Pete Unit Plan Basketball 2015

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Revised 02/21/06 [SMB]

West Virginia University PETE Unit Plan

Name: Alex Loura and Dylan Rowzee


Unit Activity


Unit Context

Learner Characteristics: Number of students 20-30 per class.

Developmental level consists of all different abilities and skill
level. Previous experience and knowledge is limited to P.E, classes
and team sport participation.
Physical Environment: The shell building floor.
Equipment Access: Cpass Cage: 20-30 basketballs and 2-4
basketball hoops.
Special Concerns: Proper footwear and clothing. Know which
students have special needs and modifications.


NASPE Standards for PE

_x_ Motor Skills & Movement Forms
x Movement Concepts
x Physical Activity
Health-Related Fitness
x Personal & Social Behavior
x Values Physical Activity

WV Standards for PE
_x_ Movement Forms
_x_ Motor Skills
_x_ Physical Activity
_x_ Physical Fitness
_x_ Personal & Social Behavior

Unit Goal

SWBAT identify, breakdown, and perform basketball skills (dribbling,

passing, shooting, and defense strategies) with 70% accuracy in a skills
SWBAT learn strategies and team concepts while playing basketball
games. SWBAT exhibit their knowledge of the game through a weekly

Revised 02/21/06 [SMB]

Unit Objectives

Psychomotor: SWBAT perform basketball skills (dribbling, chest

pass, bounce pass, and shooting) with 70% accuracy in a skills
Cognitive: SWBAT explain how to perform these skills (dribbling,
chest pass, bounce pass, shooting, and defense strategies) with
70% accuracy on a daily or weekly quiz
Affective: SWBAT work together with their classmates and wear
proper team color to gain daily team points.
Health-Related Fitness: SWBAT enhance domains of health related
fitness (cardiovascular endurance, muscle endurance, muscle
strength, and flexibility)

Revised 02/21/06 [SMB]

Content Outline

Motor Skills:

Critical Elements:

Instructional Cues:


Dribble position
bend knees, back
straight, head up,
non-dribbling arm
up, turn body to
protect ball; use
fingertips and push
ball down

Eyes up, Use finfer

pads, ball at waist
level or lower

Bounce Pass

Hold ball at chest,

push ball out and
down (flip hands out
thumbs down),
bounce ball
towards partner to
hit partner in chest

Chest level, Knees

bent, extend arms
downward, turn
palms outward,
contact ground
from target

Hold ball at chest,

push ball out (flip
hands out thumbs
down), hit partner in

Square body to
target, step towards
target, push from
chest extend arms
thumbs pointing

BEEF: Balance the

ball on your shooting
hand, Elbow stays
directly under the ball
and over your know,
Eye on the target
(front or rim), and
Follow through
snapping the wrist
high over your head

Balance, Eyes,
Elbow, Follow

Chest Pass


Revised 02/21/06 [SMB]

Scope and
Sequence of

Informing Tasks:

Extension Tasks:

Applying Tasks:

Dribbling: dribble
w/head up in place,
moving forward up
the court and
stopping on whistle

Dribble around lines

of cones on court.
Dribble through
cones placed
randomly on court.

King of the court

dribbling contest.

Bounce Pass: Pass


Pass w/partner but

gradually get further
apart. Pass up the
court (3 man weave)

Passing contest
between teams - #
of successful passes
recorded in a period
of time with defense

Chest Pass: pass


Pass w/partner but

gradually get further
apart. Pass up the
court (3 man weave)

Set Shot: shoot from Shoot from dots on

floor at different
dots on floor
distances (HORSE)

Passing contest
Between teams - #
of successful passes
recorded in a period
of time with defense
Record # of times
successfully in a 1
min. time period

Revised 02/21/06 [SMB]

Block Time Plan

Lesson 1: Skills
Students will be
tested on dribbling,
passing, and

Lesson 2: Students
will be placed into
teams based on their
performance in the
skills assessment.

Lesson 3:

Dribbling Instruction-

Chest pass: Hold

ball at chest, push
ball out (flip hands
out thumbs down),
hit partner in chest.
CUES: Chest, push,

Dribble position bend knees, back

straight, head up,
non-dribbling arm
up, turn body to
protect ball; use
fingertips and push
ball down
CUES: Dribble
position, fingertips,
Dribbling Drills:
1. Dribble to
2. King of the

Dribbling review

Bounce pass: Hold

ball at chest, push
ball out and down
(flip hands out
thumbs down),
bounce ball
towards partner to
hit partner in chest
CUES: Chest, push,
Mention Over Head
Pass & Baseball
Passing Drills:
Students get with
partner and practice
Application: Husky
Basketball 2 on 2

Revised 02/21/06 [SMB]

Lesson 4:

Lesson 5:

Lesson 6:

(Free throws)



BEEF: Balance the

ball on your shooting
hand, Elbow stays
directly under the ball
and over your know,
Eye on the target
(front or rim), and
Follow through
snapping the wrist
high over your head

Eyes up, Left knee left

hand, Right Knee right

BEEF: Balance the

ball on your shooting
hand, Elbow stays
directly under the ball
and over your know,
Eye on the target
(front or rim), and
Follow through
snapping the wrist
high over your head
Drills- Knockout
Extension- Knock out
on the move
Application- Compete
against flight best
score out of 10 free

Students will shoot

from poly spots as
team and practice at
each spot
Application- Students
will compete against
flight. Goal is to make
a shot at each of the
poly spots before their
opponent does.

Drills- lay-up lines,

Lead pass to lay-up
Application- lay-up
competition. Students
will compete against
flight and try to make
as many layups as
they can in 1 minute.
Students must switch
from left to right after
each layup. Ex.
Student starts on left
next layup must be

Revised 02/21/06 [SMB]

Lesson 7:

Lesson 8:

Fast break/layups

Three point shooting Shooting/Dribbling

Eyes up, Left knee left BEEF: Balance the

hand, Right Knee right ball on your shooting
hand, Elbow stays
directly under the ball
A swift attack from a and over your know,
defensive position in Eye on the target
(front or rim), and
basketball, soccer,
Follow through
and other ball
snapping the wrist
high over your head

Application- 2 on 2
fast break. Students
will bring ball up
court against their
opponent and try to
make a layup in the
designated area.
Each pair has 5

Application- Three
point competition.
Students will compete
against flight and will
shoot at 5 different
spots around the
three point line.
Students will shoot
three times at each
spot. Student with
most made three
pointers wins.

Lesson 9:

Dribble position bend knees, back

straight, head up,
non-dribbling arm
up, turn body to
protect ball; use
fingertips and push
ball down
CUES: Dribble
position, fingertips,
BEEF: Balance the
ball on your shooting
hand, Elbow stays
directly under the ball
and over your know,
Eye on the target
(front or rim), and
Follow through
snapping the wrist
high over your head
Application- 1 on 1
choose offensive role
Three roles: Spot up
shooter, post man,
driver. Each student
will choose one of the
roles to be. Each will
have 5 attempts as
their role to score.
Student with more
points scored wins.

Revised 02/21/06 [SMB]

Lesson 10:

Lesson 11:

Lesson 12:

Defensive strategies
(Full Court press)

Boxing out

Defensive Strategies

A type of basketball
maneuver in which
a player positions
his body against an
opponent, in an
optimal space on
Application- 5 on 5 full
the floor between
court press. Defense
the opponent and
gets 5 attempts to
the basket, in order
stop the press. # of
times stopped is their to secure a rebound
Drills- Inbound
passing and
strategies to break

score for the day.

Application- box out

Students will
compete 1 on 1 to
fight for rebound.
There will be 5
attempts. Student
with most rebounds
wins for the day.

1. Types - 2-3; 2-1-2
2. Stay in
designated area &
guard people who
enter that area.
Man to Man
1. Match up with a
player from the
opposite team.
2. Stick with that
player wherever
they go.
3. Play between
man and basket
4. Play between
man and ball (w/out
5. Everyone is
responsible for the
person with the ball.
If they get by their
defender, you need
to help out and
guard them too.
Application- 5 on 5
half court. Offense
will try to get 10
complete passes.
Defense will decide
which defenses they
think will best stop
the offense. If
defense gets a
turnover before 10
passes defense will
receive a point.

Revised 02/21/06 [SMB]

Lesson 13:

Lesson 14:

Lesson 15:


Day 2 Tournament

Bracket will be made

by teachers.
5 on 5 full court 10
minute games

5 on 5 full court 10
minute games.


Students take
written exam.
Repeat skills test
dribbling, passing,
Review statistics,
rate improvement as
1) no improvement,
2) some
improvement 3)
great improvement.

Revised 02/21/06 [SMB]


Affiliation: Teams are picked based on students performance in

the skill combine. A mixture of above average, average, and
below average students will be placed on the same team as
equally as possible.
Roles: Students will rotate through roles each day. Captains
motivate students on their teams to work in pairs or as a team as
a whole on the skills and tasks assigned by the teacher.
Equipment managers will get all equipment needed for their team
for the days lesson. Fitness trainer warms up the team for daily
activity and competition by following the specific instruction on the
Fitness Task Sheet.
Seasons: The season consists of skill practice, daily team

competition, season play, round-robin tournament competition,

and a championship game.
Culminating Event: Teams work hard all season for the final
tournament. Tournament seeding is based on each teams record
of wins/losses during season play. Tournament games are 10
min. long, scores are kept and referees make calls. Winners
advance to the play offs.
Tasks and skills will be instructed through teacher and student
demonstrations. Extension tasks increase/decrease in distance
and in difficulty when proficiency has been met. Application tasks
occur daily to reinforce lesson focus for the day. Daily
Culminating event is a game where teams will use all skills
learned in class.

Revised 02/21/06 [SMB]


Students will do a pre-skills assessment where their passing,

dribbling, and shooting skills will be assessed. This allows for
equal placement of student talent on teams. Winning daily point
competition (1st place- 5 pts. 2nd place- 4pts. 3rd place 3 pts. 4th
place 2 pts. 5th place 2 pts.

Resources Used

Course work: PET 341: teaching basketball.

Personal knowledge and playing the game of basketball.

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