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How to Read Literature Like a Professor Summer Reading

Read the entire supplement

Choose five of the 27 chapters.

Write a written response where you make a connection to

ANY assigned reading youve read in English in 9th thru 11th
grade. Youve read over 12 short stories, novels, and plays
over the years. Ill even list them for you:
The Most Dangerous Game

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

The Necklace


The Odyssey

Of Mice and Men

Mississippi Trial, 1955

Raisin in the Sun

Romeo and Juliet

Canterbury Tales

To Kill a Mockingbird



Lord of the Flies

As you are reading, make some connections to Fosters


THEN! Choose a chapter from the reading and make a

connection to something youve read for leisure.

Remember your audience: me! The writing is formal enough
to be in the classroom but not in essay form. 6 different
responses that should be approximately 1 written page each.
Use specific quotes from Foster in your writing, and use
specific details that you can recall from your past reading
without having to look up the texts from the past.
For example: I could connect chapter 3 to Twilight. I would need some quotes
from Foster supported by details from Twilight as evidence.
Due: the first day of school, Sept 8, 2015

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