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Elena Freda

Marvin K. Mooney
Marvin K. Mooney is about a dog-like person who is asked over and over to please go. The
person that is asking him to go is never shown but may be a parent of Marvins. It never says
exactly where he should go but it looks like Marvin is wearing pajamas so I assume he is
supposed to be going to bed. This book can relate to Richard Nixon and the Watergate scandal.
In 1972, there were burglars that were arrested inside the office of the Democratic National
Committee. It accrued occurred in the Watergate building in Washington, D.C. The robbers were
somehow connected to President Nixon. I believe they were part of his campaign. They were
caught trying to bug wire-tap the phones and take certain documents. Apparently, Nixon did
not know anything about them doing the robbery. Soon after, when the Watergate scandal came
up, Nixon decided to resign but he was never prosecuted. This can relate to Marvin K. Mooney
because in a lot of ways Nixon is like Marvin. The whole time in the book someone is telling
Marvin to go now and in the end of the book he finally does. This is a lot like President Nixon
because in a way people could be telling him to go and get out of being the president office and
when the Watergate scandal hit he finally did just like Marvin. In the book, Marvin knew it was
finally time to leave at the end as well as Nixon knew it was time to leave when the scandal took
Jazlyne edited in red.
Alondra edited in black. This is also really good, better than your last one.
I like your connections. Good job!

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