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The Medias Negative Influence on Adolescents Body Image

Krystin Harrington
First Colonial High School



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This papers purpose is to explain the gravity of the medias negative influence of adolescents
body image. This essay will also propose multiple solutions to alleviate this problem from
America. The solutions that this paper will present include: Israels Photoshop Policy and
banning Pro-Eating Disorder websites (Pro-ED websites). Another solution to this issue is to
create a way for adolescents to gain information about what a healthy body and healthy lifestyle
choices are, versus the alternative. Also, this paper will suggest implementing a code of conduct
for body image, when it comes to the media.
Keywords: media, influence, body image, Photoshop Policy, Pro-ED, healthy

The Medias Negative Influence on Adolescents


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Body Image
Body image is the way that a person perceives or pictures their own body. Lately,
American adolescents have been subjected to negative ideas of how their bodies should look, by
the media. Pro-ED websites, such as Pro-Anorexia (Pro-Ana) and Pro-Bulimia (Pro-Mia)
websites have been created to further encourage these unhealthy body images (ANAD, 2014).
Children and teenagers view the images on commercials and in magazines of models who are
vastly underweight and assume that it is necessary for them to conform to those standards. This
causes eating disorders and low self-esteem. Israel has taken action against these standards of
beauty by adopting a Photoshop Law (Lynn, 2013). Not much has been done in America to
ameliorate this issue. That is why it is imperative that awareness of the issue is raised and that
people recognize that it is, in fact, an issue that needs to be resolved.
According to the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) (n.d), having a negative
body image means that an individual has a distorted perception of their body. It means that they
are convinced that only other people are attractive and that their body is a sign of personal
failure (NEDA, n.d.). Persons with a negative body image may feel ashamed, self-conscious,
and even anxious about their body (NEDA, n.d.). Furthermore, according to NEDA (n.d.), they
might feel uncomfortable and awkward with their body. People with negative body image have
a greater likelihood of developing an eating disorder and are more likely to suffer from feelings
of depression, isolation, low self-esteem, and obsessions with weight loss (NEDA, n.d.).
Therefore, it is critical that awareness be made about this issue, and that solutions are found to
rid this problem from America.
The adolescents of this generation face many issues. Because this is a generation of
advanced technology, adolescents are greatly influenced by the media. The media has a very


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stereotypical way of portraying beauty, placing pressure on adolescents who feel as if they have
to look a certain way (Papatheodorou, 2013). This pressure can cause eating disorders, overexercising, and drug use (Papatheodorou, 2013). These negative effects can cause even more
negative effects, such as loss of life or harm to oneself. Also, they could result in having a more
difficult future.
Adolescents need a way to access accurate information about what a healthy body type is
versus an unhealthy body type. It is important that they know that they do not have to lok like the
images they see in the media. According to Papatheodorou (2013), positively changing the way
you view your body includes confidence, exercise, proper nutrition and getting knowledge about
self-image. Websites similar to the one she created are great tools to teach adolescents about
body images. However, here are too many, and not all of these types of websites contain
accurate, or enough information. Therefore, one universal body image website should be created,
that contains accurate and relevant information.
Israel has enacted a law that requires that models have a Body Mass Index (BMI) of at
least 18.5, and that advertisers must place clear labels on ads that have been digitally altered,
stating that the ad has been Photoshopped (Lynn, 2013). This law was passed because the amount
of Israeli females with an eating disorder had grown to match the amount of that of Western
Countries (Lynn, 2013). The leading cause of death in Israel of adolescents between the ages 15
and 24 is anorexia (Carrick, 2014). America also has a high number of eating disorder related
deaths. It is possible that a similar solution could also benefit the United States.


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Two American magazine companies have also decided to take a stand against digitally
altered photos. Seventeen Magazine took a pledge in 2012, stating that it would not digitally alter
body sizes or face shapes of young women (Hu, 2012). The magazine decided to take this pledge
after a young eighth grade girl protested the Photoshopped and airbrushed images (Hu, 2012).
Verily magazine has also decided to not use any Photoshopped images on their pages (Krupnick,
2013). Whereas other magazines artificially alter images in Photoshop to achieve the so-called
ideal body type or leave a maximum of three wrinkles, Verily never alters the body or face
structure of Verily models (Krupnick, 2013). Not having digitally altered photographs in
magazines is great for adolescents. It shows them what the model really looks like flaws and
all. Because of this, the children and teenagers do not have impossible standards of beauty that
they are trying to achieve.
A code of conduct on body image is needed for the media, the fashion industry, and the
advertising industry (Carrick, 2014). It would require diversity in the way women were
represented (Carrick, 2014). Also, only realistic and natural images of people would be permitted
(Carrick, 2014). Therefore, Photoshop and airbrushing to digitally alter bodies would not be
allowed (Carrick, 2014). Models would be required to have a healthy-weight (Carrick, 2014).
Also, the media would be required to promote positive content and messaging (Carrick, 2014).
Having this code of conduct would restrict what the media could and could not advertise. This
would prevent the youth of America from seeing negative images, so the media would not be
able to negatively impact their personal body images.
INDENT: Accordingly, America has a few choices when it comes to alleviating this issue from
America. We could make a law similar to Israels, stating that advertisers must label digitally
altered photos, stating that they have been digitally altered. Another option would be for America


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to America to ban Pro-ED websites from the internet. America could implement a code of
conduct, requiring different forms of media to promote only positive content. Also, it would be a
good idea for America to provide a relevant and accurate website that adolescents could go to,
that has information about a healthy body image. Any combination of these would positively
affect the futures of many adolescent Americans. The issue of The Media Negatively Influencing
Adolescents Body Image can be resolved. However, there must be people who are willing to
advocate and raise awareness for it.


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ANAD. (2014). Retrieved from
Carrick, D. (2014, February 1). Body image and the law. Retrieved from
Hu, E. (2012, July 50. Seventeen Magazine Takes No-Photoshop Pledge After 8th-Graders
Campaign. Retrieved from
Krupnick, E. (2013, October 10). Verily Magazines No-Photoshop Policy Proves It Can Be
Done. Retrieved from
Lynn, K. (2013, January 7). Israels Photoshop Law Goes into Effect | Big Think.
Retrieved from
NEDA. (n.d.) What is Body Image? | National Eating Disorders Association. Retrieved from
Papatheodorou, C. (2013, July). Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Body Image. Retrieved from

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