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Oo ot ©) Ot oO Ow oO OY Oo 1 a oO { a ora General, ammaila'” tie design of a water’supply system insures adequate ‘Weter supply to'all fixtures at all timesand achieves eco- homie sizing ofthe piping, To dothis, the maximum proba- - ble rate of flow or demand for which provisions should be ‘made to’ every portion of the system is utllized, ‘The de- ‘mand ‘cannot be exactly determined because most fix- "tures ere used intermittently “and the probability of simul tarieous use’ of such fixtures cannot be established. In ‘order'to be' acceptable for estimating the demand of the water supply system, a: method must produce the est!- ‘hated-demand for al ixtures.on the system during pert- ‘ods of peak demand, avoid oversizing of the piping, and "she adaptable for elimatiog the demantof ke GENERAL E101.1.1 This appendix outlines 0 proe _ Water piping system (see Sections E103.3 and E2011). 8 surly ‘source, the head charges in the id elevation, and the rates of $014.2 Becautoof th vale conden! Encountered in hydraulic design, itis impractical to specify definite and de- tailed rules for sizing of the water piping system. Accord ingly, other sizing or design methods conforming to good snglnessing practicestandards are acceplableeltematives to those presented herein. “ SECTIONE(02 INFORMATION REQUIRED. F102.1 Preliminary. Obtain the necessary inforreation regard- ing the minimum daily static service pressure in the area where ‘the building js to be located. Ifthe building supply isto be me- tered, obtain information regarding fiction loss elative tothe sate of flow for meters in the range of sizes likely o be used. Fret loss data can be obtained from most manufacturers of E102.2 Dei and load. ‘E102.2.1 Estimate the supply deniand of the building main ‘and the principal branches and risers of the system by total- ing the corresponding demand from the applicable part of ‘Table E103.3(3). 2009 INTERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE® COMMENTARY. Appendix E: Sizing ‘of Water Piping System wells different types of fixtures and. building occupancy classifications.” This. procedure: takes into ‘consideration the pressure, velocity limitations, materials, characteris- tics of the water sodce and demand, Purpose “The Gurpose of Appendix Esto provid two methods of sizing: water supply system. These methods provide plumbing fixtures and equipment with water in sufficient volume and adequate pressures to enabie.ther to func- tion properly without excessive noise under normal condi- tions of use. There are many other sizing or design meth- ods, conforming to good engineering practices. ‘E102.2.2 Estimate continuous supply demands in gallons per ‘minute (L/m) for: lawn sprinklers, air conditioners, etc. aud ‘add the sum to the total demand for fixtures. The resus the estimated supply demand fr the uleng spy SECTIONE10S.. _SELECTION OF PIPE SIZE E103.1,General, Decide e from Table 604.3 what is the desirable ‘minimum residual pressure that should be maintained atthe high- est fixture inthe supply system, Ifthe highest group of fixtures ‘contains flush valves, the pressure forthe group should not be less ‘haa. 15 pounds per square inch (psi) (103.4 KPa) flowing. For flush tank supplies, the avilable pressure should not be les than 8psi (55.2 kPa) flowing, except blowout ation fixtures must not be less than 25 psi (172.4 EPa) flowing. E103.2Pipesizing 'E103.2.1 Pipe sizes can be selected accor procedure or by other design methods c able engineering practice and approved by the administrate authority. The sizes selected must not be less than the mini- ‘mumrequired by this code. ‘8103.2.2 Water pipe sizing procedures are based on a system of pressure requirements. ad losses, the sum of which must not exceed the minimum pressure availabe atthe supply source. ‘These pressures are as follows: 1. Pressure required at fixture to produce required flow “(Gee Section 604.3 and Section 604.5). 2. Static pressure loss of gain (due to head) is computed at 0.433 psi per foot (9.8 KPa/m) of elevation change. Example; Assume that the highest fixture supply outlets 20 feet (6096 mit) above orbelow the spply : APPENDIX E-t SIZING OF WATER PIPING SYSTEM source. This produces a static pressure differential of 20 feet by 0.433 psiffoot ( 9.8 kPiy/m) and an 8.66 psi (59,8 kPa) loss. 3. Loss through water meter. The friction or pressure loss ean be obtained from meter manufacturers. 4, Loss through taps in water main. ‘5 Losses through special devices such as ters softeners, ‘backflow prevention devices and pressure regulators. “These values mustbe obtained from the manufactures. 6. Loss through ‘valves and fitings. Losses for these items are calculated by converting to equivalent length of piping and adding tothe total pipe length 4° Loss auto pipe friction car be calculated when the ip size, the pipe length and the flow through: the pipe are known, With these three:items, the fiction {oss can be determined: For piping flow charts not in- ‘leded, ise manvfocturers" tables and velocity rec- ommendations.” Note: For the purposes of all examples, the following rmetrie conversions are applicable: ATI9 Us ‘Lcubic foot per-minute 1 square foot = 0.0929 m* degree = 0.0175 rad { pound per square ine Vinch = 254 mm. , 1 foot = 304.8 mm 1 gollon pet finite =3.785 Lim E103,3 Segmented loss method. The size of water service ‘mains, branch mains and risers by the segmented loss method, {ust be determined according to Water supply demand [gpm (Lém)], available water pressure [psi (kPa)] and friction loss atised by the water meter and developed length of pipe [feet (Gn), including equivalent length of fitings. This design proce- ‘dure is based on the following parameters: -" t + Calculates the friction loss through each length of the ‘Based on a system of pressure losses, the sum of which ‘must not exceed the minimum pressare available at the ‘teetinain or other source of supply. + Pipe sizing based on estimated peak demand, total pres- sure losses caused by difference in elevation, equip- tment, developed length and presstire required at most remote fixture, loss through taps'in water main, losses through fittings, filters, backflow prevention devices, vvilves and pipe friction. ‘Because ofthe variable conditions encountered is hydraulic design, itis impractical to specify definite and detailed rules for sizing of the water piping system. Current sizing methods do not address the differences in the probability of use and flow ‘characteristics of fixtires between types of oscupancies. Cre ating an exact model of predicting the demand for a buildings {impossible and final studies assessing the impact of water con- servation on demand are nol yet compete, The following steps are necessary forthe segmented loss method: APPENDIXE APPENDIXE 1.Preliminary. Obtain the necessary information regarding the minimum daily static service pressure inthe area where the building is tobe located. Ifthe building supply isto be ‘metered, obtain information reanrding friction loss relative to the rate of flow for meters inthe range of sizes tobe used. Friction loss data can be obtained from manufacturers of ‘water meters. Itis essential that enough pressure be avail able tcovercome all system losses caused by friction and el- ‘evation so that plumbing fixtures operate properly. Section 604.6 requires the water distribution system tobe designed forthe minimum pressure avaitable taking into. consider- ‘ation pressure fluctuations, The lowest pressure must be se- fected to guarantee a continuous, adequate supply of water. ‘The lowest pressure in the public main usually occurs in the summer because of lawn sprinkling and supplying water for fir-conditioning cooling towers, Future demands pleced on the public main as a result of lage-growth, or expansion. ‘ould lso be;considered: The available pressure will de- ‘ease asadlitonal loads are placed on the publicsystem. 2. Deivanid toad, Estate the supply demand ofthe building ‘mai andthe principal branches dnd risers ofthe systema by {biuling the corresponding demand from the applicable part of Table £103.33), When estimating peak deman¢ sizing ‘methods typically use-water-supply-fisture units (@vs.£usee Table £103.3(2)]. This numerical fctor mes- ‘suresihe loud-producing effect ofasingle plumbing fixture of given kind. Th use of Sueh fire units can be applied to a single basie probability curve (or table), found in the various sizing methods (Table E103.3(3)), The fixture units - tre then converted into gellons per minute (Lim) flow rates “focestimaiing demand, 3 1, Estimate continuous supply demand ia gallons per "minute (Lita) for lawn sprinklers, air conditioners, fe, and add the sum ip the toll demand for fix- {ures The resus the estimated supply demand for the building supply. Foire ints eannot be applied to constant use Bxtures such as hose bibbs, lawn spiklers and air conditioners. These types of fix- {ues mst be aésigned the gallon per minute (Lire) 3, Selection of pipe size. This water pipe sizing procedures ‘based on a system of pressure requirements apd losses, the sum of which must not exceed the minimum pressure aval able at the supply source. These pressures are as follows: © 3.1.Pressure required at the fixture to produce required flow. (See Section 60433 and Section 604.5). 3.2.Statie pressure loss or gain (because of head) is ‘computed at 0.433 psi per foot (9.8 kPa/m) of eleva- toughens 02 : ml 3.3.Loss through a water meter. The friction or pressure oss can be obtained from the manufacturer, '3,4.Loss through tags in water main [see Table £103.3(4)- 3.5.Losses through special devices such as filters, sot- ‘eners, backflow prevention devices and pressure ‘regulators. These Values must be obtained from the manufecturers 36.Loss through valves and fittings [see Tables 'E103.3(5) and B103.3(6)]. Losses for these items {2003 INTERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE® COMMENTARY ASN NN A A C € € C PMA RL AOA. hon nR ROAR C APPENDIX are calculated by converting to equivalent length Oo Of piping and adding to the total pipe length. 43.7.Lost eaused by pipe friction'can be calculated ‘whe the pipe size, the'pipe length and the: flow Q through the pipe are known. With these three items, the friction loss can be determined using oO Figures E103.3(2) through E103.3(7): When us ing charts, use pipe inside diameters. For piping a flow etirts rot ineluded, use manufacturers’ ta- bles and velocity recommendations. "Before at~ o tempting to size any water supply system, itis © ye: mecessary: to gather, preliminary i oO oO ‘The water supply system is divided into sections ; at major changes in elevation or where branches oO lead finture soups. The peak demand must be ‘determined in each part ofthe hot and cold water oO supply system which includes the comespondiig C ‘water supply fixtire unit and conversion to gal- tons per minute (Lim) flow rate to be expected through each section. Sizing methods requirethe eeinnon of the “most hyérulely rex fixture to compute’ the, pressure loss case b pipe and tings Toe byarslialy e- smote fixture represents the most downstream fix- tue log the cei of pingreusngtie mos toll pressure Sani _ losses, such as fiction caused by pipe, fitings ‘and equipment, elevation and. sure required by Table 6 mon and frequent complaints about the water supply system operation are lack of adequate pressure and noise, Problem: What size Type L copper water pipe service and is tribution will be required to serve a two-story factory bul faving on etch floor, backto-back, we ‘ol toons each ‘equipped with hot and cold water? The highest fixtureis 21 feet (6401 mm) above the street main, which is tapped with a 2-inch (G1 mm) corporation cock at which point the minimiim pres- Se is 55 psi (379.2 kPa) In the building basement, 02-inch (G1 min) meter with a maximum pressure drop of 11 psi (75.8 kPa) and 3-inch (76 mim) rediced pressure principle backflow preveiter witha maxinnim pressure drop of9 psi (621 kPa) are tobe installed The systemis shown by Figure E103.3(1), Tobe Ne ra a od ‘aad hot water distribution pipes. : Solution: A tabular arrangement such as shown in Table E103.3(1) should first be constructed. The steps to be fol- loved ar indicated by the tabular arrangement itselfas they are in sequence, columns | through 10 and fines A through L Step 1 Columns 1 and 2: Divide the system into sections breaking ‘at major changes in elevation or where branches lead to fix- ture groups, After point B [see Figure £1033(1)), separate consideration wiltbe given tothe hot and cold water piping. ‘2003 INTERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE® COMMENTARY ‘SIZING OF WATER PIPING SYSTEM Enter the sections to be considered inthe service and cold wa- ing in Column 1 of the tabular arrangement. Column 1 of Table E103.3(1) provides aline-by-tine recommended tab- ular arrangement for use in solving pipe sizing... ‘Thé objective in designing the water supply systemis to en- stir ah adequate Water supply and pressure to all fixtires and equipment. Column 2 provides the pounds’per square inch (8) to be considered separately rom the minimum pressure available at the main: Losses to take into consideration are the following: .the differences in elevations betwee the waier + Supply outlet, meter pres- sure losses, the tap in main loss, special fixture devices such as ‘water softeners and. prevention devices and the pressure te- ‘quired at the most remote fixture outlet. The difference in éle- vation ean result in. an increase, or decrease’ in available pressure atthe main, Where the water supply ouletis locaied above the source, this results a Joss inthe available pressure ‘and is subtracted from the pressure atthe water source. Where {thehighest water supply outlets located below the water sup- plysource, there will bean increase in pressure thatis added to the available pressure ofthe water source. Column 3: According to Table E103.3(3), determine the gpm (Lm) of flow to be expected in each section-of the system. ‘These flows range from 28.6 to 108 gpm, Load values for fix- tures must be determined as water supply Fixture units andthen converted to a gallon-per-minuic (gpm) ring to deternine ‘peak demand. When calculating peak demands, the water sup- ply fixture units are added and then converted to the gal- lon-per-minute rating. For continuous flow fixtures sich as hhose: bibbs..and. lawn sprinkler, systems, add. the gal- lon-per-minute demand to 5 gpm detnand 10 gpm, Teal gp rating gpm=58.0 gpm demand. : eae Calin '2. This is 55 psi (379.2 KPa). The. local water authorities generally keep records of pressures at - ver in systems having a flush valve or temperature controlled ‘ter supply oullét is generally located above the water supply. ‘shower at the top most floors the déveloped length would be iC ‘source, The Idss is caused by the pressure required to lift the fromthe water meter to the most remote flush valve onthe sys- Ne ee re pieieimeiesomced fomike (etl Aras OC EE progressively c pressure a the Water Source. Where the highest water supply salle a the system extends Father from the main source of ESSE SE a ec rcs fhre wile anime” supa [uel poe ee a) Be amed Dy Oe (elowing for: trease in pressure which is added to the available pressure mule fof the water source. Line J: (Pressure available to overcome pipe friction) x a Lines E) G and Hi The pressure Tosses through filters. ‘100/edjuivalent length of run total developed length to most re- Co ‘backflow prevention devices or other special fixtures must be smote fixture x percentage factor of 1.5 (note: a percentage fac- Sbisined from the manufacturer or estimited and entered on tor ig used only as an estimate for friction losses imposed for C Se ees actaccoou prevewion devices ings fociibal til ppe sae) = pl (oVeugE EES" érops ‘check valves, water softeners, instantaneous or tankless was per 100 feet of pipe). weit Sb € ter heaters, filters and strainers can impart # much pres ‘For tral pipe Size set Figure E 103.303) (lype Lcopper) based Geel ici ie pping Te puree rnge_— gn 777 pr and #108 gpm 22h eee to detennine the ¢ from 8 psi to 30 psi, rs é equivalent length 6f run to the most remote outlet, the devel- : ‘step 3 a ‘pe length is deteithined tnd added to the fiction losses for é Sana : ae ‘itigs and valves, The developed lengths of the designated ‘Line I: The sumof the pressure requirements andlosses that ee an ea ene ‘affect the overall system (Lines B through H) is entered on Hipg sections ite this ine. Summarizing the steps, allof the system losses are AB Séfeet subtracted from the minimum water pressure, The remit Bi 6.58 teat ders the pressure available fbr fitetion, defined s the en- ergy aVailable to push thé water through the pipes to cach C=, 13 feet oe fixtire, This force can be used as an average pressure loss, DeB. 450 feet slong asthe presse avaluble fr frictions tot exceeded, 7 cea : ‘Saving @ certain amount for available water supply pres~ ‘Total developed Jength = 225 feet i - sures as an ajea incurs growth, or because of aging of the ‘The equivalent length of the friction loss in fittings and pipe or equipment added to the system is recommended. valves must be added to the developed length (most eae Step 4 a Re dle), Whete the size of Sittings and valves isnot known, the ‘5 : i Bs added friction loss should be approximated. A general nvle that LineJ:SubtactLine fromLine A. This givesihe pressure Haseen used istondd SO percent ofthe developed lengttoal- {fat weinains available from overcoming friction losses in gy foe fittings and valves. For i eralalle From ge mncnen ae fittings ‘example, the equivalent length Segecn iafeesineaigreeSetStES shure lates ns Gaeasuied login is called éevel- Ye sot ulate lee of un for determining a trial pipe oped! length): es i : 5 : a ee tie ‘Example: 9.36 (pressure available to. overcome pipe ; Ce ee ee eto Head gain)‘and omitted from the sums of Lines B through sl (evemge pressure dropper 100 feet of Pips). C i and added to Line J. c i “The maximum friction heed loss that ean be tolerated in fort Table B103.3(6) the equivalent lengths C i ‘the system during peak demand is the difference between the tial pipe size offitingsand valves oncach pipe section. t th tai resau t e ihes! andi: eots Guletat Enter the sum for each section in Column 6. (The number of : 2 a a ee inimum flow pressure e- Stings tobe tse inthis example must be an estimate) The C 7 ; C [APPENDIX E-4 “003 INTERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE® COMMENTARY 7 ¢ rmrAn A o ol ol oO} 0 Qh. O OU CG APPENDIX E ‘SIZING OF WATER PIPING SYSTEM oni en eee a8 HO | spores, | ec eying SELRUATER | ermosuaves ARETE | srtasna ves na 3 ao} Savon ‘saa vrata we ame oc ea a eo ase a cr Sanat oo rma | eo sae bees |e beam equivalent length of piping isthe developed length plus the equivalent lengths of pipe corresponding to fiction head losses for tings and valves. Where the size of fitings and ‘valves is not iiown, the added friction head losses must be approximated. An estimate for this example is as follows: Step 8 (Column 7: Add the figures from Column 4 and Column 6, ‘andenterin Column 7. Express the sum in hundreds of feet. Step 9 : Column 8: Select form Figure E103.3(3) the friction loss pe. 100 feet 30 480 mm) of pipe forthe gallon-per-minute flow jna section (Coturan 3) and trial pipe size (Colurna 5). Maxi ‘nium friction head loss. per 100 feet (30 480 mun) is deter sminedl on the basis of total pressire availabe for friction head Joss and the longest equivatentlength of run. The selection is ‘based on the gallon-per-minute demand, the uniform friction, head loss, andthe maximum design velocity. Where the size indicated by hyeraulic table indicates a velocity in excess of the selected velocity, a size must be selected which produces the required velocity, Step 10 (Columa 9: Multiply the figures in Columns 7 and 8 foreach. section and enter in Column 9. ‘Toll Seton lows is determined by muliplying di friction loss per 100 feet (30480 mm) for each pipe section inthe tal deyeloped sgt bythe pessur fossa Fags ‘expressed as cquivatent length in feet. Note: Section C: should be considered in the total pipe frition losses only it eases oscars in Secon CF an in pipe secon =. Section C-F is not considered inthe tora developed length, Total fiction loss in. equivalent length is determined as follows: . Step 11 : [Line K: Enter the sum ofthe values in Column 9. The value is the total tition loss in equivalent length for each designated pipe section, Step 12 Line L: Subtract Line from Line K and enter in Column 10. The result should always bea postive or plus figure. 1 tis not, repeat the operation using Columns 5,6, 8nd 9 ual & balance or near balance is obtained: If the difference between Lines J and Ks high positive numbes it isan indication that the pipe sizes are too large and should bereduced, thus saving ial In such a case, the operations ising Columns 5, 6,8 and 9 should again be repeated. ~The total iition losses are determined and subtracted from the pressure ayalable to overcome pipe friction for wial pipe size, This number i critical as it provides a guide to whether the pipe size selected istoo large andthe process should bere peated to obtain an economically desfgued system, ~ Aner: Tein ius ee i Col Shean te d= Sign pipe size forthe sections, Repeating this 0 tion &secood time using the same skech but eoveldering ie 5 -demand forhot water, itis possibleto size the hot water distribu tion piping. This hs been worked up asa part of the overall problem ne tabular armngement aed fasting We sence ‘and water distibution piping, Note that consideration must be ven to the pressure losses from the sWeet main to the water emer (Secon A-B) in deternuaig hel walce ie sree FRICTION LOSS EQUIVALENT LENGTH (fest) PIPE SECTIONS Cold Water Hot Water AB 695326221 (0691325231 BC (0085 3.1 6026 (016K 145022 a) 02x 19=038 (017 x32=054 DE 162K 193.08 1573326502 “Tat pipe eon losses 3 s Picea 3 799 2003 INTERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE® COMMENTARY. : APPENDIXES. “sh Sala ed tam hes

-/ 2.1. Determine the differedce in elevation ‘between st soures of supply iri the highest water supply outlet heb water supply outlets locate above supply, deduet 05 psi 34 KPO) foot (0.3 m) of difference inelevation_ Where highest water supply outletis located bel of supply, difference in elevation. 2.2. Where a water pressure reducing valve is install the water distibu my jumed ‘static water pressure availableis 8O percent of the min: {nun daily statie water pressure atte source of sUD= IY a the set pressure dovnstzeam, ofthe pressure fedlucing valve, whichever is smaller. 2.3. Deduct all pressure'losses du 16 special equipment / : uch as 0 buckfiow preventer, water iter and wate, Softener, Presse loss data for each piece of equip rent shall be obtained throggh the manufacturer Of such devices 2 ee 2.4, Decuet the pressure in excess of 8 psi (55 KPa) due to vpetulltion of the special plumbing fixture, such as Temperature controlled shower and flushometer tank water closet. : Using the resulting miimumn available’ pressure; find the cowesponding pressure range in Table E2011. 43, The maximum developed length for water piping fs he ae ual length of pipe between the source of supply and the tnostremote Exture, inluding ether hot (through He Wa Techester) or cold water branches multiplied by factor of {12 to compensate for pressure loss through fitings- Select te appropriate column in Table E201.1 equal to corgeates than te calculated maximum developediength APPENDIXE-18 low the source ~ (05 psi G4 kPa) for each foot (0.3m) of APPENDIX E 4. ‘To determine the size of water service pipe, meter and main vRansibution pipe to the building using the appropriate table, feilew down the selected "maximum developed length" col~ tine toa ixtie unit equal to, or greater than the total instal Mena deimand ealculsted by using the “combined” water ‘ppl fixture unteolume of Table E2011. Rea the water sorte pipe and meter sizes inthe first left-hand column and “Abe main stun pipe 19 the building in the second Jefe-hand column the same row. fo deesnine the size ofeach watt disution pipe, star at the ng enol aul on each ranch (either Hot ot cold Mr) ai working back toward the main stbtion pipe yo the building, add up the watersupply fixture uni ‘demand /passing through each segment ofthe distribution system 85. - {raed hol ocoldolunnofTible E2011. Knowing jt i of each segment shal be read from the Se=- ‘pd et hd Column ofthe samstable and iaxiraum devel. ante eolunnsclesed in Sips | and2, under the same Tae lr sve meteros Inno cge dos the size of ny « Beakch or main need tobe larger that he sizeof the main dis- building established in Step 4. “ded iCFERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE® COMMENTARY C € ¢ C € C C ¢ C € ¢ C me a : ee 2G eg arrewone senece waren pene syste uolze. sara se oF waren nEERS Hal AND DSTRBLTON Pe BASED ON WATER SUPPLY FIXTURE UNIT VALUES (w.s.f.u,) ae : oi Hes : sere en : tr a Pee ee ee ra See te ee 4S. “6 $5. | a, a5 2 Sash 13 1 2, 16s ar 7a 63 P35 fas 1h rhe ee it ee ee gots Ds eae aes = 2 a. ofa. “or a par 2 La, 7S 28. a 196 Faw i : =e SS oes ‘MAXIMUM DEVEL OPHENT LENGTH (a s 150." = 200 [= 250=|=00 = Sie} |e fas Ss fas fa taal es oH 2 aa | aoa =a 2 Sao Fas 2 za ase sas (continued) SI7ING OF WATER PIPING SYSTEM APPENDIX E, AAT TABLE €201.1—éontinued Minimum SiZe OF WATER METERS, MAINS AND DISTRIBUTION PIPING C BASED ON WATER SUPPLY FIXTURE UNIT VALUES (wu) \ em C sfilice cistmiguTiON : nee Bee : : neh) ees) Le usin DEVELOPMENT LENGTH st c [Pressure Range 80 10.60 pal 40: 190" 150 ‘200 zo | 300" 400 500, 7 ig 3 Toso ep fs [os ¢ Er Tas a A ~ i Salar Sofoscioes as fe [ese c z ze EY 30) EY ves | 3 10 a Slo pope eos pe fe = [ow = a P C : < ere fos | |e S| Sasa pw pe pe fe c “i tft foi] [fe = oa Pas ae sie |e ae or c Tt Fe a rae eof ae os as [as oss | c 2 as] sas | 365° Et 365" 365 3s [a9 fm = z rE A MEE me seis i ore i arches) | i Presta Runge Over 957 onfe— tata Se : aes 3s iis 2 = 6 soa FS rae sr TO RT Fe AN Te TE EST TB ‘ Y Fe C E 25 er ET = 38 sao | sa] ae [os fas [ae Fa ae: hy saa] 33. 53. B3. 53. 33 st [3 33 safe ‘t Miniswun size for bailing supply is /yinch pipe. C ic Cc C C "APPENDIX E-20

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