Lexie Vachon Period 2 Salamone 9A

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Lexie Vachon

Period 2
Salamone 9A

I can hear the shots from a distance. Everyone got away accept him.

March 5, 1770

It`s a cold snowy night; my brother is not home as usual, since it is a

Monday and he had chores after school. Usually he is home by eight o'clock and
my mother is starting to worry. Lately he has been talking of a revolution about
to occur; most of Boston is enraged by the taxes just put in place by the British.
My mother and father have both been agitated by the taxes since it is hard to
afford much now. Many people can't buy tea or even stamps.
Where is he, my mother says to father interrupting my thoughts.
I am sure he is fine, he probably just went somewhere with his friends.
About a minute later we heard the shots coming from the center of town
(The Boston Massacre). All of us jumped to our feet hoping that Sam had nothing
to do with this. Everyone is rushing out of their homes to see what is going on.
When we get to the edge of the scene I see him. My mother has large tears falling
from her eyes, and my father is shaking.
Slowly, the crowd separates. He is lying on the brick ground, a pool of ruby
red blood surrounding his head. The British soldiers have fled. I run over to him
even though I know he is gone. I apply pressure to the wound to reduce blood

Lexie Vachon
Period 2
Salamone 9A

loss. As his eyes slowly close I pray that he goes to a better place where there is no
He is one of five who passed. They had gone up to the officers at the
Customs House and were yelling at them over the taxes and new laws put in
place, the guards were told to shoot and they did. The first to be shot is said to be
Crispus Attucks, but no one is sure.

His name was Samuel Gray; he had hoped of being a blacksmith and had
just been granted an apprenticeship. It was hard the next day to watch my father
go to the Blacksmith shop and tell the owner Mr. Steele that he would no longer
be working for him. After his death nothing was the same in the house, my
mother was always crying and my father rarely spoke.
I was walking down the street yesterday, down to the river and a man
came up to me on a horse. Do you know how far Boston is from here? he asked.
It is about two miles down this road. I responded
Thank you, my name is Henry Evans by the way, I am helping command
the British force,
I am Aubriella Grey, I say, hoping not to sound repulsed.
A true name of a loyalist I assume,
Sorry, no definitely not I automatically say.

Lexie Vachon
Period 2
Salamone 9A

Well I better get going, the British are always right you know,
I am not so certain. With that he left off on his horse, shaking his head.

This past week I have discovered who my brother really is. I have found out my
brother was a spy for the Patriots. He worked at night apparently, last week I
found his documents under his bed. He was planning to go into the center of
town and talk to Thomas Preston. Which I quite frankly think is a horrible idea,
how could he ever think he was going to be able to talk to a British colonel! He
was getting close with one of the guards at the house hoping to have access. I
hope to be able to live up to my brother and get to the British from the inside. I
wonder if I could find Samuel again. I could get close to him and maybe get inside
information on the British to give back to the fathers as my brother calls it in
his writing one passage he wrote says

Today I hoped I could see the fathers since I saw Colonel Cook giving one
of the guards a tip, I wonder what for. Sometimes I see this one particular man
entering the house, he always comes out with a dark brown bag strapped around
his shoulder and then he disappears into the night.

I want to see if I could help, I don't have to do exactly what my brother was
doing but I need to find away to still be connected to him.

Lexie Vachon
Period 2
Salamone 9A

Today I saw him, as in Samuel Evans, he is quite handsome actually. I

walked passed him deliberately to see if he would recognize me and he did not! I
even said hello. My feelings were hurt at first but now I know what I can do. My
plan is to start seeing if he could be interested in me. If he is I could have him fall
for me, then I could get a great deal of information. Tomorrow I plan to go to his
camp as if I got lost, my new name will be Stephanie Collins, I will be the same
age I am now, 16. The thing I am most worried about is keeping this a secret from
my family; my father would annihilate me if he found out.

Today went beautifully. Just as I had planned I walked near the center of
town, which the British are always surrounding and he saw me. Right when I was
about to run away he called me to come over. With knots in my stomach I did. I
feel like I know you from somewhere, he said.
I don't think I know you, I replied
My name is Stephanie Collins, I said with as much charisma as I could.
Well its a pleasure to meet you Ms. Collins, and he kissed my hand. My face
turned blood red and I slowly walked away, feeling scared yet excited at the same

Lexie Vachon
Period 2
Salamone 9A

When I got home my mother was nowhere to be found and my father was
enraged with politics, as are most Patriots these days. The Townshend Acts have
just been let go. They put a tax on everything important like glass, lead, paints,
paper and tea. The British keep on sending in more troops into Boston and other
areas to control the uproar. There are some days when the troops are really
bad, stirring up unwanted issues within Boston, and insulting the Patriots. The
Loyalists who are siding with England always obliged and even help them at
times. One Loyalist sticks out above the others, Thomas Sphere. He was a strong
Loyalist but lived near more of the Patriots. He was one of the first to be tarred
and feathered. I remember hearing the screams as the hot tar acted like an acid
pouring over his body. The feathers were draped over him, all of them were from
his highly expensive down comforter.

Although the Townshend Acts were taken back, the tea act still remained.
The British knew that this would infuriate us but they still continued. Some boys
at the common were talking about a revolt that the Patriots were planning.
I think my brother will go, one boy said
I don't want mine to even get involved, this has gone too far, their mother
then called them over and they left.
Nothing of event has happened. Yes there has been the occasional uproar
here and there but nothing extreme. The same acts are still in place. More people
are being prosecuted and put in jail, even more are being terrorized by the

Lexie Vachon
Period 2
Salamone 9A

extreme tar and featherings. I have not seen Henry in a while but I still yearn to
do so. Every once in a while I see him, but I get to nervous, like he will find out
what I am planning. But today I will take the risk. I have to stop worrying and
start doing otherwise I will never complete my goal.

As I slowly but surely walk to town, where I knew he will be I stop.

Thinking of my brother and everything made my heart race to fast. But I continue
walking. Right as I turn the corner I bump into something. Excuse me I say but
before I finish the words I realize its him. The one I have been looking for. As a
shiver runs down my spine, he starts talking
Ms. Collins How did he remember my name? I spoke to him maybe once
and that was all.
Um, I mumbled, Hello.
Sorry you must not remember me, he says sounding nervous
No I do it was just a surprise, how are you?I ask
I am fine, I was wondering when I would see you again I nearly fell to
the ground at this admission.
I figured you had bigger things to deal with then some girl I stated as
hard as I could.
Well I do but I was still interested, would you like to see me at another
time he asked. At this moment for a brief second I could almost see a gleam of
embarrassment in his eye.

Lexie Vachon
Period 2
Salamone 9A

Sure just set a time and place

How about we meet here at about 8:00pm tomorrow night he states.
Ok and I walked away blushing a deep crimson.

I woke up rejuvenated. My room is the same boring place, the sun shinned
beautifully through my woven curtains. As I slowly awoke, something was out of
place. Usually I can smell the sweet smells from the kitchen, but not today.
When I walk into the kitchen to help my mother, I notice that her eyes are
puffy and bright red. My brother passing was hardest on her. I don't cry at all, I
am out of tears; maybe you can only use so many tears on one person. My father
acts out like an adolescent. He is getting into salon fights, and always has the odor
of alcohol hanging on his breath. My mother misses him the most; she always
babied him in a way. She did everything for him. I remember him complaining to
me once. He once had to start a fire and he could not even do that it was

As I now stand next to my mother to calm her, I can see that she is about to
crumble at my feet. I tell her to sit down while I cook breakfast. When my father
enters, bringing his sharp odor with him. He looks as if he is going to ask a
question but stops when he sees her face.
I need an excuse for tonight and with all going on within the city I will
need a good one.

Lexie Vachon
Period 2
Salamone 9A

Can I stay at Libbys tonight? I ask my mother and she looks at me

Ok, fine, be careful, I dont need anything happening to you she answers
Thank you, I reply briskly

When I am back in my room I try to think of where Libby would be this

time of day. Surely she would be in town square; she is always eying the soldiers
from there. Once I start to walk I decide to check her house since it is on the way.
Inside she sits in her room. When I asked if I could sleepover she said yes, but
then the Libby Thomas inquisition began.
So who are you meeting? she asks
How do you know I am meeting someone? I say to defensively
Your skin has turned bright red and youre smiling like never before she
says smirking
Its no one you know
How do you know? she asked Is it an officer? she proposed
Yes I say nodding my head slowly
Aubriella Grey! she says thoroughly shocked. She had been going after
officers for some time now. She was currently smitten with Colonel Hyde, who
was honestly such a mongrel. Something about him makes my stomach churn.
Quick to distract her I ask her about him.
So how is Mr. Hyde? just the sound of his name and she blushes

Lexie Vachon
Period 2
Salamone 9A

Oh Aubrey, really good she shrieks

Well please be careful I implore
I will
Promise? I ask
Promise, she answers

As the rest of my day just drags, I get more nervous. What if this does not
work? What if my parents find out? I immediately stop myself knowing I could
scare myself from going. All day I keep myself doing something. I washed I dont
even know how many clothes, cleaned the kitchen and my bedroom. By the time I
was done it was time to go. Once I had packed my bags, I set off to Libbys. One I
get there she is so excited. I still will not tell her who I am seeing and she is
extremely mad about that. I just hope she won't follow me.

Once I get to the meeting spot and he is not there yet. I immediately get
ready to walk away since I am already late myself when he turns the corner. I
have to say even though I am spying on him, this is not that bad. I do feel bad
knowing that I am using him but I made a promise. And with that I slowly walk
towards him.

Hello he says and I can tell he is trying to suppress a smile but fails

Lexie Vachon
Period 2
Salamone 9A

Hi I say trying to act coyly

I only have a short amount of time since I have to get back to camp he
says as we walk slowly down the street. Will anyone recognize me? Surely not I
am in the Loyalist part of town, a place that I am rarely allowed to go to.
That is fine, so what do you do in the army? I ask
I mostly deal with leading the men into battle, and the battle plans for the
field, he responds
Oh that sounds interesting, it must be hard not knowing what will happen,
you must not get a lot of free time
No definitely not, I am under a tight lock and key most of the time he
As I try to come up with something else to say, I can sense that this will be
very hard to do. I have never been a good liar. I remember when Libby and I
snuck out to go spy on my brother. Her parents saw us sneak back into the house
and we had to come up with a silly lie that we were at school, which made no
sense since it was 8:00 at night.
So what do you do? he asks disrupting me from my thoughts,
I mostly help in the house, there is not much I can do really, I can read and
write so I usually just do that,
Really I can read mostly but somethings are hard. Maybe you could teach
me sometime? he glares at me with his big gray/ brown eyes and copper
hair, making me blush.

Lexie Vachon
Period 2
Salamone 9A

I am not the best myself but I will see what I can do. I am shocked on
how he makes me feel I am getting this weird feeling in my stomach. Oh I am so
sorry but I have to go!
Its Ok we should meet again sometime he says
Yes, maybe tomorrow night? I ask
Ok see you then. As I watch him walk away I feel like I have succeeded. But I
wont know until later. He seems really nice. Now that I know that he draws up
the battle plans, what a win! I will really be able to help.

Back at Libbys she begins the classic interrogation.

So are you go to tell me his name she asks, and to myself I think You did this to
No, you will just follow him around. Absolutely no
Well at least tell me how this meeting went. I get dragged into her long
conversations about things that are not her business every day. But at the same
time I can see where she is coming from. She really just wants to know that I am
safe and happy. But what an annoying way she goes about doing it.
When I wake up the next morning I feel slightly groggy. I soon remember
the events of last night. Libby`s annoying comments and Samuel. My main
concern of the moment is that I will actually start to like him.

Lexie Vachon
Period 2
Salamone 9A

By the end of the week I have seen Samuel Evans five times. Each time we
walk around talking about various things he does for the British, which is good
since I need all the information I can get. My next mission is to get a hold of the
group my brother was in. I looked and looked but have still been unable to find
My goal for today is to locate then share at least some of what I have
learned. I know what I have will help immensely so it is mutual. I go into the
printers office to inspect since it could be anywhere. I start with the places in the
central part of Patriot territory. When I enter I get the look that most women get.
What are you doing here?
Hi I have some information I would like to share I say to the person at
the desk.
Of course, follow me he replies
Thank you I reply.
He leads me up a flight of stairs, at the top tells me to take a left. Once in
the small room, a man sits behind a large, mahogany desk.
I hear you have some information for me... my name is Mr. Adams he
Hello I'm on Aubriella Grey, my brother Samuel Grey, was killed in the
Boston shooting I say
Why I am sorry Mr. Adams responds

Lexie Vachon
Period 2
Salamone 9A

Thank you I murmur. The main reason I have come here is because I
want to avenge my brother's death, I know he was helping you and your
men get.
Yes he was, I remember him now. He got very useful information about
deals being made in the loyalist taverns Mr. Adams says
I would like to help you as well. I know that I'm a girl but just because I
am does not mean I cannot succeed.
I am now a full time spy. I've gathered substantial information through the
past few weeks. My relationship with Henry Evans has gone past what I thought
it would. This week I have heard all over the streets talk of a revolt. I just don't
know when or where. A new ship of tea is scheduled to come into the harbor this
week. No one buys as a result of the Tea Act. Rebellions are getting pretty out of
hand. The British don't want anything to do with us, they just act as if were not
there. As I awake I hear my mother and father whispering in the far room.
It looks like it'll be planned for tonight my father spoke
So they will be I'll be disguised as Indians correct? my mother said by
now I am up I am thoroughly lost. Dressed up as Indians? What?
Yes they are planning a revolt. I am not sure how it will go considering
that the patriots are completely outnumbered my father says in response.
I race fast as I can to the printers office.
What is the rebellion about? I say soon as I get upstairs.

Lexie Vachon
Period 2
Salamone 9A

We going to dress as Indians and storm the British tea ships Mr. Adams
Can I go? I will disguise myself well I promise I ask with hope.
Yes as long as your identity is safe you should be fine he says.
When I get home I find scraps of clothing and paint my face with different
colors. The night comes over the sky and it is time to leave. I wander out of my
house as quietly as I can turn any noise or mysterious behavior will wake my
parents. The roads are silent but the alleys are packed. As everyone storms in to
the ships I notice two men in the back of the ship jumping off. I go over to where
they were and there is a map on the ground. It looks like a map of a field or
something but I don't really know. I go to where the others are and start throwing
barrels of tea of the ship. Right when I do I feel an arm on my shoulder then a
punch to the face. Ouch! I say and hit him back. When I turn and see his face it
is Henry.

What are you doing here he says in a hushed voice.

As I try to collect my brain I realize that I am running, full on sprinting. I
run until I no longer know where I am I hear footsteps running after me but I
keep turning and eventually lose them. I am breathing more heavily than ever
before I find myself in shock. I never thought that he would be there, on the ship.
I find myself in front of the printers office and wondering if I should go in.

Lexie Vachon
Period 2
Salamone 9A

How did the raid go? Mr. Adams asks. I almost break down then and
there, and then I remember what is in my pocket.
I found this, it looks like a map or something when I hand it to him he
looks at me.
Where did you find this? How? he looks at with pure joy in his face Do
you realize the magnitude of this map this could get us to win the war! He gets
up and wraps me in his arms.
There is bad news though, Henry saw me I say
Kid, its ok with this you dont need a Henry. Just stay hidden for a little
That should calm him down, he reassures
Ok, thanks I say
No thank you, Aubriella and with that I leave.

Being in hiding is quite boring actually. I just sit at home and do chores.
Being a dream child according to my mother. My two weeks are almost over and
I just want to see what has changed it has been an awkward change not seeing
Mr. Adams every day. I hope the map I found will help the Patriots.
Today is the day, the day I get to go out. First, I go to Libbys. She is ecstatic
to see me and had a million questions as usual.
Where were you?

Lexie Vachon
Period 2
Salamone 9A

Libby, I was helping a friend I had to keep telling her because she would
never shut up if I told her the truth. After I visit her I end up just walking around
I visit Mr. Adams and he says that the map is being transferred to the battlefields.
Around 4:00pm I am walking to the well for water and there he is, Henry
Evans. A million thoughts go through my head but I keep walking. I keep my
head down and when I reach the well two feet are in front of me. I fill up my
bucket and try to walk away but he grabs my wrist and drags me to a side street
where nobody can see us.
What were you thinking? is all he says
Im sorry, about one year ago you saw me on a street corner, that was the
real me. My name is Aubriella not Stephanie and I am a Patriot I say slowly so he
can process. I know it must be hard we were really close the whole time I was
I dont believe you, how could you? Why? he says
Henry I was a spy for the Patriots I say and as soon as I do I feel a sharp
pain in my side and everything goes dark.
Help! Help! I hear a woman screaming but she sounds far away. I know I
am being moved but I can barely open my eyes. I try moving but I cant the pain
in unbearable. I then here my mother screaming No!No!. It breaks my heart she
has already lost one child she does not need to lose another. The doctor comes
into the room, Mr. Park, I can tell from his voice.

Lexie Vachon
Period 2
Salamone 9A

She has lost a substantial amount of blood loss; did you see who did it?
Mr. Park asks
No my friend Luanne found her she thought that she was gone my mother
cries. I wish I could help her to tell her I am ok. I know I might not make it my
head is throbbing and I can barely open my eyes.
Through the days more people come and visit and today Mr. Adams came.
Your map won us the war just like I thought it would, you did it.
Knowing that my brother has been avenged is the best feeling. What I did
mattered so I can now let go.

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