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Oloitokitok Site Reconnaissance - Check list:

Required information, Water Supply & Swerage

1. Existing Water Supplies
Source of water (surface, borehole, spring etc)
System type(pumped/Gravity)
If pumped: get pump rating
o Head
o Flow
Pipe type\sizes\length
GPS location (x, y, z)
2. Proposed Water Sources/Storage Sites

Locations (GPS x, y, z)
Possible system (Gravity, pumped)
Approximate yield (River gauging data)
Possible pollutants
Intake structures needed
Distance/route to Oloitokitok

3. Planning office
District development plan (kajiado)
Town planning map (Oloitokitok, ilassit)
Land valuation (cost/arce)
Any proposed Waste water treatment Sites
Demographic Data (population, Growth rates etc)
Land for water Kiosks
4. Education
Schools &pupil/student demographic Data
Planned new schools
Colleges/ universities/polytechnics
5. Water Office
Drawings of existing Water distribution systems
Reported status of the existing lines (broken down, needing repairs etc)
Existing system capacity, age, length etc

Locations of septic tanks (to be used for texting sewer characteristics)

6. Local Council office

Registered businesses within the towns
Hotels, retail shops, hospitals, churches and mosques
7. Ministry of agriculture
Domestic animals population Cows, donkeys, goats, sheep poultry. However
the project area being a town set up the livestock water demand may be

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