Kuta Weekly-Edition 168 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"

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Kuta Weekly 10 Feb - 16 Feb 2010 (168) Real Estate Corner FRE


Two big villa for BI

Volume 4, Issue 168 10 Feb - 16 Feb 2010 (168)


sale Kuta Townhouses

Changes to Indonesia's Visa on Arrival Rule


Kuta Weekly
Ocean views This Week
Sudden Change to Indonesia's Visa
Rules Causes Concern in Tourism
In a dramatic change to the current
Firmansyah added: "We hope this
policy will extend tourists' stays in
Indonesia, giving them a chance to visit
more places in the country," he said. "The
immigration rules, starting on January 26, policy will also simplify the supervision of
Page 2010, foreign tourists from countries
eligible for "visa-on-arrival" will now be
overstaying foreign tourists because there
is only one visa option."
Current News 1 - 11 given a 30 day visa that can be renewed for
an additional 30 days.
Officials have depicted the new
policy as a means to combat corruption
As part of the new changes the 7-
Sports News 12 - 14 day visa at US$10 has been abolished,
within Indonesia's immigration department.
In 2009, immigration officials at the
1 Real Estate 15 - 24 with the 30-day US$25 visa (renewable for
an additional 30 days) being the only visa
Denpasar Airport immigration office were
caught embezzling Rp. 3 Billion
that can be issued to eligible tourists. (US$300,000) in visa fees obtain through
Crossword 27 Not Without Problems the misreporting of 7-day and 30-day fees.
The move, championed by the Some tourism figures are unhappy
Sudoku 27 government as a step to help increase that tourists are not automatically given a 60
tourist visitors to Indonesia and encourage day visa on arrival, removing the need for
What’s On 29 a longer length of stay, is not without its
any renewal process and the still unclear
cost of extending the original visa.
It’s All About Bali 30 Suggesting the move was taken
without inter-departmental consultation,
According to the Indonesia Digest,
the new visa policy has increased the cost

2 Joke Corner 31 Firmansyah Hakim, the Ministry of Culture

and Tourism's Director General of Tourism
for some of a short family outing to Riau
island for a day at the beach or a round of
Horoscopes 32 Destination Development was quoted by
The Jakarta Globe criticizing the new
golf. Moreover, the new policy was
introduced with little advance notice,

In excellent Mumbul area between Jimbaran/Nusa World News 25 - 40 policy, saying: "I am worried the regulation
would affect foreign
disrupting existing holiday bookings made
with travel agents, golf course and hotels in
tourists who Batam and Bintan. The Governor of Riau
Dua make frequent
short stays . .
promise has written urgently to
Coordinating Minister for the economy
.We are going to demanding a review of the new policy.
a s k t h e
20 minutes to airport Poppies Lane I,No.30 Agung Market Area Kuta - Bali i m m i g r a tion
It should be noted that ASEAN
nationals are exempt for the new visa policy
department to sit and are granted a visa-free facility for their
down with us and Indonesian visits.
Contact: Jan Vleeming hopefully we can

Email: j.vleeming@indocasa.com
Copying Printing Scanning Stationery & more.. come up with a
solution," he

HP: 081337775435 If you have any interesting article or would like to advertise please send to
admin@ kutaweekly.com or info@kutaweekly.com - phone 087 860 904 078
40 1
Kuta Weekly 10 Feb - 16 Feb 2010 (168) News Corner Kuta Weekly 10 Feb - 16 Feb 2010 (168) News Corner

Bali Real Estate: Boom or Bust? Monkey spotted roaming Darwin streets
Editorial: Changes in Land entire islands. Hungry for cycle of land transactions.
Ownership Rules Now Under more land, more money and more As island newcomers build Henbury Territory and can only be
Consideration May Threaten power - the Hawaiian pretenders even homestead with little nuance of Avenue near the kept with the relevant permits.
Bali's Culture and Heritage. managed to extend their domination Balinese culture in their design and Lyons Estate," the Parks and Wildlife
The Indonesian press has and overthrow the Island's traditional reap the financial gains of the department said in a director Graham Phelps says the
been awash with news of a promised government in 1893. Over the promised 1,000% return on media release. monkey was probably brought to
change in property laws that, if ensuing decades, the native investment, the next generation of They have the Northern Territory illegally.
approved, would allow foreign Hawaiians and their rich culture Balinese born without ancestral warned people to "Any monkey that's in the
nationals to lease land for 75 years. became increasingly marginalized lands to inherit have nary a "hope in stay clear of the Northern Territory should legally
The response to the proposed through their disenfranchisement paradise" of possessing the
regulation has earned enthusiastic financial wherewithal to purchase
animal. have a permit and we'd know
from their lands and cultural
praise from the national property institutions. even a modest piece of real estate "Monkeys can where it is and whose it is," he
sector. Conceivably, the new rules The culture of the Balinese on "their" island. be aggressive and said.
would end the illegal and fraught- people is inextricably linked to the A local pundit, only half- bite," the department "The only institution in
with-danger current procedure of island's land. In fact, ancestral lands jokingly, described a future in which A monkey has been sighted said. the Territory that's got a permit to
placing a property in the name of a dictate the very position of every fast ferries would operate from roaming the streets of "It's not known where the hold monkeys is Crocodylus
nominee Indonesian national. Balinese in society; where he must Lombok to Bali carrying loads of monkey has come from therefore Park and they've assured us that
Meanwhile, members of the return for ritual prayers, where his Balinese to work as maids and Darwin's northern suburbs.
as a public health and safety they've got all their monkeys at
prestigious Real Estate Indonesia ancestral spirits visit each year houseboys in luxury villas now The Northern Territory
precaution we urge all members the moment so no, we don't
(REI) optimistically project that between Galangan and Kuningan, standing on their ancestral lands. environment department said the
of the public to be cautious." know where this one's come
liberalized property ownership for and the location for critical rites of Later in the day, those same ferries monkey was spotted earlier
The department said from.”
foreigners will open a flood gate of passage. Membership in local banjars will bring troupes of professional today.
demand for property purchases by and subaks are property based, dancers to recreate ersatz monkeys are
"A bus driver and other
foreigners, primarily in Jakarta and dictating both the rights and renditions of Balinese dance and a restricted
witnesses spotted the monkey at
Bali. obligations of stewardship for every music to the delight of the Island's species in the
9.45am this morning in front of a
One Bali-based property member of a Balinese community. new masters. Northern
bus that was travelling on
developer - who runs investment It is not an exaggeration to "Nyoman, be a dear and get Territory and
seminars as well as advertorials on suggest that a Balinese without ties to me another gin and tonic."
Bali radio stations and print media, the land is genuinely disenfranchised; Are such dire warning New York Jets coach
has even begun running something less than a true Balinese. alarmist and overstated? Perhaps.
advertisements heralding coming Sadly, developers salivating In fact, we would be genuinely Rex Ryan fined for
increases of 500 to 1,000% in both at the prospect of quick returns on the delighted if that proved to be the
demand and prices for Bali real real estate market are both aided and case. giving fans the finger The Galaxy Hotel
estate if the proposed new law is abetted by Balinese who sell their At the same time, those
approved. land, lured at the idea of unheard who argue for a laisez faire THE head coach of a top American The Galaxy Hotel is a hotel and dance club located
in the heart of trendy Seminyak on the exotic
Unwittingly sounding what sums suddenly landing in their hands. approach to Bali's future football team has been fined more than island of Bali. The magnificient Seminyak Beach,
may be his darkest warning, the As a result, increasingly many are the development are blind to the renowned for it’s rolling surf and legendary
$55,000 for giving fans of a rival side the sunsets is only five minutes away. The Hotel is
same developer even proudly stories of listless characters, idle in negative impact of the many finger. ideally situated just twenty minutes drive from the
quotes himself in one of his the local villages who, only a few changes now taking place on the airport and close to all the main shops and vibrant
Rex Ryan of the the New York Jets had nightspots.
advertorials saying, "Bali real estate years ago, held immense wealth but island and equally naïve to the
would be like Hawaii 30 years ago." who are now penniless and landless; dismal outcome that awaits apologised for taunting Miami Dolphins fans at
the weekend but his bosses believed this was not Accommodation:
Threat or Fair Warning? the proceeds from the sale of their wherever and whenever money is * Free Wireless Internet
Similarities between ancestral land frittered away on the only measure of value. enough and decided to hit him with a fine. * 16 Rooms (Air Conditioned)
Jets general manager Mike Tannenbaum * 3 Rooms (Fan Only)
Hawaii's property boom and what motorcycles, cockfights and transitory In the end, it is only the * Swimming Pool
dark prospects that may lay ahead high-living. Balinese who will save their island said: "Rex showed extremely poor judgment and * Lounge & Bar
for Bali's delicate culture could Property developers and its magnificent culture. his conduct was inappropriate." * Spa
* Parking Area
hardly be more ominously stated. In respond, insisting they are Governor Pastika's effort to Ryan added: "It was stupid." * Laundry
the Hawaiian context, New England empowering the Balinese by placing introduce island-wide zoning and The fine from his own team may help him * Bank Money Changer
Calvinist missionaries arrived in hard cash in their hands in a process building standards offer a ray of to avoid a fine from the NFL.
* Car Rental
* Diving School
Hawaii in the early 19th century, fell which is, after all, undertaken without hope that wise men with noble aims
Ryan made the crude gesture at an event
in love with the islands and, together coercion and completely at the will of might still be heard amongst the “Standard” Room Facilities:
with their progeny, imposed far the Balinese seller. And while such deafening din of cash registers. in Miami. * Air Conditioned
reaching changes in the social and arguments are not without force, the Fail to head these voices Through a raucous chorus of boos, he * Color Television
said: “I just want to tell everyone in Miami that * King / Twin Bed
political structures. Chief among practical consequence of the ongoing screaming in the Bali wilderness * Mini Mar
these were changes in the rules on land rush in Bali is that land once sold and it may mean aloha ahiahi or we're coming to beat you twice next year." * Hot & Cold Water
private property that allowed the by a Balinese to an "outsider" is good night to yet another tropical Then, as the crowds were leaving, he
Daily : 180.000 Rupiah*
newcomers to take possession of extremely unlikely to ever return to the island paradise. raised the middle finger on his right hand at Weekly : 1.050.000 Rupiah*
huge tracts and, in some cases, hands of a Balinese in some future several Dolphins fans. Monthly : 3.500.000 Rupiah*

2 39
Kuta Weekly 10 Feb - 16 Feb 2010 (168) News Corner Kuta Weekly 10 Feb - 16 Feb 2010 (168) Warung Corner
Sword-swallowing cowboy busts record
s h o v e been impossible."
them down my Hultgren beat his own
throat - you've got previous record of swallowing
to practise a lot 17 swords - also a Guinness
and build up to it. World Record, which he set in
" S o I 2008.
stretch my throat He is the only person in
with hoses and the world to down more than 13
use a few different blades simultaneously, he said.
techniques to
basically enable
me to do what,
An Australian street GOODYS RESTAURANT
performer has set a DOUBLE SIX BEACH
new Guinness World
Record by swallowing JL.ARJUNA
18 swords at the same
Chayne Hultgren, aka PH. (0361) 9191352
T h e S p a c e C o w b o y,
swallowed the blades, each of
which was 72 centimetres
long, in Sydney this morning.
The 31-year-old from
Byron Bay said he was thrilled
to have made history.
"It's amazing," he said.
"I've been preparing for this
since I was 16."
Hultgren beat his own
previous record of 17 swords -
also a Guinness World Record
- which he set in 2008.
Hultgren began
practising the art of sword
swallowing at the age of 16
when he swallowed his first
A few years later he
upped the ante and began
using stainless steel blades.
He swears his latest
feat is not dangerous, but the
cheeky entertainer conceded
that "it wasn't recommended
by my doctor".
"It's educated risk," he
"I don't just straight
away grab 18 blades and
38 3
Kuta Weekly 10 Feb - 16 Feb 2010 (168) News Corner
Kuta Weekly 10 Feb - 16 Feb 2010 (168) News Corner

Bali The Right Way German police fatally run over dog, bill owner
A GERMAN woman has said, photographed officer has to weigh up
back to the entry and I see three play in the night, and always clutching his picture. the lives of people against that of
hired a lawyer after being
machine gun armed police officers remember we are guests on this shocked to discover that But it turned out that it was a dog," spokeswoman Jessica
at the club entry. I lean over and magnificent little island paradise. not only did police the police who had killed Robby Wessel said.
ask old mate where they came This Friday brings the start of the deliberately run over her after four officers in two police cars "You can imagine that in
from. He retorts with a pre-season AFL football spent over an hour getting cars on the dark, on New Year's Eve with
beloved dog, they have now the A1 autobahn near Hamburg to
dumfounded look in his eye, “They “Yippy” All the lads will be explosions and everything all
sent her a hefty bill. slow down while they tried, around, a dog being chased by
were standing there as we walked pumped and ready to run onto Robby, a nine-year-old
Here we find ourselves with unsuccessfully, to capture him. strangers is not going to calm
in “ the field to have a crack at the Australian Shepherd, ran away Neutralising Robby
another seven days under down, and you're not going to
Now to start with, I didn't see them N.A.B. cup. The round starts with on December 31 after being caused damage of over €2500 catch him."
the belt, a few more brain on our arrival and to my surprise West Coast versus Essendon terrified by fireworks, and made it ($3907) to a patrol car, costs Ms Schwank, however, is
cells gone for some, with they are relaxed and chatting playing at Subiaco in Perth. onto a nearby motorway, her which Ms Schwank now has to incensed.
others starting the week amongst themselves with body Should be a good game and I owner Heidi Schwank, 65, told pay. "They close off
without any at all. I find myself the Bild daily newspaper. A police spokeswoman motorways even for ducks. Why
language that suggests its normal imagine a few cells will be "A day after New Year's,
in a popular night spot last week for most places to have some chipped away for the duration of said that the officers "were not for my Robby? Then they
the police phoned me and said confronted by something posing a could have caught him safely,
working on chipping away a few security at the front door with the season, “but” what I need to that my Robby had been run over
brain cells myself using the tried danger, this 'wonderful dog' and my beloved would still be
machine guns. know is why they are going to let on the motorway ... The police tearing about to and fro on both
and true local beer (what a alive," the retiree said.
I can tell you it isn't normal where I the boundary umpires give away claimed that a motorist had hit lane of a highway."
fantastic chipping device). A come from, and you have to free kicks. I believe they are and killed Robby," Ms Schwank "At a time like this, a police
band is playing in one section, wonder why there are armed trialling the concept this year. Let
Karaoke in the other section, coppers at the door. Have we the real umpires do their jobs
basically a nice place with lots of foreigners played up that bad? and get on with the football. Until Louts loot lorry load of Lego
tourists and local folk having a Have the local boys been next week punters, Enjoy
THIEVES stole a truck-load been inside were gone.
drink and dancing. naughty? All I can say is behave The crooks stole the truck
Old mate and I are sitting back, of Lego after tying up and
yourselves should you go out to Aliasj from a rest area on the A14
taking it all in when my gaze turns gagging the driver, British
roadway at Kettering,
police said. Northamptonshire, at 4 am
Blue Bird Tax Responds to Illegal Operation Claims. The gang made off with
Thursday. Police said the driver
the toy building bricks after
Blue Bird Insists their Bali made following the c a s e t o a n s w e r, was "gagged, tied up and forcibly
breaking into the truck in the
Taxi Fleet Operating in issuance of a written notification explaining that Blue Bird had removed."
middle of the night. They bound
from I Made Santha - Bali chief of given permission to PT Bali Praja A spokesman added: "He
Accordance with the Law. and gagged the driver and
the Transportation, Information to use the logo and identity of the was transported to Staffordshire
The Blue Bird Taxi Group bundled him into another vehicle
and Communication Department Blue Bird Group in Bali. where he was abandoned
has responded vigorously to before making off with their loot.
calling into question the legal The head of the Bali Taxi unharmed".
island officials and legislators Police say the truck was
standing of the Bali taxi operation. Union, Nyoman Rai, said the "His lorry was found in
who are accusing the 500-car later found on fire, but the Lego
That letter, dated February 1, 1,500 drivers employed by Blue Merseyside, damaged by fire.
taxi service in Bali of operating and beauty products which had
2010, took issue with the use of Bird have suffered lost income "A significant quantity of
without the required licenses and
the Blue Bird brand on taxis as many foreign tourist were Lego and beauty
operating under permits issued to reluctant to use their taxi service products were
The Vice-President of the
Praja Bali. amidst reports that the company stolen, with a high
Blue Bird Group, Noni Purnomo,
Santha ordered that the is operating illegally in Bali. value."
said the Blue Bird brand is
entire taxi fleet cease operations Northampto
operated by PT Praja Bali
until the cars could be re-branded nshire Police called
Transportasi which is a legal
and the Blue Bird identity for any witnesses or
transportation company
removed. anyone who saw
operated by the Group.
Santha's get tough order anything suspicious
Quoted in Bisnis
followed a visit by local legislators near the truck to get
Indonesia, Noni said, “We honor
in Bali to the vehicle pool of Blue in touch.
the law and always obey existing
regulations.” Bird in South Bali.
Noni's comments were Noni insists there is no ali

4 37
Kuta Weekly 10 Feb - 16 Feb 2010 (168) News Corner Kuta Weekly 10 Feb - 16 Feb 2010 (168) Warung Corner

Gold Coast police dress as bandits in mock SPORT PROGRAMS @Kuta Townhouses
pharmacy robbery
QUEENSLAND police are subject of a CMC inquiry. before realising the FOR THIS WEEK
in trouble again, accused Since then, allegations whole ordeal had been a joke. Jl. Poppies I, Pasar Agung, Kuta, Bali
of dressing as bandits to have emerged of a culture among An officer then made a formal Ph : (0361) 761 464, Fax : (0361) 755 998
some junior officers of bribery and complaint. E-mail: info@kutatownhouses.com
stage a prank robbery, The Queensland Police
standover tactics. www.kutatownhouses.com
leading to a tense It was revealed on Service and the CMC confirmed
gunpoint stand-off with Saturday that two officers from an investigation into the incident
Wednesday, 10 Feb 2010
undercover detectives. the Gold Coast's liquor licensing was under way, with four officers
The incident is under
investigation in the latest
squad were suspended for
allegedly taking bribes.
awaiting disciplinary action for
their involvement. A police 11.30 am Indian Cricket Jaypee Cup
India VS South Africa
setback for the Gold Coast The Coomera "robbery" statement said officers from the
police region already reeling has not been linked to any Ethical Standards Command Thursday, 11 Feb 2010
from allegations of drug-related corruption inquiry but highlights a were finalising their
corruption. investigation. New Zealand Cricket 3rd ODI
The fake robbery, which
trend of officers behaving badly.
An anonymous source A finding was likely to be 8.50 am New Zealand VS Bangladesh
involved officers from the told The Courier-Mail about the announced soon.
Coomera police station in April incident, which allegedly involved A spokesman for the Friday, 11 Feb 2010
2008, is the subject of an several uniformed officers CMC, which is automatically
Australia Cricket 3rd ODI
ongoing investigation from the
Ethical Standards Command.
dressing up to stage a mock after-
hours hit on a Coomera
informed of all misconduct
complaints against police 11.10 am Australia VS West Indies
It is one of the ever- pharmacy. officers, said that the body was
increasing number of incidents satisfied with the way the A F L NAB Cup 2010
to attract the attention of the
The officers allegedly
knew the pharmacy was under investigation was being carried 6.30 pm Eagles VS Essendon
Crime and Misconduct surveillance by detectives trying out and would not conduct its
Commission. to catch robbers targeting own inquiry. Saturday, 12 Feb 2010
The police service was chemists. A F L NAB Cup 2010
rocked last week with
allegations of drug dealing
It is believed that when the
"bandits" fled the scene empty-
4.30 pm Hawthorn VS Richmond
involving several Gold Coast handed, the detectives gave A F L NAB Cup 2010
officers - a storm that is the chase and pulled their weapons g 7.30 pm
Adelaide VS Port Adelaide
Police call for backup to bring in the bacon Sunday, 13 Feb 2010
New Zealand police in Control.
The pig's owner could not
little fat leg, the rope kept
slipping off him." 11.30 am Indian Cricket Jaypee Cup
pursuit of a 100-kilogram India VS South Africa
be located, but a noose was used Sergeant Sutherland
boar found their role to control the animal.
11.10 am Australia Cricket 4th O D I
says after 20 minutes of
reversed when the pig "When I got there, with "continuous squealing", the boar
started chasing them. equipment ready to dispose of it if was tied up and heaved into the Australia VS West Indies
Officers were called to necessary, the pig was standing in back of a ute.
round up a dark-coloured boar
posing a traffic hazard on a semi-
the grass at arm's length to the
Animal Control officer," Sergeant
"Two of us sat on it while
we drove it to the pound," he 12.30 am Indigenous All Stars VS NRL All Stars
rural road near Timaru on the Sutherland told The New Zealand said.
South Island. Herald. "We could have A F L NAB Cup 2010
But the two officers had to
call for backup when the pig
"I thought, well, we can't destroyed it, but we decided it 2.00 pm
Bulldogs VS Nort Melbourne
shoot it, really. was too nice a pig to do that to
began playfully pursuing one of "So I was rolling around in the owner." Mon-Tue, 15-16 Feb 2010
them around their patrol vehicle. the grass for a while. I up-ended it Timaru District Council
Sergeant Greg on the hind legs and sat on it, and told AAP the pig had been 11.30 am Indian Cricket Jaypee Cup
Sutherland, a former pig farmer, we tried to hog-tie it, which was claimed.
went to assist along with Animal unsuccessful because [with] its
India VS South Africa

36 5
Kuta Weekly 10 Feb - 16 Feb 2010 (168) News Corner Kuta Weekly 10 Feb - 16 Feb 2010 (168) News Corner

FO O TBALL SHO Google leaps barrier with translator phone

GOOGLE'S should be possible and work reasonably well in

making the a few years' time," said Franz Och, Google's head of
first phone translation services.

a b l e t o "Clearly, for it to work smoothly, you need a
translate combination of high-accuracy machine translation and
f o r e i g n high-accuracy voice recognition, and that's what we're
working on," he said.

a l m o s t
T h e


WE HAVE Times of
T-Shirts, Singlets, Muscle Shirts, Polo’s, Shorts London reports that by building on existing
Caps, Stubby Holders, Key Rings, Bed Covers, Etc. technologies in voice recognition and automatic
If You Want To Make Up translation, Google hoped to have a basic system
Shirts, Polo’s, Caps, Stubby Holders, Etc. ready within a couple of years.
For Your Company, Hotel, Restaurant, Bar, Etc Sydney Swans If it worked, it could eventually transform
QUALITY GUARANTEE communication among speakers of the world's
& 6000-plus languages.
EXPERIENCED IN OVERSEAS HOME DELIVERIES The company already created an automatic
Where To Find Us? system for translating text on computers, which was
PASAR AGUNG, POPPIES LANE 1, KUTA - BALI being honed by scanning millions of multi-lingual
Jl. Dyana Pura 9A Seminyak, Kuta-Bali websites and documents.
HP: 081 338 560 800
It added Haitian Creole last week to bring the
language total to 52.
Better Care for Bali's Road Accident Victims Google also has a voice recognition system
spee is aimed at eliminating that enabled phone users to conduct web searches Airport Transfer - Touring - Sightseeing
by speaking commands into their phones rather than
dangerous delays now
encountered seeking payment typing them in. Shopping - Overnight Breaks - Equipment Hire
guarantees so medical
Now it was working on combining the two
technologies to produce software capable of Hotels / Villas - Home Care
treatment can commence.
understanding a caller's voice and translating it into
The MoU obliges the
participating hospital to
a synthetic equivalent in a foreign language.
Like a professional human interpreter, the
Jl Danau Tamblingan 31. Sanur - Bali
immediately commence medical phone would analyse so-called packages of speech, Ph. 0361 8519902 or 081 3377 99544
treatment. In return, Jasa listening to the speaker until it understood the full
Raharja has agreed to pay the meaning of words and phrases before attempting email :
cost of medical treatments translation.
provided following a traffic "We think speech-to-speech translation
info@baliaccesstravel.com www.baliaccesstravel.com
accident when the subject
bills are accompanied by a
police accident report.
New Agreement d emergency
Guarantees Immediate treatment to
victims of traffic
Medical Attention for mishaps on the
Road Victims at Five island.
Bali Hospitals. T h e
The state-owned public Jakarta Post
transportation insurer Jasa reports that the
Raharja, the Bali traffic police and MoU provides for
five hospitals in Bali have all the immediate
signed a memorandum of treatment of
understanding (MoU) that should injured road
Phone : 085 237 756 337
6 35
Kuta Weekly 10 Feb - 16 Feb 2010 (168) News Corner Kuta Weekly 10 Feb - 16 Feb 2010 (168) News Corner
Kids Day at the Pool Bali Police Seek Bulgarian in Credit Card Scam
p e r f o r m i n g 13. Visi Reality, Jl. Teuku Umar,
children in the pool. “This was
transactions at ATM machine. Denpasar
one of the highlights of our trip,” 14. Mai Mai Restaurant , Jl.
Bank customers are advised to
said John and Becky Livingston be suspicious of anyone Hanoman, Padang-Tegal-Ubud
from Melbourne, Australia. “It observing their transaction from 15. Kuta Suci Arcade, Jl. Pantai
was really fun helping and seeing Kuta, Kuta
close range.
16. Pepito Supermarket, Jl.
the smiling faces on these kids.” The Police have also Kediri No. 36 A, Tuban
Said supervisor Tanti from the released a list of ATM locations 17. Siliwangi 1, Jl. Jenderal
children's foundation, “We are in Bali, Java and Lombok that Sudirman 120-121 , Semarang
very thankful to Monte and Glenn police believe were tampered 18. Gosha, Jl. Dhyana Pura,
and Holiday Inn. The children 40 Arrested in Credit Card with through the installation of Seminyak
S c a m . L i s t o f AT M s automated skimming devices: 19. Puri Naga, Kuta
have so much fun and really 1. Bali Wisata Tour Travel , Jl. 20. Bali Bagus Abadi Cargo, Jl.
enjoy this day. This is all they talk
Skimmed by Crime Ring.
Bali Post says that the Teuku Umar 186 , Denpasar Pura Bagus Taruna, Kuta
about weeks before and after the national police have arrested a 2. Glory Restaurant, Jl. Legian No. 21. Griya Kopo Permai, Jl. Teuku
event and we can't wait to do it 445 , Legian Umar Barat, Denpasar
manager from Bank Danamon 3. Bal Puri Niaga 22. Super Ekonomi Marlboro, Jl.
again next year.” suspected to have played a role
Bali-based humanitarian to thank the GM Stephane and 4. Bali Padma Hotel 1,Jl. Padma Teuku Umar Barat, Denpasar
Jimbaran-based YPAC is a in the theft of customers' money Utara Legian, No. 1, Kuta 23. Gazebo Beach Hotel, Jl.
swimmer Monte Monfore Activities Director Mukti for all their
non-denominational children's via the ATM system. Police say 5. Hayam Wuruk Plaza 2 Danau Tamblingan No. 35, Sanur
a n d A u s t r a l i a n s w i m support.” the manager was apprehended
home for mentally and physically Denpasar, Jl. Hayam Wuruk No. 24. Mitra 10 Denpasar, Jl Gatot
instructor Glenn Schapel Resort GM Stephane Varoquier in Bandung on Friday, February 98, Denpasar Subroto No. 659-660 , Denpasar
challenged youth. Their mission
teamed up for their second said, “We're very pleased to host 5, 2010. The arrest follows an 6. Okie's Hause, Kuta , Jl. Popies 26. Hotel Taman Suci , Jl. Imam
is to integrate the children to lead
annual Kids Day at the Pool for this wonderful event to brighten earlier arrest, also in Bandung, of Lane II, Kuta Bali Bonjol, Denpasar
normal lives in society. The a manager working for Bank 7. Kartika Plaza 1, Jl. Kartika Plaza 25. Discovery Shopping Mall 1,
physically and mentally the day for these special children.
institute receives governmental Central Asia (BCA). No. 89 and 98, Kuta Kuta
challenged children. This year's Holiday Inn Resort Baruna Bali is
funding, however, additional Police admit they have 8. Kartika Plaza 2 , Jl. Kartika 26. SPBU Dewi Sri, Jl. Dewi Sri,
fun fest was hosted by Holiday committed to supporting the Plaza No. 89 and 98, Kuta Kuta
funds are required for specific been unable to establish a
Inn Resort Baruna Bali located in Balinese community and 9. Waterbom Park Spa, Jl. Kartika 27. SPBU Kunti, Jl. Kunti
needs such as: network or connection between
Kuta. improving the lives of the locals. Plaza, Kuta Seminyak, Kuta
Growing children need the two men. Authorities have 10. Ubud 2, Jl. Raya Ubud 10, 28. Kois K Sweta Lombok Barat,
15 children from Yayasan We'd love to do this with Monte also arrested 3 people in Jakarta
artificial limbs replaced; Ubud Jl. Sandubaya, Sweta, NTB.
Pembinaan Anak Cacat (YPAC) and Glenn and the children again connection with the ATM fraud in 11. UD Ron Ron, Kuta
wheelchairs need repair and
enjoyed swimming, splashing, sometime.” Bali. 12. Galael Dewata Swalayan, Jl.
replacement; clothes, bedding, The latest count from
fun and games at the beachside “I've been teaching swimming
cleaning, cooking, and school the police count some 230 bank
pool. Following the swim the for more than half my life,” said
supplies are needed, etc. A new customers across the country
instructor Glenn, on holiday from
resort treated the kids to lunch at
bathroom expansion project have suffered losses for which
Palms Restaurant. Adelaide, Australia. “It's
(with wheelchair and prosthetic some 40 people are now being
“I jumped at the chance especially fulfilling to work with
limb accessibility) requires detained by police.
when Glenn proposed this last challenged children in the pool. Bulgarian Sought
year,” said California swimmer I'm happy to team up with Monte The police are also
For those interested in
Monte. “I can't tell you how fun and spend time with these kids seeking a Bulgarian national
visiting the children's home or
while I'm in Bali and look forward
this is! It's extremely gratifying to believed to be connected to the
sponsoring a child or project to Bali heist who supposedly fled
see the children's smiling and to doing it again next year.”
improve the lives of these special the country with three Indonesian
happy faces. We're very Hotel guests were invited to
children please contact: nationals to evade capture.
appreciative of Holiday Inn for join in the fun and several
List of Affected ATM
hosting this year's event. I want participated by helping with the
Yayasan Pembinaan Anak Cacat Kompas.com quotes
Jalan By Pass Ngurah Rai, Nusa Dua30 Km Jimbaran, Bali the national police spokesman,
(0361) 771718 Inspector General Edward
In addition to supporting YPAC and two other children's homes in Bali, Monte Monfore's Aritonang, asking all banking
swimming supports United Nations, UNICEF, UNDP, World Food Program, Millennium customers in Indonesia to
exercise caution when
Campaign, Greenpeace, and WWF initiatives.
34 7
Kuta Weekly 10 Feb - 16 Feb 2010 (168) News Corner Kuta Weekly 10 Feb - 16 Feb 2010 (168) Voucher Corner

Bali and an
Alternative to
Africa - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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carried a letter to the editor that - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

caught our attention.

Lorraine Stewart penned
the following letter to Sydney's
most respected newspaper:
Alternative to Africa
We stayed two days
recently at the Mara River Safari
Lodge at the Bali Safari and
Marine Park near Gianyar. It's a
wonderful experience for those
who love animals and can't
afford a trip to Africa.
[Bali Discovery] had a
two night special for $US98 a
couple (Usually US$135),
w h i c h i n c l u d e d
accommodation, breakfasts,
two one-hour massages and a
free safari trip in an enclosed
truck to see the animals up
close. The dining room at the lodge has floor-to-ceiling glass separating guests from the lions and
there are free animal and elephant shows. The only extra I paid was to have an opportunity to
cuddle a baby orangutan. From our room we could see zebras and white rhinos.

Lorraine Stewart

8 33
Kuta Weekly 10 Feb - 16 Feb 2010 (168) News Corner Kuta Weekly 10 Feb - 16 Feb 2010 (168) News Corner

We're all aliens, says scientist And the Tide Rushes In

receiv km has been reclaimed
THE human race accepted that ed by the a t K u t u h , Tu b a n , K u t a ,
began as microbes the theory did not Regency's Seminyak and Seseh. The
brought to Earth by explain how life administratio reclamation effort also includes
comets millions of originally came into n a n d a Coral Reef Restoration
years ago according being. environment Project.
to a British scientist. He and his t e a m Agung stated that the
British professor late colleague - consisting of government will immediately
C h a n d r a astronomer and Assistant II, I conduct a review of the situation
Wickramasinghe said: science fiction writer W a y a n with the help of those concerned,
"We are all aliens. We Sir Fred Hoyle - Suambara, and definite steps will be taken
share a cosmic ancestry. championed the S H ; , by the regional government of
"Each time a new theory of panspermia Kadiparda Badung and the provincial
planetary system forms, a few astrobiologist at Cardiff from the 1960s. Badung, Drs. government of Bali. He also
surviving microbes find their way University, said the first "seeds of It says that life did not I M a d e suggested that the resort
into comets. life" were deposited on Earth 3800 start on Earth but was brought Melia Bali Meets with Subawa, MM; Head of Bina perform the traditional Balinese
"These then multiply and million years ago, The Sun here from space. Regent of Badung to Marga, Ir. IB Soerya; Head of ceremony 'Pekelem' to promote
seed other planets. We are thus reported. The professor said: Cipta Karya, Dewa Made
He said life through the "Although we have no definite Discuss Ways to Stem the value of Balinese culture in
part of a connected chain that Apramana; Kadisnakanlut, I Made addressing this environmental
extends over a large volume of universe was transferred from knowledge how life started in the t h e S e a ' s Badra; and dr. I Gede Putra Suteja issue.
the cosmos. Evidence is pointing planet to planet over billions of first place, once started, its Encroachment on Nusa of regional office of Environment
years as comets hit them and spread in the cosmos and
inexorably in this direction."
survival is inevitable.”
Dua Beachfront. Effect Control. The Regent
Prof Wickramasinghe, an pushed matter into space. Concerned about ongoing beach discussed the
erosion, the General Manager of erosion of the
HOROSCOPES PREDICTION 10 Feb - 16 Feb 2010 the Melia Bali, Jim Boyles, met beach, which
Aries Libra with the Bupati of the Badung he believes is
Naturally, you're eager to proceed Obviously you don't want to make Regency, AA Gde Agung, SH on the result of
with certain frustratingly delayed potentially far-reaching decisions Thursday, January 7, 2010, to g l o b a l
plans without ensuring others are in accord urgently consult on the growing warming.
Taurus Scorpio erosion problems threatening Changing
Changes dictated by others or by a Late last year, Saturn formed the first Nusa Dua. weather and
capricious destiny are triggering such of three extremely challenging but Underlining his concern, water current
chaos that you're rigid with anxiety potentially illuminating aspects to your Boyles explained: "We are ready patterns are
Gemini ruler, Pluto to join efforts to prevent further eating away
Between the rather heavy-handed Sagittarius erosion. We are now waiting for at the once-
approach to certain arrangements It may not be until the week's close that firmness and definite steps from pristine beach
and an astonishing lack of you realise just how much you've been the regional government of side located
communication, you're upset battling to maintain your freedom Badung and the provincial on Bali's
Cancer Capricorn government of Bali." He went on southernmost
Certain troublesome situations are A typical Capricorn would regard talk to explain that although the hotel shore and
shifting, enabling you to distance of transformation boring and the initiated the replacement of lost some other
yourself from complex and, accompanying promises a bit naïve sand through sandbagging and valuable
frequently, upsetting issues other means, these measures beach front in
Leo Aquarius have proved largely ineffective. the Badung
The recent Leo Full Moon highlighted While change should be simple, at the The improvements lasted only a regency.
personal issues and dilemmas moment you're being forced to few months. Given that the peak Beach
involving those closest, and also relinquish certain familiar elements of of the foreshore erosion takes erosion in
unleashed complex feelings your life place during the months of B a d u n g
Virgo Pisces December through April, it is affects 82 km
Usually, conquering any challenge One of the big pluses of being a Pisces necessary to act immediately to of shoreline,
requires only that you understand it. is your charm. At the moment, save what is left of the popular of which 40
However, what you're facing is so however, you're contending with the beachfront.
unfair downside The hotel delegation was

32 9
Kuta Weekly

Peddling to Become Fashionable in Bali's Capital

Denpasar Municipality to Build Bike
10 Feb - 16 Feb 2010 (168)

August. “In
addition to
News Corner

k C r
J e n re
individual bikers,
Beritabali.com reports that the municipal
government of Bali's capital city of Denpasar is taking
there are now many The Australian!! I'm Mrs Tiptree
bicycle clubs that
the next step in its commitment to “Car Free Days” and A 75 Year Old Lady rings her local
have been formed A Somalian arrives in Australia as a
“Friday Bike to Work Days” in announcing their
in Denpasar. This new NHS hospital and this conversation
intention to create special bicycle paths Pilot paths
have reportedly been created in various parts of the
condition is very immigrant . He stops the first follows:
good for our efforts person he sees walking down the street
city. These “bike paths” will be launched on February
to improve health 'Hello I'd like some information on a
21, 2010.
a n d t h e
This development was announced to the press
environment in a world increasingly affected by says........ 'Thank you Mr. Australian for patient, Mrs Tiptree. She was
by the Chairman of the Secretariat for Denpasar's
global warming and climate change,” said letting admitted last week with chest pains
Bicycle Community (SAMAS), I Dewa Made me in this country, giving me housing, and I just want to know if her
Merthakota, following a meeting their the Mayor of money condition has deteriorated, stabilised
Merthakota said that clear markers would
Denpasar, IB Rai Dharmawijaya Mantra on Thursday,
be installed on the new bike baths and asked that for food, free medical care, free or improved?'
January 28, 2010. According to Merthakota, the initial
motorcyclist not use the new bike paths. education
bicycle paths will be limited to the Renon and Sanur
areas, to be expanded to other areas in the future. and no taxes!' The passer by says, 'Do you know which ward she is in?'
The biking enthusiast and community 'You are mistaken, I am Afgani!'
organizer said the public's response to “car free days” Coffee, Tea or a 30-Day The man goes on and encounters 'Yes, ward P, room 2B'
has been outstanding since its introduction last another
Visa? passer by. 'Thank you for having such a 'I'll just put you through to the nurse
beautiful country here in Australia !' station.'
PT. ARTHA CANDRA UTAMA Visa Processing on Board Garuda The person says, 'I not Australian, I
BEST AUTHORIZED MONEY CHANGER Flights from Japan to Bali May Be Iraqi!' 'Hello, ward P, how can I help?'
Extended to Australian and South The new arrival walks further, and the
Korea Flights. After several false next 'I would just like some information on
BALI EKA AYU starts, Garuda Indonesia has formally person he sees he stops, shakes his a patient, Mrs Tiptree, I was
Tour and Travel introduced visa on board immigration hand wondering if her condition had
processing on their flights from and says, 'Thank you for the wonderful deteriorated, stabilised or improved?'
Activities: Japan, effective February 1, 2010. Australia !' That person puts up his
Intended to reduce waiting time during hand and 'I'll just check her notes. I'm pleased
- Domestic and International says, 'I am from Pakistan , I am not to say that Mrs Tiptree's condition
immigration-customs processing at Bali's
Airline Ticketing Ngurah Rai International Airport, the service may from has improved. She has regained her
- Daily Coach Tour be extended to flights originating from countries Australia !' He finally sees a nice lady appetite, her temperature has
- Visa Extension Service other than Japan, depending on the results of the and steadied and after some routine
trial introduction. asks, 'Are you a Australian?' She says, checks tonight, she should be well
Office: According to Beritabali.com, South enough to go home tomorrow.'
'No, I am
Poppies 1, Gg. Kembar No. 2, Agung’s Market Korean and Australia are being eyed as
candidates for the new visa service. from India !' Puzzled, he asks her,
Phone: (0361) 763 453, Phone/ Fax: (0361) 766 893 'Where are all the Australians?' The 'Oh that's wonderful news, I'm so
Kuta - Bali Indian lady happy, thank you ever so much!'
checks her watch and says ...'Probably
at 'You seem very relieved, are you a
close friend or relative?'


LA Inn

Secret Garden Bar & Restaurant TOUR & TRAVEL
Kuta Townhouses AP Inn Hotel
'No, I'm Mrs Tiptree in room 2b.
Nobody tells you f**k all in here!
Mc Donalds

10 31
Kuta Weekly 10 Feb - 16 Feb 2010 (168) Culture Corner Kuta Weekly 10 Feb - 16 Feb 2010 (168) Warung Corner


Kintamani is the most 1800 and still active up to visit to this place will
favorite tourist destinations in now. Since the mount erupting, arrive in the day time where
Bali with the active volcano of it has impacted to the local they can enjoy the panorama
mount Batur and beautiful society life around this mount, or enjoy the lunch in the local
lake. Kintamani is surrounded like removing altar (Temple), restaurant with lake view.
by the captivating nature and improve or repairing the village Mostly restaurants at
there are six ancient villages and re-arrange the tradition. Kintamani generally own very
around cauldron of Batur Lake Lake Batur is the biggest lake in beautiful view where tourist
which is often conceived by Bali and functioning as merging into their lunch in this
Bali Age Village. The local irrigation source to all farmers restaurant and meanwhile
people from these Bali Age around it and it is also for all Bali enjoy the panorama.
villages own the unique society generally. Kintamani
cultures, houses and life style. area has been founded some Location
Kintamani Area is consisted of lodging, hotels and restaurants Kintamani is located in
some Villages those are which are located in Kintamani Kintamani sub district, Bangli
Kedisan Village , Buahan, and Penelokan Village. It is a Regency and about 50 km
Abang, Trunyan, Songan, famous tourist place because from Denpasar Town or about
South Batur, Middle Batur, Kintamani area owns the 2 hours by car. All roads are
North Batur, Sukawana and beautiful panorama and it is generally in good condition to
Kintamani Village . The total of encircled by the cold access to this place. The fog
resident in these area are atmosphere. will descend and blanket
about 15 thousand who are entire area of Kintamani with
mostly working as farmer, Kintamani is a Place cold temperature in particular
merchant, or work at industrial at late afternoon until the
to Visit in Bali
tourism. whole of night. The most
Kintamani is beautifully
seen at the day time around amazing panorama at
Kintamani Volcano 10:00 am until 15:00 pm Kintamani can be seen in the
and Batur Lake especially having fine weather morning time, when the
Mount Batur is located at where entire Kintamani area sunrise emerges on the
Kintamani and it has erupted will be able to be seen clearly. surface of earth precisely on
about 24 times since year Generally, all tourists who pay a the mount Batur .

30 11
Kuta Weekly 10 Feb - 16 Feb 2010 (168) Sport Corner Kuta Weekly 10 Feb - 16 Feb 2010 (168) News Corner

What’s On ?
Saints oozing confidence
St Kilda captain Nick styles."
Riewoldt will make a Provided
rare intra-club match Luke Ball plays, one
appearance next of the key features
week as the AFL
of the Saints-
A Valentine Routed Through the Palate Directly to
runners-up ooze
confidence ahead of
preseason cup the Heart
game will be the
this season. midfielder turning Michelin Star Chef the a la carte menu
Riewoldt said on out against his old include:
Wednesday he had
Marcello Fabbri at The
club. St. Regis Bali Resort Deep sea scallops 'Au
enjoyed his best Riewoldt Gratin' with nuts, orange
preseason in several m a d e s o m e over Valentine sauce and home made leek
years, an encouraging comments about Weekend. tartlet.
sign for the club as it tries him in the media this The St. Regis Bali Lukewarm Bali
to build on 2009's near- after, barring anything week, saying it was Resort's chefs are joining Lobster served with grilled
perfect performance. unforeseen," Riewoldt said. disappointing that Ball left St forces with Michelin Guide water melon and 'Sauce
While the Andrew Lovett "It's the best preseason Kilda for the Magpies. award-winning Marcello American.'
saga dogs the Saints, they are I've had in quite a few years." "I wouldn't say strong, I'd Fabbri, to deliver a six-course, Pan Seared Duck Foie
extremely confident about how Coach Ross Lyon said the say honest words (and) I will stick wine matched degustation Gras with ripe mango and king
they will perform in the wake of Saints might be without only "two by what he said - he had a dinner over what the Resort oyster mushrooms.
the narrow grand final loss to or three" players for the contract and he didn't stay," h a s p r o c l a i m e d a s th e Potato Gnocchi with
Geelong last September. preseason cup opener later this Riewoldt said. " Va l e n t i n e ' s G o u r m e t Australian Yabbies with fresh
"I haven't played intra- month against Collingwood. "We all know that, Weekend" February 13-14, tomatoes and Rucola leaves.
club for four or five years, but I will Vice-captain Lenny Hayes everyone in the club knows that. 2010, centered at the resort's Fine ribbons of
play next week and the week had off-season elbow surgery, "Does it mean we're not Kayuputi Restaurant. An a la noodles topped with Russian
but he is now running. friends any more? Of course not - carte menu is also on offer caviar organic chives and
Lyon, like Riewoldt, is but they're the facts." during this period. virgin oil.
encouraged by how well the Lyon said there would be Marcello Fabbri first Pan roasted rack of
team has gone through the more flexibility in the way the kitchen foray began in the rabbit from Bedugul highlands
preseason. team plays this year. kitchen of his aunt's hotel in the German Federation
ravioli of red bell peppers
0 They were talking on
Wednesday at the start of the
He noted that
Collingwood plan to free up
Rimini at the age of 9. Later,
when he turned 13, the young
and earning inclusion in the
Michelin Guide in November
2009. Some of the prominent
drizzled with herb pesto.
Pan Fried Fillet of
club's community camp, ruckman Josh Fraser this Italian resolved to make a Grouper set on a walnut crusted
being held on the Mornington season and said St Kilda might vocation of his avocation. guests who have dined on
Marcello's creations include the king prawn, served with
Peninsula. do the same with Riewoldt. During a distinguished
German Chancellor Schroeder, Aubergine Duo and parsley
"Certainly we've felt "Maybe he and Fraser career still in full bloom, Marcello
Russian Federation President emulsion.
year on year, we've improved can play on the wing in the NAB has worked under world class
Putin and singer Jennifer Lopez. Slow roasted New
o u r f o o t y, i t ' s a n o t h e r Cup, that would be nice," Lyon chefs such as Gino Angelini,
During his brief Bali visit, Zealand rack of lamb coated in
wonderful opportunity for us to said with a grin. widely accepted as the best
Marcello will team his zucchini served with filled
go ahead," Lyon said. Another St Kilda player to Italian chef in Los Angeles;
watch in the preseason will be considerable culinary skill with zucchini blossom and
"(It's) just my view, I Gualtiero Marchesi in Sardinia; Mediterranean vegetables.
feel we'll play better football in strongly-built Irish recruit Tom and Mario Gamba in Munich. menus inspired by the "love
Walsh. season" of Valentines. Mousse of Gorgonzola
(2010) than we did in '09. Marcello has been at Weimar's cheese served and pickled
"There's less "If he was to play, he'd be historic Hotel Elephant since The menu at this romantic
that substitute player, but we're Gourmet Weekend will also pears.
apprehension about what 1993, holding the post of head Composition of Mango
we're doing going forward in pretty keen to give him an chef at the Anna Amalia include a la carte items in addition
opportunity - we know he'll crash to a sumptuous degustation light mango mousse, mango
2010. Restaurant, establishing the
and bash... I hope he doesn't menu on both 13 and 14 February tartlet, ragout of ripe mango
"Confidence comes restaurant as the top gourmet
crash into our players," Lyon 2010. homemade mango sherbet.
out of actions, we've got a restaurant in the eastern part of
really strong confidence, as said. Some of the highlight from
Geelong would and Hawthorn
would, about their game yles." To advertise in this section please contact 0878 6090 4978 or info@kutaweekly.com
12 29
Kuta Weekly 10 Feb - 16 Feb 2010 (168) Warung Corner Kuta Weekly 10 Feb - 16 Feb 2010 (168) Sport Corner
Hall impresses in Bulldogs hit-out
New recruit Barry Hall kicked well, he had five shots at goal
two goals and kept his so that was a positive sign," Eade
aggression controlled in an said.
impressive debut for his new "Probably if he kicked straight
AFL club Western Bulldogs on he might have had four or five, but his
Saturday. attack on the ball was pleasing.
Former Sydney firebrand "I thought he presented
Hall used the intra-club practice himself very well."
match to show exactly what he is But Hall will not play in the
capable of bringing to the club which Bulldogs' preseason cup opener
threw him a career lifeline. against Brisbane next weekend
The 32-year-old booted two despite his performance - Eade keen
goals from set shots, took four marks to stick to previously-made plans to
limit his over-30s' playing time in the Brodie Moles were the
and unleashed a huge, legal bump
preseason. other standouts in the intra-club
which ironed out defender Lindsay
"We've made a conscious match.
Gilbee in the perfect display of
decision most of the senior players Another rookie list forward,
controlled aggression.
won't play this week - (Brad) Johnson, Matthew Panos, also kicked two
Hall's every move was
(Jason) Akermanis, Hall won't play," goals.
cheered by a crowd of more than
Eade said. Eade said utility Moles, who
2,000 at the Bulldogs' Whitten Oval
"It's a long season, we don't joined the club from Geelong after
headquarters, and coach Rodney
want players playing too much this being unable to break into the Cats'
Eade was pleased with his star
time of year." senior side, was one player he was
signing's contribution.
Along with Hall, midfielder keen to monitor further in the
"I thought he moved pretty
preseason cup after impressing on

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28 13
Kuta Weekly 10 Feb - 16 Feb 2010 (168) Sport Corner Kuta Weekly 10 Feb - 16 Feb 2010 (168) Game Corner

Cornes brothers cop demotion AFL threatens

Port Adelaide Mark lifetime ban for SUDOKU Last edition
has removed Williams says
the Cornes the call to Stokes
brothers reduce the The AFL has dropped a
from a culled leadership bombshell in the Mathew
group to three
leadership Stokes drugs case, saying it
was made
group to be "after looking
has the potential to end the
headed by through the Geelong forward's football
Dom Cassisi personality career.
as captain. profiling and League operations manager
T h e Adrian Anderson said that under the
the general
Power have World Anti-Doping Agency Code, a
mix of our sportsperson found guilty of trafficking
reappointed group". could receive a lifetime ban.
Cassisi, and " W e The Cats have stood Stokes
made ruckman
Dean Brogan
feel that the
b e s t
down after he was charged on
Wednesday with trafficking and Last edition
and back leadership possessing cocaine.
pocket Jacob Surjan vice- group right now is to have "Any charge of trafficking is a The answer will be publish
captains in a dramatic three distinct leaders and then very serious matter and one that on the next week edition
streamlining of their a group of younger players Geelong and the AFL take very
leadership group. seriously," Anderson said.
developing their leadership

Chad and Kane "The AFL support Geelong's
skills and coming up beneath decision to stand Mathew Stokes down
Cornes were among an eight- them," he said. until further notice.
man leadership group in 2009, "At the same time we "Under the WADA code, the
but they have been have an experienced group of standard penalties for trafficking range
overlooked for official roles players like Warren Tredrea, from four years' suspension to a lifetime ACCROSS DOWN
this year. Josh Carr, Daniel Motlop and ban."
Power coach Mark the Cornes brothers and we'll Stokes told the Geelong 1. In balance (11) 2. Aztec god (9)
Williams says the reduced be drawing on their Magistrates Court on Wednesday he 9. Used to play
had bought one gram of cocaine for a 3. Enzyme that
structure came after experience and expertise to snooker (3)
friend for $500. converts inulin into
discussions with his sister and help foster the group." 10. Artificial (9)
former national lacrosse There was no allegation that fructose (7)
Surjan was not even in Stokes, an important member of the 11. Theatrics (5)
player Jenny Williams, and last year's eight-strong
4. Inborn (6)
Cats' 2007 premiership team, took the 12. Stretched (7) 5. Repeated (5)
former Australia women's leadership group, which also drug himself.
basketball coach Jan Stirling. 14. Gazes or wanders 6. Russian city (3)
included Brogan, the Cornes The 25-year-old was released
The women are brothers, Daniel Motlop, on bail and will reappear in court on
about (6) 7. Scholar (11)
overseeing the Power's Steven Salopek and Brendon March 12. 15. Increase in effort 8. Beans found in
leadership program. Lade, who has retired. Anderson added that as far as (6) Chinese food (11)
the AFL knew, no other players were 18. Measure of energy 13. Spontaneous,
involved in the Stokes case. in food (7)
THE BEER MAN Geelong chief executive Brian
Cook earlier released a statement
saying the club would give Stokes some
20. Japanese city (5)
21. Neutralises
without thought (9)
16. From Thalia (7)
17. Expression of deep
Rp CRATES OF BEER DELIVERED time before sitting down with him and alkaline (9) sorrow, lament (6)
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club will not rush to formulate a long
PH: 0898 0137 019 term determination of any penalty.”
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14 27
Kuta Weekly 10 Feb - 16 Feb 2010 (168) News Corner Kuta Weekly 10 Feb - 16 Feb 2010 (168) Real Estate Corner

Kuta Townhouses I N D O C AS A
your dream home finder


As a foreigner, there is a number Indonesia such as foreign
of ways that can lead to you Banks, embassies, etc.
owning yourdream property in
Bali. The best option for you will NOMINEE SYSTEM FOR HAK
depend on your personal situation, MILIK
the type of property, risk factors and This structure is a regularly
the type of investment model. practiced procedure in Indonesia
Even though it states in Indonesian whereby the foreigner nominates
law that foreigners are not allowed to an Indonesian representative to
hold a ‘freehold’ land title, there are acquire the land and to hold the
ways that have been in practice for a ‘freehold’ title ( Hak Milik ) on
number of years that enable b e h a l f o f t h e f o r e i g n e r.
foreigners to control a freehold title Ownership of the land is
indirectly or to hold a leasehold title in transferred from the previous
their own name. owner to the Indonesian
Waist Not, Want Not RIGHT OF USE ( HAK PAKAI )
This is the right of use over state-
The foreigner and the Indonesian
nominee then sign an agreement
owned (crown land) or property which recognizes the Indonesian
1 0 0 B e l l y a r t , owned by public or private nominee as the legal owner of the
D a n c e r s organizers have persons/entities for a specific property whilst declaring the
been staging purpose for (generally) a finite period foreigner as the rightful owner of
Expected at and occasionally for an indefinite the property. This agreement
Asian Belly period. This land right may not be denotes that the Indonesian
exhibition across nominee will carry out any
Dance Festival the island in the
sold, exchanged or transferred
unless explicitly stated in an directives from the foreigner
2010 in Bali period leading up agreement. regarding the land. This
February 25-28, to the actual Hak Pakai may be held by an agreement must always be
2010. conference. Indonesian individual or entity. Or concluded in the presence of a
Fanciers and In addition foreigner permanently domiciled in public notary.
c o m p e t i n g Indonesia, or a foreign legal entity
to enthusiasts
with a representative office in
participants on the from across Asia,
finer points of belly- top-names in the 2 Dec. - 15 Dec. 2009

dancing are sure to field of belly-

be gladdened by the dancing from
new that the Asian Belly 28, 2010. More than
America, England, Australia
Dancing Festival 2010 will be 1 0 0 b e l l y - d a n c e r s a r e and New Zealand expected
held at the Ayodya Resort, expected in Bali for the event. to perform in Bali.
Nusa Dua, Bali February 25- In an effort to publicize VILLA FOR SALE
both the conference and the
26 15
Kuta Weekly 10 Feb - 16 Feb 2010 (168) Real Estate Corner Kuta Weekly 10 Feb - 16 Feb 2010 (168) News Corner

Local Boy Rules the Range at Elysian

Nizar Achmad Lives Large in “Top Five Restaurants in
the Kitchen of Bali's Elysian. Sweden” and his Lugnet Bar &
Bali's Elysian Resort is Restaurant regularly saw Crown
justifiably beaming at their recent Princess Victoria as diner.
coup in recruiting a world-caliber Despite his relatively

House and land Indonesian-born chef and long-

term Swedish resident Nizar
Achmad to head their kitchen
brigade at the Elysian' Rush
young age, Nizar has led a
colorful life, well known in
Sweden's “major league party
animal'.” This reputation

packages AUD
Bamboo & Bar cemented further after a stint at
The 35 year-old Nizar's one of Sweden's most exclusive
love affair with food and wine has clubs, Berns Salonger where
inspired a culinary sojourn that international celebrities such as
has taken him to all corners of the Justin Timberlake, PINK, Busta

$72.000 globe, including Australia, New

Zealand and Stockholm where he
lived for 14 year before returning
to his homeland, Indonesia.
Rhymes and Britney Spears are
frequent visitors. Both fearless
and flamboyant, he hosted a
video blog Cool Stockholm,
Originally from Surabaya, where he cooked and interviewed
Construction starting February 2010 Nizar says his food concepts are
"green fusion with an organic
tastes and combusting with
color. I also make my own
Indonesian style Quince of jackfruit
Swedish film stars to some
comedic acclaim. Nizar has
focus, seasonal, back to basics, with cinnamon, red wine, sugar and worked as a fashion stylist and
heartfelt and passionate" - all Indonesian saffron that I serve with promotes himself as a fantastic
which draw from his Indonesian a selection of cheeses and dancer having taught Funk & Hip
heritage with a little bit of fun and compote of yellow cherry tomatoes Hop most of his life. He has a
modern taste kicks tossed in. with vanilla stick, white wine and penchant for shopping in his
This can be seen in Indonesian saffron. Then there's spare time, and loves listening to
Nizar's signature Oyster "Fines the Granny Smith Apple Ball Soup a good Otis Redding or Marvin
De Java" a creation with a with wasabi, fish stock and a side of Gaye album over a bottle, or two
selection of tempting condiments prawns that have been bathed with or three of red wine.
to suit individual tastes such as olive oil, rosemary and garlic that I This recreated Norseman
Kiwi Crush, Thyme Ginger Chili, serve from a Teapot. I love has landed at the Elysian in Bali.
Caviar, and Matsuhisa dressing. combining a bit of fantasy with my And, if past performance is any
Says Nizar: "I put my food.” measure of things to come, both
signature on pretty much every Nizar cooked for the 2008 the island and his new culinary
dish with my cooking style. My Nobel Prize Dinner held at City Hall pied-à-terre are assured
lightly salted salmon with mini Stockholm as well as at the interesting times as they watch
yellow zucchini flowers fried with Michelen Star restaurant the passionately professional
honey with a rambutan salsa Feichmaker in Norway. One of his Nizar reveal his magic to an
using green tomato, onion, garlic own restaurants in Sweden, Carpe appreciative audience.
lime and chili is a symphony of Diem earned 2nd place among the

In excellent Mumbul area between Jimbaran/Nusa get laid without getting drunk.
Dua Imagine a hotel where the dudes Out number the babe three to one.
If you a single female traveler, either alone or in a group, chances are 2 to 1
or better that you are hoping to get jiggy at least once on your Bali Holiday.
20 minutes to airport So what are the odds that you would rather fulfill this desire in a Funky Hotel
on a remote tropical beach rather than amongst a late night drunken rabble?
If you, and hopefully your friends, are leaning toward door number 1
Contact: Jan Vleeming then check-in to the Pondok Pitaya and check-uot this alarming ratio.
Maybe sex is not the first priority on your dream vacation but just incase
Email: j.vleeming@indocasa.com
HP: 081337775435
it comes in seconds we are standing bi with your key.
pondok pitaya all wood hotel... balian river... tabanan
baliansurf.com 087861786880 rezervationz
pondok Pitaya
two hours west of kuta on the busy road to Java hotel
16 25
Kuta Weekly 10 Feb - 16 Feb 2010 (168) News Corner Kuta Weekly 10 Feb - 16 Feb 2010 (168) Real Estate Corner
High Winds & Blowing Sands Play Havoc with Kuta Beach
Strong Westerly Winds by the waves."
Deposit Sand on Jalan Borrowing truck from
Raya Kuta and Destroy the Badung Parks Department,
Breakwater along South efforts were made to protect the
Kuta Beach. beach by installing new stones to
High westerly winds replace the six one-ton stones
caused sand shifts on Bali's devastated by the huge waves.
popular Kuta beach A special government
temporarily closing Kuta's team dealing with erosion is now
main beach-side road (Jalan planning a strategy to reclaim
Raya Kuta) during the first few lost beach front as soon as the
days of the month of February current heavy waves subside.
2010. The strong winds whipped Quoted in Kompas.com,
the Chairman of the Kuta Beach
up sand from the beach covering
the two lane road with sand. Security Team (Satgas Pantai Stab victim
Kuta), I Gusti Ngurah Tresna, said
Further down the
beach, in the Tuban area of on February 1, 2010: "Now the didn't notice
winds are very strong. Since this
South Kuta, waves playedg
havoc in front of the Discovery morning we've seen the large blade in neck
Mall and Discovery Kartika Plaza stones forming breakwater in front A MUGGING victim who
Hotel. of the Hotel Kartika Plaza crushed did not realise she was
by the waves." stabbed walked calmly
China seizes more tainted milk powder home after the attack with
a knife in her neck and a
Inspectors have shut dairy China Daily said, citing the bloody back.
firms in the China's north- local government. Julia Popova, 22, was
The paper did not say knifed by a mugger on her way
west and seized 72 tonnes home from work in the Russian
of milk powder tainted with where the milk had come from.
capital of Moscow.
an industrial compound that Last week, three people at a dairy Incredibly, she failed to
killed at least six children in firm in neighbouring Shaanxi notice the injury and, despite
province were arrested for blood pouring from the wound
2008. manufacturing or dealing in
Melamine, a compound above her shoulders, managed to
products laced with melamine. calmly stroll to safety.
commonly used in plastics or
Another dairy firm, Ningxia The office worker
fertiliser, can be added to foods to grappled with her attacker when
Panda, was shut because of its
show high protein levels in tests. he snatched her handbag.
ties to Shanghai Panda Dairy Co,
Nearly 100 tonnes of But she was so shocked
which was closed late last year for
melamine-tainted milk powder by the ordeal she did not know
selling products tainted with
may still be on shop shelves, the that her assailant buried a kitchen
melamine. knife in her neck, just fractions
China Daily reported.
There have been no from her spinal cord.
Several reports of
reported deaths or illnesses from When Ms Popova got
melamine in milk have surfaced
the latest batches of tainted milk. home her horrified parents
in recent months, some of which
Around 300,000 children sought rushed her to the hospital, where
appear to have come from old
medical treatment, many with surgeons managed to remove the
batches of contaminated powder blade without damaging her
kidney stones, after consuming
that were not destroyed after the spine.
the product in the 2008.
2008 scandal. "Shock had kicked in and
China executed two
Tiantian Dairy Co Ltd in her body prevented her from
people in November for their role
Ningxia was closed after it was feeling any pain," one medic said.
in the 2008 scandal that further "She simply walked
found to have repackaged and
sullied China's dairy industry after home without feeling the knife in
sold 170 tonnes of melamine-
a string of health and product- her back.”
tainted milk powder that it
safety scares.
received as a debt payment, the
24 17
Kuta Weekly 10 Feb - 16 Feb 2010 (168) Real Estate Corner Kuta Weekly 10 Feb - 16 Feb 2010 (168) Real Estate Corner

18 23
Kuta Weekly 10 Feb - 16 Feb 2010 (168) Real Estate Corner Kuta Weekly 10 Feb - 16 Feb 2010 (168) Real Estate Corner

Shovel-ready wins word of year Bali, Locations To suit Everyone

CANGGU in the world today. Seminyak and Nusa Dua.
Shovel-ready has dug its way immediately." Until recently, perceived as Capital appreciation in the This however is most definitely not a
into the Australian vernacular In the people's choice something of a hippy hideaway, the area is currently pushing 25% per negative, as Sanur still holds true
and been crowned the Macquarie category the most popular word attraction and popularity of Canggu annum and shows no signs Balinese charm that other areas
Dictionary's Word of the Year for was tweet, meaning to post a has caught the notice of both whatsoever of slowing down, in fact, may have to a certain degree lost.
2009. message on the social network mainstream buyers and investors quite the opposite! White sandy beaches, lazy beach
The adjective was chosen site Twitter. alike. As prices in the trendy NUSA DUA cafes and restaurants offer a very
from a list of new words selected for The committee gave an Seminyak area continue to shoot Miles of blindingly white relaxing lifestyle with great families
inclusion in the annual update of the honourable mention to several sky high, a large number of buyers sandy beaches, protected by a reef facilities and international schools
Macquarie Dictionary Online. other words, including head- are now opting for the more sedate enclosing aquamarine lagoons, it was all nearby.
The word refers to a nodder, meaning a supporter of a pace of “expat” country lifestyle no surprise that when it was decided SEMINYAK
building or infrastructure project politician or other media figure living. to create a tourist enclave in Bali, World renowned for its
capable of being initiated who stands beside them in the The area not only offers all Nusa Dua was first choice. stunning sunsets, bars &
immediately, as soon as funding is frame of a television shot and nods the first class amenities you would No more than 20 minutes restaurants that offer some of the
assured. his or her head in agreement with expect like an international school, from the international airport, the finest dining in Asia along with its
Macquarie Dictionary editor what the speaker is saying. world class championship golf worlds five star resorts cosy up next to chic and stylish fashion boutiques,
Susan Butler said the word was Other words receiving an course and an extremely well healed each other giving first time visitors an Seminyak has now proved itself as
chosen by the Word of the Year honourable mentions were members only country club but also unforgettable introduction to the the most popular destination for
boasts bars, restaurants and world's most both high net investors, seeking
committee because of its topicality cyberbully, defined as a person
beaches that we have come to adore popular holiday island. fantastic returns and tourists alike.
and its visually graphic nature. who bullies another using email,
here on “The island of the Gods”. SANUR No matter where you are in
"The committee felt that this chat rooms and social networking With very large plots, superbly Semiyak, you are only minutes from
Sanur retains the charm of a
word was associated with one of the sites, and roar factor, referring to designed villas very close, if not on typical Balinese village whilst at the the beach! The area not only offers
major preoccupations of 2009 - how the influence that a home crowd the beach, at far more reasonable same time attracting international all the buzz and excitement required
to avoid a recession," Ms Butler said has on a referee or umpire in prices, The Canggu area is fast hotels and developments. Up until the to enhance your holiday
in a statement. making adjudications. becoming the epitome of a lifestyle time when Nusa Dua was designated experience, but also provides
"Shovel-ready projects purchasers dream. as the “tourist hot spot”, Sanur was investors with the opportunity to
were worthy to receive money from JIMBARAN the place to be. In the seventies, benefit from the highest rental yield

WANTED the economic stimulus package

because they could provide jobs
Jimbaran, a short 5 minute
drive from the international airport,
with its large sweeping white sandy
boutique hotels in Sanur such as
Tanjung Sari, played regular host to
stars such as Mick Jagger and David
that the island has to offer.
Much has been written

TO BUY Chinchilla-smuggler jailed bay, Jimbaran still retains elements

of its traditional fishing village
charm, whilst attracting more than a
Since the real estate boom
started here on the island, Sanur has
about this dusty, arid and rugged
area, which forms the southern
most tip of the island. Limestone

A LEASE ON A 35-year-old Brisbane man has

been jailed on animal smuggling
America, but in New
Zealand they are only kept as
handful of internationally acclaimed
five star hotels and resorts that
match standards offered anywhere
somehow been left behind in
comparison to other areas such as
egative, as Sanur still holds true
cliffs of up to 100 meters in height
provide some of the best views in
the world, along with some deserted

Bar Jason David Zysvelt was

arrested at the Brisbane airport with
Zysvelt has been
sentenced to 18 months in jail and
white sandy beaches.
Everyone wants a piece of this area,
from international hotel chains such
four chinchillas from New Zealand will serve a minimum of four
as Bvlgari, Versace and Banyan
or strapped under his arms.
The animals belong to the
rodent family and are slightly larger
months before being placed on a
good behaviour bond. Tree, to established residential villa
developers looking for that perfect
The maximum penalty for
plot. The area offers secluded
Restaurant than a ground squirrel.
Chinchillas are farmed for
their fur in both North and South
this type of offence is 10 years
imprisonment or a fine not
beaches, spectacular panoramas,
prestige and exclusivity to name but
exceeding $66,000. a few reasons why this is fast
becoming the place to be.
Prices have more than tripled in the
Phone : For SALE !!!! area over the last 2 years alone with
still plenty of potential to be realised,
Peter on BMW 320i so now is a fantastic time to
purchase off-plan. Only a short 15
+61 418 600 485 or Aussie Owner minute drive from the international
airport, The Bukit is fast being
Email All Details to Very Good Condition, Green, ‘94 referred to as the new “Millionaires
skeltonp@tpg.com.au Automatic. Row”.

Call Mr Jack : 081 337 424 888

22 19
Kuta Weekly Edisi 168

web sites : www.thesanurcondotel.com

e-mail : bbcsanur@gmail.com

Sales Office : Jl. Sudamala 11 A, Ph. 0361-283401 Fax. 0361-283402.

20 21

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