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Chapter 8 : Indirect/Special Waste General Comments ‘An indirect waste pipe is a method of discharging waste from'a fixture or appliance into the sanitary drainage sys- tem to prevent backflow and possible contamination. The «waste pipe discharges through an air gap or air break into ‘an open receptor or standpipe.. Section 801 outines the ‘scope ofithe chapter, which is to indicete how to protect * fixtures from possible. contamination and to indicate how to dispose of special wastes properly. Section 802 re- quires most plumbing fixtures and appliances in food-handling establishments to discharge through an in- direct waste. This eliminates a possible, cause of food contamination from the sanitary drainage system. Section 802 also regulates the location of ficor drains in food stor- age areas and waste water from swimming pools, poo! fi- ters and deck drains. Section 803 Tegulates special ‘wastes that require treatment before being discharged to the sanitary drainage system, such as waste from 2 chemical laboratory. ‘Commonly referred toes “opensite” or‘safeweste,” an Indirect waste pipe is @ means of providing protection fora ‘fixture of appliance in the eventofa backup ofthe sanitary drainage system. Sewage cannot back up into a fixture or appliance ifa stoppage ocours downstream ofthe indi ‘waste receptor. Instead, sewage will spill onto the sur- rounding floor area. This protection is necessary when the contamination presents a health hazard or creates a - potential cross connection with the potable water system. Note that an indirect waste pipe conveying waste from @ fixture stich as a sink, floor drain or swimming pool is part of the drainage system and, therefore, must conforin to ther applicable provisions of the'cods, incliding those fouind in Chapters 3 and 7. Condensate disposal piping is Fedlired to comply with Section 307 of the International Mechanical Code® (IMC®). This section requires conden- sate pipe to. be cast ifon,, galvanized steel, copper, cross-linked polyethylene (PEX), polybutylene (PB), poly. ‘ethylene (PE), acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS), chlorinated polyvinyl (CPVG) or polyvinyl chloride (PVC). it must be not fess than % inch (19.1 mm) in diameter and sized in accordance with an approved method. This sec- tion also requires condensate drains to be trapped. Purpose ‘The purpose of Chapter 8 isto regulate drainage installa- tions: requiring. an: indirect: connection to. the sanitary drainage system. Fixtures and plumbing appliances, such as those associated. with food. preparation or handing, health: care faciities and potable liquids, must be pro ‘ected from contamination that can result from connection -to the drainage system: An indirect connection prevents ip into a fixture or appliance, thus tential health hazards. The Chapter aloo regulates special wastes contaning Reza ‘ous chemicals. The waste must be treated to prevent any damage to the piping or sewage treatment process. age from backing ‘SECTION 801 ‘GENERAL 801.1 Scope. This chapter shall govern matters concerning in- direct waste piping and special wastes. This chapter shall fur- ther control matters concerning food-handling establishmeats, sterilizers, clear-water wastes, swimming pools, methods of pr- oviding air breaks or air gps, and neutralizing devices for cor- rosive wastes. ‘This section outlines the scope of the chapter, which Is to protect fixtures and appliances ‘rom possible con- tamination and to dispose of special wastes properly. Indirect waste connections are necessary where a higher degree of health protection from sewage backup Into the fixture or appliance is required because of the nature of its use. The chapter also has performance re- uirements for the feutralizing of special waste. 2003 INTERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE? COMMENTARY 801.2 Protection. All devies, appurtenances, appliances and ‘apparatus intended to serve some special function, such as ster- lization, distillation, processing, cooling, or storage of ice oF foods, and that discharge to the drainage system, shall be pro- vided with protection against backflow, flooding, fouling, con- tamination and stoppage ofthe dain. ‘This section requires appliances and specialized ‘equipment to be protected against contamination re- sulling from backflow. This section combines the intent Of Sections 608, 609 and 802. SECTION 802 INDIRECT WASTES 8021 Where required. Food-handling equipment and . ‘AIR GAP = TWIE, ‘DOME WASTE STRAINER ‘THE PIPE DIAMETER” FLOOR SINK. : Figure 802.1.1(1) ~ ‘THREE-COMPARTMENT MEAT SINK- 82 ‘2003 (NTERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE® COMMENTARY ‘AND DRAIN DISCHARGE 2:02Q: oO INDIREGTISPECIAL WASTE - FIGURE 602:.1(2)~ FIGURE 802.4.19) 2 TAR GAP REQUIRED : BETWEEN TOP OF HUB’ iy +. REFRIGERATED FOOD CASE MINIMUM INCH HUB PER SECTION 023.2 | Q Q ° ° ° Fors 1 inch = 25.6 mm, Figure 802.1.1(2) ° REFRIGERATED FOOD CASE DISCHARGING TO HUB DRAIN COFFEE URN THREE-WELL POT SINK - POTATO PEELER WASTE RECEPTOR Figure 802.1.1(3) RESTAURANT KITCHEN INDIRECT WASTE, “This section Is consistent with the ihtent of Section £802.1.1, which is to protect food stored in walk-in refrio- erators' and freezers from possible contamination caused by the sanitary drainage system. Floor drains lo cated in these areas must be indirectly connected to the sanitary drainage system through an air gap. The ex- ception allows floor drains in refrigerators and freezers to connect by means of an alr break. This maintains 2003 INTERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE® COMMENTARY backflow. protection while providing an indirect waste ‘connection option for large foad storage areas where it Is. Impractical to elevate the coolerfreezer floor to @ level necessary to achieve an air gap (see Figure '802.1.2). Section 305;6 prohibits traps from being lo- cated in areas subject'o freezing, and Seclion 802.2 re- {quires indirect waste piping to be trapped where the Tength limitis exceeded.

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