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Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Trisha White
444 McComb Ave
Cheyenne WA 82007


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Louise Barcelou
61 W. Kinkaid St,.
Port Hadlock WA 98336


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Agnes Barker
1511 Eagle Ridge Dr. S. #F 7
Renton WA 98055


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Patricia Benz
2481 Anderson Lake Rd.
Chimacum WA 98325


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Kathy Braun
PO Box 627
Chimacum WA 98325


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Cathleen Brown
1503 7th St. SW
Puyallup WA 98371


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Shelly Brown
PO Box 756
Port Hadlock WA 98339


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Joe & Beth Burson

100 North Bay Way
Port Ludlow WA 98365


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Wilma Calkins
Victoria House Apt. 131 491 Discovery Road
Port Townsend WA 98368


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Brian & LeNoir Conklin

720 Irondale Rd.
Port Hadlock WA 98339


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Chad & Amy Crandall

9033 Beaver Valley Rd.
Chimacum WA 98325


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Dave & Gail Eddie

PO Box 237
Port Hadlock WA 98339


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Eleanor Eldridge
PO Box 311
Chimacum WA 98325


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

LeRoy Glessing
3920 San Juan Ave.
Port Townsend WA 98368


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Fritz & Nancy Gordon

46 Village Way PMB 151
Port Ludlow WA 98365


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Sharon Miller
85 Garden Ct. Rd. #4-5
Port Hadlock WA 98339


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Jerry Lanphear
1486 S. Jacob Miller Rd.
Port Townsend WA 98368


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Neil Smith
221 Aslan Dr.
Sequim WA 98382


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Tim & Kelly Drennan

111 Irondale Rd.
Port Hadlock WA 98339


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Kim Vasenda
171 3rd St.
Port Hadlock WA 98339


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Debbie Boyd
12 E. Spruce St.
Port Ludlow WA 98365


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Catherine Aman
3368 Gerrard Ave.
Eau Claire WI 54701


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Sandy Larson
390 S. 8th St.
Port Townsend WA 98368


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Lee Wilcox
4809 W. Max's Lane
Spokane WA 99224


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Tyrus Wilcox
3300 Airport Rd. #E-25
Alamogordo NM 88310-8111


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Barrie & Susan Hay

2417 Ivy St.
Port Townsend WA 98368


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Laverne Hicks
1410 Irondale Rd.
Port Hadlock WA 98339


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Judy Hiett
8701 S. Kolb Rd. #6-195
Tucson AZ 85756


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Marie Hodgin
PO Box 444
Hamilton WA 98255


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Mike & Janet Hodgin

3806 Gala Loop
Bellingham WA 98226


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Pastor David & Colleen Hodgin

452 W. Valley Rd.
Chimacum WA 98325


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Jake & Julia Fulton

514 Bywater Way
Port Ludlow WA 98365


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Roger Horner
454 W. Valley Rd.
Chimacum WA 98325


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Butch & Diane Hoyle

36999 Hoyle Ln.
Sedro Wooley WA 98284


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Carson & Judy Inman

PO Box 217
Port Hadlock WA 98339


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Leroy Inman
220 E. Moore St.
Port Hadlock WA 98339


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

John & Christine Jamison

PO Box 1411
Port Hadlock WA 98339


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Betty Judkins
PO Box 388
Chimacum WA 98325


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Charles & Shirley Kleser

30 Westridge Ct.
Port Townsend WA 98368


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Maurice Lindell
160 Windship Dr.
Port Townsend WA 98368


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Glen & Anna Kominak

PO Box 1232
Twisp WA 98856


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Lois Ludwig
1051 Hancock St. Apt. # 204
Port Townsend WA 98368


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

John & Bonnie Ludwig

20 Cedar Ave.
Port Hadlock WA 98339


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Bob & Audrey Mackey

41 Trader Ln.
Port Ludlow WA 98365


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

John & Joy Modispacher

403 Hadlock Bay Rd.
Port Hadlock WA 98339


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Marge Webb
8233 Lariat Trail NW
Bremerton WA 98311


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Anne Wheelock
12203 Shorewood Dr. SW
Burien WA 98146


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Charles & Shirley Gadbaw

711 Egg & I Rd.
Chimacum WA 98325


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Kathleen Horner
1051 Hancock St. #105
Port Townsend WA 98368


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Mike & Rona Anderson

445 Embody Rd.
Port Ludlow WA 98365


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Jim & Kim Wilcox

34 E. Moore St.
Port Hadlock WA 98339


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Karen Gold
75 Flora
Port Hadlock WA 98339


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Brian & Jillian Greenwood

PO Box 236
Quilcene WA 98376


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Dave & Mary Noble

52 Fir Circle
Port Hadlock WA 98339


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Troy & Melissa Norman

272 Cedar Ave.
Port Hadlock WA 98339


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Kate Olsen
2481 Anderson Lake Road
Chimacum WA 98325


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

David & Linda Ramsey

190 Sherwood Rd.
Sequim WA 98382


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Cathy Racine
720 Irondale Rd.
Port Hadlock WA 98339


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Stan & Patricia Schaff

80 W. Eugene St.
Port Hadlock WA 98339


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Jim & Janice Schauer

PO Box 274
Chimacum WA 98325


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Wally & Leatha Smith

280 French Rd.
Port Ludlow WA 98365


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Charlie & Joy Stewart

PO Box 38
Port Hadlock WA 98339


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Chuck Stewart
PO Box 38
Port Hadlock WA 98339


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Donald Swanson
6212 Beaver Valley Rd.
Chimacum WA 98325


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Bob & Su Tipton

PO Box 54
Nordland WA 98358


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Mike & Margaret Plumb

88806 Faulhaber Rd.
Elmira OR 97437


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Dale & Sue Peterson

PO Box 921
Winthrop WA 98862


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Chuck & Millie Hodgin

23807 Terrell Lane
Sedro-Wooley WA 98284


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Jim Nickerson
21759 Sterling Dr.
Sedro-Wooley WA 98284


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Hank & Rosalie Reimers

2227 6th Ave. N.
Great Falls MT 59401


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Chuck & Norma Trueman

31870 SR 20
Lyman WA 98284


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Jason & Cristie VanCamp

43 Cedar Ave.
Port Hadlock WA 98339


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Patrick & Kathi VanCamp

3521 Center Valley Rd.
Chimacum WA 98325


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Wayne Shirts
204 8th St.
Port Hadlock WA 98339


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Ray & Rita Sayer

2481 Anderson Lake Road
Chimacum WA 98325


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

David & Jenny Brengan

81 Shotwell Rd.
Port Hadlock WA 98339


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Randall Goldsmith
PO Box 1056
Port Hadlock WA 98339


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Michael & Laura Brittain

91 Patison St.
Port Hadlock WA 98339


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Elmer & Russea Headley

440 8th St.
Port Hadlock WA 98339


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Jeanne Ridgeway
3724 Pine Rd. Sp. 22
Bremerton WA 98310


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Krystal Gadbaw
PO Box 771
Port Hadlock WA 98339


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Jay & Janice Hundtoft

460 Jolie Way
Port Townsend WA 98368


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Jon & Aleta Georg-Groenig

PO Box 795
Port Hadlock WA 98368


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Rebecca Gibson
1235 Landes St.
Port Townsend WA 98368


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

John & Betty Bobo

PO Box 190
Quilcene WA 98376


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

B.J. & Jodi Hallinan

191 Airport Road
Port Townsend WA 98368


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Bill & Judy Plice

1005 31st Street
Port Townsend WA 98368


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Melanie & Alan Lunde

6878 Goodwin Rd.
Everson WA 98247


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Tim & Hannah Montgomery

1014 Adams Apt. A
Port Townsend WA 98368


Irondale Church

Pray Always:

Irondale Church News

Pastor David and



Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and
witness to our community
Busy Hands
People struggling
with illness
Young families and
single parent families
Those struggling
with addictions
Schools: students,
staff, administrators
Homeless, helpless,
hopeless and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement
The military serving
at home and abroad

I am thinking
about our words and how
we use them. How we say
what we say. That shirt
looks good on you, or
You look good in that
shirt. Is it the same message with the same meaning? Does it make a difference how you say it, as
long as a compliment is
intended? To say you
look good in that shirt
sort of implies you may
not look so good in another one. Where That
shirt looks good on you,
says the person makes the
shirt. Its not something
to go crazy over, but in
the long run a steady eardiet of misspoken expressions will paint your brain
in a corner it cannot escape.
In the news lately
we have seen bannered
the expression, Black
lives matter. As if there
is some doubt about that.
But the expression implies
there is doubt, by the general public and definitely
by the police. Black lives
matter is a simple little
statement intended to do
well, but it exposes a

deeper problem. It leads

us down a path of you
look good in that shirt.
The path where there is
more being said behind
the thought than through
Imagine two guys,
one a blue-eyed bald man
holding up a sign that
reads, White lives matter, the other a black
man with a sign that
reads, Black lives matter. Our culture tells us
the white guy is a white
supremacist raging with
hate and the other is a
disadvantaged black man
longing for equal rights.
The conclusion is made
for us before any facts are
Heres an example, three days after Michael Brown Jr. died in
Ferguson MO, NBC reported, Here is what we
know about the killing of
Brown was walking down
the street with a friend
when he was shot to
death by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday
afternoon, all parties acknowledge, but the facts

surrounding his killing are

hazy1. Do we see anything implied here? There
was a killing, a killing
not an arrest gone bad, or
an assault on a police officer, or even a confrontation, there was a killing.
The person killed was an
18 year old, barely more
than a child and worst of
all he was just walking
down the street with a
friend. Of course I know
nothing of the details, but
I do know when I am being baited to believe
something. This is something ministers know a lot
about. The good ministers avoid baiting people
into the faith and simply
ask and re-ask, Have you
considered Christ? Good
news reporters report the
news, they dont inflame
their readers with misleading statements.

Page 2

Irondale Church News

That Shirt Looks Good on You! continued

We saw this again in
Olympia on May 21. The headlines of the Seattle PI read,
Olympia cop shoots 2 unarmed men suspected of stealing beer The article begins,
Two stepbrothers suspected of
trying to steal beer from a grocery store were not armed with
guns when they were later shot
Thursday by a police officer
who confronted them in the
state's capital city.. Do you
see the bait? Do you see how
the media is spoon feeding us
the conclusion as it reports? It
begins with the headline, cop
not a more respectful term like
officer or policeman but
Shoots 2 unarmed
men, sounds like there was no
encounter, just another killing.
Suspected of stealing beer,
suspected is such a vague term.
The headline is leading us to
believe that the only thing we
know is some cop killed two
unarmed men. When the article begins they are, suspected
of trying to steal beer. Sounds
like they didnt even steal the
beer, they were just trying to.
Then the bait ramps up, a police officer who confronted
them, how does a policeman
confront a suspect? Police
dont confront they question,
they apprehend, they pursue
and they arrest. Once again as
in Ferguson the media sets the
hype without the facts. (Of
course I dont know the officers
involved and they may be bigots, but I really doubt it, because if they were, the media

would not have to bait us.)

But if you are looking
for facts, here are some facts.
From 2010-15 law enforcement
officers in the United States
killed 2,2221 people. During
that same timeframe 7032 law
enforcement personnel died in
the line of duty. This means
that for every 3 citizens that
are killed by police officers, a
police officer died. Bet you didnt know that. That is the type
of thing that gets left out by
people who are trying to create
the news rather than report it.
How are you doing
when you are baited to believe
something? Are you falling for
it or leaving it for what it is? 2
Timothy 2:15 tells us, Do your
best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of
truth. Romans 16:17-18 adds
to that, I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who
cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine
that you have been taught;
avoid them. For such persons
do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by
smooth talk and flattery they
deceive the hearts of the naive. God wants us to be informed and knowledgeable.
Completely believing in something, anything, requires faith.
But having faith does not mean
we check our brains at the
door, it means quite the opposite. We are challenged to
study God, place our trust in

Him and see if Hes for real.

The more we lean on Him the
stronger He becomes.
Do not buy into everything you hear or read. It was
the mob-mentality that crucified Christ. There are people
out there with some weird
agendas and they will bait you
into believing what they want
you to believe.
even those who may claim to
be like-minded with you may
twist the message just enough
to throw you off course.
Rem em ber
words, Behold, I am sending
you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves, so be wise as serpents
doves (Matthew 10:16 ESV).
And by the way, keep smiling,
joyful people really irk the Devil
and just so you know, that shirt
looks good on you!
-Pastor David

Enjoy the Kids Club pictures in

the following pages

Irondale Church News

Page 3

Pray for the Fish!

Ok, so we didnt
exactly pray for the fish,
except that they would
be very Hungry! God
blessed a total of 16 of us
with three boats, heading
to Lake Leland for our
first ever Kids Club
fishing derby.
We prayed for
sunshine, we got and
abundance of rain. I
mean an abundance of
rain! Good thing Shirley
was my co-pilot. It sprinkled on the way down
with a few breaks, drawing us in with a sneaky
display of just being overcast at some points.
Haw! That was
just a net about to be
drawn tight. It started to
sprinkle again just as we
were getting the boats
launched. With all the
kids life jacketed, handed
out their poles and given
their own personal fish
stringers (very sweetly
made by Russea, complete with hand wiping
cloths) they were loaded
in the boats captained by
Elmer, Troy and Pastor
David. Off they headed
with their gleeful fishing
people, all talking at once
and very excited. And
p o u r
I am proud to say
our pre-fishing school
and pole use in Kids Club

paid off, not a one of our

kids hooked another
child and only one pole
had to be abandoned in a
tangled mess. Extra poles
had been brought for just
such an occasion.
boat whos captain (name
not mentioned as I live
with him) was apparently
suffering a mutiny as he
gave up the helm briefly
and the mutineers did
manage to wrap a line in
the boat propeller during
the melee.
The reports rolled
in Colleen. Hello its
Russea; Dymon caught
the first fish! Manasseh
and Sara caught fish too!
I am not sure who was
more delighted, Russea
or named lucky child!
Kids whom had never
fished before caught their
first ever fish! Some
caught multiple fish.
Some caught no fish and
the rain did not discriminate in its torrential
downpour, it rained on
the successful and the
not so successful! Just
like life!
fish, some adults even
(we were told) threw
back the fish of those
adults who were catching
more fish than them!!!
We were one person
short on boat seating and
I elected to wait on the

shore; so, no it wasnt me

who threw back the fish.
As I fished from
the bank you could hear
the shouts of laughter,
you could hear singing. I
looked at the other fishermen on the shore near
me, there were big smiles
on their faces as well as
they took it all in.
We continued to
be drenched, but no one
thought we ought to go
back. I would get regular
updates on my cell phone
as catches were made
but for the most part I
didnt need them as the
shrieks of delight or disappointment at the one
that got away carried
across the water.
I watched in
amazement as two of our
adult women in a small
boat both stood up to
fish at the same time,
they hadnt got the
memo that you probably
shouldnt do that even in
a small sturdy boat. One
of them made the decision to cast from the
standing position and
thats all it took for strategic fishing dancing
methods to be employed. Thankfully
there was a true seaman
on board who saved the
day!!! I only wish the
whole thing had been
caught on tape (for posteritys sake you know)

Irondale Church News

Page 4

Pray for the Fish! continued

and we could use it in
one of our teaching lessons on fishing etiquette.
It continued to
pour. I was entertained
by the company of multiple otters who felt the
need to hang out with me
on the shore and a family
of newborn ducklings and
their mother swimming
by (the little runt in the
back couldnt quite keep
up and occasionally even
his mad paddling would
fail him and the mother
would come back to give
him a poke with her
beak...sheesh...its even
hard to be a duck somedays!!!
Lest you feel I
was cheated by not being
out on the water, the two
fishermen to my left
would occasionally mention they thought they

should go get lunch and

maybe dry out. (Sissies I
thought, why even our
littlest fisherman hadnt
offered any complaint!)
What I didnt know was
they were wise to the
ways of Leland Lake fish
and as they would begin
to make motions of leaving they would each
catch a fish in spite of the
local otters! I waited with
baited breath for them to
leave so I could have
their lucky spot. Finally
they did leave and I had
just started to relocate to
the prized position when
the voices from the water
seemed a lot closer and
sure enough here they all
came drowned as rats
but with grins that wouldnt quit.
I asked Did you
have fun? Silly question,
their faces were plas-

tered with joy and even

though by now their
teeth were indeed chattering, They all responded with resounding
YES-S Do you want to
do this again? YES! We
decided to go to my
home where it would be
warm to eat our lovely
picnic provided by Angel
and Joy.
Better to be
drowned and wet with a
bunch of happy kids or
sitting in a warm dry
house??? Better with the
kids! And of course, better having gone fishing!
Thanks God for
an opportunity to know
even in circumstances
that are less than perfect,
much joy can be found
with the right attitude in

Community Soup Volunteers Rock!

Community Soup
continues into the summer months now, and we
are still going strong!
Im happy to report that in May we had
some new volunteers join
in: two washed dishes,
one came to serve, and
another will be baking
What I love
about this is that three of
the four new volunteers
are people who come to

Community Soup on a
pretty regular basis!
Weve seen some of
them at church on Sundays as well.
Volunteering is
such a rewarding experience! It removes our
tunnel vision and opens
our horizons. We meet
people we may never
have met otherwise, and
learn more about our
community as a whole.

We learn to encourage one another, and

often receive encouragement through the appreciation of those we serve.
Thank you to all the prayer
warriors and volunteers
who keep us going week
after week. Maybe you
dont hear it enough, but
Ill tell you now: You are
so very much! God bless
you all!

Irondale Church News

Page 5

Guilty, but Free 5/5/2015

The gavel fell, the verdict read guilty as charged had been my plea, I hung my head in shame as the
crimes were read; they told the truth about me.
Id been there on the day that someone fell by my thoughtless cruel words and their character death
lay at my feet. But to look at me you saw no remorse I was vindicated you see.
They were exactly who I said they were and I had every rightbecause it was me theyd hurt with
their thoughtless acts and I was trampled beneath their feet.
To climb the social ladder they had carefully stepped upon me, took credit for the things Id done, so
they would rise and I no longer credited would be.
Oh how it hurt, it smarted to see my work so easily stolen and my labored hours cheapened as the
glory seeped away, bitterness slipped in and my godly character slid astray.
I waited for my moment when I would reveal their crime, dark thoughts trudged swiftly through my
mind. I knew because of who they were it would be only a matter of time.
Sure enough it happened their villainy was revealed, I waited breathlessly as their fatal plot unraveled, pushed it along, made sure it was clear, their fatal death was sealed.
The gavel held up in the air waited only to be brought down, but tears began to fall as they asked
forgiveness of the one whod paid the price, me... This couldnt be, this wasnt my advice.
I rushed in with my proof and deeply pled my case, ruthlessly exposing them hoping for a full disgrace, It would not hurt my heart to see their name scratched from the human race.
But I stood before the Judge and with tears in His eyes, He looked at me with broken heart and said;
It was for you I died. But, but, I hadnt lied, every word was true I cried!
With head bowed low towards my heart I looked deep within. I saw no mercy no grace for them like
Id been freely given. It was by my hurt feelings that I was being driven.
I looked up to see a mirror where His face had been, I saw the face of my own guilt filled heart reflected back at me. No shred of His glory shown within, just a dark empty raging sea.
Now it was my eyes that held the tears you see, I had so forgotten the priceless cost He had paid to
make me guilt free.
Hed taken His nail pierced arms so cruelly fastened tightly to the tree, falsely accused for the remission of my sins; He cried and wrapped them lovingly around me.
Guilty Judge I said, Please mark their debt paid you see, they were pardoned long ago when You
hung upon that tree. Please Lord; forgive such a one as me.
Oh matchless is the gift He gave and taught that so dark and painful day. The weight of my sin and
yours He reached up and carried beyond our finite minds away.
The price was fully paid by Him alone who would show us with His great love the one and only way. I
looked up to see Him smileHis tears of joy. Now you understand, He said, the gavel fell, He said;
Guilt free.
Love poured out it was enough for them and enough for me.

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin

Associate Pastor: Troy Norman


Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw

Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie

Located at 681 Irondale Road

PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Phone: 360-385-1720
Fax: 360-385-1720

Council: Colleen Hodgin-Youth, Shirley Gadbaw & Melissa Norman-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance,
Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery;
Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study
Monday: 6:30 Bible Study in Small Meeting Room
Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup
Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour
2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Caf
3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. Jeremiah 29:11

Irondale Church
PO Box 959
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Jorah & Cheyanne Benson

187 Llama Lane
Port Townsend WA 98368

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