The Tet Offensive

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The Tet Offensive: Was the US losing the war?

Who was the more aggressive side?
How much losses and were they bearable compare to achievements?
Was everyone happy with the position America was in?
Was the US losing the war in 1968?
The US was losing the Vietnam War at the Tet Offensive in 1968. The US wasnt in good
condition when they joined the Vietnam War since they underestimated North Vietnam with their
advanced technology; they didn't know North Vietnam had guerrilla tactics and didnt consider
the advantage North Vietnam had on geographic location and condition in the jungles. The US
Causality numbers also increased every day and had reached 15,058 killed and 109,527 wounded
by November 1967. The war cost about $25 billion per year to run and at least 40,000 men were
dragged into the war every month for military services. All these were really wasted and useless
when compare to the achievements made in Vietnam War because not much had been achieved.
This became more obvious when North Vietnam successfully launched Tet Offensive over the
US and South Vietnam.
Another reason why US lose the war was because they lack the support from their people. Most
Americans agreed on the US joining the Vietnam War in the beginning to stop communism, but
as time goes by people start to realize that the war was on for too long; the Tet Offensive finally
sparks off protests to go against the war when they find out what supposed to be a war against
communism had turned into a civil war, and that the government wasn't being completely honest
this whole time on where they're really at the war and keep wasting resources on it. Protestors
were also controlled with violent ways: 4 Kent State University students were killed by the
police and 9 were wounded during an anti-war protest. Images from media shocked people and
gained even worst reputation for the government, which was bad for the government because
now they lost support from its people.
Overall, America during the war in 1968 wasnt doing well and was definitely losing in terms
of war effort and support from public. The war was also not going well when the Americans join
in and this became more obvious after the Tet Offensive; Support from its people was also
lacking because of misleading in media and violent way to control anti-war protests.

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