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PETE Assessment Report

Revised 02/21/06

West Virginia University PETE Assessment Report

Name: James Sullivan, Katlyn Orndorff, Chelsea


Unit Activity



NASPE Standards for PE

_x_ Motor Skills & Movement Forms
x Movement Concepts
x Physical Activity
x Health-Related Fitness
x Personal & Social Behavior
x Values Physical Activity

WV Standards for PE
_x_ Movement Forms
_x_ Motor Skills
_x_ Physical Activity
_x_ Physical Fitness
_x_ Personal & Social Behavior

Unit Goal
Students will learn the skills and concepts of slow pitch softball. They will apply
the skills and concepts they learn in the application tasks at the end of each
Unit Objectives

Psychomotor: SWBAT perform softball skills (throwing, fielding,

catching, hitting, pitching), with 80% accuracy in each
application task at the end of each class.
Cognitive: SWBAT explain the rules and strategies of softball
through weekly quizzes based off of readings given by the
teacher. SWBAT identify components of different softball skills
and answer questions based on the information on weekly
quizzes. SWBAT increase their knowledge of health related
fitness components through daily fitness tasks and warm-ups.
Affective: SWBAT communicate and cooperate with teammates
throughout practice and games. SWBAT take on different roles
(coach, trainer, equipment manager), and work towards team
success in application tasks/games. SWBAT create team

PETE Assessment Report

Revised 02/21/06

chemistry competency by working together and utilizing all

players on the team.
Health-Related Fitness: SWBAT practice and increase their
muscular strength, endurance, and flexibility through fitness
training, softball practice, and game play each class.
Unit Objectives

Measurement of Student

Analysis of Student Learning Data

SWBAT perform
softball skills
(throwing, fielding,
catching, hitting,
pitching), with 80%
accuracy in each
application task at
the end of each

Each student in the class

will be able to demonstrate
a variety of softball skills
by learning, practicing, and
applying them in different
game-like settings. The
students will be utilizing a
different skill each week
including catching,
throwing, fielding, pitching,
base running, and batting.
The students will
eventually lead up to use a
combination of these skills
in game settings. Each
class, students will be
tested on their competency
towards each skill in an
application task. Students
will be able to complete
each application task
based on a softball
skill/skills with at least 80%
accuracy. Application tasks
are either individual or
team based, which are
competitions against the
other team. Since there
are only two teams in the
class, the winning team of
an application task will be
awarded 5/5 points for the

Out of the 28 students in class, most of them were

able to demonstrate at least an 80% competency
of each psychomotor skill every class. The
students were assessed individually in the first
day of class through a full-sided game of softball
that enabled each player to show off the skills that
they already have learned. Most of the students
were already near Target achievement in each
individual skill. Every student, however, needed
more skill practice to enhance his or her level of
psychomotor ability.
The students were broken up into two teams
based on their skill level. Every team had an even
amount of students who were at or close to
mastery of specific skills and others who needed
significant work. Each day, the students worked
on a specific skill that would be utilized in each
application task. The experienced players, who
did not need as much practice, were able to help
out their teammates who did. Also, having
students on each team take on different roles
enabled my colleagues and myself to further
assess and assist the less talented students.
All students were ready and willing to learn and
compete each class and loved the idea that they
could help out their team in different ways. If a
student was not very successful in the batting
application task and was good at fielding, they
could use their skills to help out in the fielding
application task.
The students were able to play at an intermediate

PETE Assessment Report

Revised 02/21/06

SWBAT explain
the rules and
strategies of
softball through
weekly quizzes
based off of
readings given by
the teacher.
SWBAT identify
components of
different softball
skills and answer
questions based
on the information
on weekly quizzes.
SWBAT increase
their knowledge of
health related
through daily
fitness tasks and

day. The losing team will

be given 4/5 points for the
day. Each student, if
present and involved in
class, will be expected to
achieve at least an 80%
overall psychomotor grade
by the end of the unit.

and above skill level in each class and no

students were overwhelmed at any time. Every
student was able to contribute to their team in
some way through their psychomotor capabilities.
By the regular season and playoffs, it was very
rewarding to see all of the students positively
contribute in one skill or another. Each game was
very close and each player was able to show off
their softball skills that they have been practicing
all semester.

Each week, the students

will be given either a
reading or an online video
based off of the rules,
strategies, and/or the skills
of softball. The students
quizzes are set up to
resemble the content that
they will learn each week.
This will give the students
information and prior
knowledge to prepare for
each skill and the
application tasks that they
will be engaging in. The
students will be able to
increase their knowledge
each week by taking the
quiz and reviewing any
mistakes they may make
on the quiz after teacher
correction. The students
will be able to ask any
questions they may have
about a skill, rule, or
strategy that will be
answered by the teacher.

Overall, the class was able to improve their

average grades each week and combine for an
average of 82.5% on the final quiz. The average
of the class would have been higher if every
student was present each week on the day of the
quiz and final. Overall, most of the students were
able to at least achieve a 60% or higher on the
first four quizzes and at least a 75% or higher on
the final.

Each student will take four

quizzes worth a total of 5
points each and one final
quiz worth 8 points each
for a total of 28 points.
There will also be a
chance for one bonus point
on each quiz. Students will
at least be able to achieve

As a group, Team Money was able to increase

their average quiz scores consistently from 3.5/5
the first week to 4/5 the second to last week. Their
average final score was 5.85/8, which was below
the target score. This is only because 3 students
did not show up for the final quiz and were given
0/8 points. Of the students who did show for the
final quiz, only one fell short of the target score.
As a group, Team Bomb Squad was able to stay
above the minimum target quiz score and end the
second to last quiz with a 4.14/5. Again, the
average quiz scores for the first four quizzes
would have been higher if students did not miss
class. For the final quiz, every student on Team
Bomb Squad showed up and did outstanding. On
the final quiz one student scored a 6/8, five
students score a 7/8 and a majority seven
students scored a perfect 8/8.
Out of all of the students who came to class and
took the quizzes, I personally believe they learned
much more about the sport of softball through
readings, videos, and knowledge learned in class.
The statistics from the quizzes prove that with
each week the majority of the students improved
and were able to learn much more information
regarding strategies, rules, and skills in the game

PETE Assessment Report

Revised 02/21/06

Affective: SWBAT
communicate and
cooperate with
practice and
games. SWBAT
take on different
roles (coach,
trainer, equipment
manager), and
work towards team
success in
SWBAT create
team chemistry
competency by
working together
and utilizing all
players on the

a 60% (3/5 points) on each

of the first four quizzes and
at least a 75% (6/8 points)
on the final quiz.

of softball.

Each class the student will

break up into their teams
and be assessed on
whether their team as a
unit all wore their team
color as well as have the
team mascot present. For
team color every team
member must be present
to receive the point. The
mascot if present will
receive 1 point as well.
This allows the students to
understand how important
it is to work as a team to
be successful. Students
will be dressed in
appropriate attire and team
colors 100% of the time.
As a team the will also be
performing an application
task each class both
individually and as a team
depending on the lesson.
The application task when
individually will be added
up and the team with the
most points will get 5 daily
team points and the
second place team will get
4. When playing a team
application task the
winning team of the task
will be given 5 and the
second will be given 4. A
running total will be kept
for the whole class. The
team with the most daily
team points on the last day
will receive 5 bonus points.
The students will show
their team involvement by

Each team worked really well as a team during

class. The only real issue throughout the class
was attendances for the teams. The attendance
was crucial in the daily team points and team
money suffered the most when it came to
attendance. Bomb squad on the other hand
always had 70% of their players. Also, the first
class the students were unfamiliar with each other
for the most part but after they were put into a
team it didnt take long for them to bond as a
team. I think that the teams really came together
because of the students coaches for each team
were good of taking control of their team and help
them in any way they could. The teams also found
the importance of communication after a couple
collisions in the outfield occurred. The teams both
took pride in their roles they selected on the first
class which helped with their team cooperation as
well. Overall both teams did a great job with
complying to their roles and working as a team.
The teams both respected and listened to
specifically their fitness trainers and coaches
which were two very important roles in the class.
The mascot holders had their mascot for every
class which showed how much they wanted to
help their team with the daily team points. The
daily team points were within two points by the
last class so needless to say they all took the daily
team points very seriously. Their sportsmanship
with the other team was good as well. There were
times the two teams would like to pick at one
another but it was all in good fun. We noticed that
if a player on the opposite team would fall down
the other team would be right there to pick them
up which showed great character from the two

PETE Assessment Report

Revised 02/21/06

how well they participate in

the daily team points,rules,
and their roles on the
team. Each student will
have a role and will
perform their roles each

Fitness: SWBAT
practice and
increase their
muscular strength,
endurance, and
flexibility through
fitness training,
softball practice,
and game play
each class.

Each class students will be

expected to perform a
fitness play that will involve
both skills and the five
fitness components. The
students will be assessed
on their participation during
the fitness portion and that
they are reaching 50%
MVPA. The students by
following the fitness plan,
coaching plan, and
participating in the
application task will easily
reach a level of 50%
MVPA. Students will be
given what activities they
need to perform and
fitness trainers/coaches
need to make sure their
team is not rushing
through to make sure their
team gets the most out of
the plans as well as
reaching that MVPA goal. If
the teams seem to be
rushing through the plans
or if some students seem
to not be participating they
are most likely not getting
the desired MVPA
percentage. Students will
be assessed on their
participation during the
plans as well as their

The fitness test during the later part of the

semester had the students participating during
every fitness plan. The fitness trainers were also
good about helping their team get through the
fitness plan and doing it correctly. The students
understood how important their participation was
during the fitness plan in regards to their fitness
test as well as warming their bodys up to avoid
any injuries. The fitness plans focused on both
warm-up skills, and the five components of
fitness. During the practice and fitness part of the
lesson students were reaching a 50% MVPA
during every class. They then would also reach
that level during the application task. The
application task since it was worth a good amount
of their points for the day had all the students
participating to their full ability. I think that both
teams overall increased the physical fitness and
skill level which helped the results in their game
play and fitness test. During the fitness test all the
students gave it their all to try and beat the other
team at the various fitness activities to help win for
their daily team points. You could see the students
pushing themselves to reach their 50% MVPA.
The coaches and the fitness trainers were the big
factor in helping guide their teams success.

PETE Assessment Report

Revised 02/21/06

fitness test that will be at

the end of the class to see
how the students improved
from the first class.
Students are expected to
participate during the
whole class to reach their

Explain how the assessment data were used to inform your planning and instructional decisions:
The assessment data helped aid the planning and instructional decision making by allowing us to see how
the students responded to the assessments and what worked and what didnt in regards to daily team
points, application tasks, quiz, etc. For the daily team points for the most part didnt need much altering
throughout the assessments. For the application task however, the assessment allowed us to see who to put
in flights together to make a more equal application task. It also allowed us to see what application tasks
were too easy or too difficult and how to make them more fitted for the students we had in the class. The
assessment also let us see what skills the students needed more practice in and which ones they seem to
be more skilled in. The assessment data on the quizzes helped us in planning on what type of questions we
should ask the students to allow them to use the most of their cognitive ability. We noticed at first the quizzes
were on the easy side and soon made them more challenging. The assessment data overall really helped us
in altering the lessons, application task, and quizzes to allow the students to achieve the unit objectives we
had for them.
Explain how the assessment data were used to determine student grades:
Students were assessed on their psychomotor abilities during the application task that took place at the end
of each class. The application task were both individual and team task depending on the lesson for that day.
The grading for the application task were 1st place= 5 points and 2nd place= 4 points and there were a total
of 12 application task. Students were assessed on their affective abilities through the daily team points which
consisted of application task as a group, team color/ attendance, and mascot. If the application task was an
individual task the total task points were added up and the team with the most got a 5 for their daily team
points and the second place team would get a 4. If the task were as a team the points were 5 for winning
and 4 for second place. Wearing team color and if the whole team was there was worth 1 point and having
the mascot was 1 point added to the daily team points. Daily team points were not for a grade but the team
with the most daily team points at the end of the class would get 5 bonus points at the end. Students were
also assessed on their cognitive abilities through quizzes on material related to the lesson. Each quiz was
worth 4 points and the 5th quiz, which was the final quiz, was worth 8 points. Lastly, the students on the last
day participated in the WVU Olympics the winning team received 20 points and the 2nd place team received
17 points.
Based on your assessment data, describe how would you modify this unit for future use:
I believe that the assessment for this unit has minor things that could be altered for future use. I think that
the roles for the students worked really well and got all the students involved as a team. I think having a role
for every person in the class would be a good way to ensure that everyone has a job or have the students

PETE Assessment Report

Revised 02/21/06

switch roles each class so they can be subjected and get a chance to perform each role. I think the daily
team points were a good way to keep the teams competitive and involved in the class. It also helped the
teams bond and showed them the importance of working as a team. I think the quizzes were also a great
part of the assessment because it allowed the students to think cognitively on the skill being learned and
gave them prior knowledge on the skill that was to be perform in class. The application task I think that
making sure its challenging for the students and not too easy is important. I think it would be a good idea to
have the students create their own application task that they could compete in and get a grade for it. Having
student use their imagination and create their own game will get the students more involved in the class.
Overall the assessment was good and minor things could be done to make it even better.

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