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QO) OO _Chapter3:. | General Regulations Generat Comments s : The content of Chapter 3s often referred to as *miscella~ neous,” rather than general, regulations. Chapter 3 ce- ‘ceived that label because itis the only chapter in the code whose requirements donot interrelate. (fa requirement Bae edt FUrpO8e x is 8 cannot be located in anther chapter, It should be located Chapt 3 provides safety requirerons forthe irate: in this chapter. tion of plumbing anid nonplumbing requirements forolet ‘Some nonpltimbing regilations merely reference other * “fielding requlrements for the “identification. of codes thet have the specif requirements, The requre-" pe, pipe ings, taps, thtures, materials and devices ments provide.e cross reference to the appropriate docu . used in pluribing systems. ~ ment, recognizing that t affects the plumbing system but” The safety requirements provide protection for the the details ere hot specifically contalned in the code (Sec-" building's structural members, stress and strain of pipe tions 307, 309, 310 and 313 reference other Inter and. sleeving. The, building's, structural stabilly is, pro- Codes™). tected by the regulations for cutting and notching of struc The jurisdictional, requirements specify that the water” _ tural members. Additional protection for the ‘building occu- and sewer must connect o the public system When a pub-" pants includes requirements to maintain the plumbing in a lie system s provided (Sections 602.1 and 701.2are more’ safe and sanitary condition, as well es privacy for those speci on.this Issue), : occupants. ! Nonplumbing requirements include surface requirements {for walls and floors in @ tollet room, light and ventilation, - floodproafing and rodentproofing. Plumbing’ fitures; drain, ‘appurtenances’ and. appli afices that'elther receive or discharge liquid waste or 301.1, Scope. ‘The provisions of this chapter shall govern the eneral regulations regarding the installation of plum specific to other chapters. + The requirements included in Chapte® 3 are ct interre= lated, a5 is typical with-other.chepters, Many regula tions are not specific plumbing requirements, but relate to the overall plumbing system. ‘301.2 System installation: Plumbing shall be installed with ‘due regard to preservation ofthe strength of structural members and prevention of damage to walls and other surfaces through fixture usage. : +The installation of plumbing fixtures should not resuitin a reduction of the structural integrity of building compo- nents by cutting, notching, boring and structural loads. Installers and code officals alike should inspect fixtures ‘and piping to Verify that the installation and use of these components do. not have adverse effects on the strugture...- 301.3; Connections. to the sanitary, drainage system, Ail plumbing fixtures, drains, appurtenances and appliances used toreceive or discharge liquid wastes or sewage shall be directly ‘connected to the sanitary cainage system of the building or premises, in, accordance, with the requiremeits of this code. 2009 INTERNATIONAL:PLUMBING GODE® COMMENTARY. sewage’ are ‘to be directly connected to the sanitary drainage system unless Chapter 8to be in- directly connected, Typically, food-handling equipment, clear water waste and health care-related fixtures and equipment must discharge to, the. drainage, system through an indirect waste pipe by means of an alr gap oar break, Fixtures notcaquired by Chapler 8 tobe in- direcly. connected must be directly connected. to the accordance with Chapter.7 (see. Section 802)... i ‘ 301.4 Connections to water supply. Every plumbing fixture, ‘vice or appliance requiring or using water for is proper oper ation shall be directly or indirectly connected to the water sup- ~ ply system in accordance with the provisions ofthis code. + Fixtures that supply watercor:recycled gray water (see ‘Appendix'C) for the occupant’ use are; required: to have elthera direct or indirect connection to the potable water: supply: system. Chapter 6 contains speciic re- gqrements governing comectons fo water supply and distibution systems: “Inditect connections include faucets or fixture fitings. discharging Into fixtures suchas tubs and lavatories, while direct connections occur at water closets and uri- 3015-9032 nals. Water closets and urinals can be supplied with gray flushing water through a direct connection to the fixture ifthe code official approves the use of a gray wa- ter recycling system as an altemate and: the system ‘meets the requirements of Appendix C. # 301.5 Pipe, tube and fitting sizes, Unless otherwise specified. the pipe, tube and fitting sizes specified in this code are ex- pressed in nominal or, standard sizes as designaied in the refer- need material standards. sR + Allpipe, tube and fitting sizes referenced in the cade re- fer to the inside. diameter (ID) ofthe pipe, tube or fiting.. The {D measurement in the text is. expressed in, both, English and. metric units, inches and milimeters, re: spectively. Systeme. Intemational d'Unites (SI). metric tunit conversions are indicated at the bottom of each table. 4 SSE Ue 301.6 Probibited loeations. Plumbing systems shall not be lo- cated in an elevator shaft or in an elevator equiprient room. Exception: Floor dinins sume and somp pumps shall be permitted atthe base of the shaft provided they are indirectly connected to the plumbing system. i + Plumbing comp: the elevator pit, such as floor drains, sumps and sump. pumps i nected to the drainage system, are all elevator shafts. An indirect connection ts required to prevent sewage from backing up into the elevator shat. Other plumbing systems are strictly profibited in these ‘spaces due to inaccessibility for repairs and the post. ble water damage that could be caused to the,elevator ‘equipment if a leak developed in the piping system. ‘Conflicts, Where conflicts between this code andthe con ns of the listing or the manufacturer's instalation inst tions: provisions of this code apply. thee af the listing ofthe equipment or appliance of ts manufacturer's installation instructions the conditions of the listing and manufacturer's installation instructions shall apply. extremely unilkely to occur In any case: the code would not require’something less stringent than the manufac- turers instructions.’ In context,-2 conflict refers. to. in- stances in which the code require a‘greater level of safety. The code offcial must evaluate each ci ‘cumstance of perceived confict and secure the require ments that provide the greatest protection of. life.and property. The exception recognizes that the. code de- pends on the listing and labeling requirements and the, ‘manufacturers’ instructions for Installation for plumbing fixtures, appliances ahd appurtenances. 32 302.2 Industrial wastes. Waste products from manufacturing ‘Where a code provision is'less restrictive than GENERAL REGULATIONS SECTION 302 EXCLUSION OF MATERIALS DETRIMENTAL TO THE SEWER SYSTEM '302.1 Detrimental or dangerous materials. Ashes, cinders or rags; flammable, poisonous or explosive liquids or gases; oi, grease or any other insoluble material eapable of obstructing, ‘damaging or overloading the building drainage or sewer system, ‘or capable of interfering with the normal operation of the sew- age treatment processes, shall riot be deposited, by any me-ans, hibit the'disposal detrimental of dangerous materials into the sewer sys- fem, Such materials can cause the pipes to'clog of ac! colerate the. clogging of pipes, which, prevents. the proper disposal of sewage waste, Section 1003 pro- vides design and installation detats fc of inter ceptors, grease taps and. Separators, to remove ol ore ‘sand and other detrimental substances. terials thal. are flemimable or combusbble are pro hibited from being discharged into the public sewer sys- tem. because. an, accumulation of, these. types of materials . poses fir and explosion hazard, Addi- ‘tionally, insoluble. chemicals that ae. not pracessed be” fore disposal could react’ with other discharged chemicals and have deleterious effects on the sewer system. Section 803.2 provides detalls for using ap- proved dilution or neutralt ss fo process harm {ul chemicals prfor te disposel. ‘or industrial operations shall not be introduced into the public en determined by the code offical or other typ star material to be turer is stil required by the code. Where the code indi ‘cates compliance with an approved standard,, the. manufacturer miist comply withthe requirements’ for marking | dance with the applicable standard: 303.2 Installation of materials, Al matétils uscd shall bein stalled in strict accordance withthe Standards under which the 200 INTERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE® COMMENTARY. GENERAL REGULATIONS ‘materials are accepted and approved. Inthe absence of such i= stalltion procedures, the manufacturer's installation instruc- tions shall be followed. Where the requirements of referenced standards or manufacturer's installation instructions do not con- form to minimum provisions ofthis code, the provisions of this, code shall apply. ‘Plumbing components end materials are to be installed In accordance with the installation requirements of the applicable standard listed in the code. Where a standard is not provided, the manufacturer's | Instructions must be followed: For example, since there are very few standards available that regulate the instal lation of valves, the manufacturers instnictions must be Used to install hese components. 303.3 Plastic pipe, Fittings and components All plastic pi Fitings and componcnts shall be third-party cortfied as con forming to NSF 14. +FAll plastic plping, fitings and plastic pipe-related com- ponents, Including solvent cements, primers, tapes, lu: bricants, and seals used in plumbing systems, ‘are required to be tested and certified as conforming to NSF 14, This includes all water service, water distribution; drainage piping and fittings and plastic piping system ‘components, including but not limited. to pipes, fitings, ing-materials, es. “This Section does not apply to components that only in- clude plastic parts such as brass valves with a plastic Sducts cid matetiels shall comply-with the referenced:sian- “dards; specifica i 3033-3061 ‘shall be identified in accordance with Section 303.1. When re- ‘quired by-Table 303.4, plumbing products and meterals shall either be tested by an approved third-party testing agency or cer- tified by an approved third-party certification agency. + This section has been revised to require that all piumb- ing products and materials comply with the referenced standards. However, the provisions contained in Sec- tion 105.2 regarding the evaluation and approval of al- temative materials, methods ‘and equipment are stil applicable (see commentary, Section 105.2). Addi- tionally, the code-fas been revised to include specific ~-requirements.. for’ plumbing products in. regard to third-party ‘certification and-testing. Table 303.4 lists “these requirements. "Third-party certified” indicates that ” the minimum level of quality required by thé eppropriats standard is maintained and the product is often referred to as “listed.” “Third-party tested” indicates a product that has been tested by an approved testing laboratory and fotind to be in compliance with the appropriate stan- dard. While the Code does not specifically. siate the identifcation ‘or marking requirements, except for the manufacturer's identification, the applicable referenced standard states the minimum information required. The Identification or marking requirements typically include —-the name of the manufacturer, product name or. serial ‘number, installation specifications, applicable tests and ‘standards, testing agency and labeling agency. Figure "903.4 shows an example of 2 typical label for PVC plas- ici ! 2\: SECTION 304. RODENTPROOFING = Pibmbing Wieen' tall ba ign an in ‘vith Sections 304.2 through 3044 to pre- - “PRODUCT OR MATERIAL lPocisble water supply system components and potable ate fxtore ings : Saniuy dcuinage and Ven system components Pst pips ings pperelasd componeats | Altec [was abe finger | Pepin ig npc comonnie | AN Storm esinap tem components Plas pipe tips ad piperelated components | Allee [Plumbing inte : : = Regie [Plumbing appliences i Required. ae 'Backflow prevention devices 5 e Required a | Water distribution system safety vias. = Required | = Speci waste sync composes 68,5 sore [aa Ss Rogue Subst dninage tom components) 2 ih wee Regina 2003 INTERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE® COMMENTARY 33

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