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For every piece of apparel purchased,

Ten Tree International plants ten trees in
order to keep our air clean, and give
us a better world to play on.

The beautiful landscape we know and love is fast
disappearing. At Ten Tree, we believe that we can inspire
a new group of consumers to tackle the environmental
issues we are now faced with. By planting ten trees and
ensuring that all our clothing is produced responsibly we
allow each and every customer to make a difference. Our
commitment to the environment isnt just a catchy hook
to drive sales. It is something we fundamentally believe
in, that will have an enormous impact on our environment
going forward. Its your world, your life, your playground.
Lets protect it together, we can build forests.

Tree planting is a way of restoring the environment,

maintaining ecosystems, and making our world a healthier
place to live. This isnt new; but what is new, is how we have
used the concept of planting trees to inspire entrepreneurship,
build sustainable communities, provide shelter and generally
increase quality of life. The founders of Ten Tree have years
of experience in the tree planting industry and have used this
to create a business model that ensures trees are planted
sustainably and in a way that will have the greatest impact.
Some of the many benefits of planting trees include:

Creating and restoring bio-diversity

Removing greenhouse gases from the atmosphere
Creating bio-precipitation
Building sustainable and resilient natural ecosystems

Ten Tree ensures that all trees planted are
among the local species that grow in the
area and will not have an adverse effect
on the local environment. Whether this
means planting sugar cane and moringa
trees in Haiti to prevent sheet water
erosion or the Juniper trees of Ethiopia,
Ten Tree has ensured that with each site,
the utmost care has been taken to plant
local, sustainable species.

Because of the precautions taken, these

trees will grow strong and healthy long
into the future.
In order to ensure that only local trees
are planted, local nurseries are often used
to grow select species that will thrive in
the native environment. Below is a list of
select species and what regions they are
planted in:

Tree planting is not an easy process. In many locations,
labour is difficult to come by, the native plant species are
dying out, environmental conditions are harsh, and close care
must be taken to ensure the survival of the trees. Ten Tree
employs experts in forestry and has partnered with several
organizations that have local expertise in order to take
part in some of the most innovative planting projects in the
world. These projects do not simply plant trees; they provide
long-term employment, restore ailing eco-systems, support
sustainable communities and provide the local population
with independence.
Below is a description of some of the many planting projects
Ten Tree is involved with:

Brazil features one of the most diverse and
endangered tropical rainforests on the planet.
However, there has been a shift in the area as
subsistence farming transitions towards sustainable
rainforest enterprises. Ten Tree works with local
farmers in the area to harvest rainforest seeds,
create nurseries, and maintain this gorgeous and
unique rainforest.

Canada is home to some of the most diverse forest
in the world. Over the past decades, this land has
faced many challenges such as clear cutting, forest
fires, pine beetle and more. Ten Tree engages in
reforestation projects across Canada and has also
pursued agro-forestry initiatives in Saskatchewan
and Manitoba.

In 1923, over 60% of Haitian land was forested. As
of 2007, less than 1% of Haitis forests remained.
This is primarily due to soil erosion, a problem
that was further exacerbated by the earthquake
that hit Haiti in 2010. With 12 tree nurseries and
the ability to plant millions of seedlings, Ten Tree
hopes to return Haiti to the forested land it once
was. Ten Tree customers help to support over
300 Haitian families as they find work in the tree
nurseries and planting projects.

Throughout Honduras, harsh farming practices
have led to the continual degradation of mangrove
ecosystems and surrounding habitats. 75% of salt
water species such as fish, crabs and shrimp live
in mangroves during their life. Our project plants
15 different native Mangrove trees and works to
educate the local population on the importance of
maintaining this vast and unique habitat.



Many of the primary causes of poverty in Ethiopia

are directly related to the loss of forest cover
over the past decades. The loss of forest has led
to arid, unsustainable conditions that have made
planting extremely difficult. With 80% of Ethiopians
dependent on agriculture as their main livelihood,
Ten Trees focus has been to restore these vital forest

India has one of the largest, most dense populations

on the planet. With the expansion of farmland and
the rapid urbanization, India has seen deforestation
happening at an alarming rate. The Sirumalai hills
are an area of southern India which is in dire need.
Ten Trees project aims to initially plant just 85,000
trees which will provide 40 jobs and will help to
restore the ecological balance in the area.

Kenyas forests are rapidly declining due to the
rapid population growth and destructive farming
practices. Kenya was once a land that was covered
with trees. Today, only 2% forest cover remains.
This has led to soil degradation and has placed a
significant amount of stress on the land. Ten Tree
hopes to continue planting trees in Kenya to help
restore these forests.

Senegal, much like Honduras, has seen an
incredible amount of degradation in the
mangrove population. Population growth and
desertification have caused 24% of the mangrove
ecosystem to be lost. This project aims to help
restore these vital ecosystems.

Madagascar used to feature one of the most
beautiful and diverse mangroves in the world.
Over the last 20 years overfishing, rice farming,
rural development and erosion has begun to
threaten this incredible ecosystem. Ten Tree
plants the native species of mangroves, which will
reinvigorate the local ecosystem and help sustain
the fishing communities that depend on this
unique environment. Thanks to the support of Ten
Tree customers, over 115,000 trees were planted
along the coast of Madagascar in 2012! Planting in
Madagascar has significantly changed the lives of many villagers by providing them with consistent cashpaying jobs that allow them to continue working as small-scale fisherman and provide for their families. Solar
ovens and fuel-efficient dry wood stoves have been introduced, reducing the need to cut down living trees,
and providing a cheaper, more efficient way for families to prepare meals.

The Malungon are of the Sarangani province, was
once one of the richest forest areas in the world.
Today, all that remains are small, fragmented
areas of growth that are under constant threat
of illegal deforestation and degradation. This
project works with local tribe leaders to educate
locals on the damage that is being done to the
forest. The ultimate aim is to plant approximately
10 million trees which will result in the area being
well on its way to being fully restored.



Mara, a beautiful, semi-arid region in Tanzania has

seen rapid deforestation as the local population
cuts the trees to satisfy their need for charcoal and
wood. The tree cutting and destruction of natural
forest is reaching a point where the survival of rural
communities and native wildlife is threatened. While
we are not involved in tree planting in Tanzania, Ten
Tree helps to pursue an environmental stewardship
initiative which aims to educate the local
communities to prevent further forest degradation.
We support WeForest in their initiatives such as:

The Zambia project is a unique project in that

the planting is done at the Kamfinsa Prison. This
prison was built in 1960, with a capacity of 1000
inmates and now faces a severe lack of funding
and hosts up to 1800 inmates and their children.
The Kamfinsa project provides the inmates with
jobs and brings the prison income by planting
fruit and vegetables that can be sold to those
outside the prison.

promoting solar cooking, developing sustainable building practices, and various tree planting projects, to
help reduce their need for charcoal and wood and assist in the reduction of deforestation. Proceeds from Ten
Tree products help to train families on caring for their environment and supply each of those families with
over 200 trees, including trees for fruit, medicinal needs, nitrogen fixing, and timber. Proceeds also provide
one tree per child for all the local schools, over 1,400 trees!

We are proud to be partnered with WeForest in an effort
to make the earth cooler. Theyre ability to access and
hire locals in developing countries has contributed to the
success of Ten Tree and restoring communities in need. We
encourage you to check them out at www.weforest.org.

WeForest is an international organization dedicated to

sustainable reforestation. Our main objective is to participate
in countering global warming and promote the international
movement to recover part of the forests, which have
disappeared. We are an international non-profit organization
established as a Belgian ASBL/VZW (# 0826.151.968) and
incorporated as a 501(c)3 in the USA (#61-1662313), with a
team in the UK, Netherlands and France.
We believe that in order to have a sustainable impact, the local
communities need be involved and directly benefit from our
planting activities. We train them in understanding the value of
growing and protecting diverse forests. Our projects directly
empower people to operate entrepreneurially by providing
them with long term jobs and better living conditions.
Our goal is to change the way that business is done by
inspiring and leading the way for other companies to move
towards a greener world.

CWF represents 300,000 members and supporters that work from

coast to coast to maintain something very important a bright future
for Canadas wildlife. CWF empowers Canadians to help protect wild
species and the spaces they call home through beautiful publications,
award-winning programs and a balanced approach to wildlife issues.
Since our inception in 1962, weve become a household name because
of our leadership in conservation education, awareness and outreach.
The Canadian Wildlife Federation is dedicated to ensuring an
appreciation of our natural world and a lasting legacy of healthy
wildlife and habitats.

As a major partner of Ten Tree, the Canadian Wildlife
Federations mission is to educate people about wildlife,
motivate people to get outdoors, and together we believe
we can do that. Check out their site at http://www.cwf-fcf.
The Canadian Wildlife Federation is a charitable
organization that works with Canadians to make a
difference to the kind of legacy we leave behind not just
for wildlife, but also for our children.

C W F : I N F O R M , I N S P I R E , E D U C AT E
We spread the word about wildlife by producing all kinds
of materials, many of which are beautifully designed free
resources. We inspire Canadians to take action and help
wildlife. Some of our supporters choose to help by donating,
subscribing to our publications or even shopping in the name of
our wild creatures in need. Others choose to assist by helping
us spread the word through engaging pictures, stories of
wildlife encounters or by participating in our many education
and awareness programs. We run a variety of education and
awareness programs that open peoples minds to the wonderful
world of wildlife and the value of healthy habitats. We also
run funding and awards programs too that give financial aid
to schools, academic researchers and local groups involved in
conservation. We also advocate for wildlife by following and
sharing our views on national issues that could affect the health
and well-being of floral and faunal populations countrywide.
And when necessary, we recommend legislative changes on
behalf of species at risk.

At CWF we focus our attention on national issues that impact

Canadas wildlife populations. We want to ensure that wildlife
populations and their habitats in all areas of Canada, both on
land and in the water, are conserved in a sustainable manner to
be enjoyed by future generations.
We focus our efforts on six key areas:

Wildlife Management
Habitat Stewardship
Freshwater Conservation
Marine Conservation
Endangered Species
Climate Change

At Ten Tree, we hold our factories to the highest ethical
and environmental standards. Our factories are annually
inspected by a non-affiliated third party auditing company.
Our suppliers make numerous unannounced visits to our
factories throughout the year where we strive to meet
all WRAP (Worldwide Responsible Apparel Production)
standards. WRAP is an independent, non-profit organization
dedicated to the certification of lawful, humane and ethical
manufacturing throughout the world. The objective of the
Apparel Certification Program is to independently monitor
and certify compliance with the following standards,
ensuring that a given factory produces sewn goods under
lawful, humane and ethical conditions.

All Ten Tree garments are sourced from manufacturers
All of our manufacturing, sourcing, shipping, customer
service and creative aspects of our business support our
local economy, our neighbors and our ecosystem. These
garments are made from a variety of materials including
cotton, recycled polyester, hemp, rayon and spandex. All
organic materials are Global Organic Textile Standards
(GOTS) Certified and GMO-free. However, they are not
all grown and spun domestically. Our organics consist
of California and North Carolina-grown cotton as well as
100% unprocessed non-toxic hemp.

1. Compliance with Laws & Workplace Regulations

2. Prohibition of Forced Labor
3. Prohibition of Child Labor
4. Prohibition of Harassment or Abuse
5. Compensation & Benefits
6. Hours of Work
7. Prohibition of Discrimination

8. Health and Safety

9. Freedom of Association &
Collective Bargaining
10. Environment
11. Customs Compliance
12. Security

Innovative and Creative Reuse

If you would like to learn more about WRAP and its accredited auditing
companies, please visit their website at www.wrapapparel.org.
We have made it a point from the beginning that our factories be vertical.
This means that Ten Tree suppliers not only own the factories that produce
the material but they also create the product. Knitting, dying, cutting, sewing,
washing, embellishing and all packing and finishing are done on site.
We strive to be as efficient as possible,
creating as little waste as we can. Scrap
fabric is turned into yarn for new garments
when possible or used by our custodial
team for cleaning. Our knit and dye houses
participate alongside our warehouse
headquarters to divert remaining fabric and
yarn scraps, paper, plastic, wooden pallets,
cardboard tubes and cones, as well as metal
and electronic waste from landfills.

We love putting creative ideas into practice. Our LA manufacturer donates truckloads of
safe excess materials to Trash for Teaching (TFT), a non-profit organization. TFT educates
over 100 LA schools about resource management at the manufacturing level. Students
make crafts from excess materials, while learning why reuse is the first step to sustainable
practice. At the warehouse, we take notes on note pads made from old advertising
and display materials, as well as the clean paper waste from offices and our Graphics
Department. Our cardboard boxes are collected and reused as many times as possible
rather than processed into pulp, saving energy and chemical inputs. Also, our catalogs are
printed on 100% post-consumer recycled paper with non-toxic inks. We also use recycled
fiber yarns, made from our own fabric scrap, and put them back into our product lines.
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
We executed a full retrofit of light fixtures
in our factory and implemented daylightharvesting technology, a move that saves
over a million kilowatt hours of energy each
year. Our manufacturer in LA has a stateof-the-art solar panel installation on the
roof of their factory. This system generates
150 kilowatts of clean, renewable power,
contributing 15% of our energy needs.

One of our manufacturers has enacted a bike lending program.
They have recently increased the number of bicycles, helmets
and locks that are on hand, assuring that there is a free service
accessible to their employees. They also provide a subsidized bus
pass program available to employees.
Organic Style
Our manufacturers try to do everything possible to minimize our
ecological footprint. By creating organic products, our business
minimizes its impact on the environment, while maintaining comfort
and style. Our Organic Collection is a selection of our most popular
styles made from 100% USDA Certified Organic and pesticide-free
cotton. We source a number of our organic materials from Mexico due
to their high quality. Currently, our manufacturers are beginning to
incorporate sustainable fabrics such as bamboo and recycled polyester
into our products. We are always looking for more ecologically sound
materials and services to integrate into our main line.

Dyeing Process
Our low-impact dyeing process eliminates chemical waste,
providing both environmental and health benefits. We use a low
impact fiber reactive process to dye our organic cotton. This
process uses the least amount of water when compared with all
other dye processes available and the cotton absorbs over 70% of
the dye. The dye forms a direct linkage to the cotton fiber resulting
in superior colorfastness and minimal run-off.

Cleaner Cotton Campaign

Our manufacturer has joined the Cleaner Cotton Campaign by buying
30,000 pounds of Cleaner Cotton (also known as B.A.S.I.C. cotton) to
incorporate into our non-organic line. The Cleaner Cotton Campaign,
led by the Sustainable Cotton Project, was created to offer farmers
profitable strategies for reducing chemical use in cotton cultivation. The
program also avoids the use of genetically modified seeds. In 2007, the
California Environmental Protection Agency reported that 2,000 acres
of Cleaner Cotton were grown, preventing 7,000 pounds of chemicals
from infiltrating our environment.

Dyeing Standards
Our Organic Collection color T-shirts are dyed with low impact dye
which meet industry standards for organics. It is not a requirement
to label organic fibers, unlike organic foods. However, legitimacy is
extremely important within the organic community. Subcommittees
have formed out of already established certifying groups, mostly
associated with agriculture communities. These subcommittees
work together to maintain a credible level of checks and balances
for companies interested in meeting a set standard and offer a
guarantee the consumer can trust. Our colored organics are created
within the Global Organic Textile Standards (GOTS).

Water Based Inks

Water based inks have improved greatly in recent years, partially
due to economic incentive from consumers looking for more
environmentally friendly methods of production. Water based inks
work best on lighter colored garments that are 100% cotton. They
also have a softer feel to them. You can cover a large area without
getting the raincoat effect you may have noticed in some other
shirts. Our printer, Oregon Screen Impressions, has the ability to offer
color matching in water based inks.

Discharge Inks:
Sometimes newer water based inks can be used on darker colored
fabrics with acceptable results if the design lends itself to a particular
look. Other times a discharge base is used to leach the dye out of
the fabric, returning it to its natural off-white state. When a discharge
base is added to a water based ink with a color, you can get an
opaque result, even on a black shirt. Because the base is added to
our regular water based ink system, we can offer color matching on
discharge inks too.
Theres no getting around the fact that the screen printing process
requires chemicals. Which chemicals and how they are used depends
on the individual company. Oregon Screen Impressions invited the
EPA to inspect their process when they were the first T-shirt printer
in the United States to automate their reclaim process in 2000. Their
machine segregates each step allowing them to contain the process
and recycle the material before it moves to the next step. The final
rinse is the only thing that goes to the drain, but this water is filtered
first. All of this was voluntary and was driven by their commitment to
the environment at any cost.

T E N T R E E .O R G

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