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Did you know Neptune was only

discover ed because Ur anus was not
or biting the way it was supposed to.
Scientists estimated that ther e was
another planet?s gr avity that influenced
Ur anus?s or bit. After some r esear ch
scientists discover ed that ther e was a
planet and it was Neptune. What is
Neptune? Neptune is the smallest of the
four gas giants but it is 50 times bigger
than Ear th.

What does Nept une

l ook l ike?

M oons

Deep bl ue is t he col or of Nept une,

l ike Uranus, it has a smal l core and
f inal l y a pool of gases. Two of t he gases
are hydrogen and hel ium. The deep bl ue
col or of Nept une comes f rom t he gas
cal l ed Met hane. Fascinat ingl y, t here is a
spot t hat is an even darker bl ue t han
Nept une, it is a st orm syst em t hat
is big enough t o swal l ow t he
eart h.

and Or biting.
Neptune has 13 moons. One
is called Tr iton. Tr iton or bits the
opposite way that Neptune spins. This is
called a retrogr ade or bit. Eventually, Tr iton will
fall apar t and Neptune?s gr avity will
destroy the moon. Did you know
that it takes 60,190 days for
Neptune to or bit the

Neptune picture http:/ /

Triton [one of
Neptune's moons]

Brainpop Research
Triton picture

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