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* In Dragonsdawn we see the death of Lucy Tubberman and her father's grief-madne

What If....Lucy didn't die, but only NEARLY did?
Tubberman believed, even before setting foot on Pern, that the colony's success
would be determined by its botanical health.
Would Tubberman still have developed the Thread-eating grubs? Or sent off the ho
memade distress capsule?
* Kenjo had not died of his injuries after Avril Bitra clobbered him with the pi
ece of shuttle debris?
* Paul Benden and Emily Boll had taken warnings more to heart and put in place m
ore stringent safeguards to prevent Avril Bitra's murder and departure., thereby
saving Kenjo's life and Zi Ongola's maiming.
* Although Avril Bitra has designs to leave Pern once here mining efforts have g
otten her what she believes will see to her comfort for the rest of her life, sh
e fails to anticipate the dangers that are natural to any planet...earthquakes,
landslides, tsunamis, hurricanes, etc. Having failed to consider these types of
dangers and her mortality, she eventually finds herself horrendously injured and
unable to persue her plans of leaving Pern.

Quote: Merfilly
"Sometimes the best stories are the whispers between the pages."

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