS
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