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260 Total
52 Average
6 Lowest
130 Highest
5 Count

Practice 1
Directions: Complete #



1. In cell A1 type: =l52. In cell A2 type: =20+

3. In cell A3 type: =1+2
4. In cell A4 type: =A1*
5. In cell D3 type the nu
6. In cell D5 type: =D37. In cell C2 type: =D3*
8. In cell B6 type: =B2+
9. Type the following nu
B6 changes. Did you
10. In cell E9 type: =E7
99 in cell E8) (Did your
11. In cell F7 type: =SU
12. Type the number 5
answer 50?)
13. In cell F10 type: =A
14. In cell C7 type the w
on the right.)
15. In cell B7 type: =SU
16. In cell C8 type: Ave
17.In cell B8 type: =AV
18. In cell C9 type: Low
19. In cell B9 type: =MI
20. In cell C10 type: Hig
21. In cell B10 type: =M
22. In cell C11 type: Co
23. In cell B11 type: =C
24. In cells B2, B3, B4, B
the calculations instant
25. In cell E2 type: =SU
26. Click on the formula
Google Sheets, select V
27. File/Save As to the c
28. Log on to your Goo
29. Navigate to your sa
30. Import to Schoolog

ractice 1
rections: Complete #1-30 below EXACTLY as written

. In cell A1 type: =l5-5 and hit enter.(Your answer should be 10)

In cell A2 type: =20+80 and hit enter. (Your answer should be 100)
In cell A3 type: =1+2+3+4+5 and hit enter. (Did you get 15?)
In cell A4 type: =A1*2 and hit enter. (cell A1 contains the formula from 1. If your work is correct
In cell D3 type the number 50. In cell D4 type the number 15.
In cell D5 type: =D3-D4 and hit enter.(Answer? 35)
In cell C2 type: =D3*D4 and hit enter.(This will multiply the numbers 50 and 15 in cells D3 and D4
In cell B6 type: =B2+B3+B4+B5 and hit enter. (You should not have an answer, yet.)
Type the following numbers in these cellsB2 (67), B3 (55), B4 (88), B5 (45)and notice how the n
B6 changes. Did you get 255 for an answer?)
0. In cell E9 type: =E7+E8-1 and hit enter. Answer = -1. Now type the number 100 in cell E7 and ty
9 in cell E8) (Did your answer change to 198?)
1. In cell F7 type: =SUM(F3:F6) and hit enter. (SUM means to add; F3:F6 means the range F3 t
2. Type the number 5 in cell F3; 10 in cell F4; 15 in cell F5; 20 in cell F6. Did you see what happene
nswer 50?)
3. In cell F10 type: =A2/D3 and hit enter.(Answer=2)
4. In cell C7 type the word Total (Notice that words enter the cell on the left side and that numbers
n the right.)
5. In cell B7 type: =SUM(B2:B6) and hit enter. (Answer=510)
6. In cell C8 type: Average
7.In cell B8 type: =AVERAGE(B2:B6) and hit enter.(Answer=102)
8. In cell C9 type: Lowest
9. In cell B9 type: =MIN(B2:B6) and hit enter. (Answer=45)
0. In cell C10 type: Highest
1. In cell B10 type: =MAX(B2:B6) and hit enter. (Answer=255)
2. In cell C11 type: Count
3. In cell B11 type: =Count(B2:B6) and hit enter.(Answer=5)
4. In cells B2, B3, B4, B5, and B6 type in different whole numbers on your own and notice how the f
e calculations instantly in cells B7, B8, B9, and B10.
5. In cell E2 type: =SUM (A2:C2) and hit enter. (Shows you can horizontally as well). (Answer=917)
6. Click on the formula tab and choose show formulas in the formula auditing group. (Note: if you a
oogle Sheets, select View/All Formulas to complete this step.
7. File/Save As to the computer on which you are working.
8. Log on to your Google Drive. Click on New (or Create)/File Upload.
9. Navigate to your saved Excel file and save it to your Google Drive.
0. Import to Schoology/Excel Course/Lesson 1/Assignment 1 for grading.

If your work is correct, it should say

15 in cells D3 and D4.

wer, yet.)
and notice how the number in cell

r 100 in cell E7 and type the number

means the range F3 through F6)

you see what happened? Is your

ide and that numbers enter the cell

n and notice how the formulas update

s well). (Answer=917)
group. (Note: if you are working in

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