Resumecv BD 2014

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Brian Dugas

Regenerative Ecology / Economy

Energy - Permaculture - LEED AP



To recognize and accept the failings of our systems of government, finance, energy, agriculture,
transportation, education and healthcare; to do my best to discover the root cause and to align
with those who are interested in offering solutions; a new way forward, for the benefit of all To
do meaningful work while keeping life in balance - I enjoy being a part of a cohesive team where
each member is encouraged and driven to pursue their passion

Your work is to discover your work and then with all your heart to give yourself to it.



Born in New England - Transitioned from small Catholic elementary school to large public high
school in 1973 Setting: Vietnam War, Arab Oil Embargo, pollution, crime - Counterbalanced with
budding environmental movement, natural beauty and four season climate Choose: college
(computer studies) or occupation (building trades); Joined a unionized cabinet shop Re-locate...
to warmer climate; Central Florida Build yachts; Attend night classes; Real Estate; stock
trading; consulting - Entrepreneur: start/buy/sell businesses; Crash 9/11 Re-locate to South
Florida 2003; on the right path; green building/sustainability/renewable energy 2007 Financial
Crash... explore; fine-tune Re-emerge Re-energized... Beyond sustainability; Restoration
Ecology/Economy; Permaculture - All past skills and experiences now relevant to present and
future mission

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. Lao Tzu

Graduated 1977 in top 10% of a class of 950 students College Prep track; Advanced
Mathematics, Computer Programming, Biology, Botany, French Desire to explore was
evident from the first year of high school; After school I was involved with the Computer
Club [NHS one of the first high schools to teach Computer Studies; I was programming in 4
languages] or in the school Auto Shop working cars with friends; Pioneer mountain biker;
built bikes; cut trails; traveled

From 1980 through 1997 I attended several colleges; In New Hampshire I studied
Computer Science / Programming After 5 years living in Florida I began a career in Real
Estate [Brokers License in 1987]; Courses included Real Estate Investing and Economics
An interest in Real Estate Development led to courses in Architectural Drafting and Urban
Planning As a principal in a Business Brokerage firm I continued my studies in Business
Management and Financial Accounting

1990 connected to the Internet and gave away my television; I have not owned one since;
I prefer participation over [TV] programming I now research new fields and disciplines
primarily through books, trade journals, expositions, workshops, seminars, internet and
mentoring Early adopter and promoter of the LEED green building standard; earned LEED
AP in 2006 Ongoing study in Permaculture and Restorative Ecology / Economy are
subjects best learned by experience; I prefer audio-visual learning vs. print media Travel;
from mid-2011 to present; involved in projects in 10 states; Spending time with aging
family members; re-connecting to New England roots; Living in Intentional Community;
Exploring natural healing therapies; making new connections on West Coast


Union cabinet shop in NH 1978-82; within 2 years I was proficient in all fabrication
machinery as well as spraying of all finishes; I became the 'utility' person, able to fill any
position in a moments notice; was often called upon to fix equipment and automated
conveyor systems as well
Move to FL 1982; worked 5 years for a major boat/yacht manufacturer; was promoted
from Assembly to Product Development / Engineering department where we designed and
built prototypes up to 63'; involved in all phases from concept to mold-making; fabrication
and water test Earned shares of stock as this was an Employee-Owned corporation; this
equity allowed me to transition into my next endeavor


Earned Associates license in 1986; Brokers license in 1987 Began selling new
construction and government foreclosures Started buying single family homes as
investments; handled all aspects: purchase, leasing, repair, maintenance and sale From
1986 to 1988 simultaneously did freelance consulting work for over 20 boat and yacht
manufacturers in the U.S. and Canada In 1992 became principal and broker of record for
an upstart Business Brokerage corporation; specialized in the evaluation, appraisal,
marketing and sale of operating businesses; primarily: marina, hospitality, manufacturing
and distribution 1996 operated a large marina as the Court-Appointed Receiver;
maintained operations while our office closed the sale of the property and business assets

1987; Started a property management service, catering to bank's REO [Real Estate Owed]
properties - 1997; divested my residential real estate portfolio [5 properties]; purchased
1/3 share in an ongoing seafood distribution business 2000; sold my share in the
distribution business and began trading stocks - 2001 bought a struggling printing and
promotions business; the events of 9/11 unfolded 6 months after the purchase, resulting in
the sale of the assets at a loss; Re-located to South Florida


2002; Fort Lauderdale Managed a portfolio of 6 commercial buildings for a wealthy
private owner [assets approaching $1B]; Building mix included: shopping centers, office
buildings and an apartment complex; handled all aspects of leasing, repairs, maintenance
including oversight of one complete renovation project and one extensive re-design which
included substantial new construction 2004; Joined a pioneering firm based in Sarasota;

marketing and sale of 'green building products'; We represented the most comprehensive
line of eco-friendly products in the U.S. at the time; Offerings included: building envelope,
flooring, cabinetry materials, plumbing, electrical, solar, water harvesting and treatment,
landscape, etc.; This extensive lineup and variety of material samples opened doors to the
top architectural, construction and engineering firms in South Florida We were involved
as vendors and speakers at many of the top trade shows as the market for environmentally
friendly products and services swelled Evolved from initial focus on residential new
construction market to commercial, industrial, municipal, hospitality and higher education


In 2006 Started Renewable Energy and Consulting firm; as Executive Director / CoFounder Joined a network of affiliates across U.S. - Initial focus on educating the client
on the options available to save or produce clean energy Later provided a more
comprehensive package: feasibility analysis, return on investment, assistance with grant
writing and procurement of financial incentives Expanded scope of work again to
demonstrate intangible benefits such as positive PR, employee health and productivity,
disaster preparedness and hedging against inflation A holistic approach; beyond
sustainability - Provided project coordination services where equipment and construction
services were involved Built strong alliance of service providers Clients ranged from
commercial, office and industrial sector to NGO, municipal, school and hospitality


NGO - Florida Solar Energy Center
Participated in the drafting of the Florida RPS (Renewable Portfolio Standard) Coauthored a Renewable Energy grant proposal with FSEC [Florida Solar Energy Center];
offered by State of Florida; to demonstrate cost/benefit of Solar Thermal Cooling & Heating
for commercial buildings - Provided on-site instruction on Passive Cooling Design and Solar
Absorption Cooling to group of international students; led field trips to demonstration sites
Mixed Use High Rise Espirito Santo, Miami
In the heart of the Miami Financial District - Mixed Use Tower; Office, Condo, Hotel, Retail 34 stories; 700,000 s.f. Target: 50% reduction in utility costs, saving over $600k
annually; Potential to earn $1.26M Federal Tax Deduction Feasibility and ROI of LEED
certification; Case studies; intangible benefits including employee wellness and productivity
Municipal - City of Margate, Florida
Advised on various Waste to Energy technologies: using Waste engine oil as a fuel additive,
for heating water or for generating electricity - Using invasive plants clogging drainage
canals as biofuel Capturing biogas from Wastewater Treatment Plant to fuel generators
Capturing biomethane from Landfill Gas Also consulted on the allocation of funds from
the 2007-08 Economic Stimulus plans to retrofit a community center as a Green Jobs
Training / Demonstration Center
Higher Education Palm Beach Atlantic University
25 acre campus; 3,500 students Introduced the concept of students running Return on
Investment and Lifecycle Analysis calculations on various building retrofit projects as part
of the curriculum Examples; replace natural gas water heating with Solar; replace
gasoline powered maintenance equipment and vehicles with Biodiesel alternatives Also;
introduced the idea of reducing turf grass; replacing with native habitat and food forest
and/or garden to improve the quality of food served on site; Benefits: lower cost, better
health, better academic performance

Hospitality / Eco-Tourism Everglades Resort

Worked closely with the Seminole Tribe of Florida during the period that they acquired the
Hard Rock Hotel and Casino operations at a cost of almost $1B, and were looking to
diversify the offerings at their Big Cypress Reservation [one of five in Florida] Our team
designed a 120 room resort and convention center that went far beyond sustainability;
Parameters to achieve: Carbon Neutral operations, Zero Waste, 50% of food grown on site
using Permacultue principles, No municipal water [rain capture; graywater / wastewater
recycling]; all within 5 years of opening An Education Center was a key feature, as well
as Community Outreach; green job training program for tribal members
Renewable Energy Institute of Florida - Co-Founder
Areas of research and collaboration: Solar PV; focus on solar/electric vehicles Solar
Absorption Cooling; Wind Power; vertical turbines suited to marginal wind areas Biofuels;
small scale biodiesel production from waste vegetable oil - Biomass; using invasive species
such as hydrilla [aquatic weed] and Melaleuca as feedstocks - Waste to Energy; focus on
small batch systems; clean gasification technology that could be deployed in industrial park
or campus setting create a micro-grid - CHP; combined heat and power; using biomethane
as fuel; target market municipal wastewater treatment plants, college campus and
hospitality Ocean Thermal energy; using temperature differential - Our research also
included cost/benefit analysis of various storage technologies such as molten salt and
flywheel systems Our approach is always to fully analyze conservation and energy
efficiency measures before adding to the mix financial incentives and renewable energy to
create a holistic solution that best addresses the client's needs


Florida Real Estate Broker 1987 to 2007
LEED Accredited Professional 2006
Permaculture Design Certificate in progress

Using existing technology we can solve the world's energy, food, shelter and health issues by
employing a systems approach and by fostering replication of the highest performing designs. I
am seeking to join an existing team or ongoing project that is doing extraordinary and challenging
work anywhere in the world.
You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the
existing model obsolete.

Richard Buckminster Fuller

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